Silent Reading Chapter 37: Humbert Humbert IV, the fastest update to silently read the latest chapters!

Lang Qiao hadn’t finished the trouble, and was about to chase after victory. Together with his colleagues, he continued to encircle and suppress Luo Wenzhou. Unexpectedly, he looked at the portrait that fell on the ground and looked at the portrait that fell on the ground. She was so frightened that she was so drunk and flew out of her pores. NS.

There are technicians in the public security system who specialize in analog portraits, and many of them are masters. In comparison, the painting skills of this portrait are really at the level of beginners. But it is very strange. The charm of the person in the painting is unexpectedly vivid. The face seems to have been repeatedly traced in the heart of the painter countless times.

Lang Qiao: “What is this?”

Tao Ran was kicked over by Luo Wenzhou, a little awake, realizing that he had said something wrong, he stood up on the sofa, went out to wash his face, and came back to clean up things on the ground with Luo Wenzhou: “It’s a lotus flower. What about the mountain? The old man talked about it all his life.”

“Lotus Mountain” is not a mountain. It is the name of the northern suburbs of Yancheng. It belonged to the county seat of Yancheng in the early years. It was included in Yancheng more than ten years ago and became a development zone.

On that page of the notebook, in addition to the vivid portrait, there are also a few old yellowed photos, which are pasted between the pages with transparent tape. After too long, they will fall down when touched.

Some of them are life photos with blurry pictures, as well as photo studio works with strong characteristics of the times-they are all the background cloth of Dutch windmills, exaggerated lighting, and the girl’s smile on them is a little stiff, like a pose with too long exposure time. shoot.

There are six photos in total.

Old photos are very strange to say. All the photo papers are the same faded and yellowed after being put on for decades. If the people in the photos are happy and happy, the old yellowed sites will appear. The aftertaste is long and the years are quiet, but if the person in the photo is unexpectedly encountered later, and others look back at his voice and appearance at the time, they can always see a strange and gloomy atmosphere, as if the host’s resentment and unwillingness are attached to the static state. In the picture, something is revealed in the dark.

“Is it Mr. Yang?” Lang Qiao asked, “How does he manage the development zone?”

“At that time, the city bureau had a policy that everyone under the age of thirty-five years old had to go to the grassroots for training-either to the police station or several counties at the time. My master and the others went to Lianhua Mountain and stayed there. It’s been more than half a year.” Luo Wenzhou carefully squeezed the edge of the photo and re-clamped it back into the notebook. “It didn’t take long for me to go there, and I encountered that case-you may not have heard of it. Then I was still a preschooler. .”

“At the beginning, a man came to report the crime, saying that the child was lost.” Tao Ran flipped through the notebook. Except for photos and portraits, most of the contents in the notebook were purely handwritten. The old detective’s words were quite beautiful and delicate. It is also powerful, tangible and physical. On the front page of the photo, the word “Guo Heng” is written, and three lines of key lines are drawn under the name, “Yes, the reporter is Guo Heng, and the one who lost it is his eleven-year-old. My daughter, her nickname is “Fei Fei”.”

When Luo Wenzhou heard this, he paused with his hand on a thick textbook, and looked up at Tao Ran wonderingly: “You have drunk like this, do you remember the girl’s name?”

Tao Ran lowered his head to avoid his sight: “I have been listening to the old man for so many years, I can memorize the ins and outs.”

Chang Ning is usually busy at work and spends little time watching TV. It is rare to listen to the stories told by the Interpol team up close, and he can’t help but ask curiously: “What happened later?”

“At that time, parents generally didn’t take care of their children as they do now. Eleven or twelve-year-olds are already older children. They usually go to school or go to classmates to play, and they usually leave after telling their parents. I won’t be around them all day long.”

“But Guo Fei, a little girl, is very honest. There are fixed hours for school and school, and she can give a valid reason five minutes later. She never has to worry about her at home. There is nothing special about her disappearance. The classmate said that Guo Fei did not stay at school after school that day, and returned home on time. It was about fifteen minutes’ journey from school to her house, and the child was lost in those fifteen minutes. My master and the others walked along her normally I walked back and forth dozens of times. There was not so much surveillance on the road that year, but there was no special “back” on the way home for the children. It was summer, and it was not very dark in the evening. There are a lot of people coming and going. It stands to reason that if such a big girl is taken away from the street, even if there is something wrong, it is impossible for no one to notice at all.”

“But after visiting a whole circle, they found nothing. They turned the school upside down and didn’t even find a girl’s hair. Isn’t Holmes famous, “Exclude all impossibility,” The rest is unbelievable, but it is also the truth’, so some people said at the time that either acquaintances committed the crime, or the child ran away from home by himself.”

“Following the thoughts of acquaintances committing crimes, the police have investigated over and over again. The school’s teachers and workers, Guo’s relatives and friends, and even the stationery stores and small supermarkets that the child usually goes to… a total of hundreds of people have been interrogated, but Nothing.”

Tao Ran said, “Just when they were investigating into trouble, the girl’s father Guo Heng suddenly received a phone call, and no one spoke, only a little girl screamed hoarsely, the child Her mother fainted as soon as she heard it, and the police immediately found the location of the phone through the number-it was a very remote phone booth.”

Lang Qiao asked strangely: “No surveillance?”

No, the phone booth itself is next to the garbage station and looks like abandoned. Many people don’t know that the phone can be used,” Luo Wenzhou said. , But I couldn’t check the dna at the time, and couldn’t be sure if it was her. There was no fingerprint.”

No one spoke in Tao Ran’s living room for a while.

For a long time, Fei Du, who hadn’t said a word, interrupted and asked: “No other calls? No blackmail, and no ransom?”

“No,” Tao Ran said, “After that phone call, the kidnapper never contacted the girl’s house again. No money or request was made.”

Fei Du held the wine glass and shook it lightly, smelling the aroma of the wine, as if what was in the glass was not the dry red bought in the supermarket, but the Romani Conti.

“That’s weird,” he said. “It sounds like the kidnappers are not attacking the children, but to torture the adults in the family-what do girls’ parents do?”

“Guo Heng herself is a middle school teacher, and her child’s mother is a civil servant. At the time, her family was pretty good, but she was an ordinary well-off. They were all ordinary people who received dead wages on a monthly basis. Possibly. Both of them have gone to school, and they are usually knowledgeable people. They are not very ambitious at work and have a good relationship with colleagues. There are no disputes over interests, and extramarital affairs are ruled out.”

Ordinary people, ordinary parents, ordinary girls–not even a beautiful child, living a life of order. Just as mediocre as the people who walked by casually on the street, even if the police dig three feet of the ground, they can’t dig out any special stories.

The folk saying says “flies don’t bite seamless eggs”, but the police have repeatedly sorted out people related to the Guo family, and even individuals* have used a magnifying glass to analyze it and found that the girl Guo Fei and her family are the same A “seamless egg”.

Time is passing, and the silent kidnapper never said anything again. Whether it is the police or the girl’s family, everyone knows that the chance of this child is very slim. The best end is to be trafficked to a remote place. Place, but more likely to be…

The police have no idea what the kidnapper chose this girl.

It’s as if he is throwing dice on the street, whoever arrives at random locations is whoever.

For nothing.

No one is safe in this world.

Lang Qiao asked: “Then…what about the other five people?”

“All clues to the disappearance of Fei Guo were interrupted, and there was no way, so I had no choice but to let it go. Later, the master was transferred back to the city. At that time, it was in the criminal investigation team of the Xitai District Bureau. Another case of missing children occurred in the jurisdiction. , Still a girl, twelve years old, also disappeared unconsciously on the way from school, the kidnapper still said nothing. The most frightening thing is that two days after the girl disappeared, the family also received a call from a child crying.”

“My master immediately realized that something was wrong and reported the situation to his superiors. At that time, the person in charge of Xitai District decided to report to the city bureau, but found that the entire Yancheng City, including surrounding counties, had similar cases of missing children. Start.”

“Seven ups,” Luo Wenzhou added, “The last surviving girl has a special family situation. There is no dad, and her mother is a drunkard. She fools around all the time. She doesn’t know that the child has been lost for several days, and she didn’t call the police at all. In this matter, the Municipal Bureau took the lead, transferred personnel from various districts, and established a task force. Lao Yang was later transferred to the Municipal Bureau because of this opportunity-but there was no progress. There was no intersection between the missing girls, except for…”

Speaking of this, Luo Wenzhou suddenly remembered something, his eyes fell on Chenchen, who was accustomed to biting a drink and was accustomed to listening intently. After a meal, he turned his voice abruptly: “Except for the kidnapper’s modus operandi, they are all the same.”

“After Guo Fei’s father heard about it, he took a long-term suspension of pay and went to the city to wait for a result from the task force. Unfortunately, he was finally disappointed.” Tao Ran cherished the old criminal police’s notebook. Put it in the paper box and put it away, “Later, the task force also disbanded, and those who were still remembering the case, were the victims’ family members, and my master, who handled it from the beginning. After more than half a year, Guo Heng suddenly I found the master and said that he had found the suspect, a teacher, named Wu Guangchuan-the person in the portrait. Wu Guangchuan was the teacher of the’Jinxiu Middle School’. Jinxiu was the earliest private junior high school at the time. The boarding system enrolled students and tuition fees. The teaching quality is high and the teaching quality is high. Many parents in outlying suburban counties felt that the local middle school was not good enough, and they all sent their children to Jinxiu. When Guo Fei disappeared, Wu Guangchuan happened to be in the enrollment team from Jinxiu Middle School to the Lianhuashan area.”

Chang Ning held his breath: “Is that him?”

“Wu Guangchuan was thirty-six years old. He was divorced and lived alone. He did have the conditions to commit the crime. Old Yang followed him in private, and illegally used some tactics, but nothing was found. This Wu Guangchuan has a mild temperament. He is well-known and well-known. He often contacts children at work and has never crossed the line. Lao Yang followed for a while and thought it was not him, but Guo Henggui was obsessed with him. He determined that Wu Guangchuan was the kidnapper. Old Yang withdrew, Guo Heng brought a watermelon knife to Wu Guangchuan and stabbed him.”

Lang Qiao said “Ah”: “Dead?”

“Well, I lost my breath when I got it to the hospital. They found the seventh missing girl in Wu Guangchuan’s basement, as well as the clothes of the previous six girls—the clothes were all cut into strips with Blood stains matching the blood types of several victims. The kidnapping case of serial children was so broken that year, but the clothes were there, but people couldn’t find them, and there was no evidence of death or death of the suspect.” Luo Wenzhou stood up and stretched lazily. Waist, “Guo Heng deliberately murdered, but also sentenced. This matter has been in Lao Yang’s heart. He always felt that his mistake in judgment caused the later tragedy. He talked about it for a lifetime-not to mention this, the suspect’s bones and scum It’s cold, eat.”

Everyone rioted at Tao Ran’s house until the afternoon. The taxis and subways were gone. They drove by themselves and left behind to help Tao Ran clean up the new home. By the way, Chang Ning and Chenchen also went home.

Tao then came and was filled with a few more cups. He couldn’t stand while washing the dishes. He was “broken and safe” and was driven away by Luo Wenzhou.

Team Luo cleaned up a pile of plates and bowls three times. When he returned to the living room, he saw Fei Du with his back facing him, flipping through the notes of the old detective.

He seemed to have eyes behind his back, and said to Luo Wenzhou: “Did you miss a word just now, the missing girl must have something in common-is it clothes?”

Luo Wenzhou leaned against the wall of the hall and laughed blankly: “How do you know that you will not be the reincarnation of the murderer?”

“You took a look at Chenchen, and then you swallowed it,” Fei Du turned around. “The clothes found in this Wu Guangchuan basement are all floral skirts, right?”

When Luo Wenzhou saw him, he thought of the hapless game console, and a little uncomfortably avoided his sight: “You can teach your child to guard against strangers and be vigilant, but you can’t make her afraid of wearing a floral skirt, otherwise What do you want us to do?”

“Well,” Fei Du nodded softly, “Team Luo is right.”

It is rare for Luo Wenzhou to hear a few good words from his mouth, and his liver trembled when he nodded his head. Sure enough, in the next second, his ominous premonition became true.

Fei Du quietly asked: “Besides Xiaobaihua, the game console…what else?”

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