Sinmonger Chapter 9: Hotel

The snake bet is sitting in the hotel room with his eyes closed. He hasn’t slept all night, the gun is in his hand, and he can see the only window and door of the room at the same time in the direction he faces.

This room is very cheap, on the first floor, backlit, shaded by trees outside, cold and humid in winter, mosquitoes and flies around the beam in summer, no sunlight all year round, it is said that there have been murders, and there have been rumors of being haunted.

Gambling snakes here is not for cheap, the key is to keep a low profile, so any room is the same to him, as long as there is a roof to shelter from the wind and rain, and four walls to block bullets, that’s enough .

It has been three days since he escaped from home, or in other words, from the life of a normal person. He seems to have returned to those days in Qianming. It’s weeks or months of living in this kind of place, staying up all night, always on the lookout for someone breaking in, or a few grenades flying in through the window.

Gambler is a powerful player, but his abilities rarely play a role in battle, so he basically relies on his skills and experience as an assassin.

Since he was a child, he has shown extraordinary comprehension and talent, and what is more valuable is his innate calmness and cruelty. By the age of fifteen or sixteen, the ability of an assassin had been incorporated into his blood and had become an instinct. Regardless of the assassination method, the ability to adapt, and the speed of adaptation are all consummate.

That night, the snake gambler deceived Qiao Dun. In fact, there is no poison, so there is no antidote. He is indeed bluffing. But he used this method to get Qiao Dun to do something for him.

As Gambling Snake said, it was really simple. He passed a message to King Gilson II through Qiaotun, and the other party heard similar words seven years ago: “I will come to you again and take yours. life.”

Qiao Dun not only closed the team and let go of the gambling snake that night, but also contacted the master a few hours later and passed the word. Then, he waited, waiting for the snake gambling to keep his promise to contact him in some way and provide a method of detoxification.

Qiao Dun waited for three days, but nothing happened to his body, and the question and the gloomy tone of Lord Earl made him feel like he was on pins and needles all day long. As for the snake betting, he disappeared completely, let alone what contact.

At this point, Qiao Dun realized that something was wrong. Did he get cheated once?

But it’s too late to figure it out, people are gone, things are over, Qiao Dun has made a person inside and out, not only the mission failed, but he didn’t get the slightest credit, and he also lost trust in the master.

Of course, it’s useless to blame others. In the final analysis, Gary Kiuton is just an opportunist, risking other people’s lives is the old god, and when it’s his turn, he will be counseled. This kind of monkeys and crowned people, when they meet a horn like a snake bet, naturally reveal their true colors.

Who are people who gamble on snakes? He has been in Qianming’s casino since he was a teenager. He has seen a lot of gamblers, and he has seen Wang Xu. A guy like Qiao Dun wants to fight him? That is the clown jumping the beam and committing suicide. In a few words, he played it between his palms, and he could save himself from danger without doing anything.

Therefore, although the ability level is the same, the real work ability of the two is very different. If it is said that the leader of Qianming can lead the shepherd of a state, then the talent of Gilson II can only be the leader of the bandit, so the gap between their subordinates is obvious.

Speaking of handsome talents, there are still people in the world, but the guy he sent this time is a sleazy guy, who is listening on the door of the snake gambling room.

The snake bet is really funny. It’s early in the morning. Although Zuo Dao at the door crept and didn’t make much noise, he could clearly see the shadows of his two feet moving from the gap at the bottom of the door.

The door suddenly opened, and it was opened from the inside. Zuo Dao was taken aback, because he didn’t hear the snake betting approaching the door at all.

Zuo Dao is dressed as a priest, holding a Bible in his hand, but still has a ponytail and small round sunglasses.

And bet on snakes, black suits and trousers, sunglasses covering his face in a room that doesn’t see the sun, his back is meticulously combed, and he holds a gun in his hand.

The sight of the two standing at the door is not clear whether it is funny or curious, there is a feeling of a monk going to a nightclub for alms.

They looked at each other for a few seconds, with Zuo Dao’s expression several times, probably not knowing how to say hello, but Gambler just stared at each other with no expression, but he had more questions than Zuo Dao.

Two minutes later, they sat in the room, on the same small table, with a glass of milk poured for themselves by the snake, and the “Bible” that Zuo Dao had previously held.

“It’s been a while.”

“Yeah, how are you doing recently?” Zuo Dao actually tried to exchange a few words with Gambler.

“It’s been good all these years, but it’s not been very good recently.” This answer is true.

Zuo said: “It’s the enemy who came to the door.”

“You saw the news and guessed that I would be exposed, so I appeared?”

“Well…Actually, I was entrusted by someone to give you something.” Zuo Dao’s words made it clear that he would dodge when he was done delivering, and would never go into this muddy water.

“Oh, who is it?” Hearing that he was entrusted by someone, the snake bet is a little strange. Could it be that Qian Ming’s brothers entrusted him? But Zuo Dao feels very unreliable. If the organization perceives his danger and wants to pull it out of morality, it must be his own brother.

“I don’t know.” Zuo Dao replied.

“You don’t know who asked you to come?” Gambler asked this question in a tone like a teacher questioning a primary school student who figured out that one plus one equals three.

“Tianyi, have you heard of this name?”

“Never heard of it.”

Zuo Dao basically knew that the other party would answer like this, and continued: “He is a bookstore owner.”

“This bookstore owner asked you to bring me something?” Gambler asked: “What does he look like and how old does he look?”

“Looking at less than 30, what about his appearance… The appearance of a man is not easy to describe, that is to say… um… It’s like a movie where you remove your makeup, smoke a few marijuana, and haven’t slept for a few days. star.”

In the memory of Gambling Snake, there is really no such person, so he stopped asking, and instead asked: “How did you find me?”

“Of course I’m looking for it. I went to your house first. The inside has been turned upside down. There are still some 24-hour secret whistle-blowers around the house. Fortunately, their surveillance is not enough. I found them. , but they didn’t find me.” Zuo Dao paused when he said this: “It is estimated that they think that you are unlikely to go back and find yourself in the net. Surveillance is just a form of walking. Well… Then I started to check the transportation network and hotels. Hotel guest house… Now when I describe it to you like I suddenly feel that my thinking is very similar to the police… In short, after my investigation, these days in Winnipeg, fake documents are running around everywhere There are more than 30 guys, and then I will implement them one by one. Fortunately, you are the twelfth person I am looking for.”

Gambling Snake doubted this and said: “I used a short-lived fake ID designed by stealing the source code of the Imperial ID generation program, similar to the legal ID data of a newborn baby plus my photo. and age, unless verified with the county where it was generated, is legally valid on any online system for a month. Not even the police would be able to find out to that extent.”

Zuo Dao’s answer was just one sentence: “This kind of ID card was invented by me when I was nine years old.”

The snake bet almost broke the glass of milk in his hand. He took a sip and said, “Are you kidding me?”

“No, it’s actually not that difficult to make, it’s similar to cracking a game, you can do it as long as you get the source code, but unfortunately you can’t apply for a patent, otherwise I’d already be rich, and now all over the world There are artificial cards like this, it’s not new.”

Zuo Dao can’t be trusted. He is strong in his slanderous words and his face, but it doesn’t seem like a lie. If you think about it, this kind of short-term forged ID card really became popular nearly 20 years ago. up.

Gambling Snake found that while he was talking, this topic could not continue, so he said; “That day, what did you bring me?”

Zuo Dao’s expression changed, as if he was telling a ghost story, he lowered his voice, leaned a little closer, and pushed the Bible on the small table in front of the betting snake: “Look for yourself, look carefully!”

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