Shura’s Wrath Chapter 250: Reluctant Cai’er

The Azure Dragon City central playground is extremely large, ten times larger than the largest playground in Jinghua City. The amusement facilities here are extremely complicated. Although there are no electronic appliances in the real world, there are also many facilities that are not available in the real world or cannot be achieved. Although the cost of playing here is not a small amount, it is still full every day.

“Wow !!!” Countless people, countless toys that she didn’t even know made Cai’er dizzying, almost couldn’t help but want to run out of Ling Chen clothes. Xiao Qi stepped forward, and smiled close to the position of Cai’er: “Cai’er, here are all kinds of fun things, do you want to play?”

“Think!” Cai’er nodded strongly. She was at the age of playing. These large toys that dazzled her made her resist.

“What to play first? Ha, roller coaster.” Xiao Qi immediately determined target.

Ling Chen‘s scalp is slightly numb: “Qi Qi, can it not be so exciting to come up!”

“It’s so decided, let’s go!” Pulling up the hands of Su Er and Shuiruo, Xiao Qi went straight to the direction of the roller coaster, and Ling Chen and Mengxin had to follow behind.

Roller coaster, seesaw, merry-go-round, canyoning, swing, skating, magic disk, jungle rat, adventure palace, fairy tale palace, scenic palace, leisure palace … Heart’s Dream members are all there, and there is another Cai’er Little guests, the girls have an extra fun, taking Cai’er from the south of the playground all the way to the north of the playground, playing almost all the fun. A small Fairy that has never walked out of the Fairy world before today, and only sees flowers and trees every day, the way to play has always been so monotonous, and she has been used to that kind of monotony. Today, the fun with them at Ling Chen is too exciting for her. On the roller coaster, she screamed out of control first, then became so excited … From the beginning to the end, her various screams, shouts, and laughter almost never stopped, completely forgotten in The human world should be timid and cautious, and forget to hide itself from being discovered by other humans. Later, when she was too excited, she even drilled out of Ling Chen‘s clothes and yelled recklessly. The girls had to surround her to prevent her from being seen by more people.

From noon, play until the night approaches the real world. The little Fairy who yelled for an afternoon almost collapsed, sitting softly on the Ferris wheel’s chair, a little blushing, cute people want to take a bite on it.

The Ferris Wheel moves slowly, and they really need to rest. Even Ling Chen sits crookedly, and even the sound comes out with almost every effort. However, the girls did not let go of this little Fairy. Xiao Qi and Su Er have always been in front of Cai’er and talked to her with various words.

Cai’er, are you having fun today?”

“Hmm!” Cai’er nodded strongly: “I’m so happy, so excited, I’ve never been so happy.”

“Ha, isn’t it more fun than your Fairy world?” Xiao Qi asked with a smile.

In the human world for only half a day, the small Fairy but the already nodded without restraint: “You humans, are you really happy … living in such a beautiful house, you can eat so … so delicious stuff, With so many people, there are so many fun games to play … “

Her gazing eyes told them that she was really envious of everything the human world has. At the same time, she is not afraid of the people in these human worlds, already, and Distrusting. On the contrary, in her heart, already is secretly like/happy feeling with them. Because they were so kind to her, and so good to her … there was no way grandma said. It is also in this half day of the human world that this little Fairy‘s understanding of the human world has undergone tremendous changes.

“Hah, do n’t Cai’er go back to the Fairy world, just stay here with us, we play with Cai’er every day, okay?” Xiao Qi said immediately excitedly.

Small Fairy felt that her heartbeat was speeding up. She knew that she should never leave the world of Fairy. She could not stay, but, facing the proposal of human Elder Sister in front of her, she even had a lot of undesired desire . She bit her lip and shook her head: “However, we Fairy can’t enter the human world, it’s been a long time ago. And my grandma, dad, Elder Sister … They must be worried now too I wait for me to go back. So, so … “

Grandma, Dad, Elder Sister … These three names touched the heartstrings of Xiao Qi gently. She tentatively asked, “So, Cai’er, what about your mother?”

“Mom?” This title made Cai’er look confused, and shook his head: “I have no mother, I have never met my mother, only grandma, father, and Elder Sister. Everyone has a mother, but I have I have never met my mother, I do n’t know where my mother is … “

The girls immediately focused their eyes on Cai’er. Everyone knows that without motherly love, you will always lose the most precious thing in the world. Xiao Qi‘s nose became sour, and I couldn’t help but embrace the small Fairy: “It doesn’t matter, you still have grandma, dad, Elder Sister … and us, we will all be Cai’er‘s best friends and will protect Cai’er. Cai’er , You know, in fact, I look a lot like you, and I do n’t have a mother. On the day I was born … After my mother gave birth to me, I left … I grew up like this and never have I have seen my mother, I do n’t know what my mother looks like. However, I still have my dad and Elder Brother. They are so good to me, so I do n’t envy others at all, and I am happier than anyone. Cai’er, even if We do n’t have a mother, so we have to be happy every day, okay? “

“Huh …” Xiao Qi was in her arms. Cai’er enjoyed this feeling and nodded gently.

Ling Chen looked up and looked at Xiao Qi in surprise … He never knew that Xiao Qi had lost his mother since the day he was born. He took another look at Mengxin and Su Er, and found that after Xiao Qi talked about the previous thing, their emotions fell at the same time, especially Su Er. She lowered her head, grasped the corners of her clothes with her hands, bit her lips, and her eyes, there were even more A thin layer of water mist.

What happened? Why does Su Er react so much to Xiao Qi‘s words? Is there any inside story?

Qi Qi is so pitiful, there was no mother when she was born … but at least, she still has a father.” Shuiruo‘s eyes circle quietly turned red, his body nestled on Ling Chen, murmured.

Ling Chen smiled slightly and said softly: “Even if everyone else has left you, I will stay with you forever.”

Shuiruo smiled warmly, approached his ear, and said gently: “Elder Brother, already is late, you haven’t eaten lunch yet.”

Ling Chen nodded and looked at the time. already was seven in the afternoon and Cai’er should be returned.

He stood up and came to Cai’er: “Cai’er, already is late, I should send you back.”

Ah? is going back so soon?” After hearing Ling Chen saying this, Xiao Qi shouted reluctantly, and his hands quietly held Cai’er tighter.

“This is also no way out.” Ling Chen made a helpless gesture: “Cai’er has been out for so long, Fairy Clan should now be already, and I will not send Cai’er back, maybe Fairy Clan will dispatch all Territory chase Kill me. And Cai’er … don’t you always want to go back? “

Get off the Ferris wheel and come to an uninhabited area. Here, Cai’er waved and said goodbye to the Elder Sisters she knows today.

Cai’er, this is a lot of toys that I just bought in a toy store. Take it home.”

“Also, this is a lot of clothes for Cai’er. The small ones can be Cai’er and they can be worn by Elder Sister and dad of Cai’er. They are all very beautiful clothes. Your Elder Sister, and dad. It will definitely be like/happy. “

“This is a lot of delicious candy, but remember to eat less every day, otherwise it is bad for your teeth.”

“After returning, remember to say hello to your loved ones and friends on our behalf.”

Cai’er, be happy every day, we will miss you.”

Waving hard at them, the eyes of Cai’er are finally blurred, then, tears quietly, she suppress sobbing, shouting forcefully: “Elder Sister, I do the same … will miss you … will Tian Tian think Yours … “

Slap Cai’er on the shoulder, Ling Chen said softly, “Let’s go.”

Two City Return Scroll were crushed at the same time, Ling Chen and Cai’er were teleported to the town closest to Fairy Forest.

Why take Cai’er to stay in the human world for so long, and completely change her perception of the human world, Ling Chen himself does not know. Maybe it is due to the indecision of Fairy Distrusting humans, or it may be a subconscious instability to place Fairy Clan with an unstable factor that may trigger the consequences of Unknown, or it may just be for Shuiruo to see what Fairy looks like. On the way back to send Cai’er, he has been wondering what exactly he thought.

After a Hour.

“This is Fairy Forest. Your home is right here. You can go back soon.” Pointing to the green forest in front, Ling Chen said.

No Ling Chen reminder is needed. Near Fairy Forest, her already smelled Aura which needs Fairy. Listening to the words of Ling Chen, she did not rejoice, but she stopped before the forest and looked at the front in a daze.

Ling Chen also stopped and asked: “Cai’er, what’s wrong?”

The face of the little Fairy is not excited or peaceful to be home soon, but it is very complicated. She looks at Ling Chen with a quiet voice: “Big Elder Brother, can I see Elder Sister them again in the future?”

Ling Chen suddenly laughed: “If you want to see them, it’s actually very simple. You can see them out of Fairy Realm and into the human world.”

Little Fairy is silent, she no longer dances, stands on the horse’s head of Cloud Stepping Mare, and looks at the front, not knowing what she is thinking. Ling Chen also stopped speaking, speeding up speed and rushing into Fairy Forest.

[Staying up late is too bad, causing extreme discomfort in the past few days … The update is pit again ~~~~ (gt; _lt;) ~~~~ However, it is worth comforting that no one has guessed the protagonist What will the second Class be. 】

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