Shura’s Wrath Chapter 810: The Son of God (Six)

“Yes, this is the idea that the star has never changed after awakening the spirit.” Qi Yue glanced at her long hair charmingly, and said helplessly: “It is clear that the awakened spirit not only gave Her eccentric Strength and scattered memories also affected her personality and beliefs to a certain extent. It made her almost crazy want to be True God, let True God come again and dominate the world, for which she was willing to do anything. Of course, only I am not interested in these two points of personality, but I have tried to dissuade the stars many times, but they have no effect, so I have to let it go. Although her purpose is a little crazy and contrary to human relations Heavenly Dao, it seems to me There is no harm. After all, I am her Elder Sister. Even if she really launches the ‘annihilation plan’ after her purpose is completed, I can’t destroy my only loved one. “

“So, according to the remnants of the previous life, the plan of star creation is started, and the name of the plan is called the plan of the son of God. The steps of the plan are very simple … create a **** with a complete deity, and then change this **** ’s Godhead and Divine Strength are all transferred to the star. Of course, it sounds like the most important step is more difficult than ascending to the sky, but with the guidance of memory, this seemingly extremely difficult first step is performed. It ’s not that difficult, it just takes some time. The method is very simple. It ’s a bit cruel, that is, to capture a large number of living souls, and to merge and compress them. Because the human soul is weak, but the human is after all It is created by God, and there will be a tiny and tiny spirit in each soul. When these human souls reach a certain level, they can gather into a sea and let countless tiny spirits merge into a True God level. Complete soul. “

Ling Chen: “!!!!!!”

“In the chaotic space, there is a place of **** origin in the east, west, south, and north respectively. According to legend, they are the birthplaces of the gods, and the soul components of human souls living in these four places will also have the highest. Each of these four sources of gods has a planet existence, which is the earth in the east, Xiya Star in the south, Pegasus in the north, and the star of the west. Want to produce the **** son with the fastest speed and the highest efficiency, naturally Is the first choice of humans on these four planets. After the target was confirmed, the Godson plan officially launched. There were three people executing this plan, the title ‘God Herald’, one was Luo Hou with a demigod, and the other was a four-god. Wan Zhong, the third one is the Madman that you killed. “

“Among them, Luo Hou traveled to the two planets Gal and Pegasus alone to implement the ‘Garo Plan’ for Galo and the ‘Earth Flame Plan’ for Pegasus, and Wan Zhong went to Xiya Star for the ‘Skyburn Plan’, As for Madman, you know already, he went to the earth and carried out the ‘《Mystic Moon》 plan’ for the earth. “

Ling Chen listened quietly, his eyebrows beating from time to time, and sometimes tightening. Each sentence spoken by Qi Yue seemed to be illusory, making him almost unable to distinguish whether it was a reality or an unreal dream. When the word “Xiya Star” appeared in his ears again and again, he finally thought of where the familiarity of the name came from … When she first met Tian Tian, she claimed to be her hometown, which was called “Shia” Planet! She came to Earth because of a huge disaster at Xiya Star, and her mother sent her to flee to Earth.

Is the “Xiya Star” in Qi Yue‘s mouth the hometown of Tian Tian? The “disaster” that Tian Tian refers to is the “burning sky plan” for Xiya Star?

“Now, the fifteen years of already have passed, and the Luo Hou‘s plan for the Gallo and Earth Flame has been completed, gathering the soul of a total of 7.6 billion humans, and successfully derived from this adolescent **** son. Wan Zhong implementation The plan to burn the sky seems to be not very smooth, because the Xiya Star person has a very high Strength level, which is almost no less than 《Mystic Moon》 stars, but with the help of Luo Hou, I believe that it won’t be long before it can be won and let the Son of God grow again. As for the 《Mystic Moon》 plan … Madman was killed by you, and the Son of God threatened to destroy himself to protect the earth. It seems to have died completely. Alas, I seem to have forgotten the point. This created Son of God is Shasha. That is, you are here Godchild Peak was picked up and taken to earth, the most like/happy Shadyska. “

Shadyska?” Hearing this name, Qi Xing gave a slight smirk, and then sneered: “Huh, that’s it. Shatis is the language of ancient protoss, meaning ‘atonement man!'”

Atonement … These two words make Ling Chen feel a lot of pain in the heart.

From the first day he met Shasha, he felt the mystery of Shasha. But he couldn’t think of it. The original Shasha turned out to be a man who was born in such a terrible and terrible way … No, it was God. Yeah, she turned out to be a god, not a real existence **** in human cognition, an omnipotent **** in human fantasy …

No wonder Shasha comes to him, all kinds of bizarre things keep happening. Diewu‘s destroyed face was restored magically. It turned out not to be a miracle, but to Shasha. At that time, Shasha was just following him to go after Diewu; no wonder that year the Dongtian and Baili ice-cold and depleted HP/Life and the lost five senses all recovered Shasha; no wonder she can easily heal the most terrible Isrock Virus on the planet, no wonder she can just take out the technology that is hundreds of years ahead of the earth, no wonder she can make all kinds of delicious things that should not belong to the world … … Because she is the Son of God, she has combined billions of human skills and talents, and has magical abilities that humans cannot imagine.

But atonement? Why does she need atonement? What sin to redeem? What is she guilty of?

She doesn’t have any sin. What he has is just a perfect heart Ah! who is truly sinful and who should really atone for it. This heartbroken Qi Xing who “made God” at the cost of destroying humanity, and all those who helped her commit countless crimes!

“What about you? What role do you play in this? What do you mean by” Making Shura “?” Ling Chen said in a rage.

“I? Of course I won’t participate in this Godson plan. Once I didn’t have the ability to complete it, secondly, I was not very like/happy to kill myself.” Qi Yue stretched out his slender fingers and gently touched his lips. Alas, there was a fascinating fascination in my eyes: “The reason why I will come to 《Mystic Moon》 Star is to complete a deal with Xing. She told me a big secret, and I came to 《Mystic Moon》 Xing to look for that The secret key, while helping the star complete the ‘Shura plan’. “

Shura … plan?”

“Yes, the content is very simple, just to create a Shura.” Qi Yue said with a smile: “However, this ‘Shura‘ is not the real Shura. Because the real Shura is the only one, it is the level of God. The **** above is also the end of the world of God Demon GodLuo Xiu. It is impossible for someone to create such a Shura. What I need to create is only the ‘Shura‘ of the 《Mystic Moon》 star, because the ‘Shura‘ of the 《Mystic Moon》 star, but Under the influence of the ‘Lunar Scourge‘ left by Shura, it was infected with a little bite of Shura and Strength, which turned into a ruthless murderous man! Of course, in the strict sense, this Shura is not worthy of being called Shura!

Ling Chen: “…”

“Although the pseudo Shura cannot have the real Shura Strength, but it has the suffocation belonging to Shura. The newborn **** son not only has Strength Powerful, but also has high wisdom and a pure heart. Such a **** son, even if it is The star cannot control it at all. And before the **** son awakens the blood of Shura, the violent Aura in the blood of Shura will merge into the blood of the **** son, so that the temper of the **** son becomes **** and thirsty. In this way, the **** son is controlled, It ’s easy. This is the sole purpose of the Shura plan. ”At this point, Qi Yue is a resentful eyelid, and Youyou said,“ I do n’t know if I should say that I succeeded or failed. I did succeed in creating one. Shura, but unfortunately, this Shura has maintained its nature and has not become a murderer. It is not known whether the blood of this Shura can contaminate the temperament of the Son of God.

Shura‘s blood is completely incapable of affecting her son, who is fully conscious. The Shura plan was cancelled when I found that the son had disappeared.” Qi Xing said lightly.

“Speaking of it, hasn’t the God Son been blocked by you in the Forbidden God Realm, and the Strength of the God Son has also been blocked and kept asleep, I really want to know how the Son of God escaped.” Qi Yue said fullly that tiny was slightly amused for a while.

“Huh, it ’s me that I despised the Son of God, or that I despised the” God “.” Qi Xing frowned slightly, and her beautiful face was cold: “Maybe she was born when she was born Knowing my intentions, I used special methods I could not detect to isolate my Strength blockade and created the illusion of being in a blockade and sleeping state all the time. God forbidden space can only forbid God, but other creatures can come and go freely. She should Is to infiltrate his Divine Strength quietly into the forbidden space, found the position of this 《Mystic Moon》 star, and then opened a space door to the banned place in a certain position of this 《Mystic Moon》 star, and guided a person … this is this Ling Tian entered the forbidden space and took her out of the forbidden land! Only this is possible! “

Oh?,” Qi Yue smiled lightly: “The mind of this little godson is really terrible.”

Across them, the repressed anger of Ling Chen was once again ignited by the “Shura plan” in the mouth of Qi Yue. It turned out that he has always been a planned tool. Qi Yue guides him step by step, helps him, and even helps him complete the “resurrection method”, all to make him the element of Shura to complete their “Shura plan”! Then, with this plan, let the perfect Shasha become the most sinful killing **** …

Thinking that if they succeed, the angelic Shasha will become a real devil … his angry whole body trembles.

Ling Chen repressed the rage again and again, looking at Qi Yue, and said very slowly: “So … you are not the Lunar Scourge‘s soul at all … It is impossible to be sealed in Lunar Scourge for thousands of years. Daughter of the Night Emperor Ye Yue! “

“Of course, how could I be the daughter of Yedi, it’s ridiculous.” Qi Yue said with a smile.

“Well … what about Ye Yue?” Ling Chen had an extremely unpleasant feeling when thinking about the staring look of Ye Di when he left Novice Village.

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