Shura’s Wrath Chapter 44: Lunar Scourge (bottom)

The message from Lunar Scourge made Ling Chen‘s expression violently move. * * Bubble! book. Let ’s cast * “Gods, demons, humans, demons, beasts, spirits of Death Qi, resentment, hate, **** gas, and Strength remnants after death” perished in the Battle of Gods and Demons. Resentment and brutality are a combination of endless negative factors “… This Crescent Moon dark ring actually has such a large background and such a horrible origin, it has actually involved the ancient times of Forgotten Territory, as mentioned by the village chief Moon God Clan‘s former highest Moon God was cast by oneself, it is a kind of fierce thing!

His heartbeat speeded up, its background and origin is not important to him, it is not important whether it is fierce or not. What he most wanted to know, of course, was this Lunar Chain with amazing background and origin, and made by God … how much Powerful Stats. Yes, this is a Lunar Chain! Its Grade was judged as “Unknown“, is it that its Grade is too high … is it too high for the system to judge?

[Lunar Scourge]: …………………… The maximum number of Energy Crystal and Orb can be loaded: 15. The vertical twelve holes can be loaded with Energy Crystal or Energy Orb of arbitrary Level, and the middle three holes can only be loaded with exclusive Saint Bead.

First hole: empty. Can be loaded with Energy Crystal or Energy Orb of arbitrary Level, exclusive Divine Orb: [Aries Orb]

Second hole: empty. Energy Crystal or Energy Orb can be loaded with arbitrary Level, exclusive Divine Orb: [ Taurus Orb]

Third hole: empty. Can load Energy Crystal or Energy Orb of arbitrary Level, exclusive Divine Orb: [Gemini Orb]

Fourth hole: empty. Can be loaded with arbitrary Level of Energy Crystal or Energy Orb, exclusive Divine Orb: [Cancer Orb]

Fifth hole: empty. Can be loaded with Energy Crystal or Energy Orb of arbitrary Level, exclusive Divine Orb: [Leo Orb]

The sixth hole: empty. Energy Crystal or Energy Orb can be loaded with arbitrary Level, exclusive Divine Orb: [Virgo Orb]

The seventh hole: empty. Can load Energy Crystal or Energy Orb of arbitrary Level, exclusive Divine Orb: [Libra Orb]

Eighth hole: empty. Can be loaded with arbitrary Level of Energy Crystal or Energy Orb, exclusive Divine Orb: [Scorpio Orb]

Ninth hole: empty. Can be loaded with Energy Crystal or Energy Orb of arbitrary Level, exclusive Divine Orb: [Sagittarius Orb]

Tenth hole: empty. Energy Crystal or Energy Orb can be loaded with arbitrary Level, exclusive Divine Orb: [Capricorn Orb]

The eleventh hole: empty. Can load Energy Crystal or Energy Orb of arbitrary Level, exclusive Divine Orb: [Aquarius Orb]

Twelfth hole: empty. Can be loaded with arbitrary Level of Energy Crystal or Energy Orb, exclusive Divine Orb: [Pisces Orb]

Middle left hole: empty. * * Bubble! book. Bar * Only can load [星 Divine Orb]

Center hole: empty. Can only load [month Divine Orb]

Middle right hole: empty. Can only be loaded with [DDDivine Orb]

Ling Chen: “!!!!!!”

After the history information of Lunar Scourge, it is Stats information of Lunar Chain. It has not been completely watched yet, Ling Chen already is shocked to add. He was so shocked that a slight dizziness appeared in his brain, making him believe that what he saw was true again and again.

Yes, this is a Lunar Chain … a Lunar Chain made by the highest Moon God of the year.

And it … can inlay a full fifteen Energy Crystal or Energy Orb at the same time! The twelve holes can be inlaid with crystal or Orb of arbitrary Level!

When the village chief of Novice Village introduced him to Lunar Chain, he once mentioned that the strongest Lunar Chain appeared in Forgotten Territory can load seven Energy Crystal and Orb at a time, and that Lunar Chain already is the strongest known Lunar Chain It can be described as the mythical existence.

But this one in his hand can load a whole fifteen at a time! !! More than double the village’s strongest Lunar Chain! !!

Each additional hole that can be embedded in Lunar Chain means that it can be attached with an additional Stats. Its Effect is basically equivalent to a Equipment with multiple Equipment. Therefore, even if it is a hole, the value of Lunar Chain will be different. Just as the two holes Lunar Chain and the three holes Lunar Chain are completely two concepts, the three holes Lunar Chain and the four holes Lunar Chain cannot be the same. Seven-hole Lunar Chain … It is a mythical thing that people can look up to and cannot expect in their hearts. Fifteen holes of Lunar Chain … If this kind of thing is present, it will be enough to shock a soulless master … This is a complete Against the Heavens thing. It can be imagined that if these fifteen holes are filled, a person’s ability will skyrocket to a terrible extent.

At the same time, the fifteen energy holes each have their own Orb. The vertical twelve holes are “Divine Orb“-twelve Energy Orb of Mysterious God Level. The middle three holes turned out to be three “Saint Bead“-Bead of Saint Destroyer!

They are the discrete “Strength pillars” mentioned in the history of Lunar Scourge?

Ling Chen‘s wrist was trembling. He was sure that this Lunar Scourge was by no means ordinary, but he couldn’t think of anything extraordinary. Fifteen Lunar Chain that can be inlaid with holes … If you haven’t witnessed its Stats, but someone told him that he would not believe the existence of this Against the Heavens thing.

In deep excitement, Ling Chen continues to look at its additional Stats

Attach Stats:

[Heaven’s Jealousy]: The experience value required by your leveled up is 200% under normal conditions, and the SP points required by your Skill leveled up are 200% under normal conditions. Level will return to zero directly after you die. Effect is locked and cannot be cancelled, cancelled or closed.

[Heaven’s Wrath]: The way of Shura cannot be turned back. If it is determined to go alone, it will suffer Heaven’s Wrath.

Ling Chen: “…”

Ling Chen: “………”

Ling Chen: “I! @ # ¥% ……”

Ling Chen quickly called out its own Stats panel, and found that the 50% experience bar of the original level 9 is now 25% of the already! The corner of his mouth twitched, and he quickly opened the Skill panel and looked at the “Soul Sacrifice” ​​Skill … The SP point required to rise from LV2 to LV3: 10000.

Ling Chen: (⊙o⊙)! !! !! !!

At first glance, there is an additional Stats at the back, and the mood of Ling Chen is getting more and more excited … because when the village chief introduced Lunar Chain, he did not mention Lunar Chain existence with Stats at all. But when I saw the two additional Statss, it was like pouring a pot of cold water, completely extinguishing his expectations, and even most of the great excitement before. He couldn’t understand the statement of “Heaven’s Wrath“, but that “Heaven’s Jealousy“, he was definitely the cruelest negative Skill that Ling Chen had ever seen in his life.

200% of the experience required to upgrade becomes 200% of normal status, which means that the same Level, his upgrade is twice as difficult as other players! If this is still tolerable, then the Skill point required for the Skill upgrade will also become 200% … This makes Ling Chen almost not lose the calm and yell out. This makes him upgrade speed of the same Skill only half of other players. Looking at the “10000” Skill point that Soul Sacrifice needs from LV2 to LV3, he has an urge to die. After experiencing hardships, I destroyed a 10-level FairyBOSS before I got 1,000 Skill points … for these 10,000 points, he didn’t know how long he was going to die! ? And not only this Skill, all the Skill points required for his Skill upgrade are twice the normal status!

leveled up speed is half of other players, Skill upgrade speed is half of other players … As Lunar Chain, its Stats is extremely scary, but as long as it is Equipment on his body, his growth speed will be extremely severely dragged under. Although it can mosaic up to fifteen Energy Crystal and Orb. However, in the early stages of today, he can only find some of the lowest-level Energy Crystal, Energy Orb has only one … Heartless Bead from Giant Greedy Toad, in addition, he is very clear that he wants to get another Orb, or Energy Crystal at Advanced are all difficult. As for the exclusive Divine Orb and Saint Bead of Lunar Scourge … the ghost knows where they are, or whether they are returned to existence. They are Unknown. As the protoss annihilation, its exclusive Divine Orb and Saint Bead may have been destroyed.

So, at least for now, the negative impact Lunar Scourge has brought him is far greater than the positive impact. Brute to this extent, the negative effects are not experienced by any player at all.

Ling Chen immediately tried to remove Lunar Scourge … without any luck, his ear rang “Ding… Lunar Scourge forced Equipment, can not be removed.”

In Stats of Lunar Scourge, the words “Cannot be removed” are clearly marked. With this Stats Equipment, Ling Chen is the first time I heard and saw it.

“How to take it down!” Ling Chen looked up and asked, staring at Seductress. If it can be removed, he will never wear this seriously hindered thing until he gets enough Advanced Energy Crystal or Orb to let it attach Stats to offset its negative effects.

Qi Yue turned her eyebrows and said with a smile: “Once Lunar Scourge is conquered, it will be forcibly attached because it is now attached to you and existence. If it leaves you, it will be ‘dead’, so unless you can Retrieve all its exclusive Orb, otherwise there is no way to remove it. However, why did Young Master remove it? Is it because you dislike it, or is it not beautiful enough? “

“… Is there really no way to take it down?” Ling Chen asked impatiently.

Qi Yue‘s lips froze and smiled sweetly: “They have just said that as long as they can retrieve its fifteen exclusive Orbs and let it have a complete Strength and soul, Young Master can take it down at any time. . At that time, people can also separate from Lunar Scourge and existence. “

“… Is there any way to turn off this ‘Heaven’s JealousyEffect!” Although I knew in my heart that there was very little hope for a positive answer, the Ling Chen still asked unwillingly. It was indeed the worst and most ominous thing. This negative Effect can make people crash.

“Of course not.” Qi Yue replied, bending flowery lips, with a smile on his lips. Of course, she knows what Ling Chen is struggling with, and she suddenly sees the negative impact brought by Lunar Scourge. Anyone will have this reaction, but …

This answer made Ling Chen sigh slightly, but it was helpless. He was silent for a while … Is it necessary to bear such negative effects all the time in the 《Mystic Moon》 world! ? Upgrading speed is always twice as slow as other players, and Skill is twice as difficult as other players. A deep feeling of sullenness was deposited in the heart of Ling Chen, but soon, he resolved it again, Lunar Scourge could not be unloaded, and Effect of “Heaven’s Jealousy” could not be closed, so he could only bear it.

I should believe that even if I can only reach a distance less than half a step from other players, I will never be worse than anyone! On the contrary, they still have to take precedence over everyone! Despite its brutal negative Effect, the Powerful of Lunar Scourge is unquestionable. Although its negative effects far outweigh the positives in the early stages, in the later stages, it will definitely show its Against the Heavens power.

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