Skyfire Avenue Chapter 232: Are you Lei Feng?

“What kind of thing is this?” A simple sentence, like a slap in the face. Tan Lingyun sitting in Simulation Warehouse can not help but grit his teeth.

bastard! This bastard even took old lady as the negative teaching material. Obviously it was his sneak attack without restraint, and he even said that I would relax my vigilance! I won’t let him go, I won’t let him go!

This completely one-sided battle is finally over. 2 against 51, there are only two Mecha, and it is the most common Swordsman Mecha Little Rookie and Little Flea victory.

They used their strong strength to tell these outstanding students of Hua Alliance National Academy how the truly powerful Mecha Pilot can reach.

“Everyone out of the warehouse!” The cold voice of Lan Jue changed again.

One Simulation Warehouse was opened, and the students came out of Simulation Warehouse with different expressions. Each of them looked weird, but more shocking.

Since they became Mecha Pilot, they have never encountered such a major setback, but this setback has shocked them more.

They just knew that it turned out that the most common and basic Swordsman Mecha could achieve such a degree under extreme control. It turns out that Swordsman Mecha can also defeat Emperor Rank Mecha!

This is really beyond their imagination. Some students even shook slightly because of shock and surprise. But more people’s eyes are blank. Their perception of own, as well as their perception of Mecha Pilot, has a variant general feeling.

“All together!” a loud shoud awakened these students, their subconsciously gathered, the whole team. Rearranged to complete formation.

Zhou Qianlin stands at the back, white teeth bites his red lips lightly, and his pretty face is full of resentment! She controls a remote Mecha, and also a remote Mecha in which only is killed by Little Rookie in all Mecha.

After the battle just started, she told Lan Jue where she was through own Spirit Calling Gem, and warned Lan Jue not to attack her.

Then she got a titanium alloy sword that Little Rookie picked up, directly piercing the energy center.

This guy didn’t even know Li Xiangxiyu, he ignored him at night! The thought of Zhou Qianlin air drums. However, deep in her eyes, there was a smile.

you bastard!” At this moment, a curse suddenly sounded, and a Simulation Warehouse suddenly set off. Then, a group of green light flew towards the Lan Jue with the golden mask, just like the general.

The air suddenly became heavy, and the huge pressure was like an overwhelming general pressure to Lan Jue.

Lan Jue looked doesn’t look She glanced at her right hand and a small dark blue light spot flew towards her.

The light spot flying speed is fast, almost colliding with the green light group almost immediately.

“Kara!” A harsh popping sounded, and the students in the queue were surprised to see that the green light mass in the sky suddenly turned blue, and it was dazzling blue.

electric glow descended from the sky and fell directly to the ground.

Tan Lingyun appeared in green light, her body shivered violently due to paralysis, electric glow flickered on her, long hair broke away from the restraint and began to stand up.

With the flash of blue light, the Devil Instructor of the trainees eyes immediately came to the invincible Violent Goddess in their minds, and when they lifted their hands, they shot at the shoulders of Violent Goddess.

Tan Lingyun, who was paralyzed all over the body, couldn’t even resist, the next moment, her whole body flashed electric glow again, blue snakes crisscrossed her, and her body trembled violently. Get up, soar into the sky!

Lan Jue withdrew his hands and looked at the students who queued up in turns to. “If anyone of you is not convinced, you can try it.”

The audience is ashamed!

The Violent Goddess of Eighth Level genetic talent can’t be moved by electricity in one click. Who would dare go up and die?

Tang Xiao looked at own teacher with a strange expression and quietly gave a thumbs up in front of him.

It’s so cool, it’s so cool! Lan Jue is heartbreaking. He wanted revenge was no longer one or two days, and the one who was bullied by Tan Lingyun was a terrible thing. Haha, give her an explosive head, and now everything is reported.

Wang Hongyuan‘s expression hidden under silver mask is also a bit weird. His heart is also in the dark. At the beginning, he was also cleaned up by Tan Lingyun.

Lan Jue walked back to the students, “Do you know why you lost so badly?”

“Report Instructor, I don’t know!” Tang Xiao stepped forward and said loudly.

Lan Jue nodded secretly, this fatty works well.

“Enrolled.” Lan Jue said in a serious voice.

Tang Xiao immediately returns to his previous position.

Lan Jue said: “51 against 2, you still lost the battle. Because you are too lacking in sharpness, judging from the previous battle, your foundation is still not enough. So, starting from today, if you go to Simulation Warehouse again, all of them will be replaced. Swordsman Mecha and Gunner Mecha, use the most basic Mecha to hone your manipulation of Mecha. “

“According to scientific research surveys, almost all Esper can effectively stimulate ability itself when stimulated by thunder and lightning, and promote cell division. Enhance resistance by stimulating the body. So, the last step of today’s course … … “

Lan Jue raised his hand and pressed into the sky, a blue light soared into the sky, and then, dozens of thick thunder and lightning suddenly fell, covering all the students in the audience instantly.

The trainees who were still sighing for the electric shock of Teacher Tan finally experienced the refreshing twitching of the whole body …, suddenly, all 50 trainees in the audience were all twitched by electricity, like a swing. Their respective ability were also released under the stimulation of thunder and lightning, resisting the attack of thunder and lightning.

Zhou Qianlin also encountered a thunder and lightning, but this electric glow, which looks like everyone else, fell on her body, but she just felt a slight paralysis of her body, and by no means felt too strong.

“That’s all for today, same time will continue tomorrow.” Lan Jue said lightly. After speaking, he turned and walked out.

“You wait!” Tan Lingyun is Eighth Level Esper after all, Lan Jue can’t really be fierce, she has recovered from the previous paralysis and quickly ran in the direction of Lan Jue.

Lan Jue stopped and turned to look at her, “You just attacked Instructor, this time considers as finished, and next time, don’t blame me for being polite to you.”

The Tan Lingyun with an explosive head ran to Lan Jue and stared at him with a burning gaze, “Are you Lei Feng?”

Lan Jue snorted and turned away.

“Are you Lei Feng?” Tan Lingyun followed again.

Lan Jue turned around suddenly, Tan Lingyun only felt a flash of blue light in front of her, and pressed a palm against her shoulder again. Then, her whole body trembled violently, and she was twitched by electricity.

“Who is by no means is important. If you want to study with other students here, tomorrow same time can come again and be my teaching assistant.” While talking, Lan Jue flashed silver light in the hands, an silver mask appeared in his palm, directly Covered on the Tan Lingyun‘s face still shaking.

bastard, this bastard actually calls me again. No, I, I want to pee … bastard!

Lan Jue is gone, but by no means knows that Tan Lingyun‘s body has some reactions due to electric shock stimulation …

Wang Hongyuan followed behind Lan Jue, but at this time he was a little embarrassed.

Although he knew that Lan Jue was powerful before, by no means knew exactly how powerful he was.

The battle in DreamNet today not only shocked the students, but also Wang Hongyuan. It looks like Little Rookie and Little Flea match, but Wang Hongyuan is very clear, what they do is nothing simpler than that’s all. Don’t say anything else, if the target chosen by Tan Lingyun at that time was his words, his simply then could not stop it!

After the trainees recovered from the current, with the exception of a few people, most people were involuntarily sitting on the ground, and almost all of short hair became explosive.

“It turned out that Devil Instructor was the original Little Rookie! Brother, you have to take revenge for me!” Tang Mi said with gritted teeth. She also remembered clearly how she was abused by Cow-Butchering Blade Technique when she first faced Little Rookie.

Tang Xiao looked at Tang Mi seriously, “Little Mi, how is your brother to you?”

Tang Mi froze for a moment, “That’s great!”

Tang Xiao whispered indignantly: “Then how can you push your brother into the fire pit? I seem to have told you that he is me teacher! Do you not see how powerful he is? Even Teacher Tan is Not an opponent, how can you let my brother take revenge for you! Hurry up and dispel this idea. “

Tang Mi snorted, “What about teacher? teacher or younger sister is important? Now it does n’t mean it wo n’t work in the future. You work hard and one day we will surpass him. I do n’t know why, I do n’t know why you think this teacher It looks familiar. It feels weird! “

Tang Xiao heart stunned and said, “you overthought. When will you know such a powerful Mecha Pilot. teacher is a powerful Esper, Ninth Level genetic talent, and it is still God Rank Mecha Pilot, otherwise, Teacher Tan will not lose so badly.”

Tang Mi said: “That’s right. I really don’t know what method academy used to invite such a monster teacher, and pretend to be called Little Rookie, it’s shameless! What is his teaching today? That’s just us After a meal, and finally calling again, I feel really uncomfortable! “

Tang Xiao comforted: “It’s good to get used to it.” He heart thought to himself that, in the style of teacher, this is just the beginning! What’s the next lesson?

Lan Jue came out with Mecha Combat Department and immediately accelerated with Wang Hongyuan, changed their clothes in the lounge that Wu Junyi prepared for them, and then reappeared in academy.

Teacher Wang, how do you feel?” r1152

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