Sinmonger Chapter 14: Footprints and guesses

Chapter 14 Footprints and Conjectures

Around four o’clock in the afternoon, Tianyi and the earl came to the outside of the Colosseum. This place was not strictly regulated in the Middle Ages and was not protected by the government. Most of the time, people can come and go at will. (To be continued 89 Free Novels Read “”)

Tian Yi brought the Count to the side of a stone wall in the Colosseum and stopped. He did not lift his hood, and the Count could only see the lower half of his face.

“Well… I think it’s pretty good here.” Tian Yi said.

The earl looked left and right, thinking: What are you doing? You pick a random landmark, stand under a stone wall, and tell me it’s good. Do you want me to bring a few people and dig a big hole here overnight and throw the treasure in it?

“Master…it’s…it’s not right.” The Count euphemistically expressed his doubts.

Tianyi knew that he had misunderstood what he meant, and showed a weird smile: “I’m going to tell you something next, which must be very bizarre in your opinion, but it’s true, you have to accept it as soon as possible .”

The Count is still mentally prepared for this situation. Anyway, since he met Tianyi, he has seen at least two or three strange events beyond his understanding.

“Master, tell me.” The Count replied.

Tian Yi said: “Under the Colosseum, there is a huge temple in the shape of a pyramid.”

The earl’s eyes were straight, his mouth was half-open, and the corners of his eyes jumped involuntarily.

Tianyi continued: “I plan to go from here…” He pointed to his feet: “Dig a passage, if we keep going down vertically, we can go from 200 meters to 230 meters. Depth, touching an entrance to that temple.”

“Um…” The count just wanted to ask him at this moment, how to dig?

In the Middle Ages, how could there be engineering technology that could go so deep underground, and even if there was, Count Beauger, as a fugitive wanted by the Holy See, and being watched by countless dark forces in the dark, he could never hire one An engineering team of hundreds of people is building construction in the Colosseum, right?

Tianyi didn’t wait for him to ask this question, and said directly: “I can complete the construction of the passage by myself, and it will be completed in about three days. You just need to remember where we are standing at the moment, three After the day, you take out the treasure from the temporary hiding place, and find some loyal and reliable people to transport it. We will transport the treasure to the underground temple in batches, and strive to complete all operations within a week.”

The earl was relieved when he heard this. He almost forgot that the man in front of him was a sorcerer. How could such a thing as digging tunnels be so rare? The cat urinated, chanted a few spells, and a big snake emerged from the center of the earth to help him get through the ground.

“Okay, I’ll do it.” After the earl answered, he thought of something and said, “By the way, Master, in the next three days, in case…”

Tian Yi interrupted him, “Just don’t do anything unusual, it’s business as usual, there’s no danger.”


Vanessa followed the light of the flashlight, looked in the direction pointed by the advisor, and after a few seconds of careful observation, she almost cried out. (To be continued 89 Free Novels Read “”) On the wall on the side of the passage, the uneven wall surface composed of mud and stones can vaguely identify a face-like imprint.

“How could this be…” Vanessa whispered to herself.

The consultant said to her in a natural tone: “Someone must have printed it on his face.”

“You mean, more than seven hundred years ago, someone used his face to run over the walls here?” Vanessa asked.

“Hehe…how do you know that the owner of this face took the initiative to print his face on the wall?” The consultant smiled: “Also, look at the footprints on the ground.”

Vanessa lowered her head and shone on the stairs with her flashlight, but she couldn’t see the famous place at all. There were a dozen people walking in front of her, and their footprints were messy.

However, the consultant sees things differently from others. He can see the only and inconspicuous “face print” on the wall under poor lighting conditions, which is enough to show that this No information on the road escapes his observation, memory and analysis.

“There are footprints going up.” As soon as the advisor came out, Vanessa understood.

She also identified a few upward footprints on the ground, but she just replied casually: “What’s weird about this, the Templars who transported the treasure had to go through this passage. Come back to the ground.”

Seeing the lights in front of the consultant drift away, the consultant said, “Let’s follow the team first.”

Vanessa followed him again, picking up the pace slightly.

The consultant explained as he walked: “This passage is undoubtedly affected by some special force. After it was closed, many traces left 800 years ago have remained the same. I noticed the problem of footprints from the moment I entered. , almost the same as our newly left footprints, so it is of great reference value.” In fact, the consultant has probably guessed what the situation is in this passage, because it is connected to the fortress of the Dark Water Tribe, so this place should be affected by the interior of the ruins. Power influence.

In the fortress of the dark water tribe, living things cannot feel the physiological needs, the passage of time, etc. This is the characteristic produced by the facilities based on the “eternal core” energy. In fact, not only living things, but also matter in In this environment, it will also enter a state similar to no space and no time. This passage is not considered to be inside the ruins, it has already been affected. When the expedition team actually enters the ruins, this situation will inevitably become more obvious.

The consultant continued: “It’s hard to tell how many people went down back then. Everyone in our team was carrying equipment, and the Templars should all be carrying treasure when they went down. Knowing the weight data, it is very difficult to tell the difference from the depth of the footprint. So I will talk about the upward footprint.

All the steps from the top of the passage to the face, I only saw two of the footprints going up. But starting from the position of that face, so far, there are three people. Then…the disappearing footprint probably belongs to the owner of that face, and I see the footprints that came up from him, only the soles of the feet landed, deep and powerful, and with large strides, as if…”

“Escape?” Vanessa responded.

“Yes, run away.” The consultant replied: “The scene I can imagine is that when the person escaped to the location where the face print was left, something happened that caused his face to hit the wall. Note that there are no palm prints near the face. Whether a normal person is hit, pushed, or beaten, when his face hits the wall, his hands will always instinctively cover his face, or at least support it on the wall. Right, but not there.

And it’s a bit puzzling to me that the footprints have disappeared here, but no body is left. If there is a headless body nearby, and there is a human head on the stairs not far away, then it all makes sense. For example, when he escaped here, he was beheaded and his head flew towards the wall, but there was no body… Could it be that he was eaten by something after he died? “

“Don’t be mean and scary.” Vanessa said in a bad tone.

“If we’re in a gall test and you happen to be wearing a swimsuit and walking forward with my arm in your arms, that’s the right time to scare people.” Give an example of a time that I think is appropriate to be scary: “I’m just speculating normally now, and I think it’s your own problem to be afraid.”

“Okay, I’ve got you covered.” At this moment, Vanessa felt that the consultant was a freak. A normal person carefully inspected, took pictures, and took them back to analyze the conclusions. This guy just looked at it when he passed by, and got the same answer in his mind. That’s all, he can also instantly construct a situation like a courage test meeting in his mind for irony, if someone else said this, Vanessa must think that this person has been yy himself for many years, and has imagined n kinds of food. The scene of her tofu.

“Well… the footprints have increased again, which is interesting.” When he was about to catch up with the large troop in front, the advisor stopped again, and he flashed his flashlight under his feet: “Look, this is the fourth upward footprint, Like the owner of the face print, he is running.”

Vanessa glanced at her and asked, “What about the owners of the other two footprints? Even the two people who went up alive, did they also run up?”

“See for yourself.” The advisor’s flashlight was slightly skewed to the side: “Can you see clearly, these two footprints exist all the way to the top of the passage.”

“It’s like walking normally…” Vanessa wondered: “The people who walked successfully left, but the people who ran were interrupted.”

“It’s not surprising, people will run if there is danger chasing behind them.” The consultant took pictures of the walls on both sides, and even looked at the **** above his head: “The fourth footprint is missing here, but he did not No other imprints were left, and of course, no corpses.”

Vanessa thought for a while, then said: “I guess what happened between the Templars, maybe there was a conflict, and the lack of bodies is easy to explain, they may have died at the hands of the able, and That capable person has the means to destroy the corpse on the spot.”

“Well…it’s a reasonable explanation.” The consultant nodded: “But there is one more unusual thing.”

“Also?” Vanessa asked.

“Judging from the footprints, the number of people who went down is unknown, but it should be in the range of a few to a dozen people, and only two people came up in the end.” The consultant paused and said, “But… how? See, these are just the footprints left by the team that carried the treasure back and forth after one round trip. The two people who got out alive have different footprints, so it cannot be left by the same person going back and forth twice.” He looked back at Vanessa. : “Of course, it’s not just a matter of one or two people. My question is… Can the treasure of the Templars be transported in one round trip? How many people are needed in total?”

Vanessa was also stunned, her expression obviously changed: “Could it be… Is there another entrance to this ruin?”

The consultant shrugged and replied, “I don’t know that, but it is obviously impossible for more than 100 people to go down with a sack of treasure each. I prefer to believe that a total of a dozen people came down that year, and They have long known that this is a near-death experience, so they chose to take only the most valuable treasures in the treasure, and did not bring too much gold and silver.

The two who got out alive, they either divided the remaining gold and silver, or hid it somewhere else. There is also a very small chance that the two returned to the ruins again, and they had to transport more treasures in, but this time they failed to escape alive, so they did not leave any footprints for the second time. Of course, there are other possibilities. There are various possibilities. Just looking at the upward footprints, I can only speculate so much. “

Vanessa said: “Would you like to go to the front to lead the team…”

“It’s not necessary, in fact, these are just what I see in my eyes, and I naturally think of it, what does the life and death of those people have to do with me.” The consultant replied: “Besides, if I go to the front now, I will also look at it. Not much, based on my guesses about the depth of the channel…”

“Entrance found!” someone shouted from the front of the line.

The advisor tilts his neck and spreads his hands.

Vanessa always thought that the other party was just a hacker weaker than herself, and she was a little clever. It is not surprising that such a strength can become a military advisor of the Reverse Crusade. But after this section of the road, she only felt shivering, this kid is not just a little “smart”, he is not a normal human at all.

“From now on, don’t leave my sight, it’s better to stay within five meters of me.” Vanessa squinted at him: “If you dare to play any tricks, no matter how far away I can Launch, I advise you not to take risks.”

“Okay, I don’t care, this kind of surveillance is what I deserve.” The consultant smiled and walked down.

At this time, at the front of the team, the stairs at the end of the passage and the **** of the ruins form a funnel-shaped angle, but the **** is not very steep, although it seems that the **** is a black metal wall, the material is the same as that of the pyramid. There is no difference between the spires, which are also covered with tiny textures, but the unique vision of dark water can see through, that wall is just a It is similar to a virtual projection, and you can enter the ruins directly through it.

The problem is that below this layer of projection is a relatively large space. After passing through the inclined plane, it will fall, about a dozen meters in height. People with the same level of ability should jump down when they are prepared.

Darkwater walked to the end of the passage and stopped on the stairs. He didn’t touch the **** of the ruins, but was thinking about what would be reasonable for him to do. Because he’s going to play John DeSoto after all, so he can’t mess around. It was impossible for him to look back and say, “This wall is a projection, I can see through it, and I can visually detect that the drop below is more than ten meters without a flashlight.”

If he did this, Suyside would probably immediately ask: “What is the purpose of your coming to Earth?”

Dark Shui pondered for a long time, and thought of a countermeasure: just pretend to know nothing, step on the empty foot, and then quickly turn back and grab the stairs, so that others will pull him up, and the projection thing can be regarded as He “accidentally” found out. Then throw a pebble or something through the projection, tell them the depth, and have them prepare the rope.

(To be continued 89 Free Novels Read “”)

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