Skyfire Avenue Chapter 150: Hera ?

“Where is this?” Lan Jue looked around in surprise.

This is a white world, with white mist under your feet, the sky is white, and everything around is white.

He was slightly stunned, but was surprised to find that by no means could feel the existence of own. This also made his heart sink. He knew very well that even if death is caused by own cultivation, the soul will still have a period of time. The powerful spiritual power will always guard the soul, could it be. What is the feeling at this time, after death?

At this moment, not far in front of him, a white mist slowly condensed and formed, and a figure became clear in front of him.

White long dress, black long hair, blue eye, beautiful beauty.

Hera!” Lan Jue exclaimed, and then he suddenly stepped forward and forced her into own bosom.

young girl hesitated for a moment, but still raised his arm and grabbed his body instead.

“It’s good to see you,” Lan Jue murmured, and a smile appeared on his face. “If I knew I could see you after my death, maybe I have already chosen. You still Alright? What exactly happened at the time and what happened to you, was it really a disaster? Why do I always feel full of strangeness? “

Lan Jue does not have The physical sense, but the blend of spiritual touch, the kind of satisfaction from the heart makes him feel full of happiness at this moment.

Everything is not important. If you can see your beloved Hera, then everything is not important. Whether it’s life or death, it’s good to be with her.

It turned out that in heart, does not have has never been dropped. heart‘s favorite is always her.

“If I do not have dies, would you still choose this way?” young girl said softly.

Lan Jue froze, slowly released her arms, grabbed young girl‘s shoulders with both hands. Watching her up close.

“Will it?” young girl asked. A pair of bright blue eye, watching him deeply.

Lan Jue After a little thought, said in a serious voice: “If there is a 1 in 10,000 possibility, I will live at all costs. But if there is really no choice, then I will still do it. If I can bring a message Here you are. I will tell you that the man you love is not a coward. Our lives are separated, and it is worth keeping thousands of families apart.

young girl stayed blank, “In your heart. Responsibility is more than love?”

Lan Jue smiled indifferently, “No, it’s not responsibility, but human nature. If I can’t do this, why should I call myself a noble?”

young girl laughed, approached him, hugged him tightly, “If also next time. I hope that I can be with you. I don’t need to know your glory, I just need to be with you. Where you are, I am there. I am willing to face you together. “

Lan Jue also laughed, “My Hera, my Goddess. Dear, I love you.”

The lost fog quietly diffuses around him and her body. White gradually returned to a point, everything seemed to never appear.

Within the narrow space. Her forehead rested on his forehead, two drops of crystal tears. Sliding down the corner of his eyes, dripping on his face.

Her breath is hot, and there are more golden spots around her body. These golden spots are being integrated into his body by dī dī.

“You are asleep, you are much better.” Gently kissed him again, the redness that had risen on her face gradually dissipated, and the snowflake mark on her forehead faded and hugged gently With him, she by no means because of oneself lost everything and felt empty, on the contrary, at this moment, she only felt that own was full of heart. She is hugging own lover, own glory and pride!

The color of the sky is still blue, the sky is getting brighter, and everything seems to be back to normal. But the light in the white cocoon gradually began to weaken, and the previous transparency became dim.

The cocoon, which originally seemed to be formed by energy, has now completely become a solid, and it looks like plaster general. The soft energy fluctuations scattered around the cocoon, and gradually, it seemed to become a stone, no matter what happened to does not have.

At this moment, a sound of breaking air came from afar.

Wine Master‘s gaze fixed, looking in the direction of the sound of breaking air. Brows frowned slightly.

Mo Yu is also shocked. Orders have been issued above, and no one is allowed to approach here! Why is there airship?

In the beginning, it was just a blue light spot, but it was almost a blink of an eye. The blue light spot was instantly enlarged in front of everyone’s eyes.

A ship of about 150 meters in length is brilliantly colored and shaped like a dolphin general airship. It slowly stops, and a layer of blue-gold color flows from the front to the rear, and finally the light converges.

The side of airship has a complex golden grain mark. The mark is round overall, the core is surrounded by water waves, the complex pattern center is a large blue diamond.

Seeing this, Wine Master‘s frowned brows stretched slightly, because he knew who was coming.

The hatch opens, and two figures appear in midair almost simultaneously.

Just when Mo Yu was about to issue a sniper order, a low voice of Wine Master came from his ear, “It’s my own, don’t block it.”

Just as he talked, the two figures had fallen from the sky and landed not far in front of Wine Master and Doctor.

Time-Space Sceptre Eminence!” Although the eyes of Hua Li (splendor) were full of anxiety, they still saluted Wine Master respectfully.

In his nearby, red-haired Chu Cheng also bowed and saluted.

“Are you here for Jeweller?” Wine Master said.

Hua Li (splendor) nodded.

At this moment, a sound suddenly appeared in the ears of Wine Master, “Time-Space Sceptre Eminence, I don’t want to see them. The treatment will be over soon, can you let them leave first, and let them see Lan Jue after I leave.” The sound was weak, but it still sounded good.

Wine Master heart moved slightly, and the right hand had no sign of a void. When Hua Li (splendor) and Chu Cheng were surprised, a silver light had been shining instantly, inhaling them both as well as Wine Master and Doctor.

Silver alone space, the surrounding silver light shines, this space and unstable, but under the action of the strong energy emitted by Wine Master itself, temporarily any safety issues of does not have.

Time-Space Sceptre Eminence, are you what meaning?” Chu Cheng said, his face slightly changed.

Wine Master said in a serious voice: “Jeweller is being treated, it will be good immediately, you can’t be disturbed, please wait here for a second.”

Hua Li (splendor) eyes fixed, said in a serious voice: “Can’t we watch A’Jue being treated?”

Wine Master said calmly: “Although the two are assured, Jeweller is one of our Skyfire Avenue Council members and one of the most important members. I don’t care less about him than you. But treating Jeweller involves our Skyfire Avenue secret. I can only tell you that he will be fine. “

Listening to Wine Master, Hua Li (splendor) and Chu Cheng are finally relieved. A Paragon guarantee is absolutely trustworthy. What’s more, of the three Paragons of Skyfire Avenue, the reputation of Time-Space Sceptre and Eye of the Future has always been the best among the public Paragon.

Chu Cheng said: “Time-Space Sceptre Eminence, we carefully looked at everything about Taihua Star on the way here. Those monsters that suddenly appeared should be foreign?”

Wine Master said: “This is the situation we are currently observing, but further investigation is needed from where it came from. The individual strength of these monsters is not weak. They were launched suddenly. They are very strong for all life energy quantities. Demand and devouring ability. We have previously killed a female beast in the deep sea. The other monsters on Taihua Star should have been split and born from it. Then they can be strengthened by absorbing life energy on the planet, reaching a certain level. After the level, it began to accelerate the absorption of the surrounding life energy. As for what they are going to do and what goal is, it is not clear now. Jeweller has made great achievements this time. With the ability of own, he tried to snipe those monsters that just appeared. , In the densest area where monsters appear, protecting a large number of humans, greatly reducing the number of casualties for Taihua Star travelers. “

Chu Cheng and Hua Li (splendor) looked at each other, Chu Cheng shoved their fists strongly, but Hua Li (splendor) sighed.

Hua Li (splendor) couldn’t help but wanted to ask Wine Master again: “Time-Space Sceptre Eminence, A’Jue will not be all right? He was hit hard before, according to time analysis, he fought here for a long time time, the strength of those monsters is not weak , Then, he … “

Doctor stood aside and couldn’t help but said, “Nothing will happen. Under that kind of treatment, even if he is only in one breath, he can return to normal.”

Hua Li (splendor) looked at him, “Sorry, I haven’t asked yet, you are …”

Doctor At this time, the mood was a bit complicated, and excitement accounted for the vast majority. He could witness a miracle. He was still in a state of excitement.

“You can call me Doctor, I am also a member of Skyfire Avenue.”

“Hello.” Chu Cheng and Hua Li (splendor) greeted him at the same time, and got the guarantee of Doctor, they can be regarded as relieved.

time is not long. As soon as Wine Master waves, silver light converges. The surrounding space just distorts slightly and then dissipates. Chu Cheng and Hua Li (splendor) have a down-to-earth feel again.

Um?” As soon as it landed, Hua Li (splendor) immediately discovered that something like a big stone not far away in front of it opened a big opening. A small airship parked not far away disappeared.

Chu Cheng is an acute child. When he flashed, he had already reached the stone, and just saw Lan Jue, which was naked in it.

Lan Jue at this time has a ruddy complexion, chest slightly undulating with breathing, and a light golden halo on the skin surface, also. No matter how you look at it, it’s good.

I still ask for a monthly ticket or a recommended ticket. On the third day of the new year, I am still in the code! (To be continued)

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