Silent Crown Chapter 521: Fuck, you, mother

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In the dead silence, there was a trembling sound.

Under the holy city, there is something horrible, swallowing and drinking happily!

The monster imprisoned under the holy city was finally able to eat after hundreds of years of starvation.

Hearing that voice, everyone’s expressions became extremely ugly.

Until now, they finally remembered that it was under the holy city…there was something that was forgotten by everyone.

It was a long time ago that caused a huge disaster, and half of the holy city was turned into ashes as a horrible thing, the real ‘natural enemy’ of mankind in the material world.

After hundreds of years of sealing, how many people have regarded it as non-existent, thinking it was dead in their hearts. But after so many years of sealing and imprisonment, it is still alive.

He greedily swallows blood like nectar, and wakes up from sleep.

It was a monster that was born immediately and was sealed by the three ancient kings. It only awakened once and almost wiped out the entire holy city.

A beast with a seven-fold crown.

——The Dragon of Calamity!

“Wake up, sleeping son!”

Ludovich laughed, spread his hands, and cheered: “The time of sleep is over! Follow this blood sacrifice and turn everything…to ashes!”

The answer to him was the hoarse dragon roar from the deepest part of the earth!

The city of steel trembled, and everyone was unable to stand in this terrifying turmoil, and the earth was turbulent, like waves on a flat bottom. Layers of shocks like water ripples emerge from the steel ground.

The roar sounded from the deepest part of the earth.

It’s like a behemoth finally got out of trouble.

The loud noise keeps breaking out.

The earth was distorted, and the steel structure buried deep in the ground was torn and twisted by a huge force.

Following the roar that shook the sky and the earth, hot flames rushed out from below the earth, rising upwards, emerging from small cracks, forming wells of blue flames.

Only an instant, the holy city is like an iron cauldron on fire, feeling the terrifying temperature from hell.

The flame sprayed out from the inside out, igniting the steel, the iron melted, and the cyan fire of natural disasters spread to the surroundings.

At this moment, the ground in the central square has been burned to red by the ground fire, and it is slowly bulging, like soap bubbles blown by children.


There was a crisp sound, as if it had pierced a huge pustule.

Scorching poisonous fire burst out.

In the terrifying flame light, the central square has become a big hole. It’s like a rift leading to hell. Something violent is roaring inside, crawling up, and can’t wait to pounce on the long-lost light!

Just the roar of the dragon dispelled all human movements.

The person who heard that dragon roar, no matter how far or near, almost fell into a loss of consciousness at the same time, shuddering to kneel on the ground, his consciousness was frozen by great fear, and fell into madness.

There is no reason or reason.

It’s as if I can’t resist the greedy appetite of the roar, everything is destined!

“This is the’doom’ of Er et al.”

Ludovic looked at the indifferent Scarlet King mockingly: “Accept this fate, because it is bestowed by the true god! It was born your disaster and end.

All futile struggles are completely useless, you only need to obey fate with reverence. “

From the very beginning, the Doomsday Chiryu was a weapon specially made by Hundred Eyes for humans.

In order to clean up these residual dregs in the material world in one effort, the Hundred Eyes have crossed time and intercepted the long future era that should have been thousands of years later-about the end and destruction of mankind. record of.

It took a lot of effort to fuse it with a gestating natural disaster embryo.

Let the destruction after tens of thousands of years be born in advance in the ‘past’ hundreds of years ago. The result is a natural disaster weapon specifically aimed at mankind.

——The Doomsday Red Dragon!

Its arrival is announcing the destruction of mankind.

All human methods can’t work on it, and even human creations have absolutely no effect.

From the core scepter element, it determines its terrifying effect on humans.

It is a symbol of despair, an entity of destruction, the end of mankind’s arrival in advance.

Humans cannot kill it, or even defeat it, and can only delay its arrival deliberately.

The ancient Three Kings paid the price of blood and sealed it in exchange for three hundred years. Hundreds of years ago, the Scarlet King gambled on the entire holy city and all the holy spirits and hundreds of scepters. He did not hesitate to dissolve many artifacts and turn them into shackles before sealing it under the holy city.

Seal the world seems to be the safest place…

Hundreds of years have passed, and it is not dead yet.

At the unprecedented fragility of the holy city, under the rain of blood from the Hundred Eyes, it finally broke free of its seal and crawled out of the deepest part of the holy city.

Up, up, up again…

Go forward to a place with light, frantically, swiftly, and at all costs to return to that piece of sky that belongs to you, spread your wings, and cast the shadow of death on the earth again.

Destroy is coming!

But at that moment, like an illusion, Ludovic saw…

On the corner of the Scarlet King’s mouth, that face that had never had any expression, but a sneerful smile appeared.

In the next instant, the red-hot earth suddenly shattered, and the angry red dragon finally…


Deadly still.

Long dead silence.

Everyone stared blankly, the head was mutilated, flesh and blood turned over, half of the body was mutilated, and almost only the skeleton was left…

This is the legendary Doomsday Red Dragon that brought destruction and end to mankind?

What a joke!

This is clearly a large roast chicken leftover by someone!

The tragic dragon crawled out from under the ground like an escape, flew in the air with difficulty, roaring in pain.

Ludovich was stunned.


In the dead silence, only one big hand stretched out from the cracks in the earth, lightly grasping the remaining wings of the Doomsday Red Dragon.

Stab it.

The wings were torn off.

The giant hand retracted, and there was a creepy chewing sound from the deepest part of the crack in the earth, as if it was a rejection of chicken wings, and he swallowed it with bones.

Immediately afterwards, his big hand stretched out again, groping on the ground, touching the flame iron on the ground, breaking the Doomsday Chilong’s body and throwing it into his mouth.

In the silence, there was only the terrible neigh of the Doomsday Chilong.

Until the end, as it struggled and roared in fear, it was pulled back into the cracks in the ground by that palm, and there was a croaking chewing sound.

For a long time, an unchewed skull was spat out.

The bare skull flew out of cracks, fell on the ground, rolled, and finally fell into the subway juice gradually. It’s like being welded to steel.

It became a quirky sculpture.

Deadly still.

It’s still dead still.

Everyone stared dumbfounded at the crack, wondering what ghosts were hidden in it, and could put monsters like Doomsday Chiryu in their mouths like snacks.

In the dead silence, countless ethers gush out from the crack in fear.

A vague phantom is faintly reflected.

On the huge and distorted phantom, it seems as if the body has three hundred arms, holding flames, thunder and lightning, swords and treasure bottles, mastering all kinds of destruction!

That is…

“Hundred-armed giant?!”

Ludovich’s body trembled with anger, his dark condensed face twitched, and he roared: “You fool with an empty body! Have you forgotten the pain you have suffered! You chose to stand? On the human side?! I want you to be broken into pieces!!!”


In the crack, there was a sigh that made Ludovic stunned.

In the atmosphere that seemed to be solidified, a half naked and naked figure slowly crawled out of the crack.

The figure was so thin, as if it had been hungry for decades. Even if he swallowed the river of blood and ate the Doomsday Chilong raw, he was still skinny, with only a faint blood color and a slight rosy on his face.

“The roasted duck flew away before it was finished. It’s really unpleasant… You haven’t changed at all for so many years, ‘old friend’.”

He lowered his head and murmured softly.

But Ludovich froze, eyes widened, staring at him in astonishment, staring at the thin figure…

“Ye, Ye…”

He made a hoarse voice with difficulty from his mouth: “Why are you…here?”

Seemingly aware of his shock, the figure raised his head, wiped away the dirt from the corners of his mouth, and smiled happily: “Oh, long time no see.”

“——Ye Lanzhou!!!”

It wasn’t until this time that Ludovich’s roar emerged from his lungs. The sound was like a collision of iron and iron, sharp and harsh, full of anger and fear.

His voice resonated strangely with the one-eyed one in the sky, and there was a loud thunder.

“You unexpectedly…you unexpectedly!!!”

Ludovich, no, the Hundred Eyes roared angrily: “Do you dare to do this!!!”

“Huh? Is there anything wrong?”

‘Ye Lanzhou’ couldn’t help laughing softly when he heard the words.

The laughter made the earth turbulent, and the steel quaked, echoing between the heaven and the earth:

“Back then, I did give the Hundred-armed Giant consciousness in accordance with the orders of the Yixin Brotherhood, which allowed him to evolve a personality and possess a self. But you didn’t stipulate that this consciousness, this personality, this self… For whom, right?”

Ye Lanzhou blew a whistle: “Well, I admit that back then, I was just curious and wanted to try it.

You can’t blame me if you accidentally succeeded! “


Ludovich was silent, his expression changed, and suddenly, he turned around and walked away.

The ethereal figure turned into a wisp of black In a flash, he abandoned the sacred cauldron, escaped from the Sharoman Temple, and flew into the sky.

“Is this going?”

Ye Lanzhou tilted his head and looked at his ‘back view’: “After all, it’s an old friend. I haven’t seen each other for so long, so at least I should say hello first.

Well, what should I say at this time…”

He pondered for a moment and snapped his fingers: “What do you think about this.”

Speaking, he bent over exaggeratedly and playfully, and bowed to the one-eyed evil thoughts in the sky to salute: “The majestic and noble Lord of Eternal Darkness, Your Majesty the Hundred Eyes who integrates all the vicious thoughts in the world…”

He lifted his face, his face filled with respect and humility without words, but with indifference. What is contained in the very dark eyes of someone is overflowing with murderous intent and anger.

He said:

“——Fuck you, mother!” (To be continued.)

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