Skyfire Avenue Chapter 169: Hand roll noodles

“May I help you?” Lan Jue probe came in and said.

“No, you will be more and more helpful.” Zhou Qianlin waved to him, and then opened the doors of all his cabinets. Take out some kitchenware.

She first brushed all the kitchenware that does not have used, and then took out a metal basin and poured some flour in it. Add the right amount of water and start to meet.

“What are you going to do?” Lan Jue came in again, he was really curious. Although he and Hera were not short before, time was not short, but at that time, when indeed entered mercenary world, he was often performing different tasks. At that time, he had no requirements for diet simply then. Some food and nutrition were sufficient. Already.

Favorite food and wine are things that came after Skyfire Avenue. In the past three years, most of his time have also been used in these areas. Only by showing affection to him can he temporarily forget his sadness.

So, at this time, he looked at the appearance of Zhou Qianlin busy in the kitchen. heart couldn’t help but be full of strange feelings, also had a strange look.

In his memory, he and Hera seem to have cooked and eaten does not have. Are very casual to eat that’s all.

Zhou Qianlin said without turning back: “Go out. The kitchen is not the place where your men should come in. you live by yourself, here is the radically is display.” While talking, as soon as the long legs were extended, the kitchen door was brought.

Lan Jue walked back to the living room and sat down on the sofa, can’t help but feel confused. He suddenly discovered that his heart was full of expectations, and nothing less than when he was looking forward to the food that Gourmet brought him.

Expecting. Has a slight sense of strangeness. This feeling is long, does not have has passed.

It would be nice if she was Hera. That would be perfect. Lan Jue heart suddenly had a strong idea.

After ten minutes.

Suddenly there was a hiss in the kitchen. Lan Jue subconsciously flew to the kitchen door and opened the kitchen door.

From the face, there is a strong aroma, which is the sound of raw green onions bursting into hot peanut oil.

Zhou Qianlin is wearing an apron and is putting the chopped shallots in a frying pan. After frying it slightly with a shovel for two times, pick up the sliced, peeled tomatoes and put them into the pot.

A little louder than before, the steam overflowed from the pot and was sucked out by the range hood. The aroma of tomatoes mixed with green onion suddenly appeared.

Lan Jue sucked his nose. Can’t help but said: “It’s so fragrant!”

Zhou Qianlin This time does not have drives him away again, frying the tomatoes in the pot with a shovel. After a while, add a handful of green onions. Stir fry again.

“Do you want to add so many onions?” Lan Jue asked curiously.

Zhou Qianlin nodded, “less onions are not good. More is needed.”

After frying a few more times, she took an iron pot with half a pot of clear water and put it on the fire eye next to it.

Lan Jue is a bit of research on food. Seeing this, I immediately understood something. Look at the neat noodles on the chopping board next to it. “Hand roll noodles! I never expected that you would roll noodles.”

Zhou Qianlin glared at him. “There are so many things you didn’t expect.”

After the tomatoes are fried into tomato sauce, add water, boil, thicken, and add salt. Then turn off the low heat and place the beaten eggs into the pot. Turn off the heat and sprinkle the chopped coriander.

A pot of red, yellow, and green is intertwined, and the tomatoes and eggs with a strong aroma are halogenated and ready.

Zhou Qianlin added a little sesame oil and sighed, “It’s a pity that does not have shrimp, otherwise it would be better.”

The pot on the other side has already been opened, and the noodles are poured in. After the water boils again, add a little bit of water and turn on. After the water has boiled three times, turn off the heat.

A large bowl, a small bowl, two bowls of noodles, and tomato and egg marinade. That’s it for a simple dinner.

All actions of Zhou Qianlin, such as peers, seem unpleasant, but does not have is redundant. When 20,000 noodles were served on the dining table, everything in the kitchen was cleaned up by her.

Chopsticks handed it to Lan Jue. Zhou Qianlin found that he was still staring at himself with some dull eyes, “Look what? Eat it.”

Oh.” Lan Jue promised, looked down at the large bowl of own, swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and then started instantly.

The strength of the hand-rolled noodles is not available in any machine-pressed noodles. In addition to the strong flavor of tomato and egg stew, only a few noodles were eaten on the Zhou Qianlin side. The bowl in front of Lan Jue was already empty. , Even a little soup is left with does not have.

“You eat slowly. Although the noodles are easy to digest, they are easy to chop if they eat too fast.” Zhou Qianlin frowned.

Lan Jue picked up a napkin and wiped his mouth. “It’s so delicious. I didn’t expect your craftsmanship to be so good. If you are in our Skyfire Avenue, I think I can grab a job with Gourmet.”

Zhou Qianlin put the own bowl in front of Lan Jue‘s big bowl, and dialed half a bowl of noodles for him, “See if you are not full, eat more. It is not enough words, there is no way, tomatoes and eggs are didn’t have.”

Looking at the many noodles in his bowl, Lan Jue paused, then looked up to Zhou Qianlin. Zhou Qianlin has already eaten noodles.

What kind words did does not have say? Lan Jue will eat the noodle again. This time, he ate speed much slower than before. He didn’t finish it until Zhou Qianlin finished.

Zhou Qianlin stood up, packed up the chopsticks, and went to the kitchen to clean the dishes.

Lan Jue sat at the table without moving, eyes flashed slightly.

After a while, Zhou Qianlin came out of the kitchen, “Let’s go, take me home.”

“Okay!” Lan Jue promised and stood up.

Out of the room, the Zeus’ Jewelry Store outside is still does not have, Xiuxiu and Ke’er are both there. When they see them coming out, Xiuxiu comes forward: “Boss, are you and Miss Zhou going out?”

Lan Jue nodded, “I’ll send her back, and I’ll be back in a while.”

“Be careful on the road,” Xiuxiu said with a smile.

ding-ling-lingLan Jue and Zhou Qianlin went out, and the look on Xiuxiu‘s face suddenly changed slightly, and both eyes was a little lost.

Ke’er whispered: “Sister Xiuxiu, Boss and Miss Zhou should be fine.”

Xiuxiu‘s face returned to normal instantly, shook his head, “I no matter, even if they have anything, it should not be our responsibility! Let’s go, we’re off work.”

Lan Jue has been cycling to send Zhou Qianlin to the feet of Mount Tian, watching her leave. On the way, the two of them said does not have, and they kept calm. But today’s silence is by no means suppressed, and it seems that only that share exists.

Hua Alliance National Academy.

Today is the day of the Sea Emperor disaster relief concert. Early in the morning, when the students came to academy, they were surprised to find that the entire Hua Alliance National Academy had completely turned into a blue ocean.

Thousands of pots of blue forget-me-nots fill every corner of academy. Except for the way you must leave, these forget-me-nots are filled with academy.

The faint floral scent, also‘s cerulean field of vision, makes everyone excited.

In the early morning, the largest media from the planets Northern Alliance, Western Alliance, and Hua Alliance have also been gathered at the entrance of Hua Alliance National Academy. The vehicles of these media have already paralyzed the nearby traffic. Hua Alliance officials had to send a special police officer to maintain order.

In front of academy, a security team composed of Hua Alliance National Academy and Sea Emperor Entertainment Media stood in a row, blocking all media from entering. The concert only starts at 2pm. Before 1pm, no media is allowed to enter academy.

Some media even disguised themselves as students and tried to mix in, but all of them were spotted by the jealous security personnel one by one.

Hua Alliance National Academy has a mysterious color in addition to the exciting atmosphere. Media reporters just know that today ’s concert will be held in the auditorium of Hua Alliance National Academy. As for what form it will be and what kind of performance they will have, they are all ignorant. Sea Emperor Entertainment Media does too much in the area of ​​confidentiality. All right.

“Looking at this situation, today is really lively.” Lan Jue stopped the bicycle around the corner, Zhou Qianlin came down from the back seat. It is also strange to say that after warning Richard that day, Richard really appeared again in does not have in the past two days.

Zhou Qianlin said: “indeed! This is the first time I’ve seen such a lively scene since I came to academy. Then Sea Emperor is really big enough. However, this time they are a disaster relief charity show, although there is suspected speculation, but finally Still good. “

Lan Jue smiled, “Looks like you seem to be by no means obsessed with Sea Emperor!”

Zhou Qianlin shook his head, “I have never been an idol.”

Lan Jue gave a thumbs up and said, “There is taste.”

Zhou Qianlin said: “What does this have to do with taste? I’ll go to school first.” After that, she walked in the direction of academy carrying her schoolbag.

Lan Jue is about a hundred meters behind her, and she is pushing her bike towards academy.

Before Zhou Qianlin arrived at the entrance of academy, she was blocked by a group of reporters and surrounded her in the center. Various problems came to her face.

Lan Jue clapped his head helplessly at the back. This looks is too beautiful and really troublesome. No matter when, first moment will become the target. It seems that it is necessary to suggest that Young Lady Zhou will also go out with a mask afterwards.

While thinking, he has pushed the car and rushed past, the weak energy released, coupled with the bicycle turned into a weapon, forcibly cut into the inner circle.

“Dear journalists, please don’t disturb our academy students. otherwise, I will ask academy to refuse you to enter academy at the official start of the afternoon concert.” Lan Jue said rightly, his voice also contains With some energy, the reporters of Zhen shuddered slightly.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Lan Jue pushed the bicycle and rushed out of the siege with Zhou Qianlin. Enter academy.

Fourth more! (To be continued …)

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