Skyfire Avenue Chapter 406: Defective products

Chu Cheng smiled, “If it was before, I could n’t answer your question, but now, these are no longer problems. n ∈ not wrong, I am a Nether King, but my uncle has now been promoted to Paragon, we Nether King will also gradually own the capital that competes with Demon King. If one day, I can also become Paragon, then, Satan may not be able to continue to rule Dark Citadel. Your bloodline has always been attached to the strong, so, with us Resentment, or that it is a competitive relationship is Satan, not a blood race. Besides, we belong to the same vein of darkness, does not have, any conflict. I think if one day our family really Dark Citadel, and Satan compete for control, it is regarded as Dugu Prince Ra will also just watch. “

From Lilina speech, he clearly found a glimmer of hope, heart secretly smug, finally does not have gave up the game in vain today.

Lilina sighed, “But, I don’t like defective products.”

“Defective, defective …” Chu Cheng widened his eyes, “You said I was defective?”

Lilina smiled a little, although it was hurt, but still smiled very charmingly, “You have had so many women, used by all kinds of people, not defective products? I am a noble blood, Not interested in defective products. You can drop me down and I will go back. “

Chu Cheng‘s heart is convulsing. After cooperating with myself for so long, they are all in vain. This is too hard. This chick doesn’t get into oil and salt! The by no means he just said are fabricated, and most of them are really his true feelings. But it seems, what effect is by no means on Lilina.

no matter, even if you don’t give me a chance. I will send you back!” Chu Cheng sighed.

Lilina but coldly said: “Can you remove your hand from my butt. Otherwise I’m afraid I can’t help but chop it.”

Uh …. Used to, used to. Sorry!” Chu Cheng wasn’t really intentional this time, but when he was holding a girl before, he really had this habit.

No wonder people do n’t want to give themselves a chance. They say righteous words in their mouths, but in their hands …

Chu Cheng is a little bit crying, he does n’t need to cut with Lilina, he wants to cut himself.

At the Nice Hotel, Chu Cheng put down Lilina at the door. I took a deep look at her, “I’m sorry for the trouble I caused you. However, I am really does not have malicious. I hope the next time I meet again, it will be when Dark Citadel I challenge Satan. I also hope that At that time, you still married does not have. Goodbye. “

After speaking, Chu Cheng turns and leaves. Although he is lascivious, he is by no means rogue. People have made it clear that he will not be given any chance, and he will not entangle anything. In this respect, he is still very polite.

“Hello!” There was a sudden sound of Lilina behind.

Um?” Chu Cheng stopped. Turn around and look at her.

Lilina said: “I’m hungry and I need to heal. You can help me buy something to eat.” The imperative tone of does not have is like saying an ordinary thing to an acquaintance.

Chu Cheng As soon as his eyes light up, in his experience, as long as the other party is willing to let him touch, this is half of success.

Lilina added: “This is because you gave up the game for me, so I gave you a chance to have lunch with this girl. Don’t think too much.”

Chu Cheng stroked his chest with his right hand, bowed slightly, and smiled, “This is my honor.”

When Lan Jue stepped down from the stage, he watched Chu Cheng leave with Lilina, and watched him and Lilina leave the Great Conclave sports center.

Then Lan Jue saw Chu Dong with a blue face. Obviously, he also knew what his son was doing.

In this case, Lan Jue can only help. He ended the game today in the first round. The Pharmacist is still does not have and is still in the battle zone.

After seeing Lan Jue off the competition table, Pharmacist beckoned to him.

Lan Jue walked over to her and stopped not far from her. After the game, contestants can still watch the game in the waiting zone.

“What’s wrong?” Lan Jue asked Pharmacist.

Pharmacist frowned: “What’s going on with your cultivation? Yesterday when you were talking to Barber, I thought you meant him on purpose. But today, does your ability have a problem? otherwise, should not be so It ’s difficult to end the game. “

Lan Jue said: “It’s nothing, but ability has been lowered. Go back and talk about it.” He is still Zeus, and of course it is not easy to communicate with Pharmacist who is the leader of Skyfire Avenue.

What’s more about Pharmacist does not have, this is really not suitable for communication.


Terminator hugs Jun’er and tells her to explain the situation of some games while watching the game.

A Paragon commented that Jun Er could definitely be regarded as the only one.

“The game was a bit interesting just now. The man with the mask was very clever and had good control over own ability. Although he may not be better than his opponent on cultivation, he is even more spicy on the ability application. He seduced the opponent Only use one type of ability, and then take advantage of its own speed, and do not give the other party any chance to breathe and change moves. Although the little girl who is good at darkness and strength of space also finally tried to fight back, but still lacked a lot in experience. So lose Competition. “

Oh Oh.” Jun Er nodded again and again after listening to Terminator‘s explanation. Seems to be thinking about something.

Terminator smiled and said, “I said so much, you simply answered the big uncle! Juner, you have also watched the game for three days. You talked about, in your opinion, who can get the final Champion! “

Jun Er said, “I think about it!”

Speaking, she closed her eyes as if thinking.

Looking at her, Terminator couldn’t help but a little pity on reveals‘s face. Does this girl have any difference between closing her eyes and opening her eyes?

At this moment, suddenly, there was a shock of reveals on Terminator‘s face, and the look at Jun’er’s eyes also changed instantly.

Because Jun Er closed her eyes, a strange energy fluctuation appeared in her body. This kind of energy fluctuation is unusual and strange, there is actually a kind of force field general around her body.

The force field can also be regarded as a domain in a sense.

On such a little girl with does not have energy cultivation and invisible, a field-like fluctuation actually appeared, which is really incredible. The realm is principle level existence. But why did she appear on her?

At that moment, the small force field disappeared, Jun Er opened her eyes again, but she looked a little tired.

“I can’t guess Oh. But I feel very familiar. It should be father or mother. Get the final championship.” Jun Er said with a smile. (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novel is better and faster!

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