Sinmonger Chapter 3: fish

The time when Zuo Dao was sent to Hell Island was during the day, but it was already night when he officially entered the detention area. During this period, for several hours, he and the group of prisoners who came to the island with him People were detained separately, and they were kept in rigid cells with iron walls on all sides. Their hands and feet were all wearing pure alloy handcuffs and anklets. They were ignored and just sat there.

He could feel that this period of time was essentially waiting for the Hades Mist to actually take effect. When he and the prisoners were brought out of the cubicles, they were no longer different from ordinary people. At this time, the prison guards in full armor and mecha uniforms could **** them to carry out “disinfect”.

The process of sanitizing is simple and quick, akin to jumping into a toilet. Prisoners are thrown into a liquid-filled pipe, rushing from one end to the other. The solution in the pipe can not only be “sterilized” in the true sense, but also help the device detect whether the prisoners have hidden things in their bodies. , those who hide iron wires under the epidermis to pretend to be blood vessels, put corrosive liquids into containers and swallow them into the stomach, or simply hide micro-robots in their bodies. was found out.

After disinfection, the prisoners will be “clean”. Except for the transformation of people, it is basically impossible for other people to carry anything on their bodies after reaching this stage. As for those reformers who are unfortunately sent here, their lives are more difficult. When they enter the Tidal Prison, they will usually help you remove the reformed part and turn them into disabled people. When encountering a high proportion of reformers who cannot remove the mechanical part , sent to the special detention area.

The special detention area does not have the free time of the ordinary detention area. Two meals a day are delivered to the door of the cell. The food is better than that of the prison guards. There is no need to take a bath regularly. , periodically someone will take a clean prison uniform to rotate the dirty clothes on you.

Sounds good? Yes, so there is a conspiracy behind this good thing.

There are only two types of people in the special detention area, and 90% of them belong to the first type – gladiators.

Every month, these prisoners have to fight one-on-one to the death. The specific matchup is determined by the warden, and in most cases, it is just random.

The winner of each set of duels wins the next month’s life, and the loser, of course, dies.

The whole process of fighting will be broadcast live. This is the ultimate competition that can only be enjoyed by the royal palace nobles in Tiandu. There is naturally a huge gambling business going on behind the scenes, but in this competition, it is impossible to Some players cheated.

The above are 90% of the first type of people in the special detention area. Every month, half of them disappear, but next month, there will be more people because of various The reason is sent in. In addition to reforming people, there are also some prisoners who, even if they live in the mist, can still pose obvious threats to other prisoners with some skills or talents. These people are the first choice for special detention areas.

As for the second type of people in the special detention area, the number is very small, and they can enjoy special treatment without participating in the fight. These people are too valuable, but they cannot be used by the empire. The things they can do or the thoughts in their minds are absolutely not allowed to appear in the outside world. The empire will definitely not let them go, but they have to Keep their destiny for use, so, just keep it that way.

Having said all this, let’s look back at Zuo Dao’s experience. After sterilization, a bracelet with his name engraved on his wrist was put on. This electric shock wheel is the core tool for the supervision of prisoners in Tidal Prison. , you can find a hundred modes to trigger it, such as touching the prison guard, leaving the specified area, trying to remove it, anyway, the most difficult thing to find out is the way to do evil without triggering the electric shock wheel.

Zuo Dao waited for the new prisoners to be put on the electric shock wheel, and the prison guards were relieved. At this moment, the fighting ability of this group of dangerous elements is basically equivalent to that of ordinary people, and they are all wearing electric shock wheels. So, they removed their net alloy handcuffs and anklets, replaced them with ordinary shackles, locked them together, lined them up, and sent them to the detention area.

After that, Zuo Dao heard some terrifying remarks from Jefferson. He was really scared, but since he had already boarded the pirate ship of the reverse cross, he had to do what he had to do.

When entering the detention area, the lights out time has passed, and the prisoners are all staying in their cells. The cells are dark and there is no light. Only the corridor outside the cell door is always lit.

This detention area is seven stories high, with an empty patio in the middle. Zuo Dao’s shackles were separated from those of the other prisoners. He was the first to leave the team and was sent to the highest floor. The prison guard communicated with his colleagues in the monitoring room remotely, opened the door of a cell, and unlocked it. Zuo Dao’s handcuffs and shackles threw Zuo Dao in half pushing and half kicking.

“I’ll give you a piece of advice, keep your mouth shut after the lights out time.” The prison guard left after saying that.

The iron fence of the cell door was tightly closed, and Zuo Dao, with the help of the light source outside, groped in the dark cell to find the bed. This couch is really not very good. The so-called bed is a thing as hard as a stone, one meter higher than the ground, twice as wide as a person, and two meters and five in length. There are no sheets and no pillows. Sleeping here The only difference between sleeping on the top and sleeping on the ground is that the level is different.

Well, it’s better than nothing. Zuo Dao thought to himself, lying down, lying on his side, with his head resting on his arms. The electric shock wheel diaphragm on the wrist should be quite uncomfortable, I am afraid this can only be gradually used to.

About half an hour later, his drowsiness is still not very strong. According to his own words, he has always been “waiting for the moment”. In an unfamiliar environment, he can fall asleep as soon as he closes his eyes. People who don’t even know how to die.

Zuo Dao felt it when he came in just now. In the dark cells, there were at least dozens of eyes looking at him. He didn’t know how he came to this conclusion. The feeling of being watched.

At this moment, I listened carefully and found that the prison area was really quiet. On every floor, there were prison guards on night shift standing at the end of the corridor. As if all dead.

This is up and down, so many big men, but they didn’t hear any snoring. Could it be that… everyone listens to the movement with their eyes open like themselves? Everyone here is waiting for a fight? Crazy?

The prison guard’s advice made Zuo Dao murmur in his heart, why do you have to keep your mouth shut after the lights out time? Afraid of affecting the rest of other prisoners?

According to this line of thinking, Zuo Dao thinks there is some truth to it. In this kind of place, when it is so quiet in the middle of the night, if you lie in the cell and sing a song or something, according to the building structure outside, what will spread out? Sheng’er is about the same as opening a sing. The next day, when it is released, it will definitely be given up by all the inmates.

Thinking so wildly, Zuo Dao’s eyelids became heavier and heavier, and he fell asleep unconsciously.

When he woke up, he was startled and looked out the cell door, everything was business as usual, he couldn’t figure out how long he had slept, maybe five minutes, maybe five hours. In this underwater prison, the distinction between day and night depends on the light outside, and the concepts of time and space are completely blurred.

As I was thinking about whether to close my eyes and go to sleep, or to wait and watch, the light outside just changed. On the ceiling just above the patio, a white light came on, which was the signal at eight o’clock in the morning in the tidal prison.

Zuo Dao didn’t know about this, but he also guessed that this was what it meant that the outside world had already dawned. He sat up straight, not knowing what would happen on the official first day of his prison career. It was the first time he squatted in prison. He really did not expect that his virgin squat would be squatted in the tidal prison on Hell Island.

According to Zuo Dao’s prior imagination, stepping out of this single room is a disordered area full of problems such as corruption, violence, gang formation, racial discrimination, etc. He has to act tough to survive. Moreover, he also has the first task after boarding the pirate ship of the Reverse Cross. He has to contact the blood owl within a month at the latest, otherwise the consequences will be unpredictable.

As time passed by, his tense nerves slowly loosened again, because nothing happened. It wasn’t until ten o’clock in the morning that the prison door opened on its own, and the iron fence moved, causing Zuo Dao to tremble with fright, and almost fell off the bed.

Soon, other prisoners passed by Zuo Dao’s cell door one after another. When they passed by, they couldn’t help but glance at Zuo Dao, thinking to themselves: “I’m a newcomer again, there is a good show in the cafeteria at noon. .”

After Zuo Dao and the others were gone, he sneakily stuck his head out of the prison, looked left and right, then walked out of the cell, stood in the corridor and looked down. The prisoners on the seventh floor had all gone and gathered to the ground floor. in the patio.

“Hey! You!” A prison guard came over: “What were you doing hiding in the cell just now?”

Zuo Daozuo raised his hands in surrender: “No, no! I just… um… I didn’t wake up, I lay down for a while.”

The prison guard gave him a look and knew that he was a newcomer and didn’t take it seriously: “Go down and roll the call, hurry up.”

“Yes, yes, sir!” Zuo Dao greeted him with a nod and bowed his head, and scurried down the stairs.

The prisoners who gathered in the patio were not as orderly as Zuo Dao imagined. They were not lining up to be called, but just standing at random. Very few prisoners gathered together in twos and threes to talk.

After Zuo Dao came down, he picked a corner to stand, and the people around didn’t pay attention to him. Most of them also found a place to stand alone and kept silent. Not long after, Zuo Dao saw a prison guard whose color was different from that of ordinary prison guards walking to the aisle on the second floor, and said loudly to the prisoners below: “The person who is named, directly Go to the door over there, and you will change the holding area today.”

Next, the head of the prison guard reported the names of about twenty people, none of which was Zuo Dao’s name.

“If you want to work in the laundry room, go to the door on the other side, and the others will be dismissed.” He walked away after saying that.

Zuo Dao noticed that about a dozen people walked towards the door pointed by the head of the prison guard. He thought about it and followed the past. Anyway, there was no blood owl in the crowd. Staying here is a waste of time. Try your luck in the laundry room. Even if you don’t find it, it feels like you can get some benefits by participating in labor, such as a pillow? Or how many shredded pork in the meal? Who knows, at least not for nothing.

“Hey…Look, that new guy is going to the laundry…”

“Hehe… Now there’s a good show to watch, smart guy, many water fish roll their eyes like this the next morning after swimming in.”

The two prisoners were whispering in the distance. In their eyes, Zuo Dao, a newcomer, just took the initiative to run towards the tragedy.

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