Silver Overlord Chapter 479: Jianghu resort

“Does anyone want to go?” Yan Liqiang looked around and asked aloud.

“Master, we don’t leave. Let’s do this with the **** of Yamen this time. Are you right?” someone shouted out loud below.

“Yes, yes, yes, we do n’t leave, this manufacturing bureau is ours, it ’s Governor Qi Yun ’s mansion, it ’s the family business that the Lord Governor took us to create together, we are all Qi Yun ’s guards now People in the government, we are also officials, and we are not dogs. When someone comes with a stick, we will run away. Even if it is a dog, there are dogs who jump over the wall. At this time, we have to leave. We leave the manufacturing bureau and go outside. Although the world is big, where else can we go, we are still wandering everywhere, being bullied everywhere, and being low-browed everywhere, people have to live like this for a lifetime, even if they live for hundreds of years, eat hundreds of years of dry food, and What can it mean! “

Zhu Guanshi, who stood below, stood the first, turned around, and looked at the people in the manufacturing bureau with excitement, and continued, “Everyone speaks with their conscience, if they leave the manufacturing bureau, Traveling all over the world, where else can you find a shopkeeper and an employer who is willing to distribute the shares to your boss like an overseer? This time it was someone who bullied you and someone else came to your door. If we were not at this time Dare to fight according to reason, dare not fight for their own destiny and those jackals who transported the Yamen, saying something unpleasant, such a person is not as good as a dog, you pick up a dog outside, as long as you give him It ’s good for him to eat. A thief is coming. The dog dares to bark twice, and he can still look at the nursing home. Adults and nurses are so good to us. At this time, do we even have a dog? Is n’t it better? If a thief comes, will he run? If he is so afraid of the Lord, he will not live as well as a dog. He is destined to be a bad life, suffering from poverty, and his children and grandchildren will not be able to show their heads. “

After hearing Zhu Guanshi’s words, the faces of several people in the manufacturing bureau below showed a look of shame and unbearable burden. Those who couldn’t help themselves lowered their heads. Just now these people were all playing with Xiao Jiujiu in their hearts, and some were afraid of transferring the bureau. Wanted to leave the manufacturing bureau, but Zhu Guanshi’s words were like a divine initiation, making these people ashamed.

Yan Liqiang was a little surprised, this Zhu Guanshi said too well, sincere feelings, but this Zhu Guanshi, really is not the trust he arranged, he looked at Qian Su, Qian Su shook his head slightly, that means What Zhu Guanshi said was not arranged by him.

Zhu Guanshi said, his eyes were red, he wiped his tears, “Why should I stand up and say a few words with everyone at this time, because yesterday when the dog mongrel who transported the Yamen slaps me in the face , Just happened to be seen by Master Duhu, and Master Duhu came over and said the dog mongrel directly without a word. I believe that even if I was n’t there yesterday, any of you was caught. I was bullied and slapped in the manufacturing bureau. As long as I was seen by the governor, the supervisor would also come up to protect everyone from being bullied. I Zhu Zhicheng expressed his position here as everyone today. The people in the manufacturing bureau, death is the ghost of the manufacturing bureau. As long as the manufacturing bureau is in one day, I will vow to coexist with the manufacturing bureau! The next time someone from the transfer bureau comes, I do n’t need to supervise the adult ’s shot, I will shoot with a crossbow. Die those dog mongrels! “

“Whoever wants to go at this time, who is a pig dog is better!”

“Zhu Guanshi is right, we vow to coexist and die with the Manufacturing Bureau!”

“As long as we all work together, we can definitely run away the dog crossbreeds of the Yamen, we do n’t have to be afraid of them at all!”

“Yes, work together to prevent external humiliation!”

At this time, everyone was ignited like a pile of flammables. Under the atmosphere of passion and anger, everyone in the dining room ignited, and no one said anything to leave the manufacturing bureau. In fact, people who had such thoughts at this time were also infected under this atmosphere and shouted louder.

In this atmosphere, the hard-faced Zhou Yong and the two sergeants dragged the transport deputy Zhong Xiankui through the side door of the dining hall.

At the sight of Zhong Xiankui, everyone in the dining room roared, “Kill him, kill him!”

Zhong Xiankui has been scared directly, and the whole person is shaking like a quail, looking at the pair of angry fire-breathing eyes in the manufacturing bureau, “You … what are you doing … I … … I ’m the Imperial Commander… Zhong Xiankui, the ambassador to the Yamen Gate… ”

Zhong Xiankui yelled, but his hoarse screams at the moment, few people could hear them, but was completely drowned in the roar of hundreds of people, just in his screams, Zhou Yonghe The two sergeants who dragged him in, tied him directly to an iron frame in the dining room, like killing a pig, making him unable to move, and then put a few **** knives and daggers with cold lights On the table in front of him.

When I saw the knives and daggers, Zhong Xiankui ’s crotch was really wet at once. He wanted to yell, but he did n’t wait for him to yell twice, and a mass of burlap was already stuffed. When he reached his mouth, he could only struggle with whine.

Qian Su walked out, looked at everyone in the dining room, and said aloud, “Since everyone wants to stay, then, in the future, we will all die together with the manufacturing bureau, and the dogs of the transfer agency. Hybrids fight to the end, our manufacturing bureau has not sacrificed flags since its establishment to today, today, we will take the dog officer’s life to make us a church sacrifice flag, see who else dares to come to our manufacturing bureau to discuss wildfire Those who want to stay, come here to give this dog officer a knife, we will shave him today! “

After Qian Su finished speaking, the first came to Zhong Xiankui, picked up the knife, and raised the knife in his hand, and then cut off the ear of Zhong Xiankui.

Zhong Xiankui was covered in blood, and the whole person could not roar if he wanted to roar. The severe pain made him just struggle and tremble there.

Zhou Yong went up for the second time, holding a knife and cutting off the other ear of Zhong Xiankui, then Zhu Guanshi …

Hundreds of people in the manufacturing bureau lined up, one by one, holding a knife, and gave Zhong Xiankui a knife ……

This is lynching, it is also Ling Chi, this is the bloodiest and the most barbarous means of rivers and lakes, a bit similar to the name, Yan Liqiang wants to kill, he will not use so many means, it is Qian Su Qian Su said that in order to let all the people in the manufacturing bureau work together and transfer the government to the end, it is necessary to come to such a ceremony. Only after taking the life sacrifice flag of Zhong Xiankui can we ensure that all the people left in the manufacturing bureau have no traitors. Let everyone dispel all worries, break the back road, and do not coexist with the transit agency.

This kind of rivers and lakes has been extended for an unknown number of thousands of years, and the reason why it can continue is because it works. The most used method by this method is the white lotus.

Zhong Xiankui ca n’t even dream of it. He came to Pingxi County this time, waiting for his final result.

As the knife went down, Zhong Xiankui could still see him struggling at the beginning, and slowly, without sound.

Yan Liqiang has been watching beside him. At this time, he also had to marvel, because the cowardly and shaky people originally, in the crazy atmosphere, after the crowd came forward to give Zhong Xiankui a knife, their hearts The cowardice and sway of the moment disappeared in an instant, and each one became a ruthless person. After getting the blood of the transport envoy in his hands, everyone had no escape route, even if he wanted to quit the manufacturing bureau, only Can be one heart, or can only break the jar and fall, and dry to the end.

Yan Liqiang had long known that there would be such a show at the end of this meeting, so at the beginning, he told Shi Dafeng and Shen Teng not to come, because when the two came at this time, they were completely **** with him since then It ’s impossible to dismiss it, but the two insisted on coming.

Shi Dafeng and Shen Teng are the last shots.

Looking at Zhong Xiankui, who turned into a blood man in the end, Shi Dafeng, who gritted his teeth, walked up, picked up a dagger, and without any hesitation, stabted directly into Zhong Xiankui’s heart with a knife, and his face was a little bit hairy. Bai’s Shen Teng also walked up at the end, picked up a knife ~ ~ yelled, pierced into Zhong Xiankui’s abdomen.

After stabbing Zhong Xiankui with a knife, Shen Teng, who retreated to Yan Liqiang, was already sweating. The whole person seemed to be collapsed. Yan Liqiang patted his shoulder, and then he walked over and picked up a knife. With a knife, Zhong Xiankui’s head was cut off, and this **** and brutal ceremony ended.

Qian Su is right. This **** lynching ritual is like a magic. After such a come out, the people who are still gathered in the dining room at the moment, whether they are sergeants or craftsmen, even the lowest-level handyman, Every breath changed, one after another, panting, squeezing fists tightly, only the enthusiasm and determination were revealed in the eyes, and some people were relieved and relaxed all at once. I don’t see cowardice and hesitation. At this time, let alone facing a transit agency, if Yan Liqiang can take the lead, it is estimated that they will be attacked by Pingxi County. These people will follow Yan Liqiang.

“We, will win!” Yan Liqiang raised the **** knife in his hand.

“A win, a win …” Everyone in the canteen raised their fists and roared. () “Silver Overlord” only represents the opinion of the author Zuihu. If you find that its content violates the laws of the country, please delete it. The position is only committed to providing a healthy and green reading platform. 【】,thank you all!

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