Silver Overlord Chapter 110: Partnership

Take a clean shower in Xitan, put on clean clothes again, and then wash those things in the clothes and gloves that clean the latrine, and let them dry well. Yan Liqiang ’s morning thing came to an end.

Yan Liqiang is not a particularly clean-skinned person, or he ca n’t do this job, but after cleaning the latrine, the clothes he wears are more or less smelly, and Yan Liqiang does n’t want to go by himself. Everyone is “looked at with another eye” everywhere, so it is natural to change to a clean one, which is why Yan Liqiang has prepared several sets of clothes for himself.

“Brother Li Qiang, then …” Yan Liqiang just finished drying his clothes. Gu Zexuan and Zhao Huipeng came to his yard while nibbling corn on the cob and lost one to Li Qiang. A good corn cob and a cooked egg.

The corn on the cob is still a little hot, but it ’s not hot anymore. Yan Liqiang took the corn on the cob and removed the two outermost leaves of the corn on the cob. A fragrance of corn came out and did the morning job. He was already hungry and groaned, so Yan Liqiang, who had taken the corn on the cob, was also polite, and he ate it.

Jian Shenzong only cares about two meals in the morning and evening, the rest is irrelevant, and the so-called two meals, for the outside disciples Yan Liqiang and them, just get six buns from several meals in the gray hall Or the same number of pickled cabbage buns, and then there is nothing. The treatment of the outside disciple is the same as when he was in the discipline school, as long as you are starving.

Long growing up, Yan Liqiang was the first time yesterday that the stuffing in the bun was salted radish, and the food in the gray clothing hall was simply amazing.

As for the outside disciples who want to eat better, that ’s no problem. Within a few square meters of Jian Shenzong, there is a restaurant with all kinds of fish and meat, as long as you have money.

The rule of the Sword God Sect is to force the outside disciples to either gritt their teeth to live a hard life, or to grind their teeth and work hard to make themselves stronger, and leave the class of disciples as soon as possible.

It is reasonable to say that the corn cobs in this field, Gu Zexuan and Yan Liqiang, cannot be eaten. These foods are collected by Chengdu Zongmen, but the living people cannot be held back by urine. Gu Zexuan gave them to those who are resident here. A little old man with a little silver often buys some eggs from the hands of the old men and cooks them. The chickens, which are raised by the old men themselves, are considered private property. Breaking a few corns or something and boiled the eggs by the way, the old men were completely invisible.

“How is it, how easy is it for you to do this job? Just say it if you need help. Zhao Huipeng and I will help you …” Gu Zexuan also said to Yan Liqiang while he was eating corn on the cob.

“Okay, I won’t trouble you two. Although it is harder, but I can do it alone …”

I do n’t know whether it ’s because I ’m too hungry or I ’m tired of eating steamed buns these days. This ordinary boiled corn on the cob, when eaten at this time, feels particularly sweet and sweet, like supremely delicious.

“You are also cleaning the latrines very fast. I see those former disciples who came to Tianqiaofeng to clean the latrines. If nothing else, just lift the water from the bottom of the mountain, and some people will spend it The last half a day … “

“Maybe there are many people on the Tianqiaofeng Mountain Road during the day. Those who go on the water should be slower. I go at night. No one on the mountain road can run with the water, so it is faster!” Yan Liqiang said modestly Now, the strength and endurance of the whole body are not comparable to those of ordinary outside disciples, so just to mention the water mountain section, he will save a few hours more time than other disciples. The time for him to finish his work is greatly shortened.

“Haha, in this way, Brother Li Qiang, your time during the day is completely vacated, and you can practice well, strive for early advancement, and be angry with the surname Huo!”

“I don’t know when I can advance. Now I have only passed the Ma Buguan. It is early to become a samurai, not to mention the advanced dragon and tiger samurai!”

“It’s okay, you can’t hurry up and practice slowly. Just stick to it, there will always be a day when it comes to fruition, but there is only one thing that can’t be slow, that is to make money!” Gu Zexuan sighed, “being a pro-disciple Before, if there was no money, the days of Jian Shenzong would not be easy. Even eating a good meal would be a problem. Although my family is not poor, it is not a way to ask the family to bring money every year. A big man goes out, always I can do it by myself. I do n’t know if the brothers have any way to make money. If we have, we can do it together. The three of us are better than one person. It ’s easier to do things. If we have money, we can pay. Just come up with a solution. If you have the strength, you can do something to see if you can find a way to make money … “

“The two brothers have tried some money-making methods before, let’s hear it!”

“This … I used to be a stonemason in my house. Brother Gu bought me a few stonemason’s tools a few months ago. Brother Gu and I tried to make a few stone mortars to sell in the market, but Not sold … “Zhao Huipeng blushed and said a little embarrassedly.

“Hey, do n’t mention it, everything is good at home, it ’s difficult to go out at home, brother, you saw it in Fangshi yesterday. As long as you can make money, there are people who can do it, and people who ca n’t do it. I ’ve done it, and it ’s not easy to earn some money without affecting my spiritual practice … “

Yan Liqiang suddenly thought about it, and suddenly thought of a way to clean the latrine today. Although Yan Liqiang had tried his best, he was still a little dissatisfied, that is, the smell in the latrine could not be removed after cleaning, he just When I was taking a bath, I was wondering how to do this perfectly. There were already several plans in my mind, and I was thinking about it. Just when Gu Zexuan talked about making money, he immediately thought of one of the simplest plans. Maybe you can try it.

“This … I have a way, I do n’t know if it will succeed!”

“What way, brother, come and listen!” Gu Zexuan said immediately with interest.

“I also remembered this method when I went to clean the latrine today, um … my grandfather used to be Fang Langzhong, he knew a way to get rid of the smell in the latrine, Brother Gu, if you think we can do it Can you sell something that removes and greatly reduces the smell in the toilet? “

“Are you talking about sachets, this thing already exists?”

“Not a sachet, the sachet covers the smell in the toilet, not remove it. I said this is another way …”

“Then you can’t make this thing easily, how many silvers do you need to invest to see the effect?”

“It ’s easy to do. If you put in silver, it is estimated that it will be almost a few cents. You can make a batch of samples and try …”

“Any money can be made?” Gu Zexuan’s eyes widened suddenly, “So cheap?”

“Basically, it does n’t cost much to make this thing ~ ~ It just takes a little time. If you start doing it now, it will take about two or three months to see the finished product!”

“Wait for what, do it!” Gu Zexuan immediately patted his thigh and cried out directly, “Isn’t it just a few cents, what is this money, and there will be no good meal, two or three The time of the month is not long. Let ’s try it first. If this method works, it ’s a long-term business. It ’s definitely worth a try. In this way, this is your method. Zhao Huipeng and I made a small amount of money. Heli, what do you say, let’s do it. In the future, if that thing can be sold to make money, you will account for half, and Zhao Huipeng and I will share half together, what do you think! “

“Okay, that’s it!” Yan Liqiang laughed.

Gu Zexuan and Zhao Huipeng were both a little bit excited, one after another, “You said, brother, what do you need to do that thing?”

“Need a few large clay pots for pickled vegetables …”

“Large earthen jar of pickled vegetables?” Gu Zexuan was stunned, and then asked nothing, simply said, “OK, I will buy it …”

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