Silver Overlord Chapter 251: Farewell

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The interpersonal encounter is really wonderful, and Yan Liqiang did not expect that after he came to Dijing with Sun Bingchen, he left Sun Bingchen in a blink of an eye, and changed his identity and errand all at once.

Yan Liqiang did n’t mind this, but he was very grateful to Sun Bingchen. He followed Sun Bingchen to Dijing just to experience and see the wonderful world, and it ’s not bad to change the environment now.

In the early morning of the next day, after officially bid farewell to Sun Bingchen, Sun Bingchen asked Liang Yijie to personally send Yan Liqiang to Luyuan in the western suburbs of Dijing.

Yan Liqiang rode the black clouds and covered the snow, and Huang Mao, who was already injured, ran around in front of the clouds before the clouds. In the spring of March, there was a spring outside the emperor city, the mountains were blooming, and the pink willow green In the early morning, after going out of the gate of Dijing, there were many people and horses on the road. Today the weather is good, there are many people. They go out early in the morning, ride on horseback, go outing in the wild, and near Dijing, there are There are a lot of places of interest, and there are also a lot of expensive Bieyuan Manor. There are a lot of people on this road.

Liang Yijie ’s saddle is also packed with his packed long sword. After sending Yan Liqiang to Luyuan today, he will also go to retreat to prepare for the battle with Xu Lang in January.

Yan Liqiang also placed his horned python bow on the saddle. Both men carried weapons, but even so, they were not interrogated when they went out of the city gate. Yan Liqiang rode on the rhinoceros and looked immediately On this road, people carrying bows and knives abound, and many people are more exaggerated. They are immediately armed with long weapons such as guns, spears, and chaos, and no one is in charge. Everyone on the road is surprised. strange.

“Brother Liang, our Ganzhou is a sturdy folk style, but today it looks like this Dijing’s sturdy folk style seems to be higher than the northwestern states!” Yan Liqiang sighed at Liang Yijie on the rhinoceros.

“Li Qiang, you do n’t know this. This is not the emperor’s strong and strong style, but the emperor’s power and wealth. There are hidden dragons and tigers everywhere. From the top of the Chaotang to the countryside, there are open battles, if this big man The empire is a river and lake, and this emperor Jing is the deepest lake in the middle of the rivers and lakes. Every major ancestor in the world has a branch martial arts palace in imperial Kyoto, and all major merchants have a branch in the emperor. There are also people and horses in Dijing. You can see that there are many people riding the war bow and long soldiers on the way. Many of these people are roles like guards, and many are honorable people in Dijing. Children, the future of these honorable children is to join the army and seek a future. This bow and horse long soldier is naturally a necessary skill. They cannot be used in the city. They often invite people to go outside the city to train and play. Some holding long soldiers ’war bows are ordinary disciples in the emperor capital. Many emperors are built outside the emperor capital, so many of them are built outside the emperor capital. Or it ’s a place like a gated school to train … “

“But there are too many people studying bow horses and long soldiers in Dijing, and there don’t seem to be so many people studying bow horses and long soldiers in other places …”

“Hahaha, Li Qiang, you are so smart, why can’t you think of it all at once!” Liang Yijie laughed while riding on the horse, “The bow and horse soldiers are all battlefield and military combat skills. On the battlefield, these combat skills It is more useful and direct than other martial arts combat skills. It is also valued by the military. After learning these things, it is naturally easier to march in the military, and add officials to the prince. In this emperor Beijing, from the nobles to the ordinary people, I do n’t know How many people have a sharpened head and want to go up, want to be an official, especially the home of ordinary people, this is even more rushing … “

Yan Liqiang patted his head, and finally understood it all at once, “It turns out that this is why I said that Dijing is not a frontier land. Why do so many people come and go carrying war bow soldiers …”

“I really want to talk about it. In fact, I think Li Qiang is the best way for you to go!” Liang Yijie gave Yan Liqiang a deep look. “Li Qiang, your current strength is in the bow horse, Li Qiang, you bow In the hand, the battlefield can be destroyed and destroyed, with one enemy, such a strength, placed next to the adult as a servant guard, there are not many opportunities to play, it may be buried, and if you enter the army, don’t say anything else, just By virtue of Li Qiang ’s bow cultivation practice, no matter where you go, it ’s all sweet and sour. Adding officials to the prince is easy. It ’s also the reason why adults are willing to let you go, or else->> , Update the latest chapter of Silver Overlord as soon as possible!

If you are a talent like you, how can an adult let go so easily. “

Yan Liqiang smiled modestly, “Where do I have Brother Liang, you said so much, I am just a little samurai, you are too far away from Brother Liang …”

“Li Qiang, you do n’t have to be humble. What restricts you is your age. If you have enough time to accumulate practice, I believe that when you reach my age, your achievements will definitely surpass me. Not my director, but that day I saw Li Qiang’s performance when you played against the Black Wind Bandit. I’m sure that if Li Qiang will join the army in the future, he must be an invincible general who can command thousands of troops and battle the battlefield … /

“Actually, I think that if I can’t do anything invincible, I might be better!” Yan Liqiang said with a smile.

“Why?” Liang Yijie asked puzzled.

“That’s the peace of the world, the people live and work in peace, where do they need anything to be!” Yan Liqiang raised his head and looked at the morning glow, “I just need to walk around to see and appreciate the prosperity and scenery in this world In this life, finally find a place to do a small business with a few like-minded friends. Become a wealthy man and cultivate a relationship with a beloved woman in the mountains and waters. After that, I would like to tease my grandson and enjoy the joy of life. That kind of life is actually not bad!”

“It ’s good to be like this, but I ’m afraid we live in this world. It is rare to have such a quiet and stable situation. In this world, there is never a lack of ambitions for wolves, and some people, even for their own self-interest, even Millions of people have died, turning the prosperity of this world into a sea of ​​fire, and will not frown. The state of the Han Empire today, internal and external troubles, so that adults often sigh at night, I am afraid that the days you say can only be extravagant … “

Thinking about the “big events” that the Han Empire will have in the next few years, Yan Liqiang also sighed secretly, feeling that his thoughts are indeed extravagant hopes. Although the Han Empire in the next few years is generally stable, However, there is a White Lotus religion, and the friction between Heiqi and Shaman is increasingly fierce on the border between the northwest and the east. Even several vassal states in the south have embraced the crescent moon. From these things, it is indeed not What a sign, not to mention in the emperor Beijing, and the battle between the imperial power and the prime minister is in full swing, think about it, in this case, do n’t say anything to live a stable life, I am afraid that if something happens, it will be huge Empire of China will be in flames and enter into chaos …

All the chaos in history has never fallen from the sky for no reason at all, but before entering the chaos, there will be many signs.

As a little warrior, it ’s useless to think too far. Yan Liqiang put aside those ideas in his head and changed the topic again, “Yes, Brother Liang, you and the one from yesterday called Xu Lang How do people make hatred … “

“That Xu Lang has a good female sex~ and wanton behavior again, once on the outskirts of Emperor Jing, I happened to meet him and insult a woman who went out to play. Therefore, he had a grudge with him. At that time, he had not yet turned to the current master, and after he had turned, the man and the adult he turned to were also political enemies in the court. “

“It turns out so!” Yan Liqiang nodded his head, “But Brother Liang is doing it right, that kind of miscellaneous, it is not cleaned up, and Brother Liang should have cut the **** with a sword …”

“I do n’t know what kind of person he was that day, so I just gave him a lesson when he started, and this time the battle between life and death, he completely concluded with him …”

“Brother Liang is well closed, and when he comes to power, I will cheer you on Brother Liang, and watch Brother Liang cut the dog’s head …”

“Hahaha, good …” Liang Yijie laughed …

After experiencing yesterday ’s events, Yan Liqiang and Liang Yijie sympathized with each other, and the relationship went further, just like a brother. The two of them walked all the way and talked unconsciously, and they came to Luyuan ……


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