Marvel Chapter 6: : The final battle (2)! ~

Leaving aside the entanglement of the Chitauri and Kaeliya, Hao Yun saw all the troop carriers open, and countless large war machines, surrounded by vanguard guards, walked to the forefront of the battlefield. ! ~

Afterwards, metal catfish, gorilla-like robots, and large humanoid mechs, wearing blue shields, escorted the troops behind them and marched towards the battlefield! ~

When he saw the protective shield, Tony’s face changed drastically, and he quickly picked up the walkie-talkie: “Nick, increase the intensity of the cannon fire, the real test is coming!~”


In the main control room, Fury looked at everyone: “Order the third and fourth tank armies to step forward and focus on the enemy’s large mechs; order the artillery unit to shoot at me at full speed regardless of cost; Eighth, the Ninth Missile Force, aim at the large mecha and fire!~”

The artillery fire suddenly tripled, and countless tanks surged forward like a torrent. At the same time, their muzzles aimed at the large mecha, and armor-piercing bullets crazily shot at various vulnerable parts of the mecha! ~

In the sky, there are countless surface-to-surface missiles falling closely behind the artillery shells, and the targets are all large war mechs! ~

“Boom boom boom!~”

Another round of sparks exploded, but this time, it didn’t bring much results. The explosions were all blocked by the defensive shields that came with the large mechs, but only caused a layer of ripples on the surface, and did not bring any real results.

“Two more rounds!”

Nick Fury watched the live video, gritted his teeth fiercely, and issued an attack order again! ~

“Boom boom boom!~”

“Boom boom boom!~”

Another two rounds of artillery fire, this time the fluctuation of the ripples was a bit bigger, but unfortunately, it still couldn’t explode the opponent’s protective shield.

“Fury, I suggest using the nuclear bomb immediately!~”

General Ross stood up, put his arms on the table, leaned forward, and suggested loudly! ~

“I agree! ~”



The generals represented by small countries such as Europe, America, and Africa came together to support Rose’s proposal.

“No,” General Zhang Xi of the Rabbit Country said, “The radiation pollution of the nuclear bomb is too strong, and it must not explode on the earth! ~ Moreover, Wakanda itself is a country with huge biological resources. Once the living environment is destroyed If it is destroyed, countless animals and human beings will be devastated!~”

“The prerequisite for considering the destruction and survival of the environment is that human beings must survive!~”

Roth roared angrily, pointed at Zhang Xi’s nose and cursed: “Human beings will not be able to survive, so what living environment should they consider! ~ You have to see clearly, the enemy is an alien force that wants to destroy the earth, not an angel! ~”


“Okay, stop arguing! ~”

Nick slapped the table heavily: “What’s the use of arguing? Can you defeat Thanos’ army? You have to understand that the main damage of nuclear bombs is radiation! ~ What we need now is an explosion! ~ The ultimate, An explosion that can destroy the shield!~”

“If you don’t launch a nuclear bomb, what can you do?”

Rose’s eyes fell on Nick.

“Of course, don’t forget, it is the heroes of the Illuminati who really resist the enemy!~”

After finishing speaking, Nick picked up the walkie-talkie and connected the conversation with the captain: “Captain, it’s time for the Illuminati to attack!~”

“Don’t panic, we still have other troops! ~ Stop the artillery fire first, or delay the artillery fire by one kilometer! ~ Frontal battlefield, leave it to us! ~”

“Okay!~” Nick agreed immediately, and connected to the artillery unit: “I am Nick Fury, and now I am issuing an order. The artillery fire will extend two kilometers forward, and the tank troops will attack, bypassing the giant beast and going straight to the vanguard! ~”

“Yes!~” *N! ~

In the intercom, there were countless responses from combat commanders.

On the other side, Optimus Prime and Hela, who were notified by the captain, launched the combat order together! ~

“Autobot, strike, target, monster!~”

“Asgard’s Warrior Legion, Mage Legion, and Valkyrie Troops are attacking, targeting giant beasts!~”

“For the glory of Asgard!~”

A golden torrent poured out from the left side of the formation, with giant beasts and humanoid mechs installed on the front; To mechs, monsters.

For a moment, flesh and steel collided, magic and artillery flew together! ~

Originally, the behemoth troops, which were completely invulnerable to gunpowder weapons, were as brittle as paper under the attacks of the same huge robots, special magic, and divine power, and they were chopped off one after another! ~

And the vanguard guards who had been sheltered also fought with them in the insertion of more than 40,000 tanks.

On one side, the head of the mecha was blown off by a fireball technique, on the other side, a tiger tank was torn to pieces by seven or eight vanguard guards, and the driver screamed miserably and was divided by the vanguard guards on the spot Corpse, bleeding everywhere, horrible…

It can be said that after Thanos invested in the main war machine, the entire battlefield became a meat grinder, ruthlessly devouring the lives of humans, Thanos legions, Autobots, and Asgardian fighters! ~

“For Asgard!~”

Seeing the heavy casualties of the soldiers, Lei Shen got angry from his heart, held up the storm battle axe, and slashed down…


The thunder exploded, and countless thunder snakes automatically searched for the vanguard, and blasted them into pieces, scattered all over the ground.

And the leader of Asgard, Hela, is even more like a queen, sitting on Optimus Prime, wielding the long sword of death wantonly, nailing giant beasts to the ground, blood flowing into rivers.

In the rear, seeing more and more casualties, and when the giant beast gate was about to be slaughtered, Thanos finally couldn’t sit still, stood up, adjusted his helmet and armor, held a long knife, and pointed forward with all his strength. ! ~

“The whole army is attacking! ~”

The four generals, Ebony Maw, General Deathblade, Proxima Proxima, and Superstar, stepped out first, and the last troops behind them also rushed out frantically to join the battlefield.

Seeing the actions of the four generals of Obsidian, the captain also pulled the shield armrest on his arm, and a deep voice surged through the earphones.

“Illuminati, assemble!~”

“Kama Taj Attack!~”


“The top of the Buddha! ~”

Like a flood colliding, the two last troops joined the battlefield, and countless blood burst out in an instant! ~

Hao Yun and Carol were dispatched at the same time, and the super electromagnetic gun and the energy cannon in double-star mode attacked instantly, killing Proxima Centauri and General Death Blade on the spot. The two couples were killed on the spot without even playing any role .

Afterwards, Carol waved his fists to meet the superstar, while Hao Yun stepped on the air to talk to Ebony Throat! ~

“Humans, you shouldn’t stop the action of Lord Thanos! ~ You are preventing the realization of a great wish! ~”

Ebony Throat said frantically, and countless gravels on both sides of his body turned into spikes, attacking Hao Yun frantically. The denseness of the spikes is not much different from the crazy barrage in the game console.

It’s just a pity that Ebony Throat is not Hao Yun’s opponent at all, even Thanos is only a golden fairy, let alone Ebony Throat?

Just flipping the law of space, the spikes were sucked into the space door, and then shot out from another space door close to the ebony throat, punching his body full of holes and dying miserably on the spot! ~

“Great wish? Just rely on him? Hehe!~”

After killing Ebony Maw, Hao Yun floated above his corpse and snorted indifferently… Great wish? The cry of the defeated! ~

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