Silver Overlord Chapter 202: Strain

When the posthouse was in chaos due to the sudden fire, in a warehouse in the back hall of the Warlord ’s Palace in the city, Ganzhou Ji Shileisi was taking Sun Bingchen to visit the collected leaves in the warehouse. Part of the family’s belongings …

The accompanying and attendants of the two were quietly away from the side of the two at this time, so that the conversation between the two would not be in the ear of the third person at this time.

“Invaded the Ye family on the same day, and found the gold and silver stored in the Ye family’s underground warehouse. The earliest sergeants who rushed in were stunned. They were so big that they had never seen so many Jinshan and Yinshan piled up together … “The two walked slowly in the warehouse. Ries walked on the same side and opened the boxes that were piled more than two meters high. Among the fires lit by the warehouse, the boxes were The silver in the shining layer of light shook people ’s eyes, “There are 1171 such Yejiabao underground warehouses, with a total of 2.78 million silver, just transporting these boxes from Yejiabao, I ’m in Weiyuan There are more than 500 vehicles expropriated by the county. At the moment, only a part of them are placed in the warehouse, and there are still a lot of money. I have already sent them to Ganzhou City … “

I do n’t know if it ’s happy or emotional. Rieston said while opening a smaller box. The small box opened, and inside it was a dazzling golden light. Rieston reached out his hand. Stretching out his hand in the golden light, a handful of golden gold was picked up by his hand, and then flowed through his fingers like fine sand again, with a unique rustling sound, “Master Sun knows Where did this thing come from? “

Sun Bingchen also reached out and took a handful of fine sand from that box and took it in his hand. He looked closely. The thing in his hand was heavy, Jin Cancan, which was gold sand, but if he looked carefully, he Under the fire, in addition to the bright golden yellow, the surface of the golden sand also has a layer of bright red, which makes those golden sands look more magnificent and colorful, with a layer of fairy atmosphere, Sun Bingchen Let the thing slide down from the palm of your hand, and sigh a little, “This should be the rose gold specialty of Satu people …”

“Yes, this is the special rose gold produced by the Satu people. This rose gold, like ordinary gold, is red gold, but because it has a layer of bright red like a rose, it looks very special. Jewelry made of rose gold is even more beautiful. In the Han Dynasty, it is more popular with those women and girls, so if the same weight of rose gold is replaced with silver, it will be replaced by half more than ordinary gold! ” Rieston shook his head, “Master Sun knows how much rose gold we have found at the Ye family this specialty of Satu people?”

“I’m afraid there are a lot of them?”

“Of course there are a lot of such cases. We found that there are more than 200 cases. The rose gold in them is more than 300,000. It ’s just that the Ye family ’s wealth is added together to give the Ganzhou Army a ten-year military rank. I ca n’t finish it all. The money is all from Ganzhou, especially the rose gold dust of the Shatu people. It is also the most direct proof of the Ye family ’s dealings with the Shatu people. The weapons are very precious. I do n’t know how many swords and armaments the Ye family sold to the Shatu people to get so much rose gold from the Shatu people. The Shatu people took those from the Ye family. Swords and ordnance, if something happens in the future, I do n’t know how many blood of the people of the empire will be contaminated. A large family like the Ye family, called the magnates, are really maggots. Let them stay, it is a disaster! There was already a cold killing intention in it.

“So, isn’t Ye family shoveled out by Master Lei?”

“But the Ye family still has a person alive, and that person is also a scourge!” Lei Sitong stopped and looked at Sun Bingchen, who had nowhere to look.

“Ye Tiancheng, I must take it to Dijing!” Sun Bingchen shook his head with a firm tone.

“Master Sun, you may not be able to take Ye Tiancheng to Dijing!”

“Did Master Lei want to leave Ye Tiancheng?” Sun Bingchen looked at Lei Sitong, his eyes were like swords, and he did not give in at all. The temperature between the two people, as she said this, instantly It’s as if it was lowered by several degrees.

“Even if Ye Tiancheng can walk out of Ganzhou, does Master Sun think he can reach Dijing alive?” Lei Sitong shook his head and said quietly, “The one in Dijing, I am afraid that Ye Tiancheng will die now.” On the way, Master Sun will take Ye Tiancheng to Dijing to do something. That person also knows that Master Sun thinks that person will do nothing, and will be waiting for Master Sun in Dijing. Do you take Ye Tiancheng peacefully and safely to Dijing? With that person’s means and abilities, the entire empire was nothing more than a chessboard. The Ye family did too much in Ganzhou and let him lose one game. He can naturally find it elsewhere. Ye family is right now That person is useless, like an abandoned child, that person will not lose himself for an abandoned child! “

“I know!”

“Bringing Ye Tiancheng back to Dijing is tantamount to bringing a big trouble to the road. If Ye Tiancheng really dies in Master Sun’s hand, that person might use this as an excuse to pursue Master Sun’s Responsibility, so, the best way is to let Ye Tiancheng die in Ganzhou, then there will be no trouble! “

Sun Bingchen was silent for a long time before he said quietly, “Your Majesty is still waiting for me to take someone back!”

Lei Sitong also sighed, “The imperial power is weak, and it is not a day’s work. Even if Ye Tiancheng is brought to Dijing, what will happen to Dijing’s situation? Is it possible for a punishment genocide to be changed? ? “

“Your Majesty is kind to me, but now the state is difficult. Some things, even if you are crushed, need someone to do it!”

Looking at Sun Bingchen ’s strong face, Lei Sitong finally sighed and gave up convincing Sun Bingchen, “When you go back after eating, if Ye Tiancheng is not dead, I will not shoot, and it will be in the entire Ganzhou territory. , I will send troops to protect you. After leaving Ganzhou, Master Sun will take care of himself! “


When Sun Bingchen and Liang Yijie and his party left the Governor ’s Mansion, the time was already two hours later. The night was deep and the chills struck the people. The group rode the rhinoceros horse and walked on the street in Weiyuan City. , In the silent night, it was exceptionally loud.

From the Warlord’s Mansion to the post in the city, almost half of Weiyuan City has to pass through.

Liang Yijie, who was riding on the rhinoceros horse, looked anxious. “Adult, do you want me to go back and see!”

“No need, it’s about this time. What means does Master Lei have already done, we will know the result when we go back!” Sun Bingchen shook his head.

“I’m afraid that Li Qiang can’t handle it alone …”

“If that’s the case, it’s God’s will!”


When Sun Bingchen and his party returned to the post, they found a mess in the post. The place where Ye Tiancheng was previously held, the entire building was burned in half, and seven or eight houses were turned into nothing. Among the burnt-out ruins, those beamed wooden beam pillars are still lingering in smoke …

Seeing such a scene, whether it is Sun Bingchen or Liang Yijie, they are all cold.

“Where is Yan Liqiang, Ye Tiancheng, are they all right?” As soon as he arrived here, Liang Yijie caught an accompanying security officer and asked.

The **** officer with a firework breath on his face was bitter and hesitated.

“Honestly speaking!” Sun Bingchen’s face sank suddenly.

“This…When the fire started…Everyone was busy fighting the fire…At that time there was chaos in the post, and when everyone responded, Yan Wei and Ye Tiancheng didn’t know…I don’t know where to go Where are we, looking around in the post house, we found no trace of the two people, only found this one! “Said the officer, and asked the people next to him to bring out a pair of handcuffs and shackles, these things were worn on Ye Tian Cheng’s body, somehow, has been opened.

“Ah, Yan Liqiang didn’t have the key to unlock Ye Tiancheng’s shackles. Did the two of them die?” Liang Yijie asked urgently.

“I did n’t see them when the fire broke out, and there were no bones left in the room. It should be … there should be no death!”

“Sir, I’ll go to the Governor’s Mansion …” Liang Yijie was furious, his fists clenched tightly.

Sun Bingchen looked at the scene in the post, then looked at the opened shackles, and closed his eyes. After a few seconds, he opened it, took a deep breath, and said a word, “Wait a little longer …”

As soon as Sun Bingchen’s words fell, the two heard a cry of exclamation from the guards at the door of the post, “Ah, Yan Weiwei is back, back …”

When Liang Yijie heard it, he rushed towards the door of the post in an instant.

After a few seconds, Liang Yijie saw Yan Liqiang and Ye Tiancheng. Both of them changed their clothes, put on a hat, and put a lot of carbon dust on their faces, which was almost unrecognizable, especially Ye. Tiancheng, no shackles and shackles, Yan Liqiang put a hand on Ye Tiancheng’s waist and covered his hand with a sleeve. When he came to the post, Yan Liqiang’s hand left Ye Tiancheng’s waist position , Put away a short sword in his hand, and smiled at Liang Yijie slightly, “Brother Liang, fortunately, it’s not a shame, but I didn’t lose Ye Tiancheng …”

Ye Tiancheng gave Yan Liqiang a complicated look, and said nothing.

Liang Yijie slapped Yan Liqiang’s shoulder heavily ~ ~ turned his head and instructed, “Bring Ye Tiancheng down …”

The guards and guards of honor around Sun Bingchen looked at Yan Liqiang’s eyes at this time, which was different from before.

Also in this post house, a few people hiding in a dry servant buddy in the post house looked at Ye Tiancheng and Yan Liqiang who appeared again. The servant of the food looked at Ye Tiancheng who appeared, and his eyes were cold. He was about to take out something under his sleeve, but one hand stretched out from behind him and pressed it on his shoulder, his ear I also heard four words, “Adult ordered, stop here …”


“Li Qiang, what happened just now …” A few minutes later, in Sun Bingchen’s room, both Sun Bingchen and Liang Yijie stared at Yan Liqiang with dazzling eyes, just like there was a flower on Yan Liqiang’s face.

Yan Liqiang touched his nose. “Actually, it’s nothing. I’m just adapting. I played a game with some people …”

After listening to what Yan Liqiang said about what happened, Sun Bingchen and Liang Yijie ’s gaze at Yan Liqiang also changed …

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