Silver Overlord Chapter 863: Reverse

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“What, the seven chapters of Satu are finished, and all of them have been destroyed by the Han people?” Prince Tamiba was stunned first, and then furious, his eyes overflowed, staring at the person who reported to him, “Those Are the seven Satu divisions pigs, even if they are pigs, all of them are thrown on the grassland to let the Han people kill, and you ca n’t kill them in two days. You tell me that the Han army is only 30,000, how can it be in a few days? We wiped out all the seven parts of Shatu, eh? Dare to lie about military affairs, are you too long … “

When saying this, Tamiba was in an ordinary small tent in the Hei Capri Camp, away from the main account of the camp, surrounded by a stable, surrounded by a lot of forage, living in the tent , You can even smell the smell of horse dung. Prince Tamiba wears a worn-out gown with a delicate human skin mask and a groom’s appearance, except for a few major generals and The cronies around him, the entire Black Capricorn Great Camp, almost no one knows the prince of Tamiba, who has now become a horseman in the Great Camp Guards.

After hearing that the Han had issued a killing order, especially after knowing how many grasses his head could get from the Han, the cunning Prince Tamiba did not stay in the main account anymore, but changed his face and changed. Became a coachman in his personal barracks, he left one of his substitutes in the main account, and he was hidden behind his back, remotely commanding the entire camp, at the beginning, several cronies around him also felt Tamiba is a little too careful. This is the barracks of more than one hundred thousand troops. Why not be so careful, but, after a while, those who think Prince Tamiba is too careful finally know how much Tamiba does this. Wise.

Just a few days ago, a terrifying Chinese strongman rushed into the camp of the Black Capricorn in broad daylight and took away the head of Prince Tamiba ’s substitute. In that battle, Thai Prince Miba ’s guards damaged half of the horse and other sergeants damaged hundreds of people. In addition to Prince Tamiba ’s stand-in, the war priest Kadar was also smashed by the incoming people. Tens of the entire black capricorn camp In front of that strong Chinese man, the multi-million army is nothing.

It was not until after this incident that the Hei Karen people inquired through various relationships that the strong Han Chinese who had taken the head of Prince Tamiba in the Hei Karen Daying that day was one of the four major gates of the Han Empire The elders of the Lingshan School are unscrupulous.

The time when Hua Wuji came, he scared the entire army of Heiqi people. Only then did they realize that although the court of the Han dynasty was over, the masters of the Han dynasty were still strong. The war potential is still there. Those people may not have intervened in the border wars before, but the reward for killing Hu Ling is too tempting, and even these top Zongmen strongmen ca n’t help but shoot.

To be honest, since his substitute had lost his head, Prince Tamiba had fear in his heart and wanted to withdraw his troops, but hesitated a bit. Now that the situation of the Gulang grassland, but he finally hit down, yes For the Black Capricorn and the Snake God tribe, this is a rare opportunity for a hundred years. So scared away by a killing order of the Han people, it is unreasonable to arch the Gulang grassland, and therefore he was hesitant. A few days later, Temiba decided to stay. On the one hand, he contracted the strength of the Black Capricorn, and did not give the Han people an opportunity. On the one hand, he looked forward to the chaotic and turbulent situation in the Han Chinese that could spread to the northwest. At this time, this killing Hu Ling is a joke, and the threat can be lifted naturally.

Knowing that this time Qiyun ’s Fufu sent troops to the 7th Shatuo, Taimi Ba was overjoyed. He thought that with the current strength of the 7th Shatuhu, even if he could not wipe out the army sent by Qiyundu ’s Fufu, he insisted that For half a year and a year, letting the army sent by Qi Yundu ’s guards be exhausted and the soldiers will be completely exhausted. Whether it is both sides defeated or one side is finally destroyed, it is good news for him.

It was just that Tamiba did not expect that it was less than half a month after Qi Yundu’s mansion sent troops to the 7th Shatuo, but someone came to tell him that the 7th Shatuo had been destroyed. The army of the Hufu seems to have not much damage. It still has a strong military capacity and high morale. It seems that he is opening towards his own camp. How can he accept and how can he believe?

If it were n’t that the person in the report was a close friend of his own, Tamiba, who was furious, had already cut down the person in front of him to make adult fruit and eat it.

“This … this is the news from the spies we sent. The news from the three waves of spies is the same. There are still a few waves of spies. They will not return when they are sent out …” Khan did n’t dare to lift his head, his voice said intermittently, “According to the news from our spies, Qi Yundu ’s protection of the Han army led by Yan Liqiang seems to be different from the other Han army we know. Almost half of the Han Chinese are archers … “

“Papa …” Tamiba slapped on the face of the talking black captain general, and the whole person approached the face in front of the informant general, staring at the person’s eyes with cannibalistic eyes. The breath he spit out was sprayed on the man ’s face. “The archers in so many of our armies are less than 4,000. The archers of the entire zombie tribe are now in our large camp. Their There are more than 15,000 archers in the 30,000 army, where did the Hans have so many battle bows? Do n’t tell me that the Hans used the bamboo bow to destroy the seven parts of the Shatu. Have all the archers in the northwest been brought in? “

“His Royal Highness is angry … this … I … I do n’t know …”

“Waste, I don’t know how to send someone to inquire clearly. Do I have to teach you this kind of thing?” Tamiba pushed the person in front of him to the ground with a nostril like a spitting fire. Shouted, “Get out of here, send me all the spies, find out clearly and come to me to report …”

“Yes, yes, yes …” The black captain general nodded and retreated towards the door of the tent, that is, at the moment he just opened the tent and wanted to leave, the light shimmered The sharp blade of the sword had already emerged from the chest of the black captain general, and fixed the figure of the black captain general at the door of the tent.

Seeing this scene, Prince Tamiba did not want to think about it. The whole person roared, his body was full of energy, and I did not know where to draw a short knife. While throwing the short knife towards the front, the whole person’s body Shaped, retreated sharply, broke the tent at once, and retreated towards the back …

It ’s just that Prince Tamiba did n’t notice that when he retreated, the shadow under his feet seemed to be a step faster than him, and he posted it all at once. Behind him.

While not waiting for Prince Tamiba to roar, he felt his neck cool, and his body seemed to lighten at once.

In the last second of his life, he saw a headless corpse that seemed similarly falling down, and heard a strange and cold sound resounding in his ears, the voice laughed softly, “Hua Wuji didn’t get your head, we have received it from the Netherworld. It takes a lot of effort to lock you down …”

Netherworld? There was a vague thought in Prince Tamiba ’s head. The name he had heard of seemed to be a mysterious top killer organization in the Han Empire …

It was dark outside the tent. It was the night that the killing that had just happened here was over in less than a second. There was no shouting, no sound of weapons colliding, only a little movement when the tent broke open , But no one noticed.

Two men in black with black facial tissues stand here. One is holding Prince Tamiba ’s head, while the other in black stands at the door of the tent with a glimmer of light. Just cut off the head of the black captain general who had just reported to Prince Tamiba ~ ~ took it in his hand, “Hey, do n’t waste it, this is two thousand acres of grassland, and it ’s enough for silver. It took me a while … “

“The task is completed, let’s go …” said the black man with Tammy’s head, his figure instantly changed into a shadow, and suddenly disappeared in place at once, another black man gently A smile and blinking kung fu disappeared.

It has been almost a quarter of an hour, and the patrolled black captains passed by the stables and found the anomaly here, and the fierce shouts began to resound in the camp.

In the middle of the night, when the Hei Capricorn Camp was in a state of panic and the Six Gods had no Lord, the skylight was burned from the place where the Hei Capricorn Camp was stacked with grass and grass, and more than a dozen brave Rangers In the meantime, I directly caught the fire in the camp and touched the heads of dozens of black capricorns …

From the moment the fire rose, this night, there were dozens of waves of harassment of the rangers and civil groups of the Hei Capri Camp. The entire Hei Capi Camp, for a whole night, people shouted Ma Si, almost no Stopped and waited until the next day for breakfast. The entire Hei Capricorn camp fryed again. More than 3,000 Hei Capri warriors started vomiting and diarrhea just after eating breakfast. Then they became cold and convulsed. After a quarter of an hour, Qiqiao began to bleed, and then died stiffly, apparently in the unknown poison …

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