Shura’s Wrath Chapter 693: Three conditions

Ling Chen took a step forward and said with a gloomy face to Forgotten Great Emperor: “You forcibly incriminated Ling Tian City because of your selfish desires, and personally led the army to attack my Ling Tian City, causing great damage to Ling Tian City and killing nineteen innocent Fairys. … these, can you admit it? “

As soon as the Ling Chen words were finished, a pair of giant eyes of Underworld King turned Forgotten Great Emperor fiercely. The fierce eyes made this human supreme emperor stunned, his legs almost softened, Forgotten Great Emperor nodded in a panic, and stiffened his tongue. “Admit … I admit …”

Under the eyes of Underworld King, do n’t say that these are facts, even if it is not true, he dare not say half a word, otherwise this Underworld King may be a Dark God Cannon, and with the power of Underworld King, in the future Trying to torture a human emperor is just like playing grasshoppers on the roadside.

“Due to pay the debts, it is justified. You are the one who attacked me Ling Tian City and killed me Ling Tian City because of your selfish desire. As an Ling Tian City deputy City Master, I should take revenge on the city of Forgotten. Shouldn’t I?” Ling Chen looked dull and stared sharply. .

“Should …” Forgotten Great Emperor answered harshly. He didn’t dare shake his head, even if he had the guts.

Ling Chen sneered: “Then the city of Forgotten now, is it your fault?”

“Yes …”

“Regardless of the loss and disaster of Ling Tian City or Forgotten, the culprit is your Forgotten Great Emperor, right?”

Forgotten Great Emperor‘s face brush became pale, he raised his head, looked at Forgotten Goddess’s Messenger with a wink, and looked at Underworld King tremblingly, lowered his head, and said with a trembling voice: “Yes …”

“Since you have acknowledged it, the solution is much simpler.” Ling Chen grinned slightly. “Originally, you committed me Ling Tian City, and let us sacrifice nineteen Fairy. I should take your entire Forgotten. The city went to bury the funeral for them. But since Forgotten Goddess’s Messenger all came forward in person, how can I, a little player, ignore the face of Forgotten Goddess’s Messenger … “

Ling Chen‘s attitude from the beginning to the end is extremely extreme, Underworld King is even more arrogant, but at the moment it is selling Forgotten Goddess’s Messenger face, which makes Forgotten Goddess’s Messenger‘s face black. Ling Chen stared at Forgotten Great Emperor and said, “If you want me to withdraw this million Undead and Phoenix God Heavenly Flames, you can … but you Forgotten Great Emperor, you must agree to my three conditions, otherwise, whether it is million Undead or Phoenix God Heavenly Flames, it will ravage the city of Forgotten Until it is completely destroyed! “

“You … you said.” At this point, Forgotten Great Emperor can no longer count on Forgotten Goddess’s Messenger, because there is Underworld King on the opposite side, Forgotten Goddess’s Messenger is not qualified to overwhelm Underworld King, if you are eligible to bargain with it, unless the highest three goddesses Moon God Clan come in person. At present, he has no choice but to obey obediently.

“The first condition, I want you to face the entire Forgotten Territory, publicly apologize to Ling Tian City, and personally go to the city of Forgotten to pay for the nineteen Fairys who died in the battle!” Remember the nineteen Fairy and The sorrow of the Fairy family, the Ling Chen is again a gritting tooth.

“Open? This is impossible! I am the Forgotten Territory emperor, let me openly apologize to a player city … What makes me look … This is something that all Forgotten Territory cannot accept!” I heard Ling Chen put forward The first condition, Forgotten Great Emperor shouted in a muffled voice. Forgotten Territory Strength is respected. The player’s class is far lower than the NPC due to the weakness of Strength. Now let the Forgotten Territory king apologize to a player city, or openly apologize to the entire Forgotten Territory. This is Forgotten Great Emperor unimaginable and unacceptable. thing! If he did this, his emperor’s dignity and face would be gone, which would be equivalent to confessing his sins to the world. In the future, let alone the Forgotten Territory residents, in front of the players, they would lose their majesty.

“Miscellaneous account! My son-in-law is here to give you a chance! You dare not agree! Believe it or not, I’ve bombarded you Bird City now! Still face? I’m sorry! I’ll see where you go when Bird City is gone Find your face! “Ling Chen has not spoken yet, Underworld King already yelled with a beard, and at the same time the Dark God Cannon gun barrel shook, and the Forgotten Great Emperor and Baiying Heisha almost rushed to his knees.

Forgotten Goddess’s Messenger has a big frown. It is not a big deal to make an apology for mistakes, but it should be, but after all, Forgotten Great Emperor is a human emperor. Letting him make a public apology is not so simple, but in the face of the threat of Underworld King, Forgotten Goddess’s Messenger is not There was nothing she could do, she said, and said weakly: “Ling Tian, you say the second condition.”

The posture of Forgotten Goddess’s Messenger obviously shows that if the following conditions are not too excessive, the first one can agree. Her decision is also completely equivalent to the decision of Forgotten Great Emperor. Ling Chen is not nonsense, and directly said: “The second condition is to triple compensate the loss caused to me Ling Tian City! The total amount of funds required for rebuilding in and out of the city, and the resulting material consumption, labor costs, time consumption, closed city Residents’ migration fees, resettlement fees, communication fees, loss of player traffic and transmission fees, loss of business income, loss of transfer system, loss of mission system, loss of living system, loss of entertainment system, expansion progress Losses, as well as land losses caused by attacks, Equipment losses … and the most serious Spirit losses for players, residents, especially FairyLing Tian City will report you a total within five days, debts and repayment, Three times the compensation, not one less! “

Forgotten Great Emperor‘s complexion was getting whiter, and finally his brain was dizzy. For Ling Tian City‘s one-day capital flow, Forgotten Great Emperor knows a rough figure, otherwise he will not be envious and jealous enough to attack Ling Tian City. The loss of money in the closed day alone is a huge number, let alone add There are dozens of “loss fees” listed on the Ling Chen list … three times more. It is estimated that the final figure will be removed even if the city of Forgotten has thousands of years of end-to-end compensation.

Forgotten Goddess’s Messenger **** undulating for a while, biting his teeth: “… you say the third condition!”

“The third condition is much simpler.” Ling Chen turned his attention to Forgotten Goddess’s Messenger this time, and his eyes were particularly sharp: “The same thing, I don’t want to see the second time, I believe you don’t want to look at Forgotten The city has completely disappeared from this world. I want Forgotten Great Emperor and you Forgotten Goddess’s Messenger to take a vow of poison. From now on, you will never violate Ling Tian City for any reason! “

The third condition is the simplest, but it is also the most important point for Ling Chen. His revenge this time was enough to scare Forgotten Great Emperor. It is no longer possible to have the guts to look for the Ling Tian City. But there is also a Forgotten Goddess’s Messenger with Underworld King in it. Forgotten Goddess’s Messenger has no temper, but he was stunned and could not handle the day. Will find a reason to trouble Ling Tian City, Underworld King belongs to Underworld, it is impossible to protect him all the time, and he cannot protect Ling Tian City every second. The sadness of Fairy Clan made him unable to accept that the same thing happened again. Depending on the threat of Underworld King on the side and Dark God Cannon, the cities of Forgotten and Forgotten Goddess’s Messenger both issued vows that would no longer violate the Ling Tian City, so that Ling Tian City can truly stand on Forgotten Territory. No more crises.

This is impossible!Forgotten Goddess’s Messenger flatly refused, frowning frantically: “Moon God Representative, Forgotten Territory, has the right to maintain basic order and punish all evil and instability! If I make this commitment, wouldn’t I let Ling Tian City Beyond the scope of my sanctions! If one day they mess up Forgotten Territory or offend me, can I just ignore and escape? “

“Oh, you think too much.” Ling Chen sneered and glanced at Forgotten Great Emperor: “The people at Ling Tian City just want to securely protect their own land, and never want to go like some people. Disturbing other people’s land. What you worry about will never happen … Of course, if you force your hat on, it’s a different matter. Besides, I can add a premise to this condition … unless Ling Tian City commits something impossible Forgive the wrong or take the initiative to offend you, otherwise, you must not offend Ling Tian City for any reason! “

This time, Forgotten Goddess’s Messenger didn’t resist anymore. Looking at Underworld King beside Ling Chen, she couldn’t find the reason for rejection at all. Because there is Underworld King behind Ling Tian City, and even the entire Underworld, do n’t say that Ling Tian City is safe and secure, even if she really commits all kinds of crimes, she does n’t necessarily dare to come to find her way, let alone the city of Forgotten. Ling Tian City is not evil, and I have no reason to interfere with anything in Ling Tian City, poisonous oaths, and so on. “

At the moment, she said calmly: “I swear under the name Forgotten Territory Moon God Representative, unless Ling Tian City commits an unforgivable mistake or offends me for no reason, I will never offend Ling Tian City! , Earth destroys nature. “

Forgotten Great Emperor hastily followed Forgotten Goddess’s Messenger and made the same poisonous oath.

“So, did you agree on all three conditions?” Ling Chen said blankly as they listened to their vows.

Dark God Cannon with the power of God is directed at the city of Forgotten, do we have the right not to agree?” Forgotten Goddess’s Messenger with a mockery, and then watch the city of Forgotten: “The three conditions you proposed, I represent the Forgotten The city promised all, now it’s time for you to take back your Undead army and Phoenix God Heavenly Flames. “

Ling Chen took a sigh of relief in secret. The emergence of Underworld King made everything extremely simple and smooth. Otherwise, although it may still be the result now, the process is more difficult, thrilling and exciting. After all, the threat of the ultimate inflammation of Flame God’s Wall and Xi Ling is far from comparable to Underworld King and his Dark God Cannon. Three conditions, Forgotten Great Emperor and Forgotten Goddess’s Messenger have been honestly accepted.

Under the instruction of Ling Chen, Leng’er quietly appeared, the black moon mark between the forehead flashed a little, the Undead army that raged the city was all fixed at once, and then turned into the smoke of the city. The burning Phoenix God Heavenly Flames was also quickly extinguished by Xi Ling. With her Phoenix Royal Clan bloodline, manipulating Phoenix God Heavenly Flames was extremely simple and casual.

“Oh, this big backer is really incredible.” The red-haired woman who has been watching from a distance quietly nodded her finger to her chin, with a look of surprise: “son-in-law … Master Father-in-law … how imaginative. Title. “

“Oriental Underworld King, whose real name is Hadesa, currently in the 《Mystic Moon》 world, except for the Moon God Clan Destiny, Order, and the Highest Three Goddess of Freedom, it is one of the only super Saint Destroyer strong men to have the same name as your elder sister, your righteous father. It’s not surprising that the Emperor Haihuang will take the elder sister as a daughter, but … Underworld King in this legend actually called his son-in-law … This is incredible. Is that Underworld King really marrying his own daughter … to a Player? And Underworld King is a Undead family, it should be tens of thousands of years old, his daughter is also Undead, he must be old, maybe he is very old and ugly, and his body is the same as a zombie … ah, it ’s terrible, how can he Will accept … “You La said as he shook his head vigorously.

“That’s not it. He’s a man, but non-beautiful people don’t touch it. Oops, this is a headache. I had wanted to move out of my righteous father one day to surprise him, but he didn’t expect to be preempted by him again. , I feel that the whole person is not very good now. “The red-haired woman said sadly.

[Sorry, the Death Star kidnapped by the update these days, just got out! Efforts to resume the update …]

[Um … it ’s actually a unit adjustment. I ’m going to another unit this week. In addition, party members know that the party ’s mass line study in the near future … 80 full hours … NNN pages of notes … N The exam … crazy! !! !! 】

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