Skyfire Avenue Chapter 108: Teacher Lan is back!

teacher, you are here!”

Just arrived at the academy entrance, Lan Jue was stopped by the Jin Tao waiting there.

It is funny that Jin Tao also has a large mask on his face today, which is even more exaggerated than the Hua Li (splendor) one. It is much bigger. Except for the eyes and forehead, what is does not have exposed? . However, his pink mohican hair is still so eye-catching.

“What are you doing here?” Lan Jue looked at him in confusion.

“Wait for you!” Jin Tao said charmingly.

“Wait for me? What’s up?”

Jin Tao said: “What are you going to teach me today? You see, Fatty Tang is so much stronger than me, would you open a small stove for me! otherwise, when can I catch up with him?”

Lan Jue eyes flashed a light, glanced at Hua Li (splendor) jumping from the back seat, reveals in the corner of his mouth, a smile of evil charm.

After seeing the smile on his face, the Hua Li (splendor) eyes next to him were staring. He knew Lan Jue too much. Whenever this guy looks like reveals, there must be a bad idea. Fortunately, it was not against him this time.

“Okay. However, I will still teach you two together. This afternoon, it is still the same old place. But. I have classes this afternoon. You all come to the class. Your name is Fatty Tang. Since you are my students, In the future, we must not lose our respect, and we must learn the things on the Lifestyle. “

“Yes, yes, thank you teacher!” Maybe it was excited because of taking the lead. After Jin Tao bowed to Lan Jue, he turned his head and ran into academy.

“Is this your disciple?” Hua Li (splendor) asked in a strange tone.

Lan Jue glanced at him, “What? No?”

Hua Li (splendor) poked his lips, “It doesn’t look good? The energy fluctuations are very weak, and the strength should be weak. genetic talent does not exceed 3rd Layer. How can you accept such a disciple?”

Lan Jue smiled a little, “in this world has something called fate, do you understand?” After that, he waved his hands chicly and pushed into the academy.

Hua Li (splendor) stops where it is. Looking at his back, he gradually smiled at reveals, “Fate? how can I not know?”

A’Jue, you can tell me where to go in class with communicator. I’ll go around first.” Hua Li (splendor) greeted Lan Jue and said.

Lan Jue said ill-humoredly: “Can you be a little responsible? Bodyguard!”

“Cut!” Hua Li (splendor) ignored him, turned and walked in a different direction.

Lan Jue also laughed. Why doesn’t he understand this guy’s randomness?

Any difference between the elective course office and the previous does not have, when Lan Jue suit went into the office, it was still the same as last time and became the focus of the audience.

Jin Yan saw him as soon as he looked up. Immediately stood up and greeted, “Teacher Lan, you are here.”

“Hello Teacher Jin.” Lan Jue said politely.

Jin Yan said: “I was very impressed with your class last time. I don’t know when I can listen again.”

Lan Jue smiled and said, “Let’s go this afternoon.”

“Some people take a long vacation after taking a class. Although we are elective course, we are also responsible for the students.” Wang Hongyuan floated with a bit of irony.

Lan Jue said: “This time is a temporary emergency, so I left a period of time, but after returning this time, I will not leave in short time. I will have classes twice a week.”

Jin Yan smiled and said, “Why doesn’t Teacher Lan mind if I go to the audience today?”

Lan Jue said: “Of course. It’s my pleasure.” After that. Just walked to the own desk and sat down.

Although he has a gully heart, he also needs to sort out the language a little bit so that he can better express the meaning of own in the afternoon class.

At this moment. Suddenly the broadcast sounded: “Dear students, please note that this afternoon, elective course Lifestyle will start again, and every Tuesday and Thursday will start at 2 pm. Interested parties please register in advance.”

“Broadcast so early? Teacher Lan, it seems Director Wu was very satisfied with your class last time!” Jin Yan smiled.

Lan Jue smiles back. Jin Yan saw the meaning of does not have to continue, and returned to own.

Classroom national scholar second grade Class 4.

Hear the radio. Zhou Qianlin looked up, eyes flashed a faint light. He is back to class. Finally he kept his promise. The pretty face is also a relieved expression of reveals. But then, her eyes became complicated. With my chin in my hands, I rested on the table, wondering what I was thinking.

dī dī!” interstellar communicator sounded.

“What’s wrong, Little Mi?” Zhou Qianlin was connected.

“Have you heard the radio? That Lifestyle Class is about to start again. The teacher was great last time. Would you like to listen to it in the afternoon?” On the other side of interstellar communicator, the voice of Tang Mi was like a rash pox general, saying quickly With.

“No, my also research task.” Zhou Qianlin said calmly.

Um? Didn’t you say you went back to the elective course last time? How did you change your mind so quickly?” Tang Mi asked in confusion.

“Okay! I’m learning, I’ll talk back.” Zhou Qianlin hung up the communication, the light in the blue eye flashed, and then he turned his attention to the own textbook.

teacher still teaches us this afternoon?” Tang Xiao looked at Jin Tao with a mask in front of him.

His image is not much better than Jin Tao. Because they could n’t use ability yesterday, they were both skin trauma. Today they are all sore. But because of the return of Lan Jue, this has supported all to come to academy classes. Tang Xiao also wore a mask on his face. When he saw Jin Tao, his small eyes squeezed in the fat could not help but shine.

“You can’t go!” Jin Tao said proudly. Since yesterday, without a ability, he and Tang Xiao have been struggling with each other, he has been full of confidence.

in your dreams!” Tang Xiao quickly compared to the **** of Jin Tao, “See you this afternoon. Hope teacher will let us be like yesterday.”

“Like yesterday? Alas, you can’t take care of yourself.”

The time for a long time passed quickly.

Teaching Director Wu Junyi has eaten lunch and walked on the tree-lined avenue of academy.

This is a habit that he has developed for many years. After eating, he must always exercise to promote digestion. Direct lunch break is bad for his health. At his age, he already knew how to maintain himself.

This afternoon, the Teacher Lan is coming back to class again. I don’t know what he will say today.

Lan Jue: What is aristocracy, not only left a deep impression on Jin Yan and the students, but also on him.

It’s okay in the afternoon. Go listen. The content of a class doesn’t explain anything, they elective course teacher can easily attract students in the first class. But later levels are difficult to say.

if not was packed by Violent Goddess Tan Lingyun yesterday, Lan Jue, maybe Wu Junyi heart will not have such doubts. In fact, even if they are teacher heart, whether an teacher is excellent or not is equal to strength. At least approximate.

Wu Junyi later specifically asked Tan Lingyun, Tan Lingyun said that this Teacher Lan had no power to fight back in front of her, it was just a weak chicken. This makes Wu Junyi heart somewhat confused. He still remembers that when he first saw Lan Jue, the Teacher Lan felt a bit of humor. Although the energy in the body was hidden, it was definitely not weak.

While thinking, he walked slowly towards the elective course teaching building.

I have eaten heavy-duty malatang last night. This morning, Lan Jue is very light. As for lunch, it doesn’t work in academy. His taste is very stingy, although does not have Gourmet is so extreme, but also very picky. However, he is a little bit good. Good ones can be eaten, and ordinary ones can also be eaten. Just eat more that’s all.

A bowl of rice, a plate of vegetables, and a bowl of gruel. This is lunch for Lan Jue. Just eat well.

time in the morning, he has stopped preparing for the afternoon course.

Out of the office, time from the also class, Lan Jue sent a message to Hua Li (splendor), and then went to where he “taught” Tang Xiao and Jin Tao.

Inhaling through the nose is like a whale sucking water general, and the air is quickly injected into his body. If anyone is here, they will be shocked to find that Lan Jue takes a very long breath. There was still a slight beep sound coming from the body.

A moment later, a smile on his face reveals, exhaled slowly. This breath lasted for a few minutes.

A’Li guy, the control of water attribute energy is much deeper. The treatment of yesterday night was at least several times better than the effect of healing by myself. The water film protected my inner palpitations and moisturized. It seems that in less than a month, I will be able to recover. After this recovery, I must strengthen my cultivation. Otherwise, I am afraid that the strength of A’Li will catch up with me. “

After eating yesterday, back to Lan Jue, Hua Li (splendor) started to help him heal. With the strong maneuverability of water attribute ability, and then the effect of water treatment. The congestion in Lan Jue has been forced out. Then use water energy to form a protective film to protect his internal organs. Lan Jue is not as powerless as yesterday, and can be used to a little own thunder and lightning ability. Of course, you can’t mobilize too much.

ding-ling-ling!” The call bell in the afternoon sounded. At this time, the first ringtone of academy in the afternoon is mainly to tell teacher and the students that it is not too long to go to class time. Let everyone enter the classroom and prepare for class.

Lan Jue walked towards the teaching building. When he came to the classroom, he couldn’t help but be a little surprised. The number of students coming today is more than double. Although does not have filled the entire classroom, there were more than two-thirds of the attendance. He soon captured the figures of Director Wu and Jin Yan. Of course, Jin Tao and Tang Xiao have also arrived, both are sitting in the front row. It was a little strange for the two to wear masks. Especially Jin Tao, his mask is too big, just like a pair of underwear covering his face.


Third change is over, please ask for monthly ticket support. (To be continued)

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