Silver Overlord Chapter 437: The danger of the big moon

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The next morning, until the sun had risen, the birds in the valley jumped on the branches outside the cave, and they sang cheerfully, a naughty little squirrel from the pine tree beside the cave He ran up and came to the cave entrance to pick up a fallen fruit. Hearing the sound of the cave, the clever little squirrel was scared and ran into the pine tree next to him.

With a burst of footsteps, Yan Liqiang and Sarina finally came out of the cave.

Yan Liqiang’s time to get up today is many hours later than usual when he dives alone. Of course, for Yan Liqiang, cough … cough … Occasionally a few hours later, it’s also good. .

At the moment, Yan Liqiang’s face was full of spring breeze, with a trace of smirk on her face. Sarina followed Yan Liqiang, her already beautiful face, and this unfading blush.

In a good mood, Yan Liqiang found the valley he was cultivating. Today, it seems that the spring is particularly bright. After taking a deep breath of the fresh air in the valley, Yan Liqiang just hugged the fineness of Sarina next to him. Waist, I asked, “Nana, in which direction are your lunar department?”

After a night, Sarina already has a nickname here in Yan Liqiang.

Salina looked at the direction of the sun and the terrain of the valley, “Yulong Mountain is too big, it’s too hidden here, and most people can’t get in. The place where our Dayue Tribe is located should be in this direction of the valley … … ”, Sarina pointed in the direction of the east of the valley.“ As long as you walk in this direction and encounter the places I have been to and familiar with, I know how to go … ”

“Okay, you hugged you!” Yan Liqiang finished speaking, and the whole person suddenly took Sarina into the air, and the whole figure was suddenly raised, stepping on the steep rock wall, and turned towards In the direction pointed by Sarina, she radiated away.

Under the strong wind, I once again felt the terrifying speed and powerful arms brought by Yan Liqiang, and the pride that could cross everything over the mountains, and Sarina could not help but feel tight. He hugged Yan Liqiang tightly, leaned his head on Yan Liqiang’s shoulders, and put his lips close to Yan Liqiang’s ears. In the whispering wind, softly shouted like water, “Brother Long …”

“Um …” The beauty is in her arms, Yan Liqiang rushed and responded, “What is it?”

“Will you stay in Yulong Mountain in the future?”

“I may not stay in Yulong Mountain for too long. At most two months later, I will leave. I have other things!”

“Then Brother Long will send me back to the Dayue clan today, can we meet again in the future?”

“As long as there is a fate, even across the world, there is a chance to meet again!”

“Brother Na Long thinks I have a relationship with you?”

“Fate is in the heart, as long as you have the heart, there is fate!” Yan Liqiang looked at the reckless Yulong Mountain under his feet, and a strange smile appeared on his face. He hadn’t been to Yulong Mountain before when he didn’t come to Yulong Mountain. I know too much. Now, especially after meeting Sarina, I got a lot of news from Sarina. Yan Liqiang found that there is still much to do in this Jade Dragon Mountain. If the enemy agrees, we will- ->> , update the latest chapter of Silver Overlord as soon as possible!

Oppose, if the enemy opposes, we agree to put this sentence in the fight against the Shatu people, it is too apt. Since the Shatu people have plots against this Jade Dragon Mountain, then, if we let them The Shatu people did everything they wanted to do in Yulong Mountain, which is really too bad.

“Salina knows that Brother Long must be the one doing big things. Our Da Yue tribe has a saying that the lark in the tree will never fetter the wings of the eagle and want to fly with the eagle. The women of our Dayue tribe are sensible larks. As long as Brother Long comes to Yulong Mountain and remembers me, I will be satisfied! “Sarina sighed softly in Yan Liqiang’s ear.

“I feel that I have a deep relationship with this place, so I have to come back in the future!”

After hearing Yan Liqiang say this, only a sweet smile appeared on Sarina ’s face, and she kissed Yan Liqiang **** her face …


How fast Yan Liqiang ’s feet are, but within less than half an hour, Sarina held by Yan Liqiang shouted excitedly, pointing at one of the mountain streams in front of Yan Liqiang like a white trainer in the sun , A waterfall that flew down from the snow-capped peaks in the distance, “That’s a thousand-foot waterfall, Brother Long, follow the ridge over there, as long as you cross the mountain, you can see our big moon The tribal settlement is here!”

“Okay!” In the direction pointed by Sarina, Yan Liqiang continued to run away, and just before Yan Liqiang was about to cross the mountain that Sarina said, just in front of Yan Liqiang, In the direction of the settlement of the Dayue tribe, a black column of smoke rises at once, even if it is hundreds of miles away, it can be easily seen.

“Ah, it must be something happened to our Dayue tribe…” Sarina’s face changed, her tone suddenly anxious.

“Don’t be afraid, we will be here right away, with me!” Yan Liqiang’s firm and calm tone, like a strange energy, was injected into Sarina’s body when she heard it. Within ~ ~ let Sarina calm down, thinking of Yan Liqiang yesterday killing more than one hundred fierce Satu people in a blink of an eye, but Sarina I was anxious in my heart, but the whole person calmed down.

After saying this, Yan Liqiang’s speed increased by 50% at once, almost as if he was about to fly, and the strong wind blowing in the face suddenly made Sarina unable to open her eyes. .

Yan Liqiang, who was running, looked up at the sky. The high-altitude reconnaissance satellite, code-named “Fire Eye Golden Eagle”, had already flown in the direction of the black smoke column, but only a moment later, the sky News came.

There are three key messages in the message. The first key message is on fire, it ’s a big fire. The second key message is people. Many people are fighting, thousands of people. The third message is then It is among those thousands of people, many of them are wearing the same clothes as the Shatu people who were killed yesterday by Yan Liqiang …

These three messages are enough for Yan Liqiang to understand what happened to the Dayue tribe.

After using a shorter time than Sarina ’s imagination, the two finally came to a mountain peak seven or eight miles away from the Dayue tribe settlement, and looked down at the smoke billowing in the distance. ……

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