Silent Crown Chapter 413: Bad news

As the door slammed shut behind Maxwell, he turned his head and glanced at the Tower of Judgment one last time. The calmness and confidence on his face disappeared, and a sad expression appeared.

“Go to the Ministry of Forgiveness.”

He ordered the coachman to froze in place after pulling the door.

A ray of sunlight passed through the curtain on the door of the carriage, illuminating the old man sitting in the middle of the carriage.

The man in the teaching gown raised his pupils, his turquoise pupils stared at him, stretched out his hand, and patted the seat next to him, as if to signal him to sit down.

Maxwell was silent for a moment and got into the car, but instead of choosing the old man’s side, he sat opposite him.

“Archbishop Ludovich?”

He stared at the old man with a smile on his mouth: “I always wanted to ask to see him, but I didn’t expect to visit him in such a special way.”

“Mr. Maxwell, meeting for the first time.”

Ludovich nodded slowly: “I am no longer an archbishop now, just an ordinary ascetic monk.”

Maxwell smiled without speaking.

The ascetic monk in the Holy See One-hearted Monk? Should I say that this is modest or humorous? Just smile back.

“Mr. Maxwell is a guest from afar. I should have been with you to introduce this city to you. But ashamed, I grew up here and spent my whole life in churches and bells. After getting used to it, On the contrary, I can’t say why.”

Ludovich stared out of the window, at the center of the city, the cities rising one after another: “Mr. Maxwell, what do you think of this city?”

Maxwell said, “Nature is solemn and sacred.”

“Yes, the holy city.”

Ludovich sighed slightly: “Someone said to me that this is where the dignity and faith of human beings are, and the place that supports heaven from the ground. Therefore, I always have awe of this city.

Hundreds of years ago, at the end of the dark age, seventeen monks were apocalyptic. They came here and knocked down the first iron stake to announce the arrival of the human age.

Up to now, the vicissitudes of life, here is the center of the world, the sacred city.

As for the descendants of the seventeen monks who built this place, only Sforza, Borja, Felix, Medici… and so on are left.

This one has been destroyed twice and rebuilt twice on the ruins. Some people died with it, and some were reborn with it.

I have gone through so much, but the things in my bones have never changed, and our mission has never changed.

Too many people have left too much blood for it, and their souls gathered here under the divine call to sleep peacefully. I think this solemnity and sacredness may be evidence of the existence of the world and heaven after death? “

Ludovich stretched out his hand and drew the holy emblem on his chest: “It is also the meaning of our existence and here.”

“My understanding of theology and sacred texts is not profound, but after listening to the bishop, I feel that I understand a lot.”

Maxwell nodded: “What the bishop wants to tell me is’awe’, right?”


Ludovich said lightly: “Whatever it is, it is your understanding. Ascetic monks like me, naturally hope that more people can understand the true meaning of faith.”

“Bishop, have you been to Avalon?” Maxwell asked suddenly.


“Avalon is my hometown, it is a very beautiful place.”

Maxwell solemnly said: “It is built on the sea. On a clear day, it is like a jewel suspended on the sea. It is bright and intoxicating.

There is no holy city as solemn there, but it has a unique style. In the summer, the whole city is enveloped by the sea breeze, and the salty sea salt condenses on the coast, looking at it from a distance, like a white flower.

Children step on the sampan, fight on the pier and the boat, and will laugh when they fall into the water and then climb up again. The adults were drinking beer and playing cards on the shore.

Life is like carefree, summer seems to never end, so you can live your life.

I think this is what the city wanted when it was first established. I love it because of it, and I can pay all the price in order to make this kind of life last forever. “


Ludovich was silent. After a long time, he nodded slowly: “It’s a beautiful place, worthy of being loved.

Why not go back? Mr. Maxwell. As far as I know, isn’t your hometown now when you need you the most? “

“For this reason, I can’t go back alone like this.”

Maxwell sits upright with a solemn expression: “I am old, but young people and that city can have an infinite future. Mr. Ludovich, he has a place to go back, and he is not obliged to help here. Solemnly and sacredly pay one’s life.”

“It’s not surprising that someone who pursues a layman would say such things.”

Ludovich smiled coldly, as if he had heard a trivial joke, he just looked at Maxwell and said calmly:

“If Angelu continues to ignore the only Dharma and does not know how to turn back on the road of rebellion, sooner or later he will suffer retribution. This is the only thing I want to tell you today.

Mr. Maxwell, what you are doing here should be thoughtful. As far as I know, even in Anglo, there are not many people supporting you, right? “

“If it is the right thing, there is no need to get the approval and support of others.”

Maxwell’s eyes turned cold: “That kid and I think so.”

“No, you are different from him.”

Ludovich looked at him, smiled, seemingly mocking: “Your eyes are too weak, Maxwell. You are not as firm as you think. You are destined to compromise on some things.

If that kid is obsessive, then at best you are just pretending to dream with him. “

Maxwell was silent, his face pale.

Ludovich stretched out his hand and patted his shoulder: “This is a good thing, because of this, I will give you this opportunity to meet.

Maxwell, stop being obsessed with it, whether it’s you or the country you love.

This is the arrogant blood that Arthur left you back then, and it will lead you to the way of demons. “

Maxwell looked at him coldly, but Ludovic didn’t care. He got up, opened the door of the carriage, and got out of the carriage slowly. Standing outside the car, he nodded slightly to say goodbye.

“Don’t live here, I hope you can cherish this last chance. I don’t hope that the next time I see you, I will be on a heretical fire.”

The door is closed.

In the gloom, the carriage moved forward.

In the carriage, Maxwell closed his eyes and suppressed the blade’s furious roar.

“His mother…”

After returning to the embassy, ​​the second bad news followed.


The person in charge of the embassy was pale: “Half an hour ago, the people from the silent agency took the body away. The people in charge of security were taken away by force last night and ‘assisted in the investigation’.”

He paused and became hesitant: “And…”

“Quin, I am so old. I have heard the bad news.” Maxwell took off his top hat and sighed softly, “Go ahead, don’t worry about my heart, it won’t be too much.”

The person in charge passed a photo in silence.

In the photo, it is a porcelain shop.

All the porcelain in the porcelain shop was dyed a sorrowful blood red. Several men were nailed to the wall. Before they died, they suffered cruel torture, and their eyes were desperate to death.

“They are all dead.” The person in charge said.

Maxwell took the photo without saying anything, just put it in his pocket and turned to his office. He regrets that he likes to speak too well.

He squeezed the photo in his hand, and felt a pain in his heart.

When the office closed, he looked up, looked at the man sitting behind his desk, and sighed softly after a long time.

He put the photo in the bookcase, then poured himself a glass of spirits on the corner table, pulled off his bow tie, lay down on the sofa, drank the wine, and it took a long time before he became hoarse. the sound of.

“Lancelot, I hope you come here all the way from Anglo, not to bring me the third bad news today.”

Behind the table, the pale man coughed lightly and slowly nodded: “It’s a pity, yes.”

Maxwell swears, like an old gangster on the street.

“Say it.”

He laughed hoarsely: “I can’t wait.”

“As of last night, more than ten or more groups in more than four countries have notified us that various problems have occurred and may no longer be able to continue to implement the food import agreement between us.”

Lancelot said: “At present, the Privy Council can still suppress this news, but it is estimated that soon, someone will start to drive up food prices.

I am afraid that in a short while, we will take over the market and the economy and force prices to be stabilized. Things can be foreseen. If the situation continues to deteriorate, the country will begin to implement a rationing system.

The chancellor asked me to inform you that he is already considering taking the blame and resigning. “

Maxwell was stunned.

After a long period of silence, he asked in a cold voice: “How long can our stockpiled supplies last?”

“More than ten years.”

Lancelot said flatly: “But are you sure to put the nation into combat readiness ahead of time? It’s too hasty, Maxwell. There are too many preparations for us to complete, it’s too early…”

Maxwell was silent and stopped talking.

Angel is a maritime country. More than half of the land is at sea, and the other half is coastal areas on land and scattered enclaves.

For a long time, Anglo has been a commercial country, focusing on commercial trade and technology research and development. In addition, the development of heavy industry has also caught up and is close to the world’s top level.

But no matter which one of the above items, they cannot make up for the Achilles heel of this country. Its land is too scarce and fragmented, and there is too little land for planting, and there is not enough food to rely on imports.

Therefore, when the situation in Tianzhu was chaotic, Anglu established the East Tianzhu Company to occupy the overseas colony. That is Tianzhu, a large fertile land, three-cooked wheat and rice, tea, meat…

For this, Angluo paid a heavy price, not hesitating to put most of his military power into the quagmire, and therefore accumulated a lot of wealth and reserves.

But with the increasingly chaotic situation in Tianzhu and the threat of Leviathan, the Tianzhu colony has been shrinking day by day. The call for domestic troop withdrawal is increasing.

Faced with one of the four living creatures and prepared for natural disasters, there were not enough resources.

“Guess who is putting pressure on them?”

I have to ask, Maxwell wants to know who it is with his toes.

Holy One Heart Brotherhood!

As long as those old and immortal guys use their relationship a little bit, the political power of those big families can do it easily. He doesn’t even need to destroy those agreements permanently.

As long as the wind is heard, the feared people will be in disarray.

As long as the import trade is delayed for three months, Anglo will have to enter a state of control.

“It’s ******…it sucks.”

Maxwell pulled up the bottle and was too lazy to find the glass, so he raised his head and poured it halfway down.

For a long time, he said: “I have seen Ludovich.”

“I know.” Lancelow pointed his head.

Maxwell laughed, full of self-deprecating.

“For a moment, I wanted to kill him, and kill him desperately.” He lowered his head and looked at the spirits in his hand: “At that moment, I hesitated.”

“I regret…”

Maxwell whispered softly: “I hesitated. I should kill him.”

“Killing him will not help.”

Lancelot stood behind him and patted him on the shoulder: “Her Majesty the Queen has given you full responsibility for this matter, and everything is governed by your will.

Your Majesty asked me to tell you that Angelu is a country that has inherited the dragon’s blood. He suffers deeply and is proud of it. “

Maxwell listened, but did not respond, only a bitter smile.

“Ludovich is really right…I am a hypocrite who pretends to accompany a child in dreams. I can’t bear the consequences that may come.”

He sighed softly: “I really regret it, Lancelot, why did I take this mess back then? How nice it is to stay in the Jianlan Underground Palace honestly.”

“Now that things are happening, do you still want to leave?”

Lancelot’s voice is low and deep: “I give you all my trust. If you give up, the Lancelot family will not let you go first.”

“Who said I was going to give up?”

Maxwell raised his eyes: “At this point, I still have another way-it depends on your reluctance to be in your position.”

“The Third Amendment Act?”

Lancelot was taken aback, and then suddenly.

The Third Amendment Act delimits the boundaries of humans and gods. The holy city commands the souls of mankind, and the nations retain human rights.

God belongs to God, and man belongs to man.

One of the most important items is the autonomy of nations, and the Holy City has no right to interfere in the internal affairs of all nations.

The extended clauses include: the nobles violate the law and are tried by various countries without following the will of the holy city.

The “nobles” referred to here are not like the lord that countries arbitrarily entrust, but the orthodox nobles that have legal system to follow and can be traced back.

In that huge pedigree, even the title of Emperor Anglo is nothing more than the ‘Grand Duke’. The ‘Emperor’ just claims to be rigorous by the Holy City.

It is impossible to fabricate the name of a lord at random and fish out Ye Qingxuan.

However, if the contemporary Lancelot is willing to abdicate and pass on the title of Patriarch to Ye Qingxuan in accordance with the Angelus Succession Act, then he is the contemporary Lancelot and will automatically inherit the Earl’s title.

In this case, how to judge Ye Qingxuan is not the right category of the holy city.

“As expected of Maxwell.”

Lancelot smiled bitterly: “This is the only safest plan that domestic jurists have gotten after dozens of meetings. And you thought of it alone.”

“What’s wrong?”

Maxwell looked at him: “Reluctant to bear your title and power? Your position in the Privy Council is for life, so don’t worry.”

“No, it’s better to say, I agree with this approach more than anyone else.”

Lancelot shook his head: “Unfortunately, you don’t know him. Maxwell, you don’t know enough about that kid… You don’t know the mistakes made by the Lancelot family back then…”

He lowered his head and murmured softly: “Back then, the family sold them when they needed help the most.

Ye Lanzhou died because of this. His mother was banished and died in a village on the border… Later, I saw him come back, alone, no longer like the child in the past.

Maxwell, you don’t know how ecstatic I was when I found out that he was alive.

His eyes are very much like his mother, and looking at you so quietly makes you feel scared.

He is my sister’s child, I can’t wait to give him everything I have, even if it can make up for even a little bit of harm he has suffered, it’s a pity…”

He coughed violently, crouched at his waist, dark red blood gushing out of his mouth and nose. After a long time, he finally took a sigh of relief, but his expression grew dim.

“Maxwell, give up this idea. He will never forgive us.” Lancelot shook his head slowly: “I would rather die than have any relationship with this family.”

Maxwell glared at him, looking annoyed: “Yeah, the sins your father committed back then have been ruined even now. That **** is always confused!”


Lancelot was silent.

The suppressed silence continued until the sun set, when the office door was knocked.

The knock on the door is not hurried or slow.

But they can clearly feel that the person behind the door is clearly not a member of any embassy!

The two stared at each other for a moment, frowning in unison.

Lancelot stretched out his hand and pressed the decorative sword on the wall, a cold light flashed in his eyes.

Maxwell got up and opened the door.

“Is it Mr. Maxwell?”

Outside the door seems to be a man, his whole body is covered under the cloak, his face is covered with a special veil, only mottled white hair is exposed outside the hood~ Forgive me for coming uninvited ‘S visit, I think it is necessary to come and see you. “

He stretched out his hand, took off his face towel, and revealed his face.

At that moment, Maxwell and Lancelot almost forgot to breathe.

“It’s you…”

The Tower of Judgment, in a cell.

Some guy who ate and slept in the past two days was sleeping soundly in the bed. He was three pounds fatter, and his handsome face was a little swollen due to lack of exercise.

When he woke up, he opened his eyes, glanced at the sunset outside the window, yawned, turned over, and went to sleep again, seeming to be eating wildly with something in his dream.

Although eating and sleeping every day, the life of sleeping and eating is very good, but… this feeling of being forgotten is really miserable! (To be continued.)

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