Shura’s Wrath Chapter 327: Bath of Blood (7)

Iron Dragon Army‘s heavy armor can’t change their fate of being crippled and killed by Ling Chen, but it is also their heavy armor and the physical impact of Powerful, which prevents Ling Chen from moving forward. Of course, the cost of blocking is, Their HP/Life. One hundred Iron Dragon Army was nearly half-hit by Ling Chen, the blood wolf finally appeared.

If the Iron Dragon is a human tank on the battlefield, then the blood wolf is the killing machine on the battlefield. They do not have the heavy armor and Defense capabilities of the Iron Dragon. They are all lightly armed, holding a sharp foot knife that is one foot long, and radiating a wild beast like radiance in their eyes … Facing the enemy, they never care about themselves. Life and death, everything, just to kill the enemy by whatever means.

“Ahhhhh Ah!!”

The emergence of Blood Wolf Army, so that the entire Long Family compound was immediately shrouded in the breath of killing. In the roar, they crossed the saber like a fierce beast through the Iron Dragon Army team and headed for Ling Chen. The sharp saber pierced the chest and throat of Ling Chen

Ling Chen‘s blow can destroy even the armor of Iron Dragon Army, not to mention these unarmored bodies. The murderous qi emanating from Blood Wolf Army also stimulated the fierceness of Ling Chen. His right foot flew up and swept relentlessly forward.

In the face of the Ling Chen nightmare, they can easily and lethally attack them. The three Blood Wolf Armys have no fear or avoidance at all. They just faced his attack directly, and the long knife in their hands pierced Ling Chen The key to this … completely ignore his life and death.

Bang Bang! !!

The bodies of three people were kicked directly into six sections by Ling Chen ’s terrible kick, and the three long knives that poured all their Strengths were all stabbed in the chest of Ling Chen, and penetrated deeply … briefly The gap, the wind of the three gaps came from behind, and three sharp knives were cut on the back of Ling Chen … attacking Iron Dragon Army, he must be hit every time, which also made his physical energy exhaust too fast , The reaction force and the body’s Agility degree have also fallen sharply. The three swords behind it have not escaped. However, his monster-like body made the three knives behind him only cut out long wounds and could not penetrate deep. The pain caused Ling Chen‘s brutality to be further ignited. He pulled out three long knives on his chest, and threw them to the rear. The long flying knives formed a slanted arc and cut the three people in the back. He grabbed the other two knives and, in the roar, greeted the blood wolf and the iron dragon who also rushed to him.

The addition of these fierce blood wolves makes the Long Family compound filled with more and more intense **** smell. Ling Chen is close to madness. There is nothing but killing in his heart. He wields two long knives in his hand and cuts off all the nearby shadows. The blood wolf’s body was cut off one by one by him. Before death, the blood wolf will use this HP/Life to get a close-up opportunity, leaving a long wound on the Ling Chen.

In the central hall of Long Family, everyone silently watched the **** and violent screen scattered, and no one spoke for a long time. Iron dragons, blood wolves … They came quickly, and they died so fast. What Iron Dragon Army can do is just to block and consume his physical strength to the maximum extent, but the blood wolf must at the cost of HP/Life to cause serious injuries to him … They are not ordinary soldiers, but the strongest seven Great Secret Force Ah!

The person who was not on the scene six years ago is now more and more aware of why he could turn the Long Family upside down by himself.

Looking at the Iron Dragon and the Blood Wolf falling one by one, the wounds on Ling Tian are also numerous, and the whole body is stained with blood and moves slowly. Murong Xiongtian‘s distressed dripping blood, his hands clenched tightly, finally made a low voice: “He can’t hold on for long! Once Long Yu arrives, he will definitely die!”

Bang! boom! boom! !!

If the blood wolf is a group of bloodthirsty wolves, then Ling Chen is a complete Demon God.

The blade is shaking, and the body must be cut neatly from it. If it is attacked by his body, the blood wolf’s body will be directly broken, and even more miserable. If you don’t see it yourself, no one will believe that his seemingly not strong body will release such a fearful Strength. There are more and more wounds on Ling Chen, but he is completely disregarded, and even unwilling to be distracted to protect himself, let the attack from the blood wolf fall on himself, and then use the sword and the body to send them one by one Into the dead Abyss.

Rear, a small man who appeared with Blood Wolf Army always stood there without moving. He silently watched the blood wolves fall one after another, his eyes getting colder and colder, and the evil spirit on his body continued to expand until it boiled.

Ping! !!

The long knife rolled by already in Ling Chen‘s hands finally broke at the same time when it cut a Iron Dragon Army armor. The broken sound seemed to stimulate the nerve that the skinny man might break at any time. He finally moved, like a awakening wolf rushing through everyone swiftly, until Ling Chen‘s body, his hands were violently stinging like the wolves’ claws To the throat of Ling Chen.

The cold Aura came to the surface, and it gave Ling Chen a moment of death. Ling Chen‘s eyes narrowed, and he fisted out against the cold Aura.

Bang! !! !! !!

A punch that was able to smash Iron Dragon Army‘s armor did not shake the thin man away. But in the “click” sound, all five fingers of his right hand were broken, and they were directly broken into three, and the entire arm was completely paralyzed, but at the same time, all five fingers like wolf claws penetrated deeply into the fist of Ling Chen Above, five blood-red blood holes were pierced, and even the hand bones were exposed. The five-finger sever did not make the thin man frown, and his actions were not affected. The other hand continued to move forward, grabbing Ling Chen‘s throat.

Ling Chen‘s body twisted at a weird angle, and his throat avoided, but the hand was severely inserted into the shoulder, all five fingers were inserted halfway, and the blood flow instantly. The severe pain in the left hand and shoulder made the Ling Chen furious, and the right hand blasted out like a heavy hammer. The bombardment of heavily was on the thin man’s chest …

Bang! !! !! !!

Skinny man spit out blood mixed with broken internal organs and sprayed it on the body of Ling Chen. HP/Life was scattered for a moment, but the eyes that had begun to diffuse were still radiating violently. He came from nowhere. Strength suddenly moved forward, entangled Ling Chen‘s body with both hands, and issued a last-life roar in HP/Life. Behind, a glimmer of light suddenly flashed …

This shimmer makes all the iron dragons, blood wolves … and everyone who looks at it change color.

“Captain !!!”

“Get down !!!!”

Boom! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !!

The flames of the explosion drowned everyone’s vision, and the sound of explosions in their ears shook everyone’s ears like a thunder. The entire Long Family compound was shaken violently. A lot of nearby blood wolves and Iron Dragon Army were blown away in the flames of the explosion and numerous screams. The blood wolf’s body was directly torn apart, and even though the heavy armored Iron Dragon Army also suffered most of the casualties, those who survived were also curled up to the ground and couldn’t stand up.

“Captain !!!”

Looking at the fire, the surviving Blood Wolf Army made a sad cry. In order to deal with this terrible invader, their incomparable captain of Powerful even detonated the Galway bomb that has been carried on his body, and will make himself and the enemy end up. This explosion caused Blood Wolf Captain to smash the bones, and caused blood wolves and iron dragons nearby to be killed and wounded. Ling Chen, who was entangled in the body by the blood wolves, was at the center of the explosion.

All blood wolves knelt down in sorrow. Although this explosion also killed a lot of HP/Lifes of blood wolves and iron dragons, the enemy is really terrible. Only by using this method of desperation, can the Casualties were reduced to a minimum. But the price was the funeral of Blood Wolf Captain.

The flames dissipated. In the compound of Long Family, a large pit nearly ten meters deep and more than thirty meters in diameter appeared. Inside and around the pit, there were bloodstains, and a large number of broken arms. The scene was terrible.

In the central hall, watching the huge pit, Long Zhengyang sighed longly: “It’s over …”

It’s over. The explosion just now is enough to break anyone’s body apart. The intruder was finally killed. However, he couldn’t calm down. Because of the price of all this, it is the death of countless defending guard, the death of a large number of dark eagles, blood wolves, and iron dragons … among them, the captains of dark eagles and blood wolves. This cost is really too great.

This is a terrible disaster … as it was six years ago. And these two disasters are just because of one person or the same person.

“I didn’t expect that Jackal would use this extreme method … Well, he should also know that he must die. Although the detonation bomb would hurt a lot of companions, if he didn’t do that, he would die more. He died tragically, deserving of being the king of blood wolves. Such a wolf, I do n’t know how many years it will take for another one to appear. Alas, I knew I would come to this step, and I should have shot it myself. ”Murong Xiongtian regretful and sad Said.

The back door of the Long Family compound opened, and a large number of people in different clothes quickly entered. The head of the Seven Secret Troops … The Espers of Dragon Realm are also here. What they saw was a messy place that shocked them beyond belief.

The arrival of Blood Wolf Army and Iron Dragon Army is completely withered. Less than fifty people have been added together, and half of them have lost their combat ability, and the other half have suffered minor or severe injuries. The people of Long Family were in a state of consternation, shrunk into the house. Even when they heard that the invaders were killed, no one dared to walk into the yard. The blood and stumps on the ground were enough to make them scream in fear. Withered blood wolves and iron dragons were unable to stay and began to be taken to hospital. The matter of clearing the scene was handed over to Longyu, which had just arrived.

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