Sky Traversing Sword Master Chapter 3: Flowing Cloud Sword Technique


  Sun Jiansheng’s eyes opened wide, and he found that he could not resist this sword anyway, he could not evade, and the feeling of weakness filled his body.

   “You lost.”

   The tip of the sword touched Sun Jiansheng’s throat, Jiang Chen said lightly.

   “I didn’t lose, you haven’t beaten me.” Sun Jiansheng roared, making a fist with his left hand, and punching Jiang Chen.

   boxing method, wind boxing.

   The biting fist wind rushed out, and the attack range was extremely large, but from Sun Jianyue’s shoulder movements, Jiang Chen had already seen that the opponent would use other martial arts, so he avoided in time and pulled away.

   “Give me defeat!”

  Forcing Jiang Chen away, Sun Jiansheng looked ferocious and showed the sword of falling flowers.

   Falling Foil Swordsmanship is a famous yellow-level high-level swordsmanship of the Yiqi Sect. It requires two thousand sect contribution points to exchange.

   I saw the sword light exploded, and the broken sword light was like withered petals, coming one after another, showing ruthlessness in the gorgeousness.

   However, the swordsmanship depends on who casts it. It doesn’t mean that you will be invincible in the world. In Jiang Chen’s eyes, Sun Jiansheng’s sword-falling swordsmanship is full of flaws. In fact, the distribution is very unreasonable, and the real dense sword light should give people the feeling of a net, like a big net falling down.

  At the moment when Sun Jian won the sword, Jiang Chen also made the sword. It was not a powerful sword technique, it was a simple trick.


  Sun Jiansheng’s hand was numb, the long sword flew out of his hand, and the whole person stayed there.

   “Jiang Chen won?”

   “You won so much, one sword wins?”

   “How is the two-fold gap possible?”

  At this moment, no one seems to believe the result.

   In fact, if Jiang Chen spent a lot of effort to defeat Sun Jiansheng, everyone would still be able to accept it. After all, Jiang Chen’s swordsmanship at the beginning was extremely powerful. After one year, there will be some improvement in swordsmanship, which they cannot accept. Yes, Sun Jiansheng couldn’t even catch Jiang Chen with a single sword. Doesn’t that mean that most Qihai Realm Eightfold Martial Artists cannot walk a sword in Jiang Chen’s hand?

   “Biqing, Jiang Chen really won.”

   Liu Ling was surprised.

   Biqing took a deep breath, and she did not expect such a result. “His swordsmanship has not regressed very much. It is a pity that the achievements in this life have stopped here. The sea of ​​Qi is broken, and all warriors in the Diamond Realm There is no way, unless it is a super power, there is a way to restore the air.”

   “It’s a pity.”

   Liu Ling shook his head.

  The air and sea state is the most vulnerable stage of the martial artist. At this stage, the air and sea are easily broken. Once broken, there is basically nothing in this life. Not everyone has a great adventure, not everyone can change fate.

   “Let’s go!”

   For the next thing, Biqing is not very interested.

   “The sunset is infinitely good, but it’s almost dusk.”

   For some reason, Liu Ling thought of this sentence, and turned around. She looked back at the handsome young man on the court. At this moment, his body was shrouded in radiance, which was the brilliance before dusk.

   did not pay attention to or care about the departure of Biqing and Liu Ling, Jiang Chen said to Sun Jiansheng: “You can smoke your own mouth, remember, there are ten, in front of everyone.”


  Sun Jiansheng’s chest rises and falls, and his eyes are full of anger.

   “Why, isn’t it a big deal?”

   Jiang Chen has a hint of ridicule on his face.


   Suddenly, a deep voice sounded, and everyone followed the voice.

  ”It’s Sun Jianyue, the elder of the Foreign Sect.”

  ”Jiang Chen will be unlucky now.”

   Sun Jianyue with the scum left behind strode over, “Have you two put the rules of Yiqizong in your eyes? No one told you, except for the martial arts platform, are you not allowed to fight in private?”

  Sun Jianyue’s arrival made Sun Jiansheng a little proud. He never thought about smoking ten mouths in front of everyone. Once he did this, he would become a laughing stock in the Yiqi Sect. “Father, I know it’s wrong, I’m willing to accept it. Regulations and penalties.”

  ” Knowing the wrong thing can improve Mo Dayan. Although you are my son, there will be no less punishments. As for you, Jiang Chen, your problem is very serious. First, you fight privately. Second, your attitude If you are not correct, you are all disciples of the foreign sect. You should help each other, even if you can’t help each other, you should not attack each other or humiliate each other.”

   “You know you are wrong.”

  Sun Jianyue questioned Jiang Chen with sharp eyes.

   Jiang Chen glanced around and said: “Everyone present can testify, I just passively accept the challenge.”

   “Yes, Sun Jiansheng provoked the incident first, and I was beaten by him.” Wang Dong hurriedly helped.

   “You are stubborn, testify, who will testify to you, they will not stop you, you have already violated the rules, Jiang Chen, I will ask you again, you know you are wrong, sophistry is useless.” Sun Jianyue simply ignored Wang. East existence.

   “You are the elder of the foreign sect. What you say is what you say, I have no opinion.”

   Jiang Chen understands that no matter where he is, he can’t change the reality of respect for the strong. If he is strong enough, if he is stronger than the sovereign, who dares to question him.

   “Listening to your tone, it seems that I am bullying others?” Sun Jianyue narrowed his eyes.

   “Jiang Chen is dull, he has no such thoughts.”

   “It’s fine if you don’t have one, now follow me to the law enforcement hall.”

   The final result was that Sun Jiansheng was fined and confined for a week, Jiang Chen was fined and confined for a month, one place at home and one place at Deadwood Cliff.


   Withered Wood Cliff, one of the forbidden areas of Yiqizong.

   said it was a cliff, but it was actually a mountain. There were dozens of cliffs of different sizes on the mountain, and each cliff had a cave.

  The cliff where Jiangchen was confined is the No. 33 Eagle’s Mouth Cliff, on the east side of the mountain.

   “Remember, you are not allowed to leave the Eagle’s Mouth Cliff without permission within a month, otherwise the rules will be dealt with.” The deacon who led the way ordered.


   Jiang Chen nodded.

   Waiting for the deacon who led the way to leave, Jiang Chen took a look at the Eagle’s Mouth Cliff. The Eagle’s Mouth Cliff is not big, about 15 meters square, like an eagle’s mouth. As for the cave, it is only four or five meters deep, with wood inside. Simple living facilities such as beds, wooden tables and wooden chairs, and a dusty oil lamp is placed on the wooden table.


   It is daytime, and the visibility in the cave is not low. Jiang Chen saw a line on the cave wall.

   “I have not been confined in Deadwood Cliff, not a good disciple.——Xie Xiaofeng.”

  ”Xie Xiaofeng?”

   Jiang Chen’s eyes flashed with different colors. Xie Xiaofeng is one of the three strongest swordsmen in the history of Yiqi Sect. The first is the founder of Yiqi Sect, the second is the seventh-generation Sovereign, and the third is It was Xie Xiaofeng. Unfortunately, Xie Xiaofeng had disappeared for ten years. When he was in the First Qi Sect, his status was higher than that of the suzerain. At that time, he was only in his twenties. If he is still alive, he is probably in his 30s.

   In addition to the cave, there is also Xie Xiaofeng’s writing outside the cave.

  ”View the clouds and roll the clouds, create your own flowing cloud swordsmanship, the grade is yellow intermediate.”

  ”After improvement, Liuyun Swordsmanship has reached the yellow high-level grade, and those who are predestined can learn it.”

   On a boulder, in addition to two lines of words, there are two clouds, a cloud composed of two sword marks.

   The first cloud is fresh and refined, and the second cloud is simple and natural.

   “This Xie Xiaofeng is a strange man. He can create high-level swordsmanship of the yellow level during his discipleship.” Jiang Chen admires Xie Xiaofeng very much. In his opinion, people who can create martial arts are all amazing people. Not an ordinary warrior and the like.

   did not deliberately learn Liuyun swordsmanship, Jiang Chen’s current goal is to strive to break the void sword-body method to the first level.

   During the confinement period, there are only two meals a day, one breakfast and one dinner. For this reason, Jiang Chen is often hungry. Fortunately, he has practiced the Void Sword Body Dafa. Jiang Chen’s will is very tough, basically not I am impetuous because of this hunger.

   One of the three magic crystal grasses was taken, and two were left. On this day, Jiang Chen took the second magic crystal grass.

   The four-hour illusion lasted from the evening to the next morning.

   After waking up and opening his eyes, Jiang Chen had an illusion that time seemed to slow down and the world seemed to be clearer. He could clearly see the frequency of insects flapping their wings, and he could clearly hear ants crawling. Sound, but this situation was only a moment, after a moment, this feeling disappeared.

  ”It’s a little too close to breaking the void sword body Dafa to the first level.”

   Each ninth stage of the great realm will increase the five senses of the martial artist, such as the ninth stage of the air and sea stage, the ninth stage of the flying sky, and the ninth stage of the diamond stage, mainly because the ninth stage of the air is at the center of the eyebrows, and the mind The connection is deep, and the Void Sword Body Dafa is a secret method for the spirit, so it can also increase the five senses of the warrior.

   Magic Crystal Grass cannot be taken continuously. With Jiang Chen’s mental strength, it usually takes only once every other week~ Change to other Qi-hai martial artists, let alone take it continuously. Mental breakdown.

  ”I don’t know if this Flowing Cloud Swordsmanship is a genuine yellow-level high-level swordsmanship.”

   When idle, Jiang Chen focused on Liuyun swordsmanship.

   Since there is no sword book, Jiang Chen can only comprehend Liuyun swordsmanship by looking at the sword marks. It is not groundless to come to Xie Xiaofeng to leave the sentence that people with predecessors can learn from. If the understanding is not enough, there is no way to participate through the sword marks. Comprehend Liuyun swordsmanship.

   Clouds are impermanent, wind has no phase.

   Liuyun swordsmanship is unpredictable, one move is not limited to the form, all in the essence.

   On the eagle mouth cliff, Jiang Chen holds a long sword, sometimes stretched, sometimes rushed, sometimes lazy, and sometimes collapsed into a line. The long sword in his hand is like a cloud, nothingness and ethereal, and when it is as calm as a cloud in the sky, it is steep Time is like a sea of ​​anger, extremely thrilling.

   Within a week, Jiang Chen realized three sword strokes from the sword marks, namely, the light and windy clouds, the surging wind and the stormy clouds.

   these three swordsmanship, each one is ten times more powerful than the yellow intermediate swordsmanship.

   Yun Dan Feng Qing is the starting point of the Liu Yun swordsmanship. This move can be offensive and defensive. It is punctual, like a sky full of clouds, without flaws. When attacking, it is light and quick if the wind sweeps the grass.

  The most important thing is the sword power. With the sword power, the weaker-minded enemy loses without a fight, and the strong-minded person can hardly resist the overwhelming attacks.

   As for covering the rain and turning the clouds, it is even more powerful. When this sword is deployed, it is truly earth-shaking, enough to make a flawless enemy’s flaws everywhere.

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