Silent Reading Chapter 139: Edmund Dantes (10), the fastest update to silently read the latest chapters!

Xiao Haiyang was suddenly speared, and he was inexplicable. He didn’t feel the leader’s unhappy mood at all. He actually asked the bottom line: “Why, did I violate the discipline again?”

“…” Luo Wenzhou was beaten up by him and couldn’t express his temper. After choking for a moment, he said angrily, “What’s the matter with you?”

Xiao Haiyang’s tone was a bit stern: “Team Luo, are you still in the hospital? Don’t leave now, I’ll be there soon, I want to meet and say.”

The little glasses have a sense of time. He said “coming soon.” Five minutes later, he rushed into the hospital wrapped in a cold snap.

The inpatient department was full of mouthfuls, and a few people wanted to be quiet, so they found a stone table in the small garden behind. The small garden is for the inpatients to take a walk. It is the twelfth month of winter, and the dripping water turns into ice. Let alone the patients walking around, there are not even crows with their own down jackets.

Xiao Haiyang put two resumes and a printed form on the stone table and sucked his nose vigorously: “Team Luo asked me to check the usage of the people and vehicles with Vice Team Tao that day. Here, there are two resumes-the one who accompanied Deputy Tao Tao to visit Yin Ping’s house that day, one was Brother Wu of our team, and the other was Kong Weichen, a policeman from Nanwan Police Station…”

“Xiaowu, I know that after graduation, I was under my nose. If it weren’t for my master, I would have almost become my junior brother that year,” Luo Wenzhou waved his hand, “Kong Weichen also need not say, the point is…” /

“No, Kong Weichen, I want to focus on it.” Xiao Haiyang drew out Kong Weichen’s resume with his frozen fingers. Poverty Alleviation Project’ right?”

Luo Wenzhou raised his eyebrows suspiciously: “Huh?”

The general form of this kind of activity is greater than the actual meaning. It basically means that everyone pays for lunch according to the level, meaning that they donate some money, and then take a few photos and write a report. It is meaningless. NS.

“The Hongzhi School in Nanwan was the one who was paired with the City Council. Several officials from the City Council went to visit the Hongzhi School. Everyone paid two thousand dollars to fund the school selection one-on-one. Kong Weichen is one of the few students with relatively good grades.” Xiao Haiyang said, all three people around the stone table looked at him with big eyes and small eyes.

Luo Wenzhou had an ominous premonition, and felt that Xiao Haiyang might not be able to spit out ivory in his mouth: “So what?”

“I went to check the school’s archives. Back then, Kong Weichen’s sponsor wrote’Zhang Chunjiu’—oh, it was the old director transferred from the Municipal Bureau in the first half of the year. He took Deputy Tao and they rushed to Before Yin Ping’s house, he used to talk to Zhang Chunjiu on the phone.”

Lang Qiao looked at a loss of information overload.

Fei Du frowned slightly.

Luo Wenzhou lowered his face quickly: “Xiao Haiyang, do you know what you are talking about?”

“I know—I printed the call log.” Xiao Haiyang raised his hand and wiped his nose, then met his gaze like a root, and pulled out a note. “In addition, I have confirmed with Brother Wu. Brother Wu said that before they set off, he did see Officer Kong calling. He also asked casually. Kong Weichen said,’The old leader is very concerned about this, and I should report to him.’ Brother Wu thought it was the leader of the institute. I didn’t care too much. I also found out that Officer Kong was assigned to Qingyuan County at the earliest. It was Zhang Bureau who said hello before being transferred back to his hometown of Nanwan.”

A cluster of thick clouds was involuntarily blown into a pile by the wind, blocking the sun, the only heat source disappeared, and the surrounding area was immediately filled with clouds.

No one spoke in the little stone pavilion for a long time, and Lang Qiao suddenly felt that his weak body temperature was so stretched, and he could not sit on the stone bench for a long time. The coolness still penetrated into the texture of her clothes, arousing from the inside. Shudder outside.

I don’t know how long it took before Lang Qiao came back to her senses slowly. Some unspeakable angry mountain blew up with a tsunami, just like a believer saw someone splashing sewage on the idol, she stood up suddenly: “Xiao Are you sick in the ocean? Have you received funding or transferred jobs, and you’re still asking the bottom line? Are you a military spy? Do you usually have to drag it out verbatim to check if you’re sitting together and playing cards and bragging? Isn’t there a secret code? It’s a shame not to let you be born in the Qing Dynasty and engage in literary prison!”

Xiao Haiyang didn’t look at the expressions of people at all, and his tone of voice did not fluctuate: “When Zhang Ju was in power, the county police station under his jurisdiction could barely be counted within his jurisdiction. Now that he is transferred away, Nanwan has nothing to do with him. , Can you explain why Kong Weichen would contact him at this time? I know that he is a martyr, and I also know that if this is said to the people in Nanwan, they have to beat me-you want to beat me too. But no matter what you are Emotionally or not, this is the result of my investigation, this is the fact.”

“Bullshit!” Lang Qiao became angry. “If you were to kill someone before saving someone, would you put yourself in to save someone? Zhang Ju has retreated to the second line, and this can be dragged out by you. ……”

Xiao Haiyang put his hands together and said, “Of course I won’t, but everyone’s logic is different. I don’t know what others think.”

Lang Qiao grabbed his collar, Xiao Haiyang was pulled forward by her, his ribs hit the stone table, and the temples of his glasses slipped under the cheekbones.

Luo Wenzhou: “Hey…”

“Wait, listen to me.” Fei Du gently put Lang Qiao’s wrist, his hand has been stuck in his pocket just now, with a little coat of residual warmth, his fingertips are only a little bloody. With the beige sweater cuffs revealing his wrists, Lang Qiao involuntarily loosened the blue and white tight muscles on the back of his hand.

“First, Officer Kong spoke to Bureau Zhang beforehand, and there is no inevitable causal relationship with his leaking information, unless you get a complete call record, when Tao Ran and the others return to Yin Ping’s house for the second time, there is conclusive evidence. It proves that Officer Kong passed the message through some method;” Fei Du paused lightly, “Secondly, even if the information about this incident is really leaked from him, he is not necessarily subjective and deliberate—”

Xiao Haiyang opened his mouth.

Fei Du took Lang Qiao’s hand from Xiao Haiyang’s collar and separated the two of them: “I’ll make an inappropriate metaphor, Haiyang, don’t get angry after you hear it—if Officer Gu is still alive, it’s you. Seniors and superiors, he asked you to do something you can’t understand on the grounds of secretly investigating something, will you unconditionally comply?”

I don’t know why, some words come out of Fei Du’s mouth, Xiao Haiyang is always easier to listen to.

He was silent for a moment: “You are right.”

Fei Du asked: “Where are the other police officer and the car, have you checked it?”

“Checked it, the city bureau was in chaos today. I took the opportunity to steal Xiaowu’s personnel file. He is a local and has a short working experience, and his resume and personal background are relatively simple. I haven’t seen anything suspicious for the time being. The place will be further investigated.” Xiao Haiyang returned his crooked collar and glasses blankly. “As for the police car, the vehicle was seriously damaged. Now it has been pulled to the mark inspection for detailed investigation, and the result has not come out yet. It has recently come out. It has not been maintained, but it is used more frequently. Since Lu Guosheng and the others have been arrested, they have not been idle. Basically all the field staff have encountered it-if it is a problem with the car, then everyone in our team is suspected.”

Xiao Haiyang once again succeeded in making everyone misfire.

No matter when, it is always the most painful to check one’s own person. Probably only the donkey like Xiao Haiyang, who doesn’t talk about humanity and sophistication, can take on such a cold-blooded errand.

Xiao Haiyang’s gaze swept across the faces of several people. Seeing that no one answered the question, he said to himself: “I think now…”

Luo Wenzhou was almost afraid of him, and interrupted him quickly: “Ancestor, I can’t help you shut up and rest.”

“I haven’t finished it yet.” Xiao Haiyang pushed his glasses, regardless of whether others wanted to hear it or not. The two lips flew up and down on their own. “I think we should find out as soon as possible. The motive of the incident, and whether the two pickup trucks are related to him.”

Lang Qiao: “At the beginning of the Zhang Ju…”

“The Bureau of Zhang was transferred at the beginning of the year, so now even the investigation team has not found him, but don’t forget that he was still in charge of the city bureau during the monitoring and overhaul of the batch of 203.” Xiao Haiyang raised his voice slightly, “How long has he been in the top position? Even if he is transferred away, the influence is still there. Do you know how many people will reveal to him intentionally and unintentionally? Also, the system we are currently using in the field He also did it. When Zheng Kaifeng was arrested, why did Yang Bo get a field list that we can’t necessarily explain?”

Lang Qiao’s mouth is not as sharp as he is, and he is speechless for a while, and can’t help but want to do it again.

“Evidence——Xiao Haiyang, you are accusing the old director of the Municipal Bureau,” Luo Wenzhou interrupted the two of them. “If you find the evidence, I will pass it up for you. Otherwise, today’s words You can pretend not to hear, but when Officer Kong is buried, you have to kowtow to him three times, otherwise Tao Ran will not let you go.”

When Xiao Haiyang heard Tao Ran’s name, he finally stopped, and pursed his mouth nervously.

Luo Wenzhou waved at him very tiredly: “Go away.”

Xiao Haiyang didn’t roll, he poked in place for a moment, and his red hand hanging on his side loosened and tightened.

There is a strange temperament on these little glasses. It seems that whether he is in the crowd or standing alone, he looks lonely, full of doubts, and full of distrust of the air flowing through his mouth and nose.

Except…Tao Ran.

Tao Ran is kind and patient, seemingly careless, and his life is a bit rough, but he always takes care of everyone who walks into his field of vision. Although his appearance and temperament are so different, he always reminds him of Gu Zhao back then. . Since he was still in the Huashi District Bureau and first cooperated with the Municipal Bureau to investigate the case of He Zhongyi, he has had this kind of natural intimacy towards Tao Ran.

This sudden murder almost made him feel like a step back in time, he almost became a nervous hedgehog, his thorns were all erected angrily.

Luo Wenzhou: “I have something to say.”

Xiao Haiyang whispered a little hesitantly: “I…I want to see Vice Team Tao, okay?”

Luo Wenzhou glanced at him deeply, then nodded slightly, Xiao Haiyang ran away quickly.

Lang Qiao’s rage was gradually blown away by the cold wind as Xiao Haiyang left, and he subconsciously thought about what Xiao Haiyang said, and found to his horror that he had been persuaded by him: “Team Luo, suddenly overhauled the surveillance system the year before last. When it comes to equipment, well, it seems to be…”

“Lao Zhang is a bit older than us, and he has done meritorious service. The city bureau called for him.”

“The best friend is our big brother.”

“Doing business at home…”

“Gu Zhao was suspicious that there was a ghost in the city bureau, so he chose to investigate privately, but he also knew the rules. When he finally found the Louvre, in order to collect evidence rigorously, he must have chosen one from someone he trusted. As a partner—”

Why do those people’s “business” spread all over the world, capable of cross-border laundering/money laundering, but the final important base is in Yancheng?

After Gu Zhao’s accident, Yang Zhengfeng, who was the leader of the team, took the direct leadership responsibility and was punished together. He handed over the Criminal Investigation Team of the Municipal Bureau to Zhang Chunjiu, who was similar in seniority and more stable. The criminal investigation team is even more brilliant in his hands. The law and order in those years was not good enough. It seems that the criminals in the city have gone on vacation together. During his reign, both the crime rate and the detection rate are quite good. This is only one step at a time. Climb to a high position.

Is he good governance or…

Lang Qiao was right. Almost everything broke out after Zhang Ju was transferred. The workload of the municipal bureau in the past six months has almost reached the previous ten years. Is it because Zhang Ju, the Dinghai God Needle, has gone, and all the demons and ghosts have come out to make waves?

Or the other way around—the strict protection/umbrella is gone, can’t cover the monsters underneath anymore?

“Little Lang,” Luo Wenzhou said, “You stay in the hospital and keep an eye on Yin Ping, whether he is stupid or vegetative, you can’t let him go wrong anyway.”

Lang Qiao nodded hurriedly: “Hey.”

“Don’t be empty-handed,” Luo Wenzhou said in a low voice, “Go apply for a gun.”

There were thin goose bumps on Lang Qiao’s neck, and when she glanced at Luo Wenzhou’s face, she didn’t dare to talk nonsense anymore and stood up and ran.

Luo Wenzhou exhaled a long breath, grabbed Fei Du’s wrist, and repeatedly rubbed his wrist bones. If the inner ghost was in the same period as Gu Zhao, he must have been a respected senior. Luo Wenzhou had always known it, but when things came, his heart was still blank.

Too difficult.

To accept, doubt, investigate, and treat the most cunning and heinous criminals… It’s too difficult.

“There is no evidence,” Luo Wenzhou whispered, “Regardless of the Lu Bureau taken by the investigation team or the Zhang Bureau–Xiao Haiyang relies on imagination and intuition, and farts. Even Wei Zhanhong doesn’t know the ghosts. Identity, unless Yin Ping wakes up and recognizes it… Even if Yin Ping recognizes his character, if he says nothing about it…”

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