Shura’s Wrath Chapter 157: Sacrifice of Spirits

The space is in turbulence, and a piece of sand and dust fall overhead. In the dull voice, the skeleton sitting there still stood slowly. A huge cavity. In the eyes, two bright radiances like green flames suddenly lit up.

Ling Chen‘s eyes stared to the fullest. In shock, he even forgot retreats. He watched this huge skull stand up in front of him … The giant skull standing upright was more than thirty meters high, such as A hill stood in front of him, putting tremendous pressure on him.

This huge skull, it is not a decoration … but another huge BOSS here! !!

It turns out that Xiao Hui, and the extremely terrible danger Aura that I feel, are not from Young Lady in black, but this horror skeleton that has been stationary! !! It’s … this is the Forest of Bones center, the ultimate boss within the eerie castle!

The giant skeleton of more than thirty meters is just such a shape, it is enough to scare almost all players to collapse, there is no battle with it, or even the courage to face.

It was Xi Ling‘s attack that awakened it … But why did it hit the girl clearly and hurt? It was this huge skeleton.

With the giant skeleton standing up, Ling Chen suddenly felt that two horrible eyes from nowhere had locked him, his eyes were filled with violent resentment and murderous intentions. The skull arm on its left was raised, and in a flash of radiance, he held a dark sword that appeared out of thin air … The sword was twenty meters long, and it was so scary that it was scary. Super big sword. Its right hand was also raised and placed in front of it, at the same time, the half-soul Young Lady in black floated slowly towards the right hand of the skeleton …

Qi Yue, what the **** is going on?” Ling Chen asked his teeth. What this giant skull releases is the real and irresistible terror! It is the most terrifying Undead in this Forest of Bones, and it should be it, so that everyone who walks in here will die. But he was unaware of the horrifying Undead.

“Soul offering contract.” Qi Yue slowly answered four words.

“Sacrifice of Spiritual Sacrifice? What is it?”

“It is a kind of existence in ancient times. Only a very small number of creatures can use it, and it can protect itself to the greatest extent. This contract is enforced by a party who can use the contract to force a creature or necromancer on arbitrary On the body. Once the contract is formed, all the damage suffered by the contractor will be borne by the contracted party! That is to say, unless the contracted party is killed, the contracted party will never die! ”

Ling Chen: “!!!!!!”

Leave all the injuries to yourself! What a terrible, overbearing contract. Although this is called a contract, it is the most unequal contract that Ling Chen has ever seen, because the initiator of the contract is equivalent to getting a strong shield of protection, and the contracted party will not only get nothing, but will instead be harmed for others. .

“This contract is too Powerful and cruel, so many people tried to find a way to use this contract. It is conceivable that if this contract is applied to a very Powerful person … such as Moon God, then, Unless Moon God dies, he will never perish. If someone attacks himself, Moon God will have to protect him. However, how easy is the contract of Powerful? The ‘Sacrifice of Sacrifice’ was a flash in 《Mystic Moon》 Territory, but it never happened again. Who has used it … I didn’t expect that today, I saw this terrible contract even I almost Forgotten! Obviously, this half-souled girl applied a spirit sacrificing contract to this huge skeleton, all the damage she suffered , Will be transferred to this huge skeleton, so the attack you just made hit the girl, but awakened this terrible Undead in sleep. “

“The reason why I can recognize this is the spirit sacrifice contract before you attack, is because of the existence method of the half-soul Young Lady without a body.” Qi Yue explained slowly: “The spirit sacrifice contract also has a special role That is, when there is no body, you can use the HP/Life of the contracted person to form a permanent body that can be immortal with the soul power. The other arbitrary creatures of this virtual body cannot touch, but the contracted person can touch the real body. The same touch. In addition … this contract, a person can only be used twice in a lifetime. After the contract is formed, neither the contractor nor the contracted person can be cancelled. There is only one way to cancel the contract, which is the death of the contracted person. . And if you use the second spirit contract, there will be a side effect. “

Ling Chen: “???”

“If after the death of the first covenant, a second sacrifice contract is used for another soul or dead soul, then if the contracted person dies, the consequence is not the automatic termination of the sacrifice contract, and Will die with the contractor! So, you have to kill this half soul Young Lady, only to kill the giant skeleton first! There are two consequences of killing this giant skeleton, if this is the girl ’s first worship Contract, then the skeleton perishes, and the girl and its sacrificial spirit contract are cancelled. If it is the second time, then when the skeleton dies, this half soul Young Lady will also directly die! “

Qi Yue, who lived 10,000 years ago, knows a lot of things that have long been human Forgotten. Just like this “soul offering contract”, at present Territory knows that the name of already will not exceed five people. As Qi Yue said, its existence is only a “flash of light” in ancient times. It is a thing that only existence in legend After ten thousand years, even the traces of Forgotten have been difficult to leave.

Half Soul Young Lady‘s body floated on the right hand raised by the giant skeleton, standing lightly in the palm of its hand … indeed! Her body is unreal, but she can stand on the skull’s hands. When Ling Chen first saw her, she was also sitting on the skull of the skull … because for this giant skull, her body is completely touchable and Hosted entity,

With the fall of Young Lady, Sen Bai’s five fingers are slightly closed, and Young Lady is firmly protected in the palm of his hand. A heavy voice, like from Hell, shakes every inch of space here …

“Even … even … dead … dead … also … never … permitted … may … you … wound … wound … me … guard … the person …”

“With … I … in hand … of … sword … give … to … you … most … ice … cold … dead … dead …”

“Listen … hear … **** … **** … hmm … **** …” …

The huge body, the horrible sword, the heavy sound, all weighed and impacted the heartstrings and nerves of Ling Chen like mountains. His eyebrows tightened, his teeth bite, and the cold sweat on his forehead shed. This feeling is even more suffocating than when he encountered level 10 FairyBOSSGiant Greedy Toad in level 5 just now.

“Don’t stand there stupidly, before it starts to attack! Run away immediately!”

With the length of the arm of this giant skull and the length of the sword in its hand, I do n’t know how terrible it will be in one shot. Unless Movement speed Against the Heavens, do n’t even try to avoid it, and that terrible coercion told him As long as it was touched by its attack, it would be enough for him to die a dozen or even dozens of times. This space has only a distance of more than one hundred meters. As long as it stands in the middle of this space, it takes almost no steps to attack any position … Is there a difference in distance? What’s more, he is now hitting the Darkness Lock and Underworld Lock of Half Soul Young Lady, and his mobility has dropped significantly, and all active Skills are simply unusable.

However, reminded by Qi Yue, he still gritted his teeth slightly, summoned Cloud Stepping Mare, and then swept backwards at full speed, widening the distance from this giant skeleton … at least, this would give him some more response to the attack. time.

The only entrance is closed and cannot be opened. He has no choice but to kill the giant skeleton.

Xi Ling, this time, you can only rely on you!” Thinking of the injury that broke 90,000, Ling Chen whispered in his heart. He is under tremendous pressure, but it does not mean that he feels emotions such as despair. Since there is no other choice, then exhaust all convictions and Strength to destroy this terrible enemy.

Xiao Hui, find out the message of this huge skull!”

Movement speed was dropped by 30%, but with the addition of Cloud Stepping Mare‘s speed, the distance was quickly pulled away before the giant skull attacked, the body of Xiao Hui turned back, and the gray flickering in the eyes. All the information of this giant skull appeared Ling Chen in the brain.

[The immortal will—the skeleton of the trenches]: Type: Undead, Level: 20, Grade: Heaven End, HP/Life: 2000000. existence is a huge skeleton in the center of Forest of Bones. Its origin is unknown, but it is a skeleton, but in order to protect the people who must protect it, it retains the last touch of guardian faith and soul. Completely dissipated Powerful Strength.

Passive Ability: The body is indestructible, the Defense is extremely tall, the attack range is extremely large, the attack Energy is extremely high, the Darkness series attacks Resistance 50%, except for Frozen, burning, petrochemicals, all abnormal states, ability decline state Resistance .

Attack Skill(s):

[Broken Ground Slash]: Severely cut the ground with the sword in your hand, causing a large area of ​​ground to break. All targets within 20 meters of the tremor fly, 15% probability plus 3-5 seconds of stun status. Usage Frequency: High.

Stomping on the ground]: The foot of the skeleton stomps on the ground, causing a strong shock on the surrounding ground, shocking all targets within 50 meters, with a 90% probability of a stun status of at least 5 seconds and a reduction of Movement speed by 20% Declined ability, no injury judgment. Raise your left or right foot before launching. Usage Frequency: higher.

[Darkness without day]: Calling the elements of Darkness to cover the surrounding space, devour all the light, and let the surrounding space of 100 meters fall into an “absolute Darkness” state within 20 seconds, without being affected by itself. Usage Frequency: Low.

[Shield of Resentment]: Cast an invisible shield on the surface of the body, forcibly bounce all physical damage taken by 10%. HP will start on its own if it is below 50%, and will disappear on its own when HP is above 50%.

[Booming Earthquake]: The combat force is released, and a violent blow is blown, destroying all objects within 80 meters around, and it will destroy Stats moderately when attacking. It takes 8 seconds to accumulate power when starting, and falls into a rigid state for 15 seconds after starting. When the HP/Life is lower than 20%, it will be activated with a certain probability and can only be used once a day.

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