Sinmonger Chapter 30: The other side of the door (below)

The gunsmith only had time to fire one shot before the back figure completely sank into the array of light.

There’s no time for him to switch between the Bone Gun’s firing mode, and the split mode’s firing interval doesn’t give him a chance to fire a second shot.

But even the gunsmith himself knows that even if the shot is fired, it will be futile. It is impossible for Balmond to be terminated by such a disintegration bomb. His energy has obviously recovered. Attacking is not difficult.

With the mentality of not fighting for nothing, the gunsmith pulled the trigger, and the cyan energy bullet was caught by the opponent.

Balmond turned his head up like he had eyes behind his back, raised his right hand, and caught the bullet that hit the back of his head with the palm of his hand. This was a very awkward gesture, but he used a more Completed quickly.

The energy on Balmond’s body will destroy the energy that makes up the disintegration bomb until the entire bullet is completely gone.

Afterwards, he completely sank into the light array. After a few seconds, the dimension gate was closed, the light disappeared, and the ground in the center of the temple returned to its original state.

Except for the five giants, everyone else rushed in. The Moon Demon who was closer was the second one to enter after the gunsmith. Tianyi quickly overtook the others, and the third one entered. Shimen, and the cherub who lost his power of thought fluttered his wings and flew over. He was so anxious, but it was too late.

The blood owl, the magician, Fengxian, and Wei Sheng entered the temple at about the same time. At this time, the cherub had walked to the iron coffin where he was living. The eyes on his body vibrated irregularly in different directions.

“Impossible… How did he survive!” The cherub looked at the broken iron coffin, and the iron needles inside were clearly still stained with blood.

The cherubim can see clearly with his special vision. These must be the flesh and blood left by that human being, but he doesn’t understand, why is Balmond still alive?

“You said just now that he has your vision?” Tian Yi asked.

The cherubim knew this was asking themselves. He replied: “Of course, I let him see…”

“You idiot.” Tian only needs to hear the “yes”, but he’s not interested at all: “You cured him!”

“What are you talking about?” asked the cherubim.

Tianyi walked to the center of the temple and began to look down at the rune seal on the ground. This used to be the place where the iron coffin was placed, so it was covered until the iron coffin fell.

“In terms of the level of capable people, Cesare Bamond is very close to the level of gods. Humans are at this stage. The improvement of energy and ability will reach a bottleneck, and they will most likely face a problem, that is ** can’t keep up with the realm of the spirit. The physical limit is easy to reach, and there are very clear boundaries. But the spiritual limit is much higher than the **.

As a result of this condition, the fit between the mind and body is getting lower and lower. Just like two pieces of a puzzle that were originally perfectly stitched together, one of them keeps getting bigger, and the other cannot keep up with the speed, so cracks appear on the jagged edges between the two pieces. will eventually break. If that person does not stop practicing, the spirit and the flesh will attack and destroy themselves. “

Hearing this, the cherubim understood: “My vision helped that mortal?”

“So you are a fool.” Tian Yi was still staring at the curse mark and kept saying, “At least he is no longer a mortal. You just cast him into the iron coffin, right? So simple… After he crashed into the coffin, until he died for a short time. He passed your vision. And your behavior that was enough to drive him to a corner, finally realized. His body is chasing after death. At that moment, he became a god-level capable person.”

“So. He is a **** now?” Xue Xiao interjected at this time.

“Haha…” Tian Yi actually laughed, but it seemed to be rather annoyed: “You shouldn’t care anyway.”

“It’s just a more interesting prey,” the blood owl replied.

Tian Yi raised his head and said to the cherubim: “Now a **** who has the same vision as you has closed the door on the other side of the Garden of Eden. Can you open it?”

“The narrator… If it weren’t for your existence, I would have killed this mortal.” Cherub said: “Now, sin has defiled the Garden of Eden, and the tree of life is where I use the remnants of the first kingdom of life. If the greedy mortal obtains the power of the fruit of the tree of life, his **** will…”

“Idiot, hurry up and answer my question, I don’t have time to listen to your excuses and possible consequences after being stupid.” Tian Yi interrupted.

The eagle’s face of the cherub turned to the front at this time, and he didn’t have much response to these insulting words: “No, the Hanging Garden is a forbidden place, and the portal to the earth must be It opens from the earth side, and the door to the Garden of Eden is two-way, but the power of the curse seal on that side is stronger than here, and once the rules are set, they cannot be changed.”

“It’s really my own settings…” Fengxian commented.

The cherubs glanced at him and continued to speak to the sky: “When building this space, considering that you and the obliterators may one day use the power of human beings to invade this place, this rule was made just in case. So that we can escape into the Garden of Eden and close the gate on that side after the Hanging Garden is lost.”

Apart from the Moon Demon, the others who were present became more and more confused, what was the eradicator, when it was built, and one day? What the **** is this guy doing?

Tian Yi scratched his head, thought for about ten seconds, and suddenly said to his companions: “You all go out, don’t start a war with those giants, unless they take the initiative to attack you. By the way, Vanessa should be able to do it in a while. Here, advisors will also come, and there are no eternal core fragments on them, so you can take care of them.”

After he finished explaining, he fell into deep thought. Everyone looked at each other, shrugged helplessly, and walked out of the temple.

The cherubim kept looking at Tianyi, and after everyone else had gone out, he said again: “Narrator, what are you going to do now? Continue to fight against my generation, and then wait for the sinful **** to come out by himself?”

“Hmph… I should have tried to find a madman a few hundred thousand years earlier. Open the portal and come in and kill you.” Tian Dao: “Cherub, you really disgust me, Your ambition is completely proportional to your vulgarity.”

The cherub turned the boy’s original appearance and replied: “The narrator. The baseless insult, is it a vice that you have acquired from dealing with humans for too long?”

“You think I don’t know, what have you been doing in secret for thousands of years?” Tianyi said, “Even if I really didn’t know before, I should have thought of it when I saw the murals on this temple.”

The cherubim did not respond, and those eyes on his body were once again focused on Tianyi.

“Do you think I’m here to kill your compatriots?” Tianyi: “The only one I really want to kill is you.”

At such a time, Tianyi actually took it out of the pocket of his jacket. Take out a packet of coffee candy, take one out of it, peel off the candy coating, and throw the **** on the ground. Putting the sugar in his mouth, he instantly showed a very **** expression, and then said: “When you and those of your countrymen started to build this place, you were like their leader.

When you created the portal, you planned it. The rule is that only powerful humans can use the key. You have long seen through human beings, and the reason they are driven by humans is weakness. Once strong enough to meet your requirements, they will not be driven by me… They are arrogant and do not listen to advice. ignore the truth. But only this kind of creature meets the conditions for opening the portal. This is the best way to prevent me and the obliterator from entering. That way, even if we found the key, we wouldn’t be able to open the door. Of course. We didn’t have time to deal with you guys in hiding at that time.

Actually, I’ve given up on coming to this plane for a while, and if no one ever comes to open this door, I can let you all go. After all… the power of your spells is also a headache for me, such as the sky code, I have tried it, and there is no way to destroy it. Unless it completes the mission of the ‘key’, the rules of the spell will not disappear, I think That’s the power that God gave you in the Second Kingdom, and the irony is that this power is basically used by you against me. “

He cleared his throat; “Who knows, your ambition was fully exposed after the death of the killer.” He sneered: “Before you exiled the only seraphim who could compete with you in strength. Now, I should be alert. Now that I think about it, you want to fully gain control and voice over this place. As the most powerful and the only remaining member of the Earth world, you pretend to lock yourself in In this iron coffin, three faces are put away, and only one pair of eyes can see. Let your compatriots think that you are just a bystander, recording the information of the Fifth Kingdom, and constantly exhorting them to stay away from human beings.

In fact, you see it the most clearly, and you don’t let your compatriots know about human beings in order to cover up your behavior. You, like me, are secretly influencing the Fifth Kingdom. “

The cherub replied: “How did you know? Did the unification of the empire a hundred years ago make you suspicious?” He paused: “Wait… why did I do what I did here? , can you know that clearly?”

Tian Yi replied: “Sight!” He pointed to his own eyes: “When you stare at the earth, I can see you! Although I am not always free to observe your situation, but I’ve seen quite a lot.”

“You actually have such power…” Cherubim said, “Then why don’t you stop it?”

“To stop what? To stop you from granting those technologies that can change the era to mankind?” Tiandao: “I have to thank you, the Second Kingdom was a barbaric period, your technology was too precious, even I haven’t seen much of it either, and it’s just right for me that you can share a part with humanity.”

“If that’s the case, what’s the difference between what you and I do? Narrator.” Cherubim asked.

“Of course there is a big difference, I have my mission, I live with human beings, I hope that one day, they can truly become the masters of the earth, through countless blood and years to exchange for a set of the most suitable fifth The system of the kingdom’s biological nature so that their descendants are born with justice and freedom.

This will not happen overnight, nor can it be accomplished by just changing dynasties, and it will take a long time for humanity to learn. The inverse cross is the redemption of the previous era and the key to opening the next era. As long as my goal is not completed, mankind will continue to see this banner.

When a world that no longer needs the inverse cross appears, human beings have lived in that environment for generations. It is possible to break free from the yoke of sin. At that time, I too will be liberated. “Tian Yi replied: “And you, I know what you want, you want endless war. Endless killing, you give them stronger weapons and create more hatred. The earth will become a huge jungle, order can no longer be established, but there will be many strong people born in the human race. At that time, as long as the key falls into the hands of one of them, someone will open the portal. You will lead your countrymen back.

I know what you want to prove, you have to prove to God that you are different from your savage kind, the people you lead. Transcendence from the second kingdom should not be obliterated, you should replace humans to rule this planet. “

The cherubs actually laughed and let the animals laugh wildly. This is something that only humans do.

“The narrator. Since you have seen through this layer, I have nothing to hide.” The tone of the cherub’s words at this time was completely ordinary people’s feeling: “Yes, I gave Some human knowledge. Through the space rift, I gave the spell to mortals. They did not disappoint me. What they did later, and the ultimate use of that knowledge. All expected.

You want to free these creatures from their sins? Hahaha… Narrator, are you crazy? Sure enough, the inferior body of human beings cannot withstand the torment of time. Over the years, maybe you have observed me, and I don’t even know it, but I… have also observed you!

You are so pathetic as a human being, Narrator… no, Tianyi! You hide behind a mask of cynicism, madness and cold blood. You regard human life as a must, and for what you call an “ideal”, you are doing what mortals see as a perverted murderer. You use trading to quantify ‘friendship’ so you never lose friends again, you stop talking to women about love, so you never lose lovers. what! Finally, look at your current morality, experiment with human social relationships, sex, and behavior, and hide in the bookstore to manipulate the fate of others. Make enemies and rivals for yourself in this way. ‘Hate’ has become the only feeling those people have for you, and losing that seems like something to be thankful for, right? Did you think so? Hahahaha…”

“Very good, cherub.” Tian chewed the coffee candy and swallowed: “I am very sad, but I have many years to live sadly. As for you, you could have been like a second The creatures of the kingdom died like that, blaming your fate on the capriciousness of the God of Creation.” He sneered: “But now, I just want to say… You have been observing the world for too long, and you are completely polluted. It’s a mental illness among the gods, and what you have in that body is already a human being.”

Speaking of this, the two… oh no, it should be said that these two great immortals have already revealed each other’s old secrets, and they have opened up all the ridicule that can be opened, and are about to do it.

Suddenly, on the ground between them, the rune light formation appeared again.

“How dare he open the door…” Cherubim looked at the curse mark on the array of light, and could hardly believe what was happening in front of him. Even though he has a vision to observe all worlds, he can’t see what happened on the side of the Garden of Eden after the dimension gate was closed.

A beam of light shot up from the formation, penetrated the dome of the temple, and the entire building began to collapse.

This temple is obviously different from other buildings in the city that have been turned into ruins. The temple is marked with the cherubim curse, but at this time, it was easily washed away by the beam of light, and the whole building started from the ground in the center. It began to collapse outwards, which was a phenomenon that violated the rules of gravity. The temple seemed to have become a completely hollow volcano, but an invisible force was erupting.

Tian Yi didn’t suffer from this loss, and fled in a flash. If he was also a giant with copper skin and iron bones, he probably wouldn’t care about the collapse of the mere buildings. After the collapse was over, he stretched out and came out.

“Did the result of your negotiation blow up the negotiation venue?” Xue Xiao crossed his hands in front of his chest, looking at Tian Yi who ran out, looking at Tian Yi.

“God slayer, I’m afraid your job is here.” Tian Yi patted the dust on his shoulders and the top of his head with a disheartened look.

The temple turned into ruins. Among the piles of gravel and rubble, the figure of the cherub reappeared, his mind power was restored, and the surrounding building fragments were pushed away, leaving an area. Tianyi gave up suppressing the cherubim, because he knew that under the current situation, even if they had a big hatred, it would be unwise to fight each other.

A human being walked out of the beam of light, and that was Cesare Bamond who had obtained the fruit of the tree of life after reaching the **** level.

“This is… the power from the other side.” Balmond said to himself, his eyes still filled with the kind of light that the cherubim had given him.

The blood-stained clothes on his body are still the same, and his appearance has not changed significantly. He can’t tell that he is beyond the human And in terms of energy, people can’t feel the depth at all.

In a sense, these characteristics are very similar to Tianyi.

Bamond looked at the situation around him, a disdainful smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, he stretched out his right hand, and the energy that turned into essence gradually appeared on the palm of his hand. Core light.

“This is what you used to attack me.” Balmond actually restored the decomposing energy bullet fired from the bone gun out of thin air.

The gunsmith also knows that this sentence is saying to himself: “Ha! I can do it at that level.” He is Hu Zou, but in terms of the nature of the ability of alchemy, it is indeed possible, And you don’t need to reach the **** level, the crazy level can achieve this level.

“Hmph…then…I’ll give it back to you.” The bullet with green glow actually flew out of the palm of Balmond’s hand, and the speed of the flight was no different from the bullet fired from the barrel.

The next second, the Moon Demon’s left hand appeared in front of the gunsmith’s forehead. She clenched her fist, and two energies in her palm were colliding. In an instant, the energy she used to defend was defeated, and her hands began to disintegrate. To be continued. .

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