Silver Overlord Chapter 288: Planning

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The firelight in the bonfire reflected on the faces of Wang Hui and several dartsmen beside him, so that the rough faces of several dartsmen who had been exposed to the sun because of the perennial darts became like copper in the beating firelight The shape is the same, full of repressive breath.

The management structure in the dart board is very simple and very efficient. In the fashionable management terminology of Yan Liqiang ’s previous life, it is flat, the head of the dart board is the total dart head, and the total dart head is the dart head. Under the head of the dart is the dart master. Under the head of the dart is the wandering hand of the dart. The total dart head is generally seldom dispatched. Most darts are received by the dart head below. The dart head is like each dart. The project manager, and these dart masters are the staff of the project manager, and the trips are the employees who work below. When the darts are being walked, the dart head can personally manage each trip. There are also division of labor and cooperation with each other, and they are responsible for the management of many trivial things below. They are also the main combatants. When the qualifications of the trip players are achieved, they can become dart masters, and if the merits and abilities of the dart masters are enough, they can also become The dart head, and once it becomes a dart head, it has the power to pay dividends in the dart board, and it is considered to have entered the upper level.

Now the darts head is no longer there, and the surviving dart master, including Wang Hui, has only three people, the other two, one is Huang Sheng, and one full-bearded dart master, Gong Dequan, The dart master surnamed Gong was the yard that he returned to this afternoon.

Yan Liqiang ’s change in the status of the dart board, the dart surnamed Gong was a bit uncomfortable at the beginning, but after he knew what Yan Liqiang and Wang Hui had happened and encountered in the city, he especially understood After Yan Liqiang’s previous judgment and some arrangements made, the dart surnamed Gong also defaulted to Yan Liqiang’s status among the remaining people at this moment. At this time, an extra flexible person helped out The idea is also a good thing.

After Yan Liqiang finished speaking, several dart masters were silent for a long time, and no one spoke. Finally, Wang Hui could n’t help it. He practiced sombrely and finally opened his mouth. “Everyone does n’t talk, then I will talk about it. My opinion, I think we are going to take off the darts in this trip. Now that we have so forty people, there is no way to deliver the goods escorted by hundreds of people to the hands of the Fengyun Army in the north, even if we send It takes at least three or four months for people to come to the dart board for help. During this period, people who stay here looking at the dart can hardly say anything. Today we took a look at Jinling City. That’s right, this Jinling City is no longer under control. The thieves are rampant. The weather is now getting hotter. In the next few days, Jinling City will either have a major epidemic or chaos … “

“And not only Jinling City, everyone saw the natural disaster last night. This kind of natural disaster has never happened before, but this Jinling City died so many people at once, the whole city is almost gone, and I do n’t know the other. How about the place, I think this Han Empire might be messed up … “Huang Sheng sullenly used a wooden stick to stir the fire in the bonfire.” Even if we can go back and ask for help from the Escort, the Escort will send people to come, The people we stay here can still keep this dart, and these darts may not be able to be sent to the north again, let alone anything else, but once the pass bridges and the like are cut off, these darts will rot on the road … “

“I passed the Jinlan Bridge when I came back today. The Jinlan Bridge has collapsed. If we want to send a dart, we can only change lanes, and even if we change lanes, we do n’t know if the roads ahead can pass …” Gong Dequan With a sigh, he said sadly, “This is God’s going to smash our dart, even if the total dart head can’t come, the total dart head can’t send this dart from the sky, so this dart master is absolutely I ca n’t get it to Fengyun Army … “

“Not only ca n’t I get it to Feng Yunjun, but we ca n’t take this dart back again, with so many things on the road, we only have so few people, and the dart head is no longer on the road. Those who sit on the ground tiger who have a bad heart, can casually dump all of us dumplings, we are going to die, none of them can live … “Huang Sheng added.

Several dart masters were silent again. After a few seconds of silence, the eyes of the three people all gathered on Yan Liqiang ’s face. Huang Sheng and Gong Dequan looked at Wang Hui and gestured with their eyes, then Wang Hui opened his mouth again, “Brother Li Qiang, all three of us are rough people, you don’t have a good brain, you talk about it, now->> , update the latest chapter of the silver overlord!

What shall we do? “

Yan Liqiang has long known that this dart is about to hit his hand. In this era of people pulling horses, once encountering such natural disasters and drastic changes, the team of darts loses so many people at once. Such long-distance logistics is simply impossible.

But he ca n’t talk about it. He will drop the handle as soon as he says it. If it does n’t work well in the future, it will cause great trouble. It can only be said by three dart masters. Say what to do.

“The three are all old rivers and lakes who have gone south and north in the darts. Since all three feel that this dart is going to be smashed into their hands, even if I have the skill of being alone, there is no way to send this dart to the wind and the clouds. The army may still give this dart to Jian Shenzong! “Yan Liqiang glanced at the three dart masters and immediately set the tone.” I think it’s urgent, I think we should consider three things? “

“Brother Li Qiang, what are those three things?” Gong Dequan asked curiously.

“The first thing is that since this dart is destined to hit us, then we should consider, what can be done to minimize the loss of this dart, to know this dart, However, the Huali steel weapons we built with great effort, a total of 20,000 pieces, can be equipped with almost eight battalions. Even if we ca n’t deliver them to the Fengyun Army, they must not fall. In the hands of gangsters, otherwise it will cause chaos! “

“Yes, this is the reason, like the thieves Pi we met in Jinling City today, if these things fall on the hands of those thieves Pi, then it is called sin, fortunately, Li Qiang brother you The response is quick and the response is proper. Now people outside think that our darts are shipped from porcelain instead of weapons. Now in Jinling City, no matter how good the porcelain is, no one is rare! “Wang Hui lit, Huang Sheng and Gong Dequan He glanced at each other and nodded.

“Brother Li Qiang, what is the second thing we want to consider?” Huang Sheng then asked.

“The second thing is naturally that we have to find a way to survive, and we also need to let the surviving brothers return to Sword God Sect safely!”

The three dart masters nodded at the same time, and they nodded at the same time. Everyone was dead last night. Now they do n’t want to die anymore. Especially a few dart masters are people with a family and who are willing to die outside inexplicably. .

“What about the third one?” Gong Dequan asked again.

“This third thing, we should think about the position of the Sect Master and the Elder of the Sword God Sect. This big change last night is expected to reach the Sword God Sect Mountain Gate in a few days. When the news reached the gate of Sword God I think the masters and elders in Sword God Sect, the one thing that I am most concerned about is not how our darts are, but what is the situation of Dijing now!”

Yan Liqiang’s words shocked the three dart masters, and Yan Liqiang stared at the three men, “After all, even if we lost this dart, for the lord of the sword **** sect and the elders, only 20,000 pieces were lost. Weapons, and the current situation of Dijing may affect the future of the entire Han Empire. You may have felt the situation last night. The biggest movement is from the direction of Dijing. No matter how the situation is now in Dijing, nobody I know that in the position of the Sect Master and the elders, their concern about the situation of Dijing is absolutely extraordinary. If something happens to Dijing now, then we may be the closest people in the Sword God Sect to Dijing at the moment. At this time, if we can think about what the suzerain thinks and worry about the elders’ anxiety, the first time we can clearly understand the real situation of Dijing and return it to Jianshenzong, so that the suzerain and the elders can understand and master Dijing accurately and immediately Situation, this may be a great achievement … “

Wang Hui, Huang Sheng and Gong Dequan were completely stunned. They did n’t think that at this time, everyone was so worried that they did n’t know what to do. Yan Liqiang actually found a chance to make a contribution, but think about it carefully. , The three people couldn’t find any reason to refute…

“Li Qiang Brothers, you just tell us what to do!” Wang Hui said directly and neatly …

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