Skyfire Avenue Chapter 44: Storytelling

“This is the nobleman!” The simple five words seemed to echo in the classroom.

subconsciously, Jin Tao has sat upright, his eyes flashing with excitement due to excitement. Not only him, but almost everyone here.

Director Wu‘s serious-looking eyes seemed to be softer. The Jin Yan sitting next to him was obviously short of breath, and there was a touch of blush on Qiao’s face.

There is a pair of dark green eye in Tang Mi as if the light is shooting outward. Although sitting on the surface of her nearby Zhou Qianlin is calm, there is a touch of color in her eyes.

Former Era Before the eighteenth century, aristocracy was still a mainstream society and played an important role. Until today, some of the ancient families in Three Alliances still retain the title and title of the nobility. When the aristocracy transitioned to civilian society Afterwards, the bourgeoisie by no means set off a spiritual wave of negation and criticism of the aristocratic culture. On the contrary, the children of own were sent to Aristocratic School to learn, buy ornaments and badges of nobles, buy titles of nobles, and want to inherit the nobleman’s mantle in all directions. It continues to this day because it has been recognized by everyone, and it is the common opinion of ordinary people that the spirit of aristocracy represents a kind of dignity and a superb character. “

“Many wars in the history of Former Era are very similar. They are opponents on the battlefield, and they are still friends after the battlefield. So many wars at that time are a bit like children playing today.”

Former Era, the king of a country has died, and his nephew Safin and his grandson Henry both believe that they have the right to inherit the British throne. Safin himself was the first in the country to take the throne first and ascended to the throne; Henry was On another continent, after hearing the news, they were angry and organized a mercenary to attack Safin. At that time Henry was very young and inexperienced. does not have was a good plan when he sent troops, so the army was thousands of miles away. After driving to the empire’s homeland, as soon as I went ashore, I found that the money was spent and there was no food. What should I do? At this time, Henry made a choice that ordinary people would never have imagined, and wrote a letter of help to his opponent Safin, saying that I The preparations for the expedition were not good. Without the forage, could you give me some help and let me dismiss these mercenaries back to the original continent. Safin actually generously released the money and gave Henry a sum of money. But Henry turned out to be a second time. The same war was waged for the throne. “

The storytelling Lan Jue has returned to its original peace, smiling, and chanting, always attracting the students’ attention.

“When people helped you, you are now back. It seems to many people to be ungrateful. But the aristocracy believes that the tolerance of the opponent is taken for granted, and the competition should be continued. So after a few years After that, Henry once again led the army and made a comeback. At this time, he was older and had more wings, so he defeated Safin on the battlefield. Although he won, the result was very interesting. He signed a treaty with Safin, which is Safin took the throne and made Henry the Prince. Once Safin was a hundred years later, Henry inherited the throne. In general, eyes, it was hard to win, but he had to win the name of his successor, which seemed not worth it. But this is the spirit of aristocracy. Heng used the aristocratic method to repay Safin’s tolerance.

At this point, Lan Jue paused for a moment, as if remembering something, his eyes gradually became deeper. “In the noble spirit, another story of also shocked me and it will be unforgettable for life. This is the year When I was a student, my teacher told me. Today, I want to tell you. “

Former Era, humans once made a giant cruise ship called Titanic.”

“The name ‘Titanic‘ is taken from the giant ‘Titan‘ in Greek mythology. Titan challenged God Zeus, which represents the mysterious natural power, and failed. It was inserted into the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean many times deeper than 18th Layer Hell. Therefore, some people said, ‘Titanic‘ The name was unlucky and foreshadowed the tragedy of the beginning. “

“Sure enough, later in a shipwreck, it sank.”

When he mentioned the name Zeus, the Zhou Qianlin sitting below couldn’t help but look up slightly, and the light of the eye just touched the Lan Jue.

Lan Jue continues: “But this huge ship is different from the mythical Titan. It is only those iron plates, rivets and human bodies that sink on the bottom of the sea. Its soul does not have is conquered. Or, ‘Titanic‘ And more than 1,500 lives have sunk, but the human spirit, an invincible human civilization, still exists, and ‘will never sink’. “

At this point, the voice of Lan Jue gradually improved.

“Eight musicians have been playing music calmly and calmly at the last moment. The flying notes reflect the dignity and nobility of human beings who have not bowed to the vicious nature of nature. Just as Former Era famous writer Hemingway wrote in his famous book” “old person and the Sea” writes: ‘Humans are not born to be defeated. You can defeat his physical body, but he cannot conquer his soul. Those chasing sharks can drag the big fisherman’s boat The fish gnawed only bones, but it couldn’t gnaw the sailor’s invincible spirit. This was the flame of the human soul and will, and the whole sea couldn’t put it out. ‘”

“Until many years later, people were still amazed. How could the musicians and crew members of the ‘Titanic‘ face the dying sea and the violent death, how could they have such great courage to stay away? How can there be such a noble humanitarian sentiment, give the lifeboat to children and women, and leave the last moment to yourself. In hindsight, 76% of the crew were killed, and the death rate exceeded the first-class cabin, second class on board And third-class passengers in all cabins. The crew members on the ship are more qualified to escape than the passengers, but they give the opportunity to others, leaving no hope to themselves. And not one crew member, two sailors, But all the more than 900 crew members, waiters, firemen and even the chefs chose this way; such a large group can do so. Today it seems that like that giant ship sinks mysteriously, this kind of forever It is a miracle to lift the spirit of the people above the water! “


I’ll post all the three changes directly, and finish the plot. I hope everyone likes it, and please read it carefully. Thank you.

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