Silver Overlord Chapter 749: Crime

“Wow ……” A pot of cold water splashed from the head, and Sima Qingshan, who had just been stunned by Yan Qing, woke up leisurely.

Walking Sima Qingshan found herself lying on the ground, looking at the surrounding environment, it was nowhere else, it was in the Huwei Hall in Lumingguan, Yan Liqiang was sitting on the main seat in the lobby, squinting Looking at him, there was no defensive army in Luming Pass in the lobby at the moment. They were all the people of Yan Liqiang, several officers in Luyuan, and the guards in the royal palace in military uniforms, all in the lobby. One by one, he was staring at him with a sword around his waist.

Sima Qingshan turned her head again. The heads of the two guards Zhou Shouren and Zhou Gongzi in Luquan County were lying on the table next to them. The two heads were still staring until this time. The thief was so big, he looked at the Sima T-shirt close by, and was completely awakened by the shock of the Sima T-shirt.

“You … who are you?” Sima Qingyi asked Yan Liqiang with a trembling voice.

Since Yan Liqiang had reported himself from the house, Sima Qingshan had fainted, so he did n’t hear what Yan Liqiang said. When he woke up at the moment, Sima Qingshan immediately understood that the young man in front of him was killing. Such as thunder, it is not an ordinary officer in Yuqian Mabu Division who can cut the head of the county guard with a sword when he sees it.

“I am Yan Liqiang!”

“Ah!” Sima Qingshan was shocked for a moment, and the whole person was dumbfounded. “You are the governor of the Qihan Empire who invented the four-wheeled carriage and the wool cloth. The general of Shaofu Tiangong and the Prince of Archery Yan Liqiang …”

Yan Liqiang smiled, “Haha, you have heard my name!”

Sima Qingshan has not only heard that, for ordinary people, this name may be only slightly heard, but for people like him who are mixed in the officialdom, this name is almost like a ring.

I was shocked, Sima Qingshan was dry, and swallowed a spit, and my head quickly flew up, thinking about his current situation and chances of life. At this time, Yan Liqiang kept the head of the father and son in the county. It ’s all cut off, then it ’s just a sentence to cut off his head, and the reason why Yan Liqiang let himself live is that it will be useful to his own place. Thinking of this, Sima Qingshan could n’t help but look back. A glance at the direction of Huweitang ’s doorway, “At that moment … in Lumingguan …”

“The father and son of the Zhou family in Luquan County are cruel and murderous. They have been guilty of rebellion. Their first evil is dead. They are innocent. I’ll sell my life to the father and son of the Zhou family again! “Yan Liqiang said calmly.” I haven’t embarrassed them. In addition to letting them temporarily close the Luming Pass, they can now move freely within the Luming Pass! “

Listening to Yan Liqiang ’s words, Sima Qingshan slowly recovered from the panic. “Why did Lord Yan keep my life?”

Yan Liqiang smiled lightly, “Each one is his master. You are a mentor for Zhou Shouren’s men. You eat his salaries and are sent by him to work for Zhou Shouren. It is your duty, even if you plan for him. It ’s me, but you and I do n’t have any personal grievances. I came to Luquan County and I did n’t come here to kill people. If it’s not necessary, I really don’t want to get more bloody! ”

Yan Liqiang’s words made Sima Qingshan stay for a while, and then Sima Qingyi sighed, “I am ashamed of my wrists and hearts, thank you for taking my life, I don’t know what the difference is.”

“The important pass like Lu Mingguan is to pass. At this moment, there are less than two thousand defenders. Where did the others go, and where did the Luquan County Warlord Xiong Siwu go? Should I remind you?” Yan Liqiang Pointing to the heads of Zhou Shouren and his sons, “You take a few people and bring these two heads of Zhou’s father and son to Xiong Siwu and tell him that I have Jinju prince family members in his team, and Xiong Siwu wants to take the whole family The old man was buried impatiently for these two dead people, and lived impatiently. Although he went to black in one lane, he became his bandit gangster in Gaoyi County. If he came back, the matter of Zhou ’s father and son had nothing to do with him. I do n’t know who is in my convoy. This account will not be counted on him! “

The face of Sima Qingshan was completely disappointed, her lips trembling slightly, “It turns out … Lord Yan has already … already know …”

“Haha, the so-called father must have his son, Zhou son is so virtuous, and Zhou Shouren will be better. I take his son and cut his son ’s ears, he will not be angry, but will come to admit me wrong. If he is so sympathetic, how could his son be lawless in Luquan County, even the horses and horses of Yuqian Mabusi dare to move? I heard that Luquan County Warden Xiong Siwu is a black man with a height of seven feet like a tower, and is stationed all the year round. At Lu Mingguan, on the occasion just now, the people who accompanied Zhou Shouren did not have the Luquan County Warden. I knew that there must be fraud. Our identity is that of the former Ma Busi. Lu Ming closed the door, Zhou Shouren did not dare to do anything, so I guess he must want to wait for us to let his son, leave Lu Mingguan to enter Gaoyi County, and then start. The mountains in Gaoyi County are high in forests and dense canyons. If Xiong Siwu took four or five thousand people to ambush in dangerous places, pretend to be bandits, thieves or even people with white lotus religion, even if they killed us, others would n’t suspect Zhou Shouren ’s head. Do you think I ’m right? Yesterday? The official said that it was only to gain a day for the Luquan County Warlord’s action. If Zhou Shouren was willing to bow his head, we had already left Lu Mingguan yesterday, and really thought he would give us something to eat by making his foot gesture. Am I going to be fooled? Haha, I think this strategy should be yours. Zhou Shouren ’s kind of stupid man with an intestinal fat, I ca n’t think of such a crooked poisonous strategy … “

Listening to Yan Liqiang, Sima Qingyi crawled on the ground, his head dared not lift, his body shivered, this poisonous plan was originally proposed by him, he thought this plan was perfect, and there would be no mistakes, Zhou Shouren was also very satisfied. He did n’t expect his strategy to be in Yan Liqiang ’s eyes, but there were flaws everywhere. It was almost useless. This is a blow to a Sima Tsingtao who pretends to be wise. People stripped their clothes and walked the streets to show the public.

“Please also … Adults forgive sins!” Sima Qingshan’s voice shivered.

“I have already said that we are the masters of each other, and I don’t blame you!” Yan Liqiang waved his hand. “We are still in a hurry, so go back quickly …”

“Adult, Sima Qingshan has something to ask for!”

“Oh, what’s the matter!” Sima Qingshan thought about something and thoughts. Yan Liqiang already knew it, but on the surface he still pretended not to know.

The Sima T-shirt with his head down suddenly raised his head and looked at Yan Liqiang. The affection on his face seemed to burst out with great courage, and he suddenly became firm, “If the adults do n’t dislike, I Sima The T-shirt is willing to follow the adults, and will serve the adults for the rest of his life! “

“You want to follow me, how can I believe you will not betray me?”

Sima Qingyi gritted her teeth, “If the adult agrees, I will tell people this time after I went out, this time I actively disclosed the strategy of the county guardian to the adult, so that everyone knows that my seller is asking Rong, besides being around adults, the world is so big that there will be no place for our Sima Qing shirt! “

Yan Liqiang could n’t help but look at Sima Qingshan more, “You are kind to yourself!”

“Good birds choose wood for habitat, and adults have a heart-thinking means. Sima Qingshan is unmatched. Sima Qingshan is a scribe. I would like to admire the adult Jiwei, and hope that the adult will be gracious!”

“You first bring Xiong Siwu and his men first and then talk!”

“Yes!” Sima Qingshan got up, forcibly saluted Yan Li, and left Huweitang with the head of Zhou’s father and son.

Looking at the leaving figure of Sima Qingyi, Yan Liqiang rubbed his chin, and said that this Sima Qingyi is a bit interesting!

After a few minutes, Sima Qingyi took a flag sergeant selected from Sergeant Lumingguanzhong, rode the rhinoceros horse, and took the heads of the Zhou family father and son directly out of Lumingguan, toward Gaoyi County ’s The direction rushed.

The sergeants in Lumingguan saw that even the pianist counselor beside Junshou was fine, and they were able to freely leave several sergeants in Lumingguan to leave Lumingguan. When he came down, he didn’t dare to think any more.

Until Sima Tsingtao left, Liu Xi also came to inform. Before that, Zhou Shouren also brought several doormen from his family to Lumingguan. The doormen just saw Lu Shouren killed in Lumingguan. , The situation was not right in Lumingguan, so he fled towards Gaoyi County in chaos …

“Oh, how many people are running away from the Zhou family?”


“Who are they?”

“That is, Zhou Shouren has entrapped a few rivers and lakes, whose cultivation is neither low nor high, but there are some rivers and lakes means …”

“Never mind, escape, escape!” Yan Liqiang smiled and waved his hand, “Tell my brothers that we may spend the night in Luming Pass tonight ~ ~ Let everyone be a little alert!”


Liu Xi and Tong had just left, and the lady named Ying Luo, who was beside Rong Guifei, came again and said that Rong Guifei and several ladies asked Yan Liqiang to speak in the back hall …

“I would like to ask, are there some ladies in Duan Fei, Rui Fei, and Yi Fei?”

“Several maidens are here. The incident just made some maidens a little frightened. The maidens do n’t know what happened yet, so the maiden wants to ask Master Yan to ask!”

I heard that Duan Fei was there. They wanted to see themselves together. It was n’t that Rong Guifei wanted to see herself alone. Yan Liqiang secretly breathed a sigh of relief and said to the maiden, “Then please take the lead!”

“I’m just a maidservant next to my mother-in-law, and Master Yan must not be called a sister. If Master Yan doesn’t dislike it, then call me Ying Luo!” .

“Well, I will call you Yingluo in the future!” Yan Liqiang laughed, and this lady named Yingluo beside Rong Guifei was too smart. No wonder she would be weighed by Rong Guifei and lean on her heart … ()

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