Silver Overlord Chapter 523: Zhong’s visit

Looking at the back view of Zhou Guanjia leaving, Yan Liqiang is sitting on a chair in the flower hall. A person is quietly thinking about what to do next. Some things, once started, can never stop.

Yan Liqiang asked people to collect the wool, and the wool was collected not for viewing, but for use.

It’s also a very strange thing to say, because Yan Liqiang discovered a phenomenon from the time he came to this world, that is, this world seems to have no wool textile technology at all, and the entire Han Empire has almost no wool textiles. The raw materials for the clothes people wear are coarse, burlap, satin, silk, various yarns, various brocades, even animal skins, various cottons, various linens, various Silk fabrics are varied and meet the needs of people of different classes. Only woolen textiles, even the most common woolen textiles, have never appeared.

Yan Liqiang has seen a lot of people wearing sheepskin, but only people wearing woolen textiles have never seen Yan Liqiang.

At the beginning, Yan Liqiang thought that this was the case only for the Han Empire, but later he discovered that it was not only the Han Empire, but people in this world. At least so far, he simply did not master the simple and effective wool processing technology. The first process that wool wants to turn into textiles is the most technical first level, that is, the degreasing of wool, and this situation has become an insurmountable mountain, blocking wool in Outside the door of textile raw materials.

Yan Liqiang also heard that some nomadic tribes have woolen textiles, but there are few such nomadic woolen textiles and few people wear them. They are not popularized and promoted at all. Yan Liqiang has seen such woolen textiles once before Not to mention anything else, that kind of textiles become worn like a jacket and waistcoat. A few meters away, you can smell the fishy smell on it, which can smoke people up. This is that the wool is not completely degreased Something that was forced to be made at the time, and that kind of clothes is very unattractive, the processing process should be very rough, look dirty and gray, the wool on it all condensed into a lump, it is not as good as the lowest grade coarse cloth, even wearing sheepskin Better than that.

The degreasing of wool is an impossible task for others, and for Yan Liqiang, thanks to the knowledge reserves of the previous life left in the brain, the degreasing of wool is simple for him Extreme thing.

Wool without defatting is a pile of unusable garbage, and the defatted wool can be turned into spinning after a simple treatment. With spinning, beautiful warm wool cloth and wool and cotton and linen A variety of blended fabrics can be easily manufactured, and the wool textile industry can also be developed. From the perspective of the development level and profit of the cotton fabric industry, if a little technical means is added to increase production efficiency, the wool textile industry can be developed into Profiteering industry. This is not Yan Liqiang’s arbitrary judgment, but something that has been confirmed in the history of Yan Liqiang’s previous life.

The Han Empire is a huge market! Take the lead in eating crabs first, and the skill of wool skimming will spread out in a blink of an eye.

There are not many places where sheep can be raised in Ganzhou and the northwestern states. Many places are wilderness and do not have grass. The number of sheep that can be raised is limited. However, the Gulang grassland near the northwest is a natural big pasture!

One side is rich in profits and scarce wool resources, while the other side is occupied by the seven Satu divisions, which can raise many sheep. In principle, it is the Gulang grassland belonging to the territory of the Han Empire. This is a contradiction!

Capital escapes turmoil and disputes, and its nature is timid. This is true, but not all truth. Capital fears that there is no profit or too little profit, just as nature fears a vacuum. Once there is a proper profit, capital is bold. If it has a profit of 10, it will be guaranteed to be used everywhere; if it has a profit of 20, it will become active; if it has a profit of 50, it will take risks; for a profit of 100, it will dare to trample on all human laws; if it has a profit of 300, It dares to commit any crime, even risking a nod. If turmoil and strife can bring profits, it will encourage turmoil and strife.

This is Marx’s words. What drives capital is actually human nature. Human nature will make the most suitable decision when conflicts arise!

And all you need is to be ready, then press the start button, and step on the accelerator again. The historical train will rush towards the front with huge inertia …

This kind of perspective and vision is unavailable to other people in this world, which is also Yan Liqiang ’s real killer.

As Yan Liqiang combed the thoughts in his head, Yu Qing ’s little girl had come to the flower hall lightly and stood in front of Yan Liqiang, with a twitchy and disturbed look.

“Cough … what’s wrong, it’s not good to see you, is there anybody in this Yan family who dares to bully me?” Yan Liqiang originally wanted to squeeze the little girl’s face, but in The moment I wanted to stretch out my hand, I saw the little girl’s body that had begun to develop rapidly, and her pretty face with a peach blossom color. I felt that the gesture of pinching the face was too ambiguous, so I held it back and coughed. Two times, he smiled and asked.

“Young Master, are you … would you like to get married with the Miss Lu family …” Yu Qing lowered her head, rubbed her clothes corner, and asked in a whisper in a mosquito-like voice.

“Oh, who are you listening to?”

“Everyone in the family knows it, even Wu Ma knows it. They all said that the son had gone to the Lu family two days ago to settle the family affairs!”

“Yes, the Lu family and I have indeed finalized the relatives. After waiting for three years, I will marry the Miss Lu family after my weak crown!” Yan Liqiang said frankly.

“That son … Will you still want me after marrying Miss Lu, will you drive me away?” Yu Qing raised her small face and looked at Yan Liqiang’s eyes with anxious eyes.

“Yes, of course, who said I do n’t want you, unless you want to marry someone later, I will prepare a thick dowry for you and marry you like a sister! “

Yu Qing quickly shook her head and said, “I will not marry … I will never marry in my whole life, I like to be with my son all my life and serve my son!”

Yan Liqiang was only a joke of a little girl, and nodded, “Yes, as long as you like it, you will always follow, I will never drive you away!”

“Is the son serious?”

“Boldly, you little girl dare to question the words of the governor Qi Yunduhu, the first arch master and emperor of the Northwestern Han Dynasty, and the son of the four outstanding young men in Liuhe Town, Qinghe County, Pingxi County? Yan Liqiang pretended to raise his face, and bluffed to Yu Qing, “Where there is fake what the son said!”

This little girl Yu Qing froze for two seconds before it reflected what the series of words that Yan Liqiang said just now, but in a flash, the little girl laughed like a flower, “I know that the best son is the best!” After finishing this, the little girl ran away, and after she ran out of the door, she showed a pretty face from the door again, “Yes, I almost forgot, Ma Wu asked me to ask what the son wanted to eat at night , Ma Wu wants to teach me to cook for my son … “

“Haha, I haven’t eaten Wu Ma’s meals for a long time, then tell Wu Ma to come with a taro ball and a braised pork!”

“Good …” The little girl ran away with a string of silver bell-like laughter.

In the evening, Yan Dechang returned with a smile. Obviously, the opening of the water and fire mill today made him very happy, that is, when the father and son were eating together, Yan Dechang suddenly remembered something, “Yes, Li Qiang , There is one thing to discuss with you! “

“What’s the matter?”

“Several older people in Liugonghe Town came to me today ~ ~ said that according to our customs in Ganzhou and Northwest, our family repaired the fort wall of Liuhe Town to protect the town ’s folks For our safety, this town of Liuhe will be renamed. In the future, this town of Liuhe will have the surname of Yan. People will know at a glance that this is the site of the Yan family! “

“Ah, there are such rules!” Yan Liqiang looked at Yan Dechang with some surprise, but when he remembered Lujiazhuang, he was relieved. It is estimated that Lujiazhuang’s status in Lujiazhuang was also stable after building a dock for Lujiadu. When he came down, he thought for a while, “The name change of the town is a big deal. What do the villagers in that town think?”

Yan Dechang ’s smile appeared on his face, “All agree, Liugong, they came to me on behalf of the villagers in the town, Liugong said Li Qiang you are so famous now, if Liuhe Town changed its name to Yan If the villagers of the town go out and talk about where they came from, they can get some light, and no one dares to bully! Several older people in the town want you to come and give the town a new name … “

Yan Liqiang thought for a while and said, “Then call it Yan Anbao. Our Yan family is here to protect the township folks in town …”

Yan Dechang touched it and nodded, “Yan Anbao, this name is good, this name is good …”

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