Skyfire Avenue Chapter 374: Angel of Moon Salisbury leaf

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The martial law was lifted the next day. After all, the time martial law cannot be caused to cause panic in the whole city, but Holy City of Reims is still loose and tight. Inquisition people frequently go in and out of the streets, looking for clues.

Standing in front of the window, Lan Jue looked at Saint Reims Cathedral in the distance, with a faint smile on his face.

“What shall we do next?” Zhou Qianlin was at his nearby, a day has passed, and the two haven’t gone out since they came back. They all ate meals into the room. Lan Jue stood by the window from time to time and looked outside.

Lan Jue said: “We are not in a hurry, they should be eager right now. They must be waiting for our news. In this case, we will give them a message.”

A half-hour later, a note appeared on the King of Angels Milenda desk case.

The note is very simple, just one sentence, “want Raphael, come to Dark Citadel.”

Simple ten words, but let Milenda almost unable to control own mood, think with his feet, he also knows that this is the enemy’s provocation.

Pontiff Citadel and Dark Citadel are opposite, but they are also in Western Alliance, Western Alliance official, it is strictly forbidden that Esper of both parties go to each other’s city.

In addition, Pontiff Citadel and Dark Citadel have deep defenses against each other. In Holy City of Reims, there is a special device for detecting dark ability. The situation is similar in Dark Citadel.

Pontiff own Paragon weapons are extremely sensitive to dark energy induction. There is really a powerful Dark Esper coming to Holy City of Reims, which he cannot possibly feel.

Furthermore, from the tailor, Julie, I still got some information. One of the two was using black and white energy, and the other was thunder and lightning attributes. thunder and lightning attributes is a woman, black and white energy is a man. But they are not dark attribute.

The other party sent this note to Milenda, the first feeling is that the other party is disgusting themselves.

The white light flickered, and the paper slip in my hand disappeared into the fly ash. Milenda eyes were so deep that I didn’t know what I was thinking.

Milenda must be very depressed.” Lan Jue looked at Saint Reims Cathedral with a smile.

Zhou Qianlin is a little puzzled: “Since you know that the other party won’t believe it, why should you send such a message to them?”

Lan Jue said: “To keep them from staying calm.”

Zhou Qianlin still didn’t understand what he meant, but he didn’t want to say it, so he stopped questioning.

At this moment, suddenly, Lan Jue‘s eyes looking at Saint Reims Cathedral suddenly changed slightly, and a faint smile appeared on the corners of his mouth.

“The next move is ready to begin.”

Zhou Qianlin followed his gaze, and the direction of Saint Reims Cathedral seemed to change in by no means, and everything seemed normal.

She couldn’t help looking at Lan Jue in doubt, but she had bright eyes.

Changing on the clothes I bought the other day and putting on my glasses, Lan Jue left the hotel with Zhou Qianlin and went straight to Saint Reims Cathedral.

They are like ordinary tourists walking towards this famous building, and the face of Lan Jue is even full of pious look.

Zhou Qianlin is a little nervous. If you arrest someone, do you still want to come here? In addition, Saint Reims Cathedral undoubtedly has monitoring equipment. Here, they can’t destroy those monitoring equipment! Pontiff is in the cathedral. Once any wind blows, the powerful Paragon first moment will probably appear. Such power is definitely not what they can counter.

With a sorrowful mood, Zhou Qianlin followed Lan Jue and entered the interior of the cathedral, holding his arm as indicated by Lan Jue.

Walking along the corridor, Lan Jue took her with the crowd and walked towards the inside of the cathedral.

In Saint Reims Cathedral, all visitors and pilgrimages are guided by dedicated clergy, and they cannot be left casually. However, when Lan Jue took Zhou Qianlin through a corridor fork, Lan Jue pulled Zhou Qianlin, and the two turned one by one to enter the fork.

Here they are guarded by clergy, but by no means stops them. The next moment the two turned over the fork, two white robes of the ordinary clergyman draped over them, at least from behind, they were no different from the other clergymen does not have.

Zhou Qianlin can’t help but feel a little sluggish about this change, but at this time, she obviously can’t ask more, just holding hands with Lan Jue and moving along the road.

In front of them, a clergyman in white, who seemed to be ordinary, led the way.

Turn a few turns into a building, and soon they are taken to a small room in the building.

The rooms are very luxuriously decorated. They are the most traditional Former Era ancient European-style interiors. The rooms are high, with a dome above and beautiful murals on the dome. The big red carpet has a golden pattern, and all furniture is a combination of white and gold.

The clergyman brought them here and retreated. From beginning to end, does not have said everything.

Lan Jue pulled Zhou Qianlin to the sofa and sat down, looking like an old god, but Zhou Qianlin‘s little hand, palm heart, was already slightly sweaty.

“Relax, no matter.” Lan Jue said with a smile.

Zhou Qianlin glanced at him, gently nodded. She even asked does not have through Spirit Calling Gem. At this time, she was unwilling to disturb the thinking of Lan Jue.

They waited for a while, the door opened, and walked in from the outside alone. This person is similar to the dress of the clergy who left earlier. It is also a white clergy costume, except that a cape when the clergy went out, also covered the head of own.

The door is closed. It seems to be a space here. A faint soft white light is rippling from the person. All of the golden lines around the wall of the room are quietly shining, and there is a line in the middle of the dome. The milky light fell from the sky and shone on the ground.

Lan Jue sat there motionless, Zhou Qianlin clenched his hand subconsciously.

“Don’t worry, here is my meditation room. Turning on the sacred light will illuminate all outside exploration.” A sweet and somewhat cold voice sounded, and the man raised the cloak on his head.

The big golden wave long hair is covered with behind the head. Her skin is very fair. On her forehead, there is a golden meniscus mark. Her bright eyes are clear and light blue. Just looking at her eyes, she can feel it. An indescribable sense of sacredness loomed.

Lan Jue stood up, stepped forward and stretched out his right hand, smiled indifferently, “Glad to meet you.”

The woman calmly said, “Sorry, we are not very used to shaking hands etiquette.”

Lan Jue chuckled, withdraw his hand, “I understand.” Of course, he understands that this is the other party’s unwillingness to have any trouble with him, not even to touch.

Girl said lightly: “She is in the Inquisition‘s underground palace. There are strict guards and heavy institutions. Inquisition has tried her to strip her of power and reshape another Dawn Angel. Pontiff has been approved. Deprived a week ago The ritual of power begins and takes forty-nine days to complete. “

Lan Jue: “I need a detailed map. It is better to have a detailed layout at also. If there is an internal circuit diagram, it is even better.”

The woman glanced at him, “Are you sure?”

Lan Jue said: “The absolute grasp of does not have. Of course, if Pontiff is not in citadel, my grasp will be much greater.”

The woman groaned, “I will find what you want. But Pontiff is retreating and will not leave easily. But in about a week, Milenda will leave. This time he will take Angel of Illusion and Cherubim together. Northern Great Alliance, attend Esper Congress there. With them, also is a new generation of young people. So, it may be easier for you to do it a week later.

Lan Jue smiled slightly and shook his head. “What we can think of, they can naturally think of it. When Milenda leaves, that is, the moment when Pontiff strengthens the monitoring of Pontiff Citadel, you can only do it early. You find something, other I do n’t need to worry about it. I will find a way. “

Women’s Road: “Okay. One Goddess, I will let people send things to your designated place. also, you must be careful of the Inquisition referee Constantine, his strength is very strong. And, also artifact in hand. It is difficult to deal .if not is not a pure divine power he has cultivated, he may even surpass Milenda. “

Lan Jue said first: “Thank you for your reminder.”

Women said, “Five minutes after I leave, someone will take you out.”

Lan Jue smiled, “OK.”

The woman puts on her cloak again and turns away.

Zhou Qianlin gave a questioning look to Lan Jue, Lan Jue whispered: “Go back and talk.”

Sure enough, a few minutes later, the clergyman who had brought them in came again, and sent them away in the same way. Zhou Qianlin paid careful attention to the place where they passed, it seems that does not have is not monitored.

Back to the hotel.

Zhou Qianlin can’t help it, “You have an insider in Pontiff Citadel? And the status is not low? That woman seems to be very powerful.”

Lan Jue smiled indifferently, “Do you know the word bodoir honey?”

Zhou Qianlin for a while, “Of course.”

Lan Jue said: “The one just now is Angel of Moon Sally, she and Empress Moondemon are good friends. Empress Moondemon has told me about her relationship with Sally before. Sally is a person who only is willing to help her. One goal from Raphael was taken to tell Sally Yeh that someone came to rescue Empress Moondemon. “

Zhou Qianlin said: “Then we continue to wait?”

Lan Jue said: “Wait for her news.”

Zhou Qianlin said: “Do you think she is reliable? In case …”


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