Shura’s Wrath Chapter 472: Receive a goddess as mount (on)

The emergence of Evil Black Dragon horrified all the residents of Dongbei and made a panic call. Now, in the final stage of Correct Cherry Blossom God Representative repairing the Sunrise City city vein, it must not be disturbed, otherwise it will inevitably fail … On the other hand, one person completes the miracle of repairing the main city vein. Cherry Blossom God Representative is already exhausting almost all Moon God Force, now it can be said that the oil is exhausted, and even in a free state, it is impossible to be an opponent of Evil Black Dragon.

Evil Black Dragon‘s anger and resentment are still extremely strong across a distance of 10,000 meters. The Cherry Blossom God Representative‘s current situation, which was clear from the first time it appeared, would not miss this opportunity. Leaping dozens of feet, condensing all the remaining Strengths, slamming them towards Cherry Blossom God Representative.

The space is violently distorted, and the Evil Black Dragon‘s blow hits it fiercely, leaving a residual image belonging to Cherry Blossom God Representative where it passed through. The real Cherry Blossom God Representative appeared a hundred meters away, maintaining the previous movement. Even in this situation, she still did not stop repairing the Sunrise City city veins. Then the Strength teleportation was divided, which made her full of vitality. Total chaos, sometimes pale and flushing, and the collapsed city veins have begun to take shape under her Divine Strength, and gradually tend to the most complete state.

Evil Black Dragon‘s attack followed, and this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity cannot be missed anyway. In its shouting roar, the Cherry Blossom God Representative of the Aura chaos can no longer separate Strength to resist or Dodge … because once Strength is dispersed, the city veins that are about to be repaired will fall apart immediately. Her choice is to still use all the Strength to repair the city veins, with her undefended body, facing a violent blow of a Ancient Beast, without any Strength Defense, it will be directly impacted by the impact of Mysterious God Strength What is it … she understands. However, as Moon God Representative, she could not abandon her responsibilities, let alone consider her own safety and abandon the city veins that will be restored. In her heart, the main city is related to tens of thousands of residents, as well as players, much more important than her own.

At the moment when a little despair was born in her heart, a shadow of a person suddenly appeared in the space in front of her, and the attack of Evil Black Dragon was also caught off guard. The impact of heavily was on this figure.

The huge roar and shrill roar burst at the same time, and the figure didn’t move, and Evil Black Dragon flew away from the distance like a kicked ball under the shock force.

East residents’ hearts have all jumped to their throats, but suddenly they found that Evil Black Dragon, which almost touched Cherry Blossom God Representative, flew backwards, and a clear black dot was added in front of Cherry Blossom God Representative. After a moment of silence, the cheering burst out suddenly … At the moment of the moment, an unexpected savior arrived. And this “savior” actually hit Evil Black Dragon with a single blow. Can’t they cheer for joy.

It’s just too far apart. Even if you hold the telescope, you can only see a blurry black spot. No one knows … it was a player.

Ling Tian! !!

Seeing that Cherry Blossom God Representative is in such a desperate situation, it may even make her die … As an China player who has nothing to do with Dong Xuan, and even extremely disgusted with it, Ling Chen should have been a happy sight, and it ca n’t be more than ten times worse. But somehow, thinking of die of Cherry Blossom God Representative, his heart became more and more unbearable and unwilling, so he was almost involuntary. He took out Spatial Bead and blocked it in front of her. Strength of Evil God Mask was She blocked a blow that would cost her half a life.

Looking at Evil Black Dragon who was shocked by his Strength, Ling Chen just recovered from his actions, and then shook his head with some self-deprecation … Is he still too soft? Isn’t it a long time to make fun of me?

The action of Ling Chen is actually not difficult to understand. There is only one reason … that is Cherry Blossom God Representative is an absolutely beautiful beauty! As Moon God Representative, she has a face beyond the ordinary human level. For any normal man, beauty is the hardest thing to resist, not to mention Cherry Blossom God Representative. Such beauties, and all kinds of amazing beautiful things, even if not their own, do not want to see it destroyed from the bottom of my heart. On the other hand, if Cherry Blossom God Representative is so ugly that people can’t eat for three days at a glance, Ling Heaven End won’t be able to rescue him, and still hope that Evil Black Dragon will kill her as soon as possible.

So beauty is the biggest Passive Ability and capital of a woman, and this is true. Just like Cherry Blossom God Representative, because of her beautiful appearance, let her escape the consequences of the unimaginable.

Looking at the back of Ling Tian, Cherry Blossom God Representative was staggered, shocked, incredible, and his eyes became complicated for a while. She hated Ling Tian so much that her impression was impossible to erase in a lifetime, how could she not recognize that the person standing in front of her was Ling Tian! She would never have thought that at this critical moment, the one who saved herself would be the player who has been suffering from shame and insults!

Ling Chen said with some weakness: “Forget it, since it’s shot, let’s help to the end, it’s as if I owe you. However, I can only hold it for about 30 seconds, if you are 30 seconds later, Still failed to complete, then I can only leave you running. “

After speaking, Ling Chen did not turn around, and rushed towards Evil Black Dragon in the distance. Cherry Blossom God Representative looked at him sloppily, and his mood was so complicated that he couldn’t speak. To face a Mysterious God beast with a player’s body, and it must last for thirty seconds. It sounds like a joke to outsiders, but she knows he can do it. Those amazing abilities on him could not even resist her in their heyday, not to mention that her strength was far weaker than her Evil Black Dragon.

But she couldn’t figure out why he took such a big risk to save her … Opposite, but an Ancient Beast Ah!

As soon as Ling Chen appeared, Evil Black Dragon‘s Strength Aura was transferred from Cherry Blossom God Representative, and he was firmly locked. Because this is clearly the Aura of the human who beat it and viciously insulted it! It will never forget it! It stood up and snarled at the approaching Ling Chen: “It’s you! It’s you!”

“Yes, it’s me.” In the face of this Ancient Beast, Ling Chen smiled, and there was no sign of fear in his expression. He took a look at Sunrise City, which was turned into a ruin by already, and smiled, “Heilong Xiaopen Friends, you must be wondering who ruined the city now? Alas, it must be very uncomfortable to be wronged, hehehehehe!

Evil Black Dragon has a pair of blood eyes radiance loud, and the roar is angry several times: “Is you!?”

“Bingo! congratulations, you got it right!” Ling Chen smiled even more proudly: “You look at this scene of the collapse of the city, how spectacular. It is like watching a science fiction movie … Oh, Sao Rui You must not understand the term science fiction movie, when I did n’t say it. Looking at the original residents of this city, there were countless deaths and injuries, and the living was also homeless, mourning all over the world. Look at me again. ? Hey hey hey, do you know why I am so happy? “

Ling Chen is not in a hurry, and at least half of it is nonsense, with only one purpose … to delay time. “Thirty seconds” he said to Cherry Blossom God Representative, but including the delay.

Ling Chen smiled harmlessly, and continued, “Because, I’m not this Territory person at all. The sky of this Territory has collapsed, and it has nothing to do with me, and on the contrary, I will be happy to dream They all laughed. “

Even if the brain of Evil Black Dragon is dull, what should be understood at this moment, its breathing is heavy, and its two huge blood eyes are almost bursting in the fierce expansion and contraction: “You … are playing … … I !!!?! “

“Bingo! congratulations, you got it right again! How can I, a little player from other Territory, ruin a main city? Isn’t it? So I thought of you. Please invite you out to harm those cities Min, I will take the opportunity to destroy the city. How perfect this plan is with your excellent cooperation!

“Hello !!!”

The words of Ling Chen made Evil Black Dragon‘s head almost explode. It only realized at this moment that his own black Dragon Clan emperor, originally from the moment of encountering this human being, was always led by his nose and became his purpose. All the tools he uses to push himself into desperation are in cooperation with the director of the person he hates most, and finally he has to bear all the crimes and insults for him. Endless anger makes its reason collapse in an instant. At this moment, its hatred for Ling Chen even exceeds Cherry Blossom God Representative thousands of times.

“I’m going to shatter your body!”

Evil Black Dragon swooped up. The resentful Aura made the airflow chaos around. In the face of its attack after the madness, Ling Chen did not move, and received a hard note, no suspense, the roar of Evil God Mask In the middle, the scream was Evil Black Dragon. Ling Chen followed with a cold smile, [Lunar Grief] quietly unlocked, and then [Broken Shadow] blessed, calmly avoiding the Evil Black Dragon‘s fancy and threatening physical attack.

Evil Black Dragon‘s body is too large, even if it is a normal attack, it can reach a large range, otherwise with the Effect of [Lunar Grief], he does not even need unlocked for [Broken Shadow]. Evil Black Dragon‘s angry roar sounded loud, the claws and giant tail waving the dark shadows and howling winds, Ling Chen‘s body quickly shuttled in the shadows, and consciously took it away from The direction of the Cherry Blossom God Representative‘s orientation was not touched from start to finish, and there were occasional stitches coming up and hitting him … though, his attack was not even scratching for this Ancient Beast.

Under Effect of Libra Orb, Ling Chen released Lunar Grief twice in succession, and also used these two Lunar Grief to contain Evil Black Dragon for nearly twenty seconds. The second Lunar Grief Effect entered the countdown, and he was about to release helplessly [Lunar Shadow] Suddenly, a weak voice came from my ear: “Stop it …”!

This voice comes from Cherry Blossom God Representative!

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