Silver Overlord Chapter 825: Raid

“We have been staring at this small tribe of Satu people for two days. This tribe has been very cautious. There are few people who have left the team alone. The guards are also very strict. We have never found a start. Chances are that if tomorrow this small tribe joins with the other seven tribes of Shatu, then it will be even harder for us to start! “Zuo Yuquan said with a deep voice, his eyes turned on several people’s faces,” I I want to ask everyone, are we going to give up now, find another opportunity, or prepare to vote for him … “

The rangers in this team are all brought together temporarily, there is no so-called leader, and there are not many people in the team, so these important decisions are all to be discussed, and they are now in everyone ’s hands There are only two choices in front of you, either give up this goal, or take the risk to take a fight. Of course, even the so-called fight is not to let these people in front of you to destroy this small tribe, but Choosing an opportunity to cut a few heads, and then quickly leave, not to lose everyone’s effort in the past two days.

“If you want to start, this is really a fight. Everyone needs to think about it …” Mao Taishun lowered his voice. “Even if we cut a few heads and leave immediately, we will definitely be behind It ’s hard to say if they can be hunted down by these Satu people, so everyone should consider carefully … “

Several people pondered.

“Brother Zuo, what do you mean?” Zhao Bing pondered and asked Zuo Yuquan. Although Zuo Yuquan is not a leader, but because he is experienced and the organizer of the team, he is in The temporary team is a bit like a leader.

“I ’m not going to say it first, so as not to affect everyone ’s judgment. After all, this is not a trivial matter. It ’s good to fight or walk. Think about it, one is to die, the other is to give up the opportunity before you. “Zuo Yuquan said quietly, and then glanced at Yan Liqiang,” Brother Wang, let’s talk about your thoughts first. Will Brother Wang want to fight or want to go? “

Zuo Yuquan said this, everyone’s eyes were focused on Yan Liqiang’s face.

Yan Liqiang pondered for a while, “We have been in this Gulang grassland for quite a few days. Everyone should be able to feel the situation these days. The people of the seven Satu divisions have also learned to be smart, or rather afraid of being killed By the way, there are fewer and fewer Satu people, they are all holding together, and they are gathering, I guess even if we give up this time, but want to meet a smaller number of this tribe, it is easier to start. Tribes, I ’m afraid it ’s also difficult, or even impossible. Instead of missing the opportunity in front of me, I think it ’s better to give it a try … “

“Well, Brother Wang wants to fight?”

“Yes, I want to stay and fight!” Yan Liqiang said simply, “Although these Satu people are crowded, but these two days follow, they are not completely free of holes, for example, at night After these Satu people fall asleep, the defense will be lax and there will be many places that can’t be taken care of. I think it is our chance. As long as we plan well, we can definitely do it before these Satu people react. The last ticket quickly left … “

“Brother Jia, what do you mean?” Zuo Yuquan asked Jia Lang again.

Jia Lang ’s eyes turned flexibly, and then he smiled, “I think Brother Wang made sense, these Shatu people are gathering together, if we miss this opportunity in front of us, the Shatu people we meet in the future The number of tribes may be more, and the precautions are stricter. The nerves of these Satu people have been stretched a little bit tight these days. I guess they think they can converge with other tribes tomorrow. Maybe they will be a little lax tonight. It ’s us. Opportunity to start! “

“What does Brother Mao mean?”

Mao Taishun’s face changed for a while, and then he made up his mind, “Granny, it’s dry. The crossbow I bought from Lao Tzu hasn’t been profitable yet. It just came in handy tonight!”

“Brother Zhao means?”

“Dry!” Zhao Bing threw the grass stem twisted on his hand to the ground and said a word coldly.

“How Big Brother Zuo decides me, how do I decide!” Xu Meng did not wait for Zuo Yuquan to ask questions, and said in an angry voice.

A smile appeared on Zuo Yuquan ’s face, “I mean the same as everyone ’s, this is our chance, let ’s just **** him!”

Everyone agrees and decides to start tonight, everyone is excited, the rest is the question of how to start, but the latter question is relatively simple, because they do n’t have many people, everyone ’s The purpose is also to the head of the Satu people, then there is only one way, that is to quietly touch the outer periphery of the Satu camp after midnight. If you can get rid of the outermost camps of a few Satu people, it ’s enough. The rest There are only a few things to be discussed. How to avoid the guards of the Shatu people? If the whereabouts of the people are exposed and found, how should they evacuate, what is the solution …

After the discussion was decided, everyone began to prepare, nourish their spirits, eat and replenish their strength, while continuing to observe the situation of the Shatu camp, while waiting for the sky to darken.

As the sun sets, the sky across the grassland is like a black sky, and it quickly dims.

At this time, the Shatu people who had been busy for a day began to settle down. They returned to their camps, ate, and rested. The security team in the camp outside the Shatu people gradually recovered into the camp.

After a few hours, it was completely into the night. The fire in the Satu camp was gradually reduced and extinguished. Finally, there was no trace of light. Even the brazier in the camp was extinguished. There were only a few in the entire camp. The Shatu people were still walking in the tent. After two hours, even the Shatu people were walking away. On the whole grassland, only the cry of the wolf came faintly from a distance, and near , Are the sound of insects, and the sound of grass and waves blown by the wind, the whole world is quiet.

Yan Liqiang waited like a wolf and waited another two hours. After feeling that all the Shatu people in the camp were sleeping soundly, they finally started to act.

People took their horses with horse bites to prevent them from making noises, and then they pulled the rhinoceros horses out of the back of the small earth hill, followed the dense grass and approached the camp step by step.

If it ’s daytime, the people certainly dare not do this. The daytime vision is good, and there are vigilance outside the Satu camp. When they come out like this, they are naturally exposed, but this is night, although there is still a little light in the sky, but The visibility of the average person is only 100 meters. If this horse is placed too far from the Satu people ’s camp, once everyone ’s actions are discovered, then they will be chased by the Satu people on a rhinoceros horse. The place where it is going to be overtaken, so everyone must take their mounts close enough to the Satu camp, and it is convenient to run after waiting for the hands.

The rhinoceros horses and people walked quietly. The crowd led the horse like this. They walked slowly and carefully, slowly approaching the Shatu people ’s camp. The crowd walked for more than half an hour. I have been pulling the horses less than one kilometer away from the outermost camp of the Satu people, and then stopped. Then I used a pile of forks on the saddle to fix the reins of the rhinoceros horses on the ground. The rhinoceros horse ran away, and then quickly began to cat the waist and run towards the Satu camp …

Yan Liqiang held the bow and ran at the forefront. He had the best eyesight and was good at bows and arrows. He could reach far, so in this operation, he was responsible for opening the road, alerting, and cutting off his head after breaking. To the other five people, all the brains obtained in this operation will be divided equally after the final inventory. If the brains cannot be divided equally, the income of the brains will be divided equally.

When he ran more than two hundred meters away from the Shatu camp, Yan Liqiang squatted down and raised his hand. The people who followed him squatted down quickly, hiding in the grass.

“What’s wrong?” Zuo Yuquan asked in a low voice.

“The alert team is coming …”

Zuo Yuquan nodded his head. At this distance, Zuo Yuquan could only vaguely see the tent of the Shatu silhouette in front of him. At this time, everyone could only listen to Yan Liqiang.

About two minutes later, in the eyes of everyone, it was seen that under a dim light, a patrol of more than 30 saturns passed by the camp in front.

“These Shatu dogs are smart enough to go to school, and the night watch team does not use torches but horse lanterns …” Mao Taishun murmured.

“The torches are too conspicuous at night, and these Satu people are also afraid to attract the enemy, so they changed to the lanterns. Those lanterns, speaking of it, are still our Han Empire …” Zuo Yuquan said in a low voice.


After the patrol of the Satu team left, the crowd did not move, but continued to lie on their stomachs, so that they lay on the ground for about ten minutes before another team of patrols passed by.

When the team left, Yan Liqiang turned his head, “The time for everyone to start and evacuate is less than half a quarter of an hour. If it is not found within half a quarter of an hour, we must leave …”

Everyone nodded clearly. The key to this operation was that they could not be discovered by the Shatu people. After they were found, they could not be entangled. Just a few of them. Once they were entangled by the Shatu people, they could not evacuate in time. , There is only one dead end.

Seeing that the patrol team was far away, Yan Liqiang stood up at once and ran quickly towards the Sarto camp. The man was already drawing a dagger from his waist while running. When the camp was less than 100 meters, Yan Liqiang had thrown out the dagger on his hand.

The dagger flew out of Yan Liqiang silently, followed by Zuo Yuquan and others who were behind Yan Liqiang, only to hear a slight muffled sound from the grass in front of him. The big wolf dog raised by the Shatu people is lying in the grass, and has been hit in the chest by Yan Liqiang’s dagger. Without saying a word, he has been killed …

Everyone was frightened with cold sweat. No one had found the dog lying here just now. If everyone had just rushed over in such a hurry just now, they did n’t wait to get close to the Shatu people ’s camp. Then give up all your efforts, and you will be discovered by these Satu people at once ~ ~ And Yan Liqiang not only found this dog, but also silently killed this dog with a flying knife tens of meters away, it is really Well done, all of a sudden resolved the first crisis of everyone.

Yan Liqiang pulled the dagger out of the dog again, and continued to rush towards the camp tent. With a blink of an eye, everyone came to the outermost tent of the Shatu people …

At this time, Jia Lang revealed his ability. Jia Lang quickly pulled out a dagger and a thin copper pipe from his body. At the door of the tent, he squatted on the ground and used it quietly. The dagger lifted the curtain inside, then extended the copper tube, lit a thing with him with a firefolder, took a mouthful of himself, and quickly sucked the smoke of that thing into the mouth, and then aimed the mouth at that A copper pipe blows the smoke from his mouth into the tent.

After finishing this, Jia Lang also took out a few pills from a pill bottle on his body to let everyone put it in his mouth. Then Xu Meng took a big knife to open the curtain of the tent and rushed to the rescue Among the tents, the muffled sound of the sharp edge sounded in the tent …………

Jia Lang was not idle. When Xu Meng entered the tent, his small copper tube had reached into the second tent next to it, and Zhao Bing rushed in afterwards …

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