Sinmonger Chapter 16: Assassination purpose

Volume VIII The Stone Breaking the Sky]Chapter 16 The Purpose of Assassination


Chapter 16 Assassination Purpose

Star County, Washington.

Tianyi’s bookstore is still open on a remote side street.

I have traveled to several cities before and done some things. On May 23, this was the second day he came here.

A frustrating, disgusting, irritating, maddening situation is happening.

There are many customers in the bookstore…

Men, women, children, old people… all of this is so terrifying and unpredictable that Tian Yi really wants to set up a machine gun on his desk and fire at the store.

“Boss, I want to borrow this book.” A kind-looking old man came to Tianyi and said.

“This is not a library, you can buy it.”

“How much is that?”

“Look at it…”

The old man was stunned for a few seconds: “I’m sorry, what did you say?”

Tian Yi took out a handful of change from his pocket and slapped it on the table, “Is it enough? That’s all I have.”

“Um… Boss… I’m buying books, not selling…”

The day put a handful of money into the old man’s hand, and the book into the old man’s hand, “The door is there, I suggest you close it when you go out.”

As soon as the old man left, another aunt with a little boy came, “Boss, do you have…”

“No.” Tian Yi interrupted before the other party could finish speaking.

“I haven’t asked what it is yet.”


“I think there’s a **** sitting there.” The aunt started cursing.

Tian Yi drinks coffee without looking at each other: “If you want to be beautiful, I won’t give it to you.”

The aunt left with the child angrily, and also taught her son: “Chris, see if you don’t, if you don’t study hard, you will become that kind of **** when you grow up…”

Tian Yi turned a deaf ear to this. At this moment, he only hoped that all the guys who were wandering in the bookstore would disappear in front of his eyes.

But the more annoying guy came, a few people who looked like punks walked into the bookstore, came to Tianyi’s desk and said, “Hey, man, I don’t seem to have seen it on this street. you.”

“Do you want to charge protection fees?” Tian asked bluntly.

The three looked at each other, and then the man in the middle sneered: “Ha! Yes, chops, so you better be smart, the police around here…” He was preparing a long speech about what he did. The means to let Tianyi’s bookstore play out.

And Tianyi’s left hand reached under the table at this moment, the three people were startled, they all thought Tianyi was going to take out something like a gun, and their hands touched the switchblade and pistol, ready to start. When the other customers in the store saw this, the quick-response ones had already quietly ran out of the store.

Unexpectedly, Tian Yi brought up a barrel of gasoline in a gallon from under the table.

Then, he opened the drawer with his right hand, and the three thugs were startled again, but this time, Tianyi took out a box of matches.

“All you need is… time, gasoline, matches.” Tian Yi said, “In view of the serious rise in oil prices, this is all I have left. You go out and pour it around the store to make it a little more even. Don’t worry, it’s full of books, it’s sure to burn.” He continued drinking coffee nonchalantly: “Why are you standing still? Don’t you understand what I mean? I just ran out of the last change in my pocket.”

“Bastard, do you dare to trick us? Ha?!” A gangster grabbed Tianyi’s collar and lifted him up.

“I still use this trick… So my neckline is always wrinkled…” Tian Yi sighed helplessly: “Okay, okay… Does anyone know where the nearest pig farm is? ?”

“It’s quite fun.” At this time, the consultant just walked into the store from the outside, and the betting snake followed behind him. Both of them looked like nothing had happened when they saw this scene.

“Please come back, everyone, today’s business is probably over.” The consultant said this.

The customers in the store had almost slipped away, and when they saw it, they flashed away.

“Hey! Hey! Look, he’s got help.”

“Um…I’m so scared, hahahaha.”

“This is our Skull Gang’s territory, you better understand.”

This is the habit of thugs, bluffing and bullying. In fact, they are often thieves and timid in their hearts, and rarely dare to act alone. Only when there are many people and bring equipment, they have the courage to act as tough guys. If you get beaten up, you can only speak harshly and gather people to take revenge. In this way, for a few years, if there are some ruthless and black-handed people, they will be able to rise to the top, and then they will take some guys who are the same as him to be their younger brothers. He will leave the gangster industry and become a big brother. the lowest level of organized crime networks.

Tian Yi doesn’t hate these people, he just feels sad, that’s all.

Seeing the listless look of the boss, Gambler knows that Tianyi disdains or is too lazy to do it himself, so he can only do it for him.

Three steps and two steps, I walked to a bookshelf. I don’t know what switch was triggered. The window and door glass of the bookstore were sealed with steel plates. Seconds later, the lights came on.

Snake betting: “Is it the old rule?”

Tian Yi’s neckline has been loosened. He slumped on the sofa chair and yawned: “It’s just been a day since the place where the corpse was dumped is not easy to find, so let’s throw it out after fainting.”

Seeing that the steel plate outside the house was lowered, the three thugs felt that something was wrong. In this small dark room, under the pale light, when they looked at the face of the snake betting, the big brother looked all over the place. Like a killer…

“Don’t…don’t come here…” The gangster in the middle picked up the pistol and pointed at the snake bet, and the other two also took out their knives.

The Gambler walked forward with steady steps. “You raise your gun sideways like this. Although you are a bit of a street ruffian, the bullet casing that pops up after firing may burst your own eyes.” He said In between, he suddenly took a step and came to the other side in an instant like a shrunken ground.

His shot was as fast as lightning. The eyes, brain, and body of the gun-wielding gangster couldn’t keep up with the snake’s movements. The next second, the gun appeared in the snake’s hands.

He held the gun and said calmly: “You should hold it like this, then pull the safety latch, aim at the location you want to shoot, and observe the target’s eyes and subtle body movements…”

The two thugs were already in a state of short-circuiting their brains at this time, and instinctively raised their hands: “Oh oh… buddy, hey, calm down, man, don’t shoot.”

But the third gangster with a knife clearly has the potential to be the boss. He strode across the desk, grabbed Tianyi on the sofa, blocked his body in front of him, and held Tianyi with the knife neck: “Put the gun down! You bastard! Or I’ll tear your friend’s throat apart.”

“He’s not my friend, but the boss,” said Gambler, his tone still cold.

“Stop talking nonsense! You bastard! Put down the gun!” the knife-wielding thug shouted violently.

Tian Yi tilted his head and said, “Are you sick? It’s only a few steps away, why is it so loud?”

“Shut up, bastard!” The knife-wielding gangster shouted at Tian Yi, who was a few inches away: “Be honest with me!”

Not only did the gambling snake not put down the gun, but turned the muzzle of the gun to that side and said, “He just has too much adrenaline and is a little out of control.”

“I told you to put the gun down! You damn…”


The gun went off, the knife-wielding gangster froze in place, choked back half of what he said, his face contorted in surprise, and half of his face and body were splattered with blood and brains.

The other two thugs turned their heads and saw an incredible scene, Tianyi’s head was blown off…

What’s the situation? After this guy who looks like 007 made all kinds of words and deeds in such a tone, he missed his shot and killed his boss?

“Hahaha…” The consultant laughed at the back, ran to the desk with ease, opened a partition outside the desk, and there was actually a small freezer inside. He took out a bottle of tomato juice and unscrewed it. Gai Er, took a sip: “I’m curious if it hurts like this.”

“I think you’re really good at playing…” The moment Tianyi’s voice came out, the door to the room behind his seat opened, and Tianyi came out of the door intact, still like that, shirt. , suit, messy hair.

He stepped over his “corpse”, sat back in his old seat, poured a cup of coffee, shook his head and bet on snakes and said, “Tom…Tom…Tom…you too…what the consultant said, you Can you believe it?”

“Judging from the results of this shot, what he said is the truth.” Gambler replied.

“What if he fools you?”

“Then he can take your place and become my new boss.” Gambler added: “If you die because of carelessness, coincidence, bad taste, etc., some street gangsters, or some In the hands of a traitor who can get close to you, a boss like you is too fragile to be worth my life.”

Tian Yiyi: “Well… this also makes sense.” When he finished saying this, his own “corpse” and the clothes on the ground turned into a black smoke and dispersed at a very fast speed.

“What the hell… what’s the situation…?!” Those gangsters went completely crazy: “Are you aliens? Or zombies?! Damn, you are a political secret organization, Want to arrest us for experiments, right?! I warn you…”

Five seconds later, the three people were brought down by the gambling snake, and there was no need for weapons at all. If he passed by the three people like a phantom, he quickly and silently solved the problem.

“Oh? When did you master this technique?” Tian Yi asked, he clearly knew what had just happened.

“Dr. Stranger taught me some knowledge about meridians and acupuncture points, just to try these people.” Gambler replied.

The consultant squinted at the betting snake: “Oh? Acupoints?”

“I know what you’re going to ask next, but I suggest you drag the person on the ground first, drive the car away, and by the time you get back, we’ll be almost done talking here. At that time, you I don’t mind if I’m going to prostitute again in the daytime.” Tian Yi interrupted.

“You really know what to expect, you know what I want to ask?”

“A nasty person, with a nasty ability, naturally asks some nasty questions.” Tian Yi continued.

The consultant smiled and said nothing, using his obscene abilities to remotely disarm the bookstore’s defense system and drag the unconscious gangsters out.

The snake bet came to Tianyi’s table and started talking about the business: “When he parted with the gunsmith, he asked me to bring you an upgraded version of destiny.”

Tian Yiyi was taken aback: “Didn’t you come to Washington by plane?”

The consultant had just dragged the gangsters to the door, and interjected, “Didn’t he pass the security check by playing a trick?”

Tianyi is right to think about it, but he didn’t see any large luggage with him: “What about that thing? In the car?”

Snake rolls up the sleeve of her left arm, “Here.”

“Huh…hehe…” Tian Yi laughed dryly: “Well, it’s my fault, I should have expected that if the gunsmiths, warlocks, and marshals were put together, they would produce this plant something…”

At this moment, there is a circle of thin black metal on the snake’s left forearm, facing above his arm, there is a cross-shaped button, he touched it, the black metal began to deform, and then appeared With a simple operation panel and screen, as long as you raise your left arm in front of you, you can directly operate it with your right hand. It seems that this portable destiny can be used even while walking.

“Is there any problem with doing this? I think it’s very practical. It can be hidden in the sleeves and is easy to carry.” Gambler said: “But I usually have a lot of things hidden in my sleeves, so it’s not suitable to wear them.”

“Do you know Yu-Gi-Oh?” Tian Yi asked.

“I don’t know very well.” Gambler replied.

“Then I have nothing to tell you…” Tian Yi changed the subject: “Let’s not talk about fate, did the gunsmith tell you about the progress of the project?”

“You don’t ask about the assassination?”

Tian Yi smiled and said: “I know the situation over there better than you. I’ll tell you later. If you want to discuss why the gunsmith can do that kind of sniping, I can only It’s an idiot’s racial talent, so to speak.”

Gambling Snake thought for a while and answered the previous question: “He said that because he took out to make sniper guns and bullets, and the sniper mission the day before yesterday, the project will be delayed for a few more days, and in short, it will be completed within May. .”

Tian picked up the coffee: “Very good, all actions are planned.” He took a sip and continued: “Then, let me explain the meaning of the assassination.”

Snake Gambler: “Listening to your tone, things seem to be far more than just killing a person. Don’t these situations wait for the advisor to come back and talk about it?”

Tian Yi replied: “The advisors are very clear about the series of effects that the assassination of Tianwei will have. In fact, the assassination was his idea, and I just adopted his plan. With such a poisonous man under his command, it is really It’s very reassuring.”

He rationalized his thoughts and continued: “When we were planning the escape plan, we didn’t know that there would be a Shenwu transportation operation in the Empire, until I received a call from an old friend who sold it to me. This information.

It’s a coincidence, but there are no coincidences in this world, right? If there is no blood owl’s imprisonment, there will be no supply of Shenwu. These are all related to cause and effect. For me, the lucky thing is that after my old friend learned about the information, he went straight to it. I. “

Gambling Snake replied calmly: “This can’t be called luck or coincidence. I think he chose you because of the impression you left on him in the past, your personality and actions that made him feel this kind of intelligence. It can only be sold to a lunatic like you, and no one else dares to take it.”

Tian Yi smiled and said: “Yes, a very correct guess. In short, when I got this information, I got another piece of information at the same time, that is… in just a few days, the warden of the Tide Prison Jefferson He found out that the blood owl was different, so he immediately applied for the supply of Shenwu, because he needed more reserves to deal with certain ’emergency situations’ that were likely to occur in the future.

I think Jefferson’s instincts told him that blood owls would bring disaster. But there’s another person who doesn’t rely on intuition, Tea Fairy.

With the ability of Tea Immortal, he has already speculated 100% of the plan to escape from prison. The arrest of the blood owl is obviously a conspiracy. If someone like him is not willing to be arrested, it is impossible for him to go to prison.

However, Tea Immortal has his dignity. He must have instructed Jefferson not to treat the blood owl specially, just like other murderous criminals.

Hehe… He just wants to win me, and he wants to win beautifully. Whether the blood owl can escape is another game between me and him. In order to make the game fair, he will not throw the blood owl into that. A special cell that is held in solitary confinement, strictly guarded against, and never opened.

Unfortunately, when I was in Long County, Tea Immortal didn’t do what I wanted. He refused to enter the basement, so at this moment, he may have no power to worry about the situation in the prison.

Our question now is the friend of Tea Fairy, eas’s deputy director, Joseph Nolan, also known as the time waiter.

After discussing with my advisor, he came up with an assassination plan that would use the residual value of what we’ve done in Dragon County, as well as serve several other purposes. “

Snake bet: “If you’re targeting the time waiter, why not let the gunsmith directly target him?”

“Because we didn’t know in advance that he would go to that pier in person.” Tian Yi replied: “According to the original idea, after killing Tianwei, Xingtian’s group can successfully plunder Shenwu and wipe out the six Royal Fleet and at least four armored shuttles that are still capable of sailing. As for us, we can signal the reverse cross after the assassination, as long as there is a witness in the city to see the ~Then after the incident, the time attendant will definitely come to investigate the matter, no matter if he is in the ends of the earth.

When the servant saw Tosaka’s body, he would understand that it was not Xingtian who killed him, but us. From this moment on, the puzzles we give to the time waiter start to work. “

“But he showed up in that place that day.” Gambler interjected.

Tian Yi took a sip of coffee: “That’s right, but even if you contacted me at the time and asked for instructions, the target of the sniper remains the same.” He paused: “Because I think that if the bullet was fired at the time Servant, probably won’t be able to take his life.”

What he said was consistent with the judgment of Cao Shuo who was at the scene at the time.

“Is he stronger than Tianwei?” Gambler asked, his expression was the same, but his tone changed obviously.

Tian Yi smiled: “As far as I know, he was indeed invited to be one of the Ten Heavenly Guards, but he refused.”

Snake Gambler: “Oh? Why?”


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