Si Ming Chapter 10: And be calm

The yellow sand in the endless barren city still dances happily.

The female resentment watched Chang Yuan Ersheng walk into the barren city barrier and put down the little head he was holding. The city gate slammed shut, she stood alone under the huge city gate, staring at the mottled red paint on the city gate in a daze, her red clothes seemed to melt into the city gate.

The guards next to her called her several times, but she ignored it. Everyone is familiar with this city lord’s erratic and strange temper, so naturally he doesn’t care about it at this time, he just waved his hands and went about his own business.

The sand rolled over, raising her wide hem, and the female resentment held the little man’s head and gently stroked it. He murmured a word over and over again, making the guards who had not left heard a little sadness.

“Life and death go hand in hand, can you…” I don’t know who is asking.

The female resentment kept standing until the bell and drum on the city tower rang, her eyes finally moved and she came back to her senses. Glancing at the sky where there is never night, the corners of the female resentment’s lips moved, and a shallow sigh leaked out. She turned her toes and was about to walk back when she heard a “click” sound from outside the city gate.

Having lived in a barren city for hundreds of years, I have never heard any noise from the outside of the city gate. The woman complained that her eyes were sharp, and she immediately became alert, pricked her ears, and listened more carefully to the sounds outside the city. The wind hissed in his ears, but there was no movement outside the city gate, as if the sound just now was an illusion caused by female resentment.

She frowned and turned away.

In a short while, the female resentment just turned her back, and the city gate of the deserted city suddenly made a loud noise, and was violently pushed open by a great force, the darkness outside the city gate reappeared, and the wind and sand seemed to escape into the endless darkness.

The female resentment was stunned, and she turned her head in surprise, only to see a blue-robed man covered in blood appearing in the darkness. He is like a general who wants to return blood, every step is sonorous and firm.

Seeing that person’s figure getting closer and closer, the female resentment widened her eyes in disbelief, and was dumbfounded.

The barren city guards hurried over when they heard the sound of the city gate, and they were all dumbfounded when they saw such a scene. Most of these guards were people who had stayed in the barren city for a long time, and those arrogant bullies in the past were also They were all worn out, and at this moment, something unexpected happened, and I couldn’t help but panic.

“How could someone break into the barren city barrier! Is the outside world ruined?”

“City Lord! It’s rude! It’s rude!”

“Is the city gate broken? If it is broken, where can we find wood to mend it! This is not a stone city tower!”

However, only one sentence of these noises reached the female resentment’s ears – “Fallen Immortal Chang’an! That is Fallen Immortal Chang’an!” It was the panicked shout of the people who had been caught by him into the barren city.

Falling Immortal Chang’an…

“Chang’an, Chang’an, your name is really peaceful. I also want a name that is so peaceful and peaceful. Awu Awu, this name sounds like nothing.”

“A Wu is very good, simple and elegant, I like it very much.”

I still remember how Chang’an touched the top of her head at that time and smiled warmly in the warm sunshine.

It’s been a long time since she remembered these past events, she thought, if she doesn’t see him again in the future, I’m afraid she won’t remember these things again until she dies. Because what kind of happiness there was then, what kind of loneliness and pain there is now.

Stepping into the deserted city, the city gate closed behind him for the second time. Facing the suspicious eyes of everyone, Chang’an walked slowly towards the person he was looking for. Every time he took a step forward, blood dripped on the ground paved with yellow sand along with his footsteps, leaving bright red footprints. .

The female resentment stood there, watching helplessly as he walked towards her, feeling her hands and feet gradually becoming weak. It turns out that Chang’an looks like this, the female resentment thinks, the Chang’an in her memory, I don’t know which year it has become a vague shadow, with the temperature of the sun burning in her heart like a faceless flame. burn.

“A Wu.” Chang’an stretched out his hands, like he was picked up from a pool of blood, nothing was dry. But it was such an embarrassed face that raised the happiest smile, “I’m here to pick you up.”

The female resentful eyes slowly moved from his pale hands to his **** eyes, looking at him blankly as if he couldn’t understand what he said.

Chang’an still walked towards the female resentment step by step, almost stubbornly, but when his fingertips were about to touch the female resentment’s cheek, his eyes flashed, and his body suddenly softened. When everyone thought that Chang’an would fall to the ground, the female resentment suddenly took a step forward, catching Chang’an’s soft body, and hugged him with a **** atmosphere.

Everyone in the barren city was dumbfounded, and the surroundings fell silent. They couldn’t believe that their city lord would make such a move and put on such an expression…

“A Wu.” Chang’an leaned into the female complainer’s ear before he fell unconscious and said softly, “Let’s go back.”

The female resentment was silent for a long time, and finally said the first sentence after their goodbye: “I can’t go back.”

Changan was unable to raise his hands, so he squeezed her sleeves tightly and kept repeating: “Let’s go back…” Like a child afraid of being left behind.

“I can’t go back.”

These words were so clear and cruel that they tugged on the wounds before, making her tremble with pain, and Chang An had already fainted in her arms.

Stand quietly there for a while, the female resentment helped Chang’an to stand up, looked around, and saw that everyone had a ghostly expression, her face was sullen, and her voice was as dark as always: “Everyone is stunned. What are you doing? This is the man of your city lord, come to greet him soon.”

Everyone’s jaw dropped silently…

The woman raised her head with resentment and domineering: “Prepare the sedan chair, carry my man back.”

At the same time, in another place, among the fields full of white flowers, Zhang Yuan and Er Sheng moved towards the place where the red light was emitted.

Climbing up a small dirt slope, Er Sheng’s eyes widened in surprise when he saw another scene under the slope: “What is this…?”

A huge circular lake lies quietly. The appearance of the lake is very similar to the yin and yang diagram in the gossip. Half of it is black and half is white. There is a red ball in black and white. Spinning, the light from the two red spheres converges and shoots straight into the sky. It was the light that penetrated into the sky that attracted Er Sheng and the others.

Er Sheng ran down curiously and looked at the water in the lake carefully: “Is this really water?” She curiously stretched out her hand and scooped her palm out to observe, and saw that the lake water was transparent and bright, different from ordinary water. There is no difference in the lake water, and I am even more curious in my heart. I stick out my tongue and want to lick it. Zhang Yuan came from behind her and silently grabbed her hand: “I don’t know what this is, don’t enter.”

Er Sheng obediently poured the water in his palm into the lake, and just stood up and suddenly saw waves on the lake. Er Sheng was a little suspicious of the recent series of accidents. She hurriedly took two steps back and waved her hand: “A monster is about to climb out? I haven’t had a drink yet, I really haven’t!”

Zhang Yuan patted her head soothingly.

There was not a monster crawling out of the lake as Er Sheng imagined. Zhang Yuan squinted his eyes and looked at it carefully, and found that the illusion projected by the lake was actually the scenery in the boundless barren city, the sky is full of yellow sand, and the tall vermilion city gate.

Er Sheng’s eyes widened in astonishment: “How did this happen? It’s like the real thing. Is the barren city in this lake?”

Zhang Yuan watched the scene quietly for a while, and then his eyes fell on the still-dead-like black lake water, as if he had thought of something, and there was a strange wave in his eyes. At this moment, Er Sheng suddenly patted Chang Yuan’s arm, pointed at the illusion and exclaimed: “That’s Chang’an and the woman’s grudge, he… they’re together! They really are husband and wife!”

Er Sheng murmured to himself guessing the previous story of the two, while Zhang Yuan looked at the lake thoughtfully. After a while, the water in the lake was rippling again, and the illusion disappeared. The red light gradually disappeared.

“Hey… why is it gone?” Er Sheng felt very sorry.

Zhang Yuan suddenly said: “I probably found a way to get out.”

Er Sheng’s eyes lit up: “What can I do?”

“If I guess right, the way out should be in that red light.”

Er Sheng looked up at the sky, there was nothing there: “But the light is gone.”

“Don’t worry, since this light will appear once, it will definitely appear a second time.”

“How does Chang Yuan know that the red light is the way out?”

Zhang Yuan explained silently, “That’s not a road, but an eye. As long as there is an eye in a maze, the eye is the weakness of all formations. The Desolate City and the Ruins of Ten Thousand Heavens belong to the same seal. The formation is a formation formed by the heaven and the earth. No one has known the location of the formation eye for tens of thousands of years. Everyone thinks that these two mysterious formations have no formation eye, and they are all wonderful ways of heaven and earth… But now it seems, The truth is not so.”

He looked at the red light in the sky and said, “Since the white lake water can print the scene in the barren city, it must be related to the barren city. There is almost the same sealing power as the Ruins of Ten Thousand Heavens. According to my guess, the two colored lakes are one of the Desolate City and the Ruins of Ten Thousand Heavens, one is black and the other is white, one symbolizes eternal night, and the other symbolizes eternal day. Therefore, there is no daylight in the Ruins of Ten Thousand Heavens, and there is no such thing as the Ruins of Ten Thousand Heavens. Night.”

Er Sheng blinked and looked at Zhang Yuan for a while: “So what? What does it have to do with us going out?”

Zhang Yuan originally expressed some interest and felt that it was a matter of pride that he could infer the relationship between them, but when Er Sheng asked him so bluntly, he choked and said with a clear cough: “Also That is to say, this is the eye of the endless barren city and the Ruins of Ten Thousand Heavens. When the scene of the barren city was printed in the lake just now, the red light appeared, but after the scene disappeared, the light also disappeared. If we can get into the light as the medium of connection with the outside world, maybe we can also get out.”

Er Sheng continued to blink at Zhang Yuan: “But the light disappeared.”

“…there will always be another.”

Find a way to get out, but the red light that allowed them to go out disappeared. The two had no choice but to sit by the lake and look at the sky, waiting for the red light to appear again.

The warm wind was blowing slowly, Er Sheng felt a little sleepy, and her head fell towards Chang Yuan. Chang Yuanben frowned and stared at the two red **** of light in the lake, his expression was a little condensed, and inadvertently, out of the corner of the light, he saw Er Sheng closed his eyes and fell down, wanting to sleep, he visually inspected Er Sheng Sheng distanced himself from him, and then moved quietly towards her.

Er Sheng’s head fell, just on his shoulder.

The soft black hair fell on his neck, which made his mood soften as well. Chang Yuan’s head also slightly tilted towards Er Sheng, and rubbed against her head. Although he didn’t smile, his eyes were full of gluttony. He was like a kid who stole candy, proudly enjoying the comfort of the moment. Even if the white petals flying over them all turned to ashes, he thought the scene was beautiful.

Zhang Yuan thinks, even if you can’t travel the ten thousand miles of mountains and rivers and see the world, it’s not too bad to be able to keep the peace of your heart…

While thinking about it, Er Sheng pouted and made a vague call: “Meat…” She pursed her lips, as if she was thinking about something.

Zhang Yuan silently looked into the distance for a while, then wiped his fingers and put them to Er Sheng’s mouth. Er Sheng pursed her lips and touched Zhang Yuan’s finger, and then took a sip of it honestly, tasting it with relish like a child.

Seeing that she was sound asleep, Zhang Yuan didn’t pull out his hand, leaving Er Sheng to lick and bite for a while.

It would be nice to sit like this with Ersheng in the future. He thought, she was hungry, he just fed.

The warm wind was blowing, and I don’t know how long it was blowing. Two red light **** in the lake suddenly flashed. I saw two red light beams shot from the balls, and then merged with the sky and went straight into the sky.

Zhang Yuan’s gaze stayed in the black half of the lake for a while, as if he had made up his mind, sighed shallowly, and finally shook Ersheng’s head to wake her up: “We should go. “

Er Sheng sat up in a daze, she rubbed her eyes and said, “Should I go to school or go out to fight monsters?” Before she finished speaking, she suddenly woke up, “No, is the red light appearing? Let’s go, Hurry up! See you later!”

“Don’t be reckless.” Zhang Yuan grabbed Er Sheng, “We still don’t know where we will go with that light, let me explore first.”

Er Sheng scratched his head: “You have to go to the mountains of swords and fires outside. It’s better than being trapped in this place all the time.”

Zhang Yuan shook his head helplessly: “Your recklessness is the same as Si Ming…”

“Who is the same as her!” Er Sheng froze when he heard this, tugging at Zhang Yuan’s collar, looking like he was going to beat him, “I said that she would not be allowed to enter! She is the same! You are not allowed to marry anyone but me.”

Zhang Yuan immediately and solemnly echoed: “No one will marry.”

Er Sheng then let go of Zhang Yuan, straightened his clothes and said, “Although I always heard Wu Fang’s female disciples say that men are liars, I believe that Zhang Yuan is not an ordinary man, you must won’t lie to me.”

Zhang Yuan nodded earnestly, and then said, “Wait first, I’ll go check the red light first.”

“Is it dangerous?”


“Then I’ll wait for you here.”

Zhang Yuan jumped and went straight to the beam of light.

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