Sinmonger Chapter 20: Misguided reasoning

Volume VIII of the Shocking Stone] Chapter 20 Misguided Reasoning


Chapter 20 Misguided Reasoning

“Let’s summarize the current situation,” Dick took the lead.

This is the morning of June 22. In the police station, Dick, Seizer, George, and Paper Man were sitting together and discussing the latest developments in the intimidation case.

In this situation, Dick would be the first to speak. His experience and ability to handle cases are second to none in the Paris Police Department. With him leading the reasoning, many detours can be avoided, and everyone’s thinking will be clearer.

“The morning before yesterday, Mr. Dardan found a letter from an intimidator in his mailbox. This intimidator may be a person or an organization, and it is still uncertain. We will call him a ‘prisoner’ for the time being. /

The absence of stamps and addresses on the envelope indicates that the letter was not delivered by post, but was sent by the prisoner himself, or if he sent some unrelated person to put the letter in.

According to Mr. Dadan’s description, he checked the mailbox when he got off work on the 19th, and there was no letter in it at that time. Therefore, the time when the threatening letter was sent should be locked from 7:00 pm on the 19th to the next day. morning.

There is a camera in the lobby on the ground floor of the apartment, but the picture is not very clear. According to the preliminary investigation of the video, during the time period I just mentioned, there were only three people who had access to Mr. Dadan’s mailbox. The first guy showed up around 9pm and he sneaked into the building with the other tenants and stuffed every letterbox with flyers. At first I wondered if this guy was sneaking in under the cover of a race advertisement I received a threatening letter; but later, a second person appeared, and this guy had a serious suspicion… He appeared in the early hours of the morning, and from the surveillance video, he entered the apartment door in a normal way, that is, using the kind of hanging on the key magnetic stripe ornament. Of course, it is not difficult to get this thing. As far as I know, the magnetic strip scanning locks of the electronic doors of such apartment buildings are very simple, and even not as safe as traditional locks. Find a few fake calling cards on the street A good card dealer can handle that kind of door.

The second person walked into the apartment lobby wearing a dark hooded smock covering half of his face with a hood. Due to the dim light, only his height and gender could be determined from the camera footage. This person also seemed to know the location of the surveillance probe, and he used his body to cover the letterbox and his hands as much as possible. He stayed in the picture for a short time, but he was standing right in front of Mr. Dardan’s letterbox. The threatening letter was This person may have sent more than 90%.

As for the third person, the postman who came in early in the morning to deliver the letter can basically be ruled out. “

George then added: “By the way, from the video, the second person is very similar to the man I met across the street from the police station the night before.”

Dick continued: “I think there is a high possibility that the two are the same person. Trace the route of the above three people through the probe on the street, only the second person cannot be traced, from the street in front of the apartment Pushing back and watching, you can see that the man came out of an alley. There is no surveillance camera in the alley, but there is one on the street at the other end of the alley, but there is no picture of him walking into the alley. Therefore, it is impossible to continue to push his route backwards.”

“Maybe he’s going up the roof, climbing fire escapes, or sewers, or maybe he’s walking on blind spots and roads that don’t have surveillance cameras,” George said.

Dick said: “In short, what is certain is that the person who sent the threatening letter has a very strong anti-reconnaissance ability, and he is very careful to hide his whereabouts. Generally, prisoners may only pay attention when they escape. I noticed it on the way to the crime scene. Even if you go to a policeman to do this, it may not be better than him.” He paused, then added: “Then let’s talk about the letter and the ‘head’ ‘.”

The “head” here does not refer to the head of a real creature, but refers to a wooden carving of a human head, the package that Gallas received shortly after going to work yesterday. When he opened it, he was very frightened. This time he was not in the mood to do any inspections in the unit, so he immediately asked for leave and came to the police station with the box. At this point, the case is considered to be on the line, and Dick, George and Paper Man also took the opportunity to formally intervene. Threatening letters, orange pits, and wood carvings were all taken to the Evidence Section for detailed examination.

Dick’s statement goes on: “The envelope is quite ordinary, but the yellowed letter . … He chose to use a pen to write the content of the letter in a similar way.

This prisoner likes to use the old way, every step of his is imitating the organization established more than 200 years ago – the Ku Klux Klan, and imitating the oldest set of things. Paper, handwriting, orange pits, are all the information he gave us, as if he had traveled directly from the nineteenth century to the twenty-second century. “

“But what’s the point of doing that?” George lit another cigarette.

“Good question.” Dick said, “In my opinion, the ‘intimidator’ in this case is not an organization, and they are far from the size of the KKK in the past. In the dark, it is very likely that There’s only one person, no more than five at most. Maybe one of them is a smart guy, but not too smart.

80% of these intimidators are just a group of ordinary people with a bad life, full of resentment, and a certain racist tendency. They are not the KKK at all, but they are just trying to pretend to be like that, hum… Doing a tiger is not an anti-dog.

The Ku Klux Klan in the 19th century wasn’t an extreme racist murderer, it was an evolved impression of them. From what I see now, it was a group of Southern die-hards who were unwilling to lose after the war. They used violence to force their political views on others. They wanted to limit the civil rights of liberated blacks and drive out those who moved south. Northerners and Republicans, looking forward to getting back to their old days through rogue politics. “

Paperman sneered: “It sounds like they want to be nobles.”

Dick also laughed: “That goes a long way, I mean, the prisoner in this case is just imitating his form, and he can’t be called very clever. An old book, tear off a piece of white paper from the 19th century, write some essays on the handwriting, put some orange pits in the envelope, and it is very similar. In fact, this is simply superfluous, from the letter Judging from the content, this racist practice is more like what the Ku Klux Klan would do in the late 20th century to the early 21st century. He simply used ordinary letter paper and pasted some words cut from newspapers, Make it into an ordinary threatening letter, don’t put any orange pits, just sign it with three k’s, then it will really look like a late Klan.

Well… let’s get back to George, what’s the point of him doing this?

There are generally two types of prisoners who design and lay out tricks, do a lot of obscure detail work, and provide evidence to the police on their own initiative. The first type is nothing more than to be famous, and it is clear that the case before us is the first type of person to do it.

We have already analyzed and seen that this person has strong action ability and anti-reconnaissance ability. He can almost make every detail leak-free, and put all the information and evidence he wants to convey in front of our police, even if He was also able to escape successfully when he was discovered by the police in an accident.

Would it be difficult to kill Gallas for such a person? The answer is definitely no. He didn’t have to send any threatening letters at all, and that letter was funny too, the real Klan, I mean the kind of 19th century Klan that he tried so hard to imitate, should have asked in the letter to get the other party to change their views or Leave, but the prisoner didn’t say anything like that, he just said ‘You **** has violated the bottom line of our tolerance, this letter means death’, it’s not a threat, it’s a death announcement, according to the letter, He didn’t want anything from Mr. Darden…except his life.

But why didn’t he just do it? Why does he have to personally confirm that Mr. Darden has come to us to report the case across from the police station?

It’s very simple, he wants us to get involved, he wants to play games with the police, and he wants to be reported by the media, chased by the media, and even mentioned in textbooks many years later, just like those famous criminals in history. “

“Wait blah blah…” Cezel finally couldn’t help but interjected: “I only have one question, assuming this person is just to be famous, but generally this kind of guy who plays games with the police in order to be famous, is it? Don’t they all start with murder?

But he hasn’t killed anyone yet, just intimidated. Even if this prisoner is arrested and imprisoned tomorrow, what’s the point of intimidation? Even if the court assigns a rookie lawyer to him, it’s impossible to escalate the case to attempted murder or something? How many years could he be sentenced to intimidation? three years? Five years? If the prisoner has no criminal record, he may be eligible for probation. “

“It’s very contradictory. I feel that if we paid attention to the case, we would have agreed with him.” George breathed out a smoke ring and half-jokingly said: “But to deal with it by conventional means, it seems that we don’t care about Gallas too much. The lives of the Dadan and his wife are at stake.”

Paper Man said at this time: “We attach great importance to the investigation and keep a low profile externally, just like our attitude towards the serial murder case. I haven’t seen how hot the media has made that case.”

Dick said: “Yes, the safety of the citizens is the number one priority, and it would be wrong to sacrifice civilians in order not to make the prisoners happy.”

George shrugged and asked noncommittally, “I’m curious, what about the second type of person you just mentioned?”

Dick replied: “It’s the kind of person who takes crime as a life goal or an art form and executes it. In order to complete his ideal case, it doesn’t matter if he dies. This kind of person is a lunatic. Of course, this second These types of people usually start with a murder case, and the serial murder is the process, and they start a game with the police. In the end, there are those who commit suicide, those who surrender, those who are killed, and those who get away with justice. A terrorizer should not fall into this second category.”

Paper Man said: “Let’s talk about the evidence.”

Dick nodded and collected his thoughts: “There is no residual saliva from the prisoner on the orange pit, and there are no fingerprints on the letter. At present, the other party has not left any useful evidence.

As for the head…I watched all the surveillance footage between the building where Mr. Dadan’s office is located at the entrance of the Louvre Museum, and I can basically confirm that the man pretending to be a courier, the person who delivered the letter in the early hours of the day before yesterday, and George the day before yesterday. The people I met across from the police station in the evening were all the same guy. This also confirms my inference that the other party is only one person in the Eighth Achievement.

He’s bold enough to be in the Louvre during the day when there are so many surveillance cameras. In addition, I have to say that impersonating a courier is probably one of the easiest disguises. Now most people have a mindset, as if a person only needs to wear a dark suit, a cap with a similar color to the clothes, and the clothes It doesn’t matter what it is on the post, a postal package with a list attached to it and this dress will definitely deliver it, no one will ask the courier for documents to see it. Even the doorman of the Louvre is no exception, signing a scribbled list and receiving the parcel.

So our intimidator swaggered to Mr. Dadan’s place of work to deliver the package in person, and it worked.

He probably simply put on make-up, lowered the brim of his hat, put on gloves, and still left us with no facial features or fingerprints. When he said this, he picked up a stack of files at hand, looked at the photos and text and said: “The head in the package is carved from wood, a pure handmade product, carved into a face similar to that of Dadan, painted with Black paint, the eyes of the wood carving were chiseled, and a white pointed hood was put on it, which is the kind that the Ku Klux Klan put on the head in the past. There are two holes in the triangle and the eye position. The hood just revealed the rotten eyes of the woodcarving. “

Putting down the information, Dick continued: “It seems that our prisoner can also have a carving skill. Judging from the current situation, this can be regarded as an important clue to identify his Seizer said: “Could the prisoner be a street performer, or an underappreciated artist who doesn’t like a high-paying academic like Da Dan? “

George stood up and moved the leg that he sprained yesterday: “Then we need to investigate. The source of the orange pit, the source of the letter, and the whereabouts of the prisoner are all broken clues.” He pinched Cigarette butt: “Let’s check along the clues of the carving… Wood, paint, and his clothes when he was pretending to be a courier. Everything has to have a source, and there are still places where you can start.”

Paper Man said: “By the way, where is Galas Dadan now?”

“He has already taken a long vacation, and he should be driving his wife back to his parents’ house. His wife’s parents live outside the city. Mr. Dadan insisted on sending his wife off in person, and he was relieved to see her enter the house.” Sai Zell said: “Don’t worry, I sent a police officer to drive with them, and he will report to me if there is any situation. After sending his wife, Mr. Dadan will come back to cooperate with all our actions.”

Before he finished speaking, Cezel’s cell phone rang. He picked it up and didn’t answer it, but when he saw the number, his expression changed…


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