Shura’s Wrath Chapter 580: Crystal Chalcedony

The temperature is greatly affected when climbing up the mountain, and it is difficult to climb on foot. Not only is it not affected by temperature at all, it is still falling from the volley of Snow Cherry, so the efficiency of going down the mountain is completely different from the efficiency of the original climbing. It took more than a month for Ling Chen to climb to the top of Godchild Peak. At this time, at the end of the third [Broken Shadow] Effect, Snow Cherry already rushed from the peak to the mountainside, and even the surrounding snow was almost gone. Trace.

At this time, the sound of Qi Yue suddenly sounded in Ling Chen‘s brain.

Young Master, where did you go during this time? Why was my consciousness confined in Lunar Scourge and could not come out, even your existence could not feel it.”

The voice of Qi Yue is deeply surprised and doubtful. In the world of Darkness, Ling Chen cannot communicate with Qi Yue, and the status of Qi Yue is even worse than Ling Chen. Even consciousness cannot leave the internal space of Lunar Scourge. Let alone talk to Ling Chen. She quickly thought that it might be that Ling Chen entered a very special place, that place had some kind of tyrannical isolation Strength, but she could not think of Forgotten Territory where existence was located.

“I’ll talk about this later! Didn’t you see a leopard behind me!” Ling Chen said in his heart against the howling wind.

Oh?Qi Yue seems to have discovered the leopard that is chasing after Ling Chen. She paused and was surprised: “It turned out to be Purple-Winged Cloud Leopard.”

Purple-Winged Cloud Leopard? Did you see it?”

“No, but I have heard it.” Qi Yue replied: “It ’s not that popular in Forgotten Territory. I did n’t expect that after ten thousand years, the Purple-Winged Cloud Leopard family is still existence. I thought it was gone. But Even if it is extinct, it will certainly retain its records and legend now. The title of “Star-seeking Tiger, Wind-seeking Leopard” was well known to everyone. “

“The star chaser, the leopard chasing the wind?”

“The star chasing tiger refers to the guardian sacred beast of Moon God Clan, and it is also the eight-wing Paradise tiger of one of the five sacred beasts of Forgotten Territory. It is rumored that its speed reaches the extreme and can chase the stars and catch the moon. There is no creature to follow in the world. The leopard of the wind refers to the ‘Purple-Winged Cloud Leopard‘ behind you. When its speed is stretched to the extreme, it can rise to the wind. However, this Purple-Winged Cloud Leopard cannot represent the true speed of Purple-Winged Cloud Leopard because it is still in its infancy. Grade is also only Heaven End. Adult Purple-Winged Cloud Leopard is ranked Mysterious God, even if you open Broken Shadow, it will be easy to catch up with you. However, you can make it impossible for Purple-Winged Cloud Leopard to catch up with you for a long time, and already is amazing. “

This speed terrible Purple-Winged Cloud Leopard is still in its infancy! ?

Ling Chen has to sigh aloud the world, it really is amazing. He thought that the speed after Broken Shadow has reached the peak of the world, beyond the scope of human cognition. Except for Xiao Fengchen, no creature can catch up. Now it seems that this kind of thinking can only be reduced to sitting on a well.

Young Master, where did you find this Purple-Winged Cloud Leopard? Why chase you? Although Purple-Winged Cloud Leopard‘s spleen is not mild, it will not actively attack humans unless it is provoked and stimulated.”

“Why chase me? I want to know too!” Ling Chen gritted his teeth and said, “It was hiding under the ice on the top of the peak. There was nothing to do there the first two times. I don’t know its ribs this time. No, suddenly I ran out and chased and let go. “

“As far as I know, Purple-Winged Cloud Leopard often takes on the role of guardian because of its overbearing speed and Strength. Unless the overall strength is far stronger than it, with Purple-Winged Cloud Leopard‘s speed, no one can take it from its guardianship What is guarded. Young Master, did you take something on the peak to protect it? “Qi Yue said.

“How is it possible! Godchild Peak is freezing in the cold, there is nothing except ice and snow. Even if there is any treasure in the world, it must be buried under a very thick layer of ice and snow. Xiao Hui cannot come out on the peak. I ca n’t find anything even if I want to find it! I got three peaks, and I just picked up a few ice crystals just now … uh … ice crystals … “

The voice of Ling Chen suddenly jammed, cold sweat on his forehead, weak whispered: “It’s impossible to be those few ice crystals … that kind of thing Godchild Peak is everywhere …”

“What ice crystal? Take it out and see!”

Ling Chen immediately took out an ice crystal obtained in front of the mysterious door, and quickly glanced at its Stats:

[Cold Crystal Chalcedony]: The ultimate crystal formed by the mysterious ice over 100,000 years after absorbing the True God Aura left over from the ancient True God in the extreme cold environment. The fire burns, is extremely tough, and has endless coldness, but the surface does not have a feeling of coldness. It has a strong affinity for souls. If you eat one, Level will instantly increase by 3 levels, and the coldness will be quietly transformed in the most gentle way. The body of the user will permanently increase Water Element Resistance by 40%. If you use it to cast armor, it will be difficult for ten thousand soldiers to break. If you use it as a weapon, it will be indestructible and will be accompanied by a powerful ice-covered Effect.

“This … turns out to be the relic of legend, cold crystal chalcedony!” Qi Yue startled.

Ling Chen also has a big mouth … The reason he took these ice crystals was purely because Shadyska thought they were beautiful, so he took them for her to play with. I never thought that these ice crystals are such Powerful things! Take a flash of level 3 and permanently increase up to 40% Water Element Resistance! Such a Stats is simply incredible!

And this kind of cold crystal chalcedony … he quickly counted it … there are more than 80 pieces!

This is going to be sent … Ling Chen moaned in his heart.

So, this Purple-Winged Cloud Leopard is the guardian of these cold crystal chalcedony. And it appeared at the right time, just after taking away all the cold crystal chalcedony.

In this way, Ling Chen suddenly felt unjust. Such a thing of Against the Heavens was held by him more than eighty pieces under the eyelids of Purple-Winged Cloud Leopard. It is only strange that it does not chase after death!

But knowing the reason, it does not mean that Ling Chen will return the cold crystal chalcedony to Purple-Winged Cloud Leopard. So the cold crystal chalcedony of Powerful, since it is your own thing in your hands, still go back? Don’t even think about one piece! Besides, these cold crystal chalcedony were piled on the ground at that time, and no one’s name was written on it. It was apparently a thing without a subject, and it took away its own right. It was the sudden robbery of Purple-Winged Cloud Leopard.

Think of it this way, the psychology of Ling Chen was immediately balanced.

The last time Broken Shadow‘s Effect has entered the countdown, Purple-Winged Cloud Leopard is still immediately behind, if Broken Shadow Effect is over, it only takes a moment and Purple-Winged Cloud Leopard can catch up. Ling Chen glanced at the girl in her arms, gritted her teeth, and suddenly let go of her. She leaped back from the Snow Cherry forcefully, Great Ravager and Twilight instantly held in her hands, and the volley greeted the rear Purple-Winged Cloud Leopard.

Snow Cherry, take her away immediately, the farther the better!”

Ling Chen !!!”

Shadyska heard a panic shout, Ling Chen ’s body also hit Purple-Winged Cloud Leopard with alreadyspeed was too fast, Ling Chen suddenly turned and jumped up, even if it was Purple-Winged Cloud Leopard, it was impossible to make Reaction … and it doesn’t need to react because its purpose is to kill Ling Chen. Ling Chen gave up running away and suddenly hit back, instead it wanted to see it.

Bang! !! !! –

26500, -26502, -90800!

The sudden impact at such a high speed brought a bomb-like explosion. The next moment, one person and one beast flew out in two directions like two cannonballs. Three bright red damage numbers slowly faded in the air … two [Ling Tian Slash] from Ling Chen, the other one was given by Evil God’s Mask. The damage bounces, all three damage numbers are applied to Purple-Winged Cloud Leopard.

This intense and shocking collision has separated the consciousness of hitting Ling Chen. He didn’t even know when he landed. When he got up from the ground, there was a big pit under him, and HP dropped by almost half … Obviously, his HP/Life force did not come from Purple-Winged Cloud Leopard, but was caused by hitting the ground. After a while, his brain was awake, and after struggling for a long time to stand up from the ground, he whispered in his heart that it would hit the high-speed rail. On the other side, the situation of Purple-Winged Cloud Leopard is even worse than that of him. The entire body was directly and completely smashed into the mountain … Evil God’s Mask rebounded more than just damage, but also almost all impact.

Snow Cherry complies with the wishes of Ling Chen. already flew far away. Ling Chen searched for a while and found that it stayed at an altitude of nearly a thousand meters. Only a vague white shadow could be seen, and my heart finally let go. Come to my heart … Shadyska shouted with fear and fear in my ears.

Since you can’t run away, it will kill you! Ling Chen flashed fiercely in the eyes, [Soul Sacrifice] launched, and rushed to the position of Purple-Winged Cloud Leopard. Just a few steps forward, the land under his feet suddenly trembled. In the roar, Purple-Winged Cloud Leopard rushed out of the place it was caught in and locked for the first time. Ling Chen‘s position rushed towards him like lightning.

Purple-Winged Cloud Leopard‘s wings are no longer glowing. Although speed is extremely fast, it is no longer the kind of abnormality when it was catching up. Obviously, the violent speed is not always available. Ling Chen‘s eyes narrowed into two thin lines, and the eyes clearly reflected the next trajectory of Purple-Winged Cloud LeopardPurple-Winged Cloud Leopard‘s body is not large, which also means that its attack determination range is not large. Ling Chen is confident that speed and It is not impossible for him to respond to such an attack.


This hurricane-like violent blow hits Ling Chen … but it is a ghost. Although his speed is far less than Purple-Winged Cloud Leopard, his keenly perverted Spiritual Awareness and even more perverted instant explosive power allow him to escape perfectly in only a short reaction time, because the speed of the body shift is too fast, Purple-Winged Cloud Leopard flutters At the time of the hit, the ghost image that was too late to disappear was almost as clear as the real image, while the real body appeared obliquely below the side, and his hands were poised to tilt upwards and hit **** the hind legs of Purple-Winged Cloud Leopard. Left hand Thousand Kilogram Rend, right hand Ling Tian Slash!

Boom! boom! –

132500, -220850.

The violent attack in the Soul Sacrifice state is unbearable even for the Purple-Winged Cloud Leopard. Under the two loud sounds, the tendency to continue to flutter under inertia plus the impact of these two heavy blows, Purple-Winged Cloud Leopard is blown out like a rocket. He had been smashed nearly a hundred meters away before landing, and his body could not maintain balance at all, and rolled downward along the sloping mountain wolf howling.

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