Sinmonger Chapter 11: Toilet

“As you said outside, this building claims to be on the 43rd floor, but it’s actually on the 44th floor. The extra floor is between the 14th and 13th floors. The elevator goes to No, the stairs can’t go through.” The consultant said to the accountant in the elevator: “Only the fourteenth to twenty-eighth floors of this building are leased to the outside world. The rest of the floors cannot be parked. This seems to be the common practice of many high-end commercial buildings to separate elevators, but in fact, it is the steel command to better conceal the structure of the building.

But this design is really good, no one is bored enough to stand in front of the building where they work and count how many floors there are, and the funny thing is, as far as I know, normal people can’t count without the help of their fingers. The number of high floors with more than 30 floors. “

The accountant asked: “What about the stairs, if someone takes the stairs, won’t they find that there is a problem with the number of floors?”

The consultant replied: “It’s enough to separate the stairwell. The stairwell to the thirteenth floor is built in the northeast corner of the building, and it is interrupted when it reaches the thirteenth floor. From there, the stairs to the twenty-eighth floor are built in The southwest corner, and then the stairs on the twenty-eighth floor that face upwards will be relocated, so that you can take advantage of the drop of the stairs, the slight inclination of the corridor, the dislocation of the building structure, etc., so that people cannot perceive the extra floor.”

“Since that’s the case, how can you enter that hidden floor without elevators and stairs? How did the people of the steel discipline get in?” the accountant said.

The consultant said: “There is a secret elevator that can lead to all floors except the fourteenth to twenty-eighth floors and the underground parking lot. However, the elevator is also very hidden, and the entrance to each floor is guarded. And you must hold a passport and pass the pupil test before you can use it, um… The most important thing is that we can’t go to those floors at all. You must know that those shell companies don’t have any ‘customers’, and you can meet anyone casually. Other than looking for the toilet, there is no trick to cheat.”

The accountant said: “Wait…why do you know so much about this building?”

“Before I came, I hacked into their main system and looked at the building structure, company branch, staffing, etc. I didn’t dare to change their data. If I found out, I would be shocked.” The consultant replied.

“Can’t you share this information with me beforehand?”

“I’m not sharing with you right now.” The consultant said: “Is there any problem with your ability to accept?”

The accountant was choked to death by his words, and he could only sigh and keep silent.

The elevator door just opened at this moment, and the consultant walked in front, leading the accountant straight to the bathroom.

There was no one to stop him along the way. When passing through the corridor, the consultant picked up a “cleaning” sign from the cleaner’s cart. When he arrived at the men’s bathroom, he confirmed that there was no one inside, so he hung the sign. On the gate, then shut, and tie the lock with the thread of truth.

The accountant said: “How is it now?”

The voice didn’t fall, but when the consultant’s palm was facing up and his index finger was slightly lifted, a piece of land one meter square in front of the two of them flew up. The tiles and the concrete below were cut into a neat piece, floating up After that, it never landed, apparently being carried by the thread of truth.

The accountant looked down at the excavated ground, which was actually a brightly colored alloy steel plate.

The consultant stuffed the piece of concrete back and said, “Although it’s not as good as pure alloy, I can’t do anything about this kind of hard metal.” He pointed to a compartment next to him: “By the way, The sewer is open.”

The accountant said: “We don’t have dark water, how can we sneak in through such a thin water pipe?” He lifted the big box in his hand: “And it’s useless for us to pass, the box has to pass.”

“That’s why I bought you time and used my abilities to invade.” The consultant said, “Don’t worry, I did call the advertising company yesterday to discuss it. Even if the security called the company’s front desk, they couldn’t find any flaws. When we got out of the elevator, I noticed that the focus of the surveillance was not on us, it seemed they just wanted to make sure we were on the 14th floor.

There are no surveillance cameras in the toilet, and there is more than one toilet on this floor. According to my estimation, no one will notice anything unusual here for at least 20 minutes. “

The accountant said: “Then if there is someone in the downstairs bathroom, and we just bump into it when we go down, wouldn’t we be a turtle in the urn immediately?”

The consultant said: “Although you and I are both paper-level capable people, we are not weak. As long as we go down, we don’t bump into a strong-level master who is trying to solve the problem, and we can completely subdue the opponent or kill him instantly. Well, don’t waste time, let’s do it quickly.”


Meanwhile, in the men’s bathroom on the thirteenth and one-halfth floor.

“That spicy fried shrimp was really good… uh…” A burly middle-aged man was sitting on the toilet, holding his inch with both hands, fighting against the pain of constipation on the third day . This floor was filled with high-ranking members of the Iron Commandment, and there were not many of them. No one wanted to come to this toilet after hearing his mournful moan.

This hard-working man is named Feng Buer. His position in the Steel Commandments is “Minister of Internal Affairs of the Province”. He sounds like a high-ranking official. , mainly to manage some chores, the status is higher than that of ordinary knights, basically equivalent to knights who are good at fighting.

Feng Bu’er’s name is immoral, and his surname is Zhao Qian Sun, Li Zhou, Wu Zheng Wang, but his surname is Feng, isn’t Feng Bu’er the character for “horse”? So, from now on, people gave you the nickname Bi Ma Wen, who made you have a relationship with Ma, and also got such a tasteless position.

But this guy is really a powerful Before the European Continent was in flames, the Steel Commandments dispatched a lot of combat power from all over the world to the headquarters. But he was omitted because Feng Buer was considered a member of the administrative department.

This thing has to start with the system of the Steel Commandment. Except for the supreme leader, there are two sets of civil and military teams within the Steel Commandment, and the people on the two lines have different divisions of labor. In the line of the text, the chief priest is the highest position, and the next level is the inspector general of the Holy Land (finance, personnel, trade), the flag officer (there are several people at the beginning of this level), the inspector general of the province, and the last level is the inspector general. Provincial Interior Minister, these are only established positions, and the Holy Land Inspector General can also have secretaries, record managers, entourages and other staff.

As for Wu’s team, the upper level is relatively clear, but the basic level of combat power is very finely divided. Knight captain, elite knight, good knight, knight, sergeant.

Of course, there are some vague positions at the bottom, such as the legion entourage, senior priest, and priest. Because of their low status, they are similar to ordinary knights, and no one cares about the position of a group of deputy squad leaders.

As soon as the war started, the Europeans took away all the people on the “Wu” line. The administrative staff were left behind to continue to run the resistance organizations in various places, so Feng Buer, who was like a gentleman, did not go to the battlefield.

At the same time, he also became one of the few remaining masters of the Iron Commandment in Kaifeng.

“Ah…” Feng Bu’er let out a long howl, indicating that the black eagle has fallen.

However, when he reached out, he found a problem. There was no more paper in this compartment…

Just as his expression twitched, a strange sound came from the ceiling.

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