Sinmonger Chapter 9: Warlock

Chapter IX Warlock

On the evening of May 16, near ten nautical miles north of Iceland — other book lovers are reading: . e^look

A hundred meters below the sea surface, there is a dome-shaped submarine factory. Inside the dome, an unfinished submarine is parked in the center of the workshop. The ship is ten meters high, eight meters wide, and about ninety meters long. Numerous toy dwarfs wearing green clothes, cuckolds, pointed shoes on their feet, and about 1.2 meters tall, were busy working in and out of the submarine with brisk steps. If these dwarfs are not making weapons, but producing toys, this place is likely to be suspected of being Santa’s lair.

In a computer room above the factory, there is a young man in his early twenties who is about the same age as the consultant. At this moment, he is lying on a huge sofa. The armrests on both sides of the sofa are equipped with complicated cào panels and The keyboard, in front of his eyes is a one-hundred-and-twenty-degree curved display screen with a dozen or so small split screens. A part of the structural drawings, and some of the toy dwarf’s feedback and instruction requirements.

This man whose extreme hand speed is like an epileptic seizure, but who can accurately cào every step of the computer, is called a warlock — other book friends are reading:.

Almost every genius can do something amazing as a child, and Warlocks are no exception.

When he was in the third grade of elementary school, he spent a week completing the first relatively formal and complicated application in his life – “Naoke”, also known as “k”.

This thing is very simple to use, first of all, install “noisy” on mobile phones, laptops, portable smart players, and even sp (electronic pens with functions such as recording, writing, scanning, mobile hard disk, etc.). Then, no matter what kind of electronic device you install the program on, when you walk to the front of an electronic mén, you just press a button, wait for a few seconds to a minute, and the mén will open…

The original purpose of Warlock’s design of this program was to deal with the problem of being late for school. But later, several senior classmates who bullied him at school discovered Warlock’s little secret, and under the threat of force, downloaded Nao Ke.

Before the semester ended, the entire families of those classmates were arrested. Anyway, the warlock never heard from any of them since, he only knew about it and a few banks in the city. related to theft. ~~

In the end, the police found Warlock, sent a police officer to talk to Warlock, confiscated his program, and strictly ordered him not to write anything like this in the future. After this incident, the name Philip Nord (warlock’s real name) was included in the list of special characters that hl needs to pay close attention to.

Two years later, Warlock in the fifth grade of elementary school watched an old movie “Terminator 2” by accident. After that, he went to the rental store of the old movie and filled up the whole series. He was surprised that one in the second An idea that was thought of in the tenth century, why hasn’t it been realized yet?

So, in the second grade of middle school, after several years of hard work and hard work, he finally completed a thing called “Skynet”. In order to celebrate this small success, a good-hearted warlock hacked a news website in Tiandu, and wrote a line of words like graffiti on the pages of those boring reports: rfun, xd.

Because of his sharp tactics, the relevant ministries were unable to find his whereabouts through technical means in a short period of time. Later, the warlock could only be traced through various hardware restrictions and exclusion methods, in conjunction with traditional criminal investigation methods.

After being arrested, Warlock was sent to the hl headquarters in Tiandu.

The person in charge of the interrogation work is a major-level HL agent named Kou Linzai. His position is not high, but his status is not low. In terms of noble status, he is already a viscount, and he also married a The royal family is the wife. Unfortunately, his wife died young, making him a widower. As an aristocrat who has already obtained the status of a royal family, he is only twenty-five years old, and he wakes up alive and handsome every day. It stands to reason that a man of his condition should have at least a dozen young and beautiful nv sons vying for it after the death of his wife. Throw in a hug. But Kou Linzai really doesn’t seem to be ready to resume the string. Since his wife passed away, he has been carrying a wine gourd around his waist all day long. , looks like this, in the eyes of outsiders, is already a helpless guy. But the identity of others is there, as long as he insists on coming to hl to work, it is not easy for you to fire him.

On this day, Lord Zuijue, with the warlock’s file under his arm, walked into the interrogation room with the wrong step of a crab and a zombie. , opened the file folder, turned a few pages, and said something in his mouth: “Well… the second… Skynet… still fun…” He suddenly closed the file and patted the table, staring at the warlock who was only thirteen or fourteen years old. With a long sigh, he said, “Say! What is the purpose of your coming to Earth?!”

This is the general picture of Warlock’s first official arrest, and the only one in his life.

The meaning of the upper class in the sky is that this young man, the first way to deal with it: find a political commissar to give him a few years of big classes to wash his brain and serve the empire in the future; the second way to deal with it: throw it directly into the cháoxi prison Waiting for death, there are two paths for him to choose. The Warlock’s choice was to pretend to agree to the first option. After leaving Tiandu, he ran away on the way to the place of house arrest.

Afterwards, there were rumors that it was the drunk master who was greedy for a cup and made a mistake, and his negligence caused him to run away. What’s more, it was said that Kou Linzai deliberately let people go – good-looking novel:. Of course, there is no definite evidence for these words. If you want to convict a viscount, you must either find a backstage with a higher status than him to help secretly, or come up with hard evidence, otherwise it is all nonsense. Those who didn’t have any evidence to talk about Luàn were later found by this guy with the gourd to mén one by one. Walk away.

In short, from that year onwards, the warlock, who was less than fourteen years old, began his journey into exile. Fortunately, he knew how to use something other than a chainsaw to illegally withdraw money from an ATM, and he also realized the importance of hiding his whereabouts and his own dangerous situation.

The binary world is his second plane, so he uses a new name on the Internet – Warlock.

That’s the mysterious wizard in the dnd, a loner who loves freedom and never follows the rules. Without relying on spellbooks and without a mentor, he is born with the ability to cast spells, and can create magic with intuition rather than logic. Talented and powerful without hard training, it is difficult to share knowledge with others and be seen as an outlier by the mediocre.

Philip Nord, a warlock who brings binary magic to the realm of a master.

After ten years, Warlock’s computer skills have been enshrined by hackers as a myth, and his name is regarded as a benchmark, and the closer to him, the closer to the throne of the hacker god.

And the “Skynet” written by the warlock back then, in his opinion today, can only be regarded as a very immature work, not worthy of the name of “Skynet” at all. If the Skynet system is the same as in the movie, I am afraid that humans have been at war with robots for several years at this time.

However, things are not over yet. In fact, the empire ten years ago continued this project after obtaining the “Skynet” program written by Warlock. A full virtual online game for brain-controlled games.

Those amazing light brains in online games are some variants of the “Skynet” that Warlock used to have. The Empire will use it as an entertainment project to promote it to the civilian market to observe and test the future use of this system in the military. , space exploration, and even the development prospects of artificial intelligence.

Almost within a year after the launch of these types of games, traditional video games and online games were quickly replaced, and fully virtual online games became one of the mainstream ways for young people to spend their leisure time, all thanks to Warlock Fourteen The foundation of technology was made at the age of

After talking about the past, back to the present, when the warlock was lying there busy, mén in the engine room was pushed away.

The one who walked in was a little boy who looked about ten years old. He didn’t knock mén not because he didn’t have a tutor, but because he was the owner of this “toy fortress” – the toy marshal.

Actually, the actual age of the marshal may have been over fifty years old. He would be like this because of a previous experiment. Of course, in the reverse cross, except for the idiot… sorry, but the gunsmith, no one really treats him as a What about the kid? ‘ said the marshal.

“It seems that something is installed in the fourth engine.” The warlock replied: “I will connect a nearby dwarf worker and see if I can talk to him.” He quickly cào a few times, and after a while, There is another split screen on the big screen, and the video signal on the screen is transmitted through the eyes of the toy dwarf.

After the toy dwarf’s head turned dozens of degrees, he saw the gunsmith, and then the camera stopped, and the dwarf walked over.

The gunsmith is working in a robot with big feet more than two meters high, which has an open cockpit. The gunsmith was sitting inside pulling all kinds of cào levers, wearing goggles on his face, his face was oily, and his hair was fluffy, just like a standard mad scientist look.

“Gunsmith, the boss called just now.” The marshal’s voice sounded from the toy dwarf’s sounder.

The gunsmith stopped what he was doing, turned his head, and replied, “What are you doing? I’m here to call you again! There’s no end to it, I didn’t say it would be finished before the twenty-fifth.”


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