Silent Crown Chapter 678: Yin Chen

The sound of a horn came from the end of the sky.

Besides the chaotic return to the market, on the sea that has already set off a turbulent current, everyone can’t help but raise their heads and see the turbulent and changing sky.

It seems that a heavy copper horn has been blown, but you can look in the direction of the sound, but you can’t see the person blowing the trumpet, and even the etheric induction is difficult to catch.

That was the sound from outside Guixu.

I don’t know if someone burned themselves in a remote area of ​​thousands or tens of thousands of miles, and blew the disaster.

So everyone could see: A huge gap was opened in the sky, revealing the primordial darkness of the universe hidden behind the blue sky.

In the peeping of the naked eye, it was nothing but a magnificent crack. But in the feeling of the musician, it was a huge gap leading to the etheric realm.

The more terrifying element slowly rises from the rift.

That is a star.

The scarlet big star emerged from the chaos behind the crack, just like a slowly opened eye, casting an indifferent gaze toward the world. The stars gathered into a beam and descended toward the north.

Even if they weren’t stared directly at that strange eye, everyone felt the hair all over their body, and there was a heavy heart, and the chest was bored but couldn’t vomit it out.

Above the flagship of the Royal Fleet, Servin stared at the terrifying sight reflected in the etheric sphere, and couldn’t help taking a breath.

“What is this?”

“…Yin Chen!”

“Daxing Yinchen!”

The apocalyptic musician who served as an observer screamed after being sluggish for a long time: “The Holy City has sounded the horn of disaster!”

In an instant, there was a dead silence on the deck, and anxiety spread from everyone’s heart.

From just a few minutes ago, while there was a huge turmoil inside Guixu, the outer waters were also plunged into chaos and terror.

The sea tide emerged out of thin air, all kinds of turbulence continued, and the neighing sound continued to sound.

In an instant, the sea surface, which was originally dark blue and dark, turned into blood red. The scarlet color stings everyone’s eye mask. Immediately afterwards, the sea beasts lurking in the deep sea continued to float on the surface, attacking everything madly.

After drinking the red and **** water, the sea beasts changed rapidly, but they looked more abominable. There are giant fishes with human faces, giant sea snakes with limbs of the living, and deformed iron turtles covered with barnacles…

The blood is steaming and angry.

Sharp sirens one after another, the commander of each fleet has already withdrawn all the personnel on the deck under the warning of the musicians. Those unlucky ghosts who were too late to withdraw were bathed in blood and screamed, very Almost all over his body was covered with strange tumors and cysts, or died in pain, or turned into all kinds of weird monsters.

The military judge, in armor, wearing a gas mask and heavy isolation clothing, walked onto the deck, and ruthlessly killed each and every abnormal person. Then, the musician called for the flames and set them to a torch. But those deformed bones screamed in the flames, even if they turned into ashes, they were still attached to the deck like moss, which was difficult to clean.

Soon, the ocean will really boil.

The high temperature is accompanied by the scorching wind blowing from a distance, and the observer turns his head and only sees the red steel city.

The sea fortress of the Asgardians.

After the alchemy matrix was adjusted, tens of thousands of ethers in the sea fortress appeared one after another, and after they were unified and unique, the iron city in the sea was burnt to red.

No weapon is needed, because it is the scariest weapon in itself.

You don’t even need to move, just being on the surface of the sea is enough to boil the entire sea area and kill all enemies completely.

The other fleets did not hesitate to unfold their own defenses, and various elements emerged from it. The theory of music distorted the material world, causing everything around it to mutate.

Now, the world outside the cabin has almost become hell.

Everywhere is filled with weird blood and steam that will burn your lungs in one breath. There are countless iron sands flying in the wind. When the iron sand falls into the flesh and blood, it will rapidly increase in value, until the entire creature is transformed. Deformed iron tire. Even the air pressure began to change, high and low, and the vacuum continued to explode, causing hurricanes and roars…

Everyone can’t care about influencing others. Armed themselves to the teeth first, and unanimously try their best to transform the surrounding environment, even if this sea area becomes a real hell.

This is war.

Everyone has become commonplace.

If this is hell, then all soldiers are creatures that have long lived in hell.

Above the bridge, Servin coldly watched the changes of several fleets in the distance, and did not rush to start the defense at the first time.

The startup and operation of the giant ether furnace is a troublesome thing. In the face of such a terrifying scale of ether flow, even if the cooling core is constantly replaced, the life of the ether furnace will be shortened rapidly.

Good steel is used on the blade.

If there is something enviable about the current Royal Fleet, it is that after the war with natural disasters and many sea monsters, the sailors have already taken care of themselves and will not be so confused.

It wasn’t until the eroded warning came from the isolation layer of the fleet deck that Servin seemed to look away and waved: “Play the melody of my emperor’s coronation!

——Where we are, it is the land of Anglo’s glory! “

So the brilliant and mighty melody played.

The golden glow emerges from the fire of Nirvana covering the fleet. If there is a real dragon power emerges, under the control of dozens of musicians, the dragon’s breath swept away, and everything passed by that The majestic will completely shredded to dust.

When the melody played, Avalon’s waters suddenly became smooth as a mirror.

In the city reflected in the sea, a huge bell tower roared, and a stream of light flew silently from the reflection, and fell into the dragon of the Royal Fleet in an instant. The emblem of the golden retriever emerged from it, and the elements were blessed.

After doing all this, Servin looked at the more violent chaos outside, and after a moment of silence, he gave the order again.

Now the situation is messed up, so let it mess up completely, the more messy the better!

Since everyone is messing around, Angelu has to show his tolerance.

Soon, a musician covered with Longwei slowly ascended to the sky, carefully holding up the Holy Grail in his hand.

The clear springs from the Cup of Honesty are spreading everywhere.

The clear springs spilled like nectar in all directions, steaming in mid-air, but did not turn into water vapor, but formed like a thick cloud, covering all directions, and in an instant, even the hell-like sea area was decorated It’s like a fairyland.

But the thick mist is not perfume or rain, but fatal murder.

When the commanders of the fleets of various countries saw the white fog pervading the side of Longwei and the figure holding the Holy Grail above the fleet, their expressions changed from pitch black to pale green.

But soon, the huge movement from Guixu attracted everyone’s attention.

A terrifying phantom emerged from the turbulence of the ether and enveloped the sky.

Like a single-eyed **** transformed by the thunder of judgment, the terrifying thunder light exploded from the spear in his hand, piercing through layers of chaos, and forcibly opened a gap.

Soon after, dozens of musicians whizzed out, and then a ray of thunder followed and fell on the sea fortress in Asgard.

The second emperor took the lead in withdrawing from Guixu with his subordinates!

Not only that, many sharp-eyed musicians even doubted their eyes at that moment.

At that moment, the second emperor who called for divine power turned into thunder had a big hole in his chest! The bones were torn apart, and the terrible wound through which the heart pierced through was nailed with a pitch-black arrow, which did not come from Kazuto’s hand.

After that, there was another roar.

A huge Eudemons spread its wings, carrying a disabled musician on its back, and flew out of the Guixu. The Eudemons resembled a bird and a deer, covered in scars. Once out of the Guixu, it almost could not stand. stable.

This is the second one, followed by the third, fourth, and until the end, like howling stars rise into the sky from the Guixu, flying to all directions.

It seemed that something terrible had been encountered, and he was running away.

At the end, there were two more scepters. Sixteen masters seized the opportunity and spent all kinds of secret treasures before evacuating from the ruins of the ruins.

But Ye Qingxuan’s shadow was not seen in it.

Selvin’s face was green.

“What’s the matter?”

He looked at the enlightened musician: “Have no news from your Highness?”

The enlightened musician shook his head in a panic, and soon his face became more ugly: “Your Excellency, Asgard has sent a notice-Please leave the current sea area quickly. Three minutes later, the sea fortress will conduct a saturated bombardment on Guixu. , Until Guixu, there is no more land left…”

“They dare!”

Selvin roared, “What will your Highness do?! Warn is a murder! This is a naked murder against our Prince Avalon!

Let them give up all actions immediately, otherwise Angru will inevitably make them pay the price! “

The Asgardians didn’t respond anymore.

Amidst the turmoil, only the sea fortress made a loud noise that shook the Seven Seas. Numerous pipe organs rose from the steel city like a forest, pointed straight at the sky, and spit out hot steam.

Countless buildings undulate in the city like piano keys, converging in the same rhythm under the operation of millions of gears and hubs.

The terrifying city of steel has now become a musical instrument, and in the very center of the city, the huge main road slowly withdrew to both sides, and in the darkness, there was a jaw-dropping main cannon. Slowly emerged.

It is a taboo weapon that claims to be a terrorist threat that can destroy a city with a single shot, and has been banned and blocked long ago at the conference of nations.

——Dora Organ!

The phantom of the scepter rose from the city. Driven by the overload of hundreds of ether furnaces, the terrifying light brewed from under the muzzle, and gradually aimed at the ruins in front of it, killing the bones.

The countdown to the last minute has begun.

“This bunch of damn…”

Selvin’s expression was distorted, gritted his teeth: “Command the fleet, turn on all the ether furnaces, and overload the drive-from this moment on, Anglo officially announces to Asgarde…”

At this moment, the sound of surprise sounded from the bridge.

“Your Excellency, the nomadic mountain is here to communicate!”

The enlightened musician was ecstatic, shouting: “His Royal Highness comes from the self-guild ruins!”

He paused, but his voice got stuck, and his expression became dull, as if he had heard something weird.

“His Royal Highness ordered us to ignore the Asgardians, and then…retreat back…ten nautical miles?”

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