Shura’s Wrath Chapter 814: Bad news

With Lunar Scourge and Yama Curse, Ling Chen once thought that there was nothing to fear in this world, because no matter the ability of Lunar Scourge, or Effect of Yama Curse, there is an irresistible obligatory force … But this world Really existence is absolutely mandatory, can anyone resist the ability?

No, of course not! The so-called “compulsory” and “inevitably successful” are relative, and they only happen at the same level as the user. All the creatures of 《Mystic Moon》 Territory and the strength of Ling Chen are on one level, and they are all “human” classes, so Throughout 《Mystic Moon》 Territory, no one can resist his ability of Yama Curse and Lunar Scourge. However, Qi Xing has straddled the “human” class, and reached the “second god” state between human and god. Ling Chen‘s cover in the “human” class has not extended to the realm of Qi Xing. Neither his Lunar Scourge ability nor his Yama Curse can have a complete impact on Qi Xing.

“I don’t believe it!” It took Ling Chen a full five seconds to get back to the back phasing that the two “Soulstealing Curse” of Qi Xing and Qi Yue were blocked by Qi Xing all at once. Yama Curse, which can only be used three times in his life, has failed, which made him accept!

What he couldn’t accept was not the failure of Yama Curse, but … his last hope to regain the life of Bead and Shasha was also shattered with the failure of Yama Curse.

Utter Despair Curse !!!”

Ling Chen gritted his teeth suddenly, holding back the still stinging sensation in his mind, forcing the launch of Utter Despair Curse with the highest success rate in Feng Chen Murdering Heart Curse, but at the moment he just launched, the eyes of Qi Xing flashed again …

Boom …

Ling Chen‘s brain seemed to be violently blasted open, and the eyes were blackened suddenly, and a more painful moan came out of his mouth.

“Huh, what a boring resistance. Month, let’s go.”

Qi Xing turned around in disdain, reached out and made a flick of the front, and suddenly, a large light curtain appeared in front of her.

“Okay, but you rarely have the patience to spend so much time with a human being.”

“Hmm, he has a Spirit power close to God. He is not an ordinary human, but it is also not a threat to us. existence is no different. And if the Son of God cares about him as you said, then He is alive, or he can let the Son of God obediently obey. “Qi Xing said faintly, and then went into the light curtain.

“Who … permitted … you left! Give me … stop!”

Behind Qi Xing, Ling Chen came with a clear and painful voice. Qi Xing stepped forward without turning back, pointing his finger in the direction of Ling Chen.


Ling Chen‘s body just about to stand up is so rigid that it can’t move as if blocked by something.

“You can’t help it. Thank you God. Otherwise, you are no longer in this world.” Qi Xing said coldly.

At this moment, suddenly radiance flashed around her, and a tall man appeared there. Qi Xing has no gaze, and said lightly: “Luo Hou, the **** son has been found, we should go. You must go to Xiya Star immediately to help Wan Zhong complete the final steps of the burning sky plan, and then let the **** son grow further. As for the 《Mystic Moon》 plan, stop it. According to the current state of growth of the Son of God, the human soul of the Three Gods Source is sufficient. “

“I see.” Luo Hou nodded respectfully, then glanced at the blue crystal ball brought up by Qi Xing.

Luo Hou, did I let you do what you did?” Qi Yue walked next to Qi Xing and said with a smile.

Luo Hou nodded and said quietly: “All women, together with their homes, are destroyed. The man has left as you ordered.”

“Very good.” Qi Yue nodded with satisfaction and turned to Ling Chen: “Ah, Ling Tian, I seem to have forgotten to tell you. During your time here, Luo Hou just went to your home. I think I can’t let him run for nothing, so let him drop all the women who stay in your house … by the way. “

Ling Chen was struggling stiffly in the struggling, eyes widened to the maximum in an instant: “What do you say … what?!”

“No … impossible! You must be lying to me!”

“Hee hee, this Luo Hou has killed billions of humans. To him, killing is just as common as breathing, and he will never be softhearted because he is a beautiful woman. Oh, Luo Hou, he doesn’t seem to believe that you killed all the women in his family, or else you tell you how many women in his family have you killed? “Qi Yue said with a smile.

“Eleven.” Luo Hou answered expressionlessly, as Qi Yue said, killing is simply the most common thing in his life. How many corpses and souls can’t shake his heart. Po Lan: “The one named Fei who is a little bit powerful, is probably the strongest earth person, and there is a little girl named Tian Tian, who actually has the spirit of the Heaven Destroyer demon tribe, or at least five points of personality, but unfortunately just awakened. Worry. All are dead. “

Gu Qinghan, Li Xiaoxue, Xuanyuan Diewu, Yun Mengxin, Xiao Qi, Su Er, Philippines, Mu Bingyao, Chuo Ying, Chuo Xi, Tian Tian … just eleven!

“Five points of Godhead?” Qi Xing is profiled: “Wan Zhong once said that Xiya Star had escaped a person with an unawakened demigod godhead. Is this chaotic space, apart from you Luo Hou, there are at least two who have five Distracted person existence? “

The words Luo Hou fall in the ears of Ling Chen are tantamount to a thunderstorm. His brain exploded, and he was about to explode, showing extreme horror on his face, and the two pupils instantly enlarged to a thrilling level: “Impossible! Impossible! How could they die … Impossible! Qi Yue, You must be lying to me … they have no revenge against you, you can’t kill them … Qi Yue! Let’s say you are lying to me! You already cheated me for a whole year, this time must have been lying to me! ! “

“Ahhhh, don’t be so excited.” Looking at the horror and horror of Ling Chen at this time, Qi Yue is a pleasing expression, and seems to enjoy the look of Ling Chen at this time: “This time is really not Lie to you. I ca n’t afford to play with a few human HP/Lifes. In fact, I only want to kill Tian Tian, because I already saw the spirit of hidden in her body. Once awakened, it will be at least five points. Godhead, it will cause us any trouble at that time, so it is better to get rid of it before she wakes up. As for the other women, she was buried with her. How can you be too lonely … Hee hee hee hee, but I specifically told Luo Hou that it must not hurt you, is it very touching? “

Qi Yue … you … you … you !!!” Ling Chen‘s face was pale and scary, and his chest was violently undulating.

“If you still do n’t believe it, just go back and check it out. But Luo Hou kills people, but it is always directly destroyed to ashes, and even the bodies are not left, so you want to see them on the last side is basically impossible. .This may be a little bit regrettable for you, but I did not let Luo Hou destroy your home, it was all his own claim, but please don’t let me pay it, hee hee hee. “

“Huh! The five-pointed person may be the reincarnation of the Heaven Destroyer deity’s royal daughter. It is a threat, and it is best to destroy it. Luo Hou, month, we go.” Qi Xing beckoned, Walked into the light curtain with the floating crystal ball, and then disappeared into the flashing radiance.

Qi Yue !!! Do not allow … to leave! This cannot be true, you must be lying to me … Do not allow to leave! Do not allow to leave!” Ling Chen struggled desperately, trying to get rid of the Strength that bound his body, voice Already hoarse and twisted under great terror.

“Goodbye, I used to Young Master, you have to be good and live happily, giggles.” Qi Yue issued a charming laugh, waved softly to Ling Chen, and then took a fragrance Turned and walked into the light curtain.

“Well … month !!!!!!”

Luo Hou glanced at Ling Chen for a moment, and seemed to be wondering why Qi Xing showed his true face in front of this human, and he didn’t kill him in the end. But it was just a glance, followed behind Qi Yue, and entered the light curtain.

The light curtain disappeared, and only Ling Chen was left on the top of Godchild Peak.

The Strength that restrained the body disappeared with the departure of Qi Xing, Ling Chen suddenly fell on the ice, and the whole body shivered and shuddered in great fear …

“Impossible … it must be fake … it must be fake !!!”

Even if you comfort yourself and force yourself to believe that it must be false, Ling Chen is still full of the greatest panic and fear in this life. He stood tremblingly and gave the order of “offline“.

World switching. Ling Chen opened his eyes violently, but his eyes did not touch the light, but it was dark, and the thick sandy soil Aura came from the tip of his nose. His whole body was pressed by something heavy, and his chest was asphyxiated.

What’s going on … Isn’t it! ?

Ling Chen slammed hard and forcibly stood up. Suddenly, a large piece of sand and dust pressing on him was knocked out from a distance, and a burst of rattling sounds persisted in my ears. Standing up, Ling Chen‘s eyes were no longer dark, and the sight in front of him made him stay there as a whole, his eyes stared as if he had lost his soul.

Where he stands is a rundown of ruins. Just now, he was buried under the rubble.

This is the center of a green bamboo sea. It has a beautiful villa with a back garden, a swimming pool, a sunshade, and a small casino … but now, in front of Ling Chen, there is only a ruin, Endless ruins … the villa is gone, the garden is gone, the swimming pool is gone … even the green bamboo sea around it is a mess, and there is no bamboo standing. However, the dilapidated turquoise green of that place vaguely proved that it was once a large area of ​​bamboo sea.

This kind of scene is like a **** to Ling Chen.

[Heaven’s Wrath is about 100,000 words away. In the preparation of the new book, I will release some information about the new book on the WeChat platform. The method to join the Mars WeChat platform is very simple. WeChat-the plus sign in the upper right corner-add friends-public account-search for Mars gravitation, with V certification. This is the base camp of our Dai people, welcome to join! 】

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