Silver Overlord Chapter 49: No less than one

  Like the scene outside the college entrance examination room in the previous life, when candidates entered the school examination room one after another, countless parents were waiting outside the examination room, expecting and worryingly waiting for their children to come out.

The annual national exam in Guoshu County is like a college entrance examination for many people. It is even more important than the college entrance examination, because for many ordinary families, this is a family that is out of nowhere. Longmen’s chance.

Youth who have performed well in the Guoshu County Examination Examination can enter the Guoshu Museum in the county town for further study, and have the hope of becoming a samurai advanced clan. Opportunities also have many benefits. It allows people to make connections in Guoshu Museum, make many friends, or have the opportunity to enter the government offices at all levels of the county after leaving the Guoshu Museum-because the government offices at all levels of the county There are many public offices every year, and they are selected in the Guoshu Museum of the county.

This national martial arts college entrance examination, in a sense, is equivalent to a certain combination of the Imperial College Entrance Examination and civil service examinations. There are seventeen townships in Qinghe County, with seven or eight hundred candidates every year, often more than a thousand , And there are about 30 people who can have the opportunity to pass the Guoshu County Examination to enter the Juncheng Guoshu Museum. This admission rate can be much lower than that of the college entrance examination,

The rhinoceros horse was handed over to the Lu family ’s guards, and Yan Liqiang entered the gate of the National Museum of Art among the parents of the “Welcome to the Road”.

There are four entrances at the gate of Guoshu Museum. Each entrance is written with the names of several townships in Qinghe County. Candidates from different places will divert from different entrances into Guoshu Museum, and each entrance There are three people at the same time checking the identity of the person entering, very strict.


“Yan Liqiang!”

“Where does it come from?”

“Liuhe Town!”

The person who asked Yan Liqiang talked while turning a book in his hand. When he turned to the candidate’s name page in Liuhe Town, he saw the name record of Yan Liqiang, and then nodded, and then asked Yan Liqiang Extend the thumb of the right hand, stain it in the ink pad, and then leave a fingerprint of the thumb on the back of the roster.

This fingerprint just happened to be lined up with the fingerprints left by Yan Liqiang when he took the preliminary exam here for easy comparison. When the two fingerprints were the same, Yan Liqiang ’s identity was confirmed. One of the people checked it, the person nodded, and then the third person took out a metal card with the number printed on it, wrote the name of Yan Liqiang on the metal card, and then handed the metal card to Yan Liqiang. Holding a metal card, he walked into the County Guoshu Museum.

The time is about an hour away from the official start. Six hundred or seven hundred candidates have gathered at the Yanwu Stadium of the National Art Museum. The nine platforms on the Yanwu Stadium are lined up one after the other. On the largest ring in the middle, hanging A banner-Examination in Qingshu County, Pingxi County, Guoshu County.

It ’s really the day of the big exam, the candidates who enter the venue are both excited and nervous, the candidates from the same place are surrounded by piles, whispering, and some candidates are doing various warm-ups. Or warm up boxing.

Candidates from different townships have a fixed gathering area. Those areas are erected with a flag with the name of the township. Wherever you come from, you will gather under the flag. This is done to facilitate management and In order to prevent impersonation, candidates from the same area are somewhat familiar with each other. At least I have seen them. If there is a stranger suddenly, everyone can find out. According to the laws of the Han empire, both parties who dare to commit fraud in the national martial arts exams are both serious crimes for military deployment.

Yan Liqiang scanned the circle of Yanwuchang, saw the flag of Liuhe Town, and walked towards the gathering place of candidates in Liuhe Town.

The candidates from Liuhe Town also saw Yan Liqiang coming over, whispering and whispering.

“Ah, Yan Liqiang is here …”

“Did his injury last time be so fast?”

“Maybe it’s okay, even if it’s not good, at least try it!”

“Unfortunately, if there is no trouble in Hong Tao’s family, Hong Tao will be able to beat Yan Liqiang to find his teeth …”

Everyone saw Yan Liqiang, but none of them came to greet Yan Liqiang. In the past in Liuhe Town, Yan Liqiang was not popular.

Qi Donglai was also among those people. When he saw Yan Liqiang, he wanted to come over, but hesitated for a while, and finally did not come over. Some guilty avoided Yan Liqiang’s gaze.

Yan Liqiang looked directly at Qi Donglai, walked towards Qi Donglai, and came to Qi Donglai’s front.

By this time, Yan Liqiang had long known how the Hong family bought Qi Dong from two months ago. It was ridiculous and sad to say. The Hong family put their family in a good location in Liuhe Town. The noodle shop took it out and opened a rice shop for Qi Donglai’s home. It seemed that Qi Dong came to his house for a few years, and Qi Donglai sold himself.

Now the Hong family is in trouble. The Hong family members have disputed over their property. The rice shop in Qi Donglai ’s house was taken back. The parents of Qi Dong came to the county to complain the previous two days, saying that the rice shop Hong Chengshou should rent their house for ten years free of charge a few months ago, and now the Hong family no longer rents it, they have to take it back, and they will go back and forth. The official was thrown out as an autumn batter.

   “East, long time no see!”

Qi Dong came to smile unnaturally, seemingly unaccustomed to Yan Liqiang ’s aggressive eyes, “I ’ve been in the county for the big exam a few days ago, and my uncle gave me a master to teach me Legs, I have been busy practicing these days, but I have n’t come back. I came back yesterday and heard that Li Qiang had something wrong with your family. I ’m really embarrassed, and I did n’t come to see your dad … “

Yan Liqiang saw through this hypocritical pretense from Qi Dong.

Yan Liqiang laughed, “It ’s okay, Su Chang has been here. If you come from the east, I ’m still not at ease!”

“Isn’t there anything to worry about!”

Yan Liqiang’s eyes suddenly became sharper, “My dad is healing these days, but I can’t bear anyone to put an ice ant on his body again to take a bite!”

Qidong’s face changed greatly, his face completely froze, “Li Qiang … you … what do you mean, how can I not understand?”

“I know what you understand, and you also understand what I know. Why did I lose so badly in the last preliminary test? Who is the ice ant on me who quietly placed on me, you know better than me!” Yan Liqiang said the same thing with a tongue twister, and then said coldly, “Looking at the little friendship we had before, Qi Dong came, I forgive you But from today, we are strange People, you do n’t know me, and I do n’t know you either. Remember, there is no second time, and finally advise you to say a word, raise your head three feet and have a god, many times, people do things, the sky is watching, there are few things of conscience Do … “

After talking with Qi Dong, Yan Liqiang walked away and never looked at Qi Dong again.

Qi Donglai’s face was blue and red. The people next to him listened to the conversation between the two people and looked at Qi Donglai thoughtfully. They seemed to guess something. Now in Liuhe Town, who doesn’t know When the Hong family bought and dealt with the Yan family’s father and son, listening to Yan Liqiang’s words, it seemed that the last trial, the reason why Yan Liqiang was beaten so badly by Hong Tao, was behind Qi Donglai.

Qi Donglai has always been Yan Liqiang’s friend. Such a friend is really terrible.

Unconsciously, people around Qi Donglai ’s vision changed, one by one quietly opened the distance to Qi Dong, and finally, Qi Dong came by, there was no one, only him Standing alone.

This is the price Qi Donglai has to pay. Since he can do things to betray his friends, he will never want to have any friends in the future. Anyone will retreat to such a person, to such a person. Isn’t he still obliged to cover his ugliness and keep it secret?

  If you can’t be rewarded, and you have revenge, how is it different from salted fish?

  The Hong family’s affairs have only come to an end.

Yan Liqiang is finally cool …

In the time after, Yan Liqiang did n’t think about talking with the people around him, but stood quietly under the banner of Liuhe Town and waited.

Almost forty minutes later, with the sound of the three-way drums, a group of people came out of the building of Guoshu Museum, and the whole performance martial arts venue was instantly quiet …

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