Silent Reading Chapter 87: Macbeth (twenty-eight), the fastest update to silently read the latest chapters!

It seemed to be a voice from his dream, and it was so familiar that it fulfilled his long-awaited look.

Fei Du’s wringed brows slowly loosened, and let his involuntary sleepiness amidst the faint smell of smoke. Before falling into deep sleep, he was still thinking about holding the one that covered his eyes. That hand—Unfortunately, there was a needle in one arm, and the other arm was so imprisoned by a plaster cast. The limbs were very insufficient, so I had to give up.

As long as Fei Du has self-consciousness, it is as if he has grasped the scepter of destiny again. In his heart he has a stone mountain guarding one side. The distracting thoughts were swept away, and he tried his best to adjust his nearly exhausted body functions. Every sleep was his “charge” time. Every day he woke up, he was recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Of course, Brother Luo’s “care” is indispensable.

This person claims to be here to take care of him, but in fact, the decent work is done by other caregivers.

Luo Wenzhou’s daily task is to come to him to eat three meals, then use the TV in his ward to watch football games and food shows, and then leave when he sees him sleeplessly.

The most outrageous thing is that every time he eats, he has to go to the upper air vent to let the taste of the rib soup float over without waste. At the same time, the high-definition camera is playing on the TV from raw to cooked steak. During the process, “sizzling” sounded—sounds, colors and fragrances, surrounded by zombies like Fei Du who couldn’t speak or move. It was a four-in-one, allowing him to experience what is called “gratitude and revenge” from body to heart.

Fei Du, who was taking the nutrient solution, looked at Luo Wenzhou with silent eyes.

Luo Wenzhou met his gaze, seemingly unable to see the silent condemnation inside, and published an oral essay: “My mother’s pork rib soup, what is it? I said earlier that she should compare it to this level. The’low-lying’ contestants are braised, don’t listen, you have to say braised is unhealthy, you have to stew, look, the seasoning time is wrong, the salt is wrong, let alone the heat, feed the cats, I think the cats have to be digged out and buried. “

Then Fei Du watched him groaning and disgusting, while sulking most of his bowl.

Fei Du: “…”

Luo Wenzhou and him looked at each other for a while, as if suddenly understood something, leaned forward very cheaply; “Why stare at me eagerly, do you want to eat?”

Fei Du blinked at him lightly.

Luo Wenzhou did not hesitate to take the last piece of ribs: “Wait when you can call me ‘brother’, I’ll give you some sweetness.”

Fei Du: “…”

He didn’t actually have any interest in rib soup. He just thought it was very interesting to watch Luo Wenzhou. This gentleman was a noisy man, and when he walked in, he kept the cold and empty ward alive and kicking.

Luo Wenzhou broadcasted the meal in front of him without laboring the nurses. He limped and cleaned up the dishes, then looked out like a thief, and saw that the medical staff did not intend to come back for the time being. He quickly He closed the door and slipped to Fei Du’s bed: “Do something that violates discipline and keep quiet.”

Fei Du lowered his eyes and glanced at himself, feeling that from head to toe, there was really no room for “violating discipline”, so he looked at Luo Wenzhou a little expectantly, and wanted to learn fashionable gameplay with his brother.

…Then he saw Luo Wenzhou pulling out a small bottle of honey from nowhere.

Fei Du said blankly, “Oh.”

He’s really not the kind of person who can’t stand it if he can’t eat and drink for a month or two.

“Quietly,” Luo Wenzhou said to Fei Du in a low voice like a criminal peddling big cigarettes, “I’ll just give you a bite, if there is more.”

Speaking, he poured a few drops of honey into the bottle cap, mixed it with a little warm water, and then dipped it with a cotton swab, and carefully applied it to Fei Du’s lips where no blood was visible.

Although Fei Du felt that this level of “discipline violation” was not in line with expectations, he licked it with face, and thought: “Sophora japonica honey.”

At the same time, he glanced over the man in front of him–Luo Wenzhou seemed to be a little thinner, and his muscles and bones could not be repaired by gnawing on a few spare ribs. His injured leg didn’t dare to support the ground. Hanging there, it’s difficult for him to maintain a precise balance. Under the rolled up shirt sleeves, there are abrasions that are about to heal. Only a few superficial marks are left. When he gets closer, he can smell the neckline of his cuffs. There was a smell of detergent warmed by body temperature.

“The skin with this body temperature must feel very good.” Fei Du had such a thought for no reason. He squinted lightly and silently switched to the angle of view of the cloaked beast, thinking that Luo Wenzhou was at this time. The haggard face looked very seductive.

Although Fei, who is physically disabled, is only a live zombie that blinks, still does not prevent him from patrolling Luo Wenzhou’s “neck and above knees” for a few laps. It feels better than the miserable pork rib soup. eat.

Luo Wenzhou feeds the water with great concentration, for fear that the cotton swab will hurt him, and be careful not to rub the sticky honey water everywhere. A bottle of honey water almost makes him sweaty, and he has no time to pay attention to someone. A deep and malicious look in the bourgeoisie’s eyes.

“What did you say you blocked for? Hide behind the front of your car, at the most a little bit of oil.” Luo Wenzhou fed him water without knowing it, and said softly, “You are not a Are you planning to open the professional perversion of the “Wohen Killing Training Center”? Why did you cross-border the job of sacrificing yourself and saving people?”

The corner of Fei Du’s mouth curled slightly.

“Laugh a fart,” Luo Wenzhou said again, “I almost thought that your’masterpiece’ was going to be a hit .”

Fei Du was a bit confused at first, and didn’t understand what the so-called “masterpiece” meant.

It took him a long time to reminisce about it-at the meeting that day, he drew two portraits on the meeting notebook. The protagonist was Luo Wenzhou. One is an image of a well-dressed and well-dressed sitting, while the other is more “casual” and more casually dressed…with only a tie.

The former was knocked down on the author’s chest by the great Luo team, while the latter was torn away by him on the spot.

Fei Du couldn’t help but imagined the scene of the painting “mounted on the bedside”. On the spot, he bowed to Luo Wenzhou’s three-foot skin. He subconsciously pursed his mouth, and a drop of water flowed down his lips. Luo Wenzhou hurriedly stretched out his hand–

Fei Du licked it by accident, and the tip of his tongue just touched his hand, and the two of them were taken aback at the same time.

Afterwards, before Luo Wenzhou could react, Fei Du simply rolled up his fingertips with his tongue, and drew half a circle on his fingertips.

Luo Wenzhou: “…”

Fei Du seemed to be okay. He took back the magical powers from his lips and tongue without rushing. He watched Luo Wenzhou in a leisurely manner. Because these days he was so thin and his eyes were widening, he was bent without a smile. There was a corner of his eye. Hook, there was Luo Wenzhou’s “Zong Fei” gaze that once had a headache when he saw it.

Although he didn’t even hum, Luo Wenzhou understood what the man was about to say from his eyes for no reason: “When will you call me’brother’, I can promise you, I will give you more Sweetness.”

Among all the severely injured patients in the world who lie there with only five faculties doing minor movements, Fei Du can win a world championship in the “Hooliganism” event.

Luo Wenzhou underestimated Dao’er for a while, feeling that the fingers he had licked were a bit numb, and it became hotter for a while, and his throat rolled impatiently: “You…”

At this moment, the phone in his pocket shook, Luo Wenzhou: “…you wait for me!”

Tao Ran on the other side of the phone is inexplicable: “Huh? What are you waiting for? It’s not convenient for you to answer the phone now?”

“I didn’t talk about you.” Luo Wenzhou turned the phone to speakerphone without angrily. After thinking about it, he was unwilling to do so, and then patted Fei Du’s forehead lightly, “What is going on today?”

He was suspended from work and on sick leave. He was at ease in the hospital, and he was able to remotely control the criminal investigation team’s case-handling process.

“We found the mail records of Dong Gan sending things overseas,” Tao Ran said. “It was when Zheng Kaifeng’s first’deposit’ was first sent, the address was the exchange point of the empty overseas underground bank. The content is the’contract’. Now this duplicate’contract’ has been found-Dong Gan stored it in the warehouse of their motorcade, anonymously, and none of his colleagues knew that the contents of the box belonged to him. . After the agreement of the administrator and other team members who have deposited things, we checked everyone’s things carefully before finding it-this is an’overseas investment agency contract’, written in English, and Dong Qian probably didn’t understand it. What is this thing, so I left it out and didn’t send it to Dong Xiaoqing.”

Many overseas underground banks will apparently use a “pawn shop” and “currency exchange point” as a guise. The illegally sourced cash has been changed hands in their underground network several times, and finally it will be sold by a certain institution. It is deposited in the bank under the name of “investment” and replaced with some kind of asset. After several ins and outs are washed out, the “legal” is returned to its owner.

In order to murder Zhou Junmao, Zheng Kaifeng paid the truck driver Dong Gan two sums of money. Due to the unprepared intervention of the police, Zheng Kaifeng paid a lot of money to the police, but it didn’t stop. Now the ins and outs of the deposit have been figured out-this money was made by Zheng Kaifeng outside the country. The company remits it through the network of the underground bank, and the whole process is almost complete. If this incident does not happen in Dongchuang, after a while, Dong Xiaoqing may get this unexpected investment income and live ignorantly and richly.

Although Dong Qian’s family is not rich, nor poor, the conscientious ordinary people have never seen such a large amount of money, and they may not be tempted when they see it-because they know that this is ill-gotten wealth, so much There is basically no concept of what money can do, and it can’t raise actual greed, so why is Dong Gan willing to give up his life?

Luo Wenzhou: “What else is in that anonymous storage warehouse?”

“There are photos of Dong Gan’s dead wife before his death and a paper man-the kind burned to the dead-in a kneeling position, with Zhou Junmao’s name written on the back of his head.” Tao Ran said, “We have a small shroud wreath business nearby. I searched the shop again, and one recognized the paper man. It was made one month before Zhou Junmao’s car accident. The boss also turned up the list. The signature and contact information were indeed Dong Gan, because the kneeling villain had a very strange posture. , The owner of the shroud shop suspected that he was doing something like cult witches, so he was very impressed with him, and the physical characteristics described are also appropriate.”

“I’m trying to restore the whole case–Dong Gan’s wife died in a car accident 21 years ago. Over the years, he grew up by pulling his daughter alone, never knowing the real cause of her death, and then suddenly one day, A mysterious courier came to him without buying anything and sent him a mysterious mail, which revealed the real cause of his wife’s death.”

“Dong Qian was shocked and began to contact this mysterious person. He pretended to shop online and repeatedly purchased and returned goods. In fact, he was contacting the mysterious person behind him through the courier. The other party sent him the evidence and told Dong Gan proposed cooperation.”

“Dong Qian doesn’t care how much money he can get. How to circulate the cross-border black money is too complicated for him. He should be all intent on revenge, and he didn’t even want to find someone to translate the complicated funds. Contract. During the whole process, Zheng Kaifeng did not show up, and he perfectly hid himself in the case of that year. Even the purchase/murder of Zhou Junmao should be in the name of Zhou Huaijin-this is why Dong Xiaoqing took the risk after learning part of the truth. , The reason for the assassination of Zhou Huaijin.”

Luo Wenzhou: “Then how do you explain the email that Dong Qian sent to himself before he was alive?”

“It is speculated that Dong Qian should have sent it,” Tao Ran said. “Although Dong Qian’s purpose is to get revenge, after all, there is such a large sum of money behind it that will be transferred to his daughter’s account in the future. If Dong Xiaoqing knows nothing At that time, he might be frightened by such a large sum of money-but he did not expect Dong Xiaoqing to have such a fierce personality.”

Luo Wenzhou still frowned: “According to you, who did Dong Xiaoqing’s car accident?”

“Do you remember the surveillance camera of their neighbor?” Tao Ran said, “It’s the one who photographed the arsonist-our technician found that the host of the camera was invaded, and someone was using that camera. Monitor Dong Qian’s house.”

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