Shura’s Wrath Chapter 136: Central Auction House

《Mystic Moon》 World unlocked is still short. Money Exchange System in the real world and the game world has not yet been opened. Therefore, major forces with severe shortage of funds will not be able to exert their skills. No matter for individuals or groups, it will be the most in the early stage of the game. Time for money. The Ling Chen with millions of dollars is very clear what these gold coins mean …

It means that he can do a lot of other people before Money Exchange System opens … even a huge power can’t do it because of lack of money.

Ling Chen nodded his chin, and stood there thinking for a while, glanced around, and after confirming that he would not be noticed, he picked up the phone, connected to a person, and whispered: “Gui Ya , When will Money Exchange System be opened? “


“I see.”

After a few short conversations, Ling Chen turned off the communicator, then moved forward and moved forward.

Walking on the streets of Azure Dragon City, from the central business district, to the entertainment district, to the administrative district, to the residential district … When it has been transferred to two or three o’clock in the morning, Ling Chen has carefully transferred the streets of Azure Dragon City center Plains Region. Over and over, and remembered a location, then took out the map of Azure Dragon City, and silently checked for a while. When the map was closed, his eyes flashed for a moment.

Then; Ling Chen went straight to Azure Dragon City City Master.

Azure Dragon City City Master is still near the Forbidden Area where players are not allowed to approach, but Ling Chen with an amnesty order is all the way, directly into the hospitality hall of City Master. It didn’t take long for the Azure Dragon City master to walk in quickly.

Today ’s Azure Dragon City masters are amazed before the change, red, full of spirits, and the mood is obviously quite good. Ling Chen asked with a smile: “Master City Master, how is Lingzi’s condition now?”

“Hahahaha!” The Azure Dragon City master laughed heartily, “Hei Yancao is indeed a magical thing that can dissolve a hundred poisons in legend. After giving it to my younger son, most of the snake venom dispersed in one day. It almost disappeared after two days. Although it is still not fully recovered, already is a matter of time, no worries. Ling Tian, thanks to you, otherwise, my young son ’s life It ’s impossible to keep it … Is there something you need me to do this time? Oh, if anything, just say it. As long as it does n’t violate the principle, I will try to help you as much as possible.

Listening to the owner of Azure Dragon City, the Ling Chen no longer turns around, and says straightforwardly: “Since adults City Master say this, then I’m not polite. This time, there is indeed something to ask for help from City Master adults.”

Ling Chen steps forward, stands in front of the Azure Dragon City master, then unfolds the map of Azure Dragon City, and points at a place marked by him: “I want to own the land for half a year … it only takes half a year … ! “

Ling Chen The area pointed by the finger is a fairly wide open space with a narrow shape, about 4,000 to 5,000 square meters … It is not only very large, but it cannot be better if it is in a good location! Azure Dragon City‘s Marketplace is located west of the central square, and this fast-growing plot is right next to the east of the square, symmetrical to the central business district, existence, directly facing the central square with the largest player traffic. Why such a good location is still empty, Ling Chen has no way to know, and does not need to know … He only knows that after the opening of Money Exchange System and those forces have a lot of capital inflows, this land will become their primary target.

With such a good location and such a large piece of land, Ling Chen is daydreaming even if he wants to buy millions of dollars, so he can only exchange the short-term ownership right with the existing gold coins in his hand.

Azure Dragon City‘s eyes fell on the position pointed by Ling Chen. After a short while, he shook his head quickly: “Ling Chen, it’s not that I don’t want to promise you … but this area is the last golden place of my Azure Dragon City. … Ah, no, it ’s just a piece of cake Ah!. We are planning to build a row of the most luxurious residential areas of Azure Dragon City. At that time, no matter if you sell it to city residents or you humans from other worlds, you can sell it. Sky price Ah!

“I only need the right to belong for half a year!” Ling Chen emphasized.

“If you choose this, you should also understand how precious this land is, even if it is half a year …”

“One million gold coins !!!”

“One million?” The main eyes of Azure Dragon City glared and almost yelled: “This is directly facing the central square, the most precious last place of Azure Dragon City Ah!! You want to win one million, what international joke? !!! “

Ling Chen also knows that even if it is a half-year ownership right, one million is indeed pitted. He thought about it and continued to test: “Otherwise, 1.3 million …”


“1.5 million … as long as five months of ownership !!!”

“Absolutely not!”

“Two million … three months !!!” Ling Chen gritted his teeth.

“Pop !!!” The Azure Dragon City master slaps on the table with a slap: “the deal !!”

Ling Chen: ⊙﹏⊙b

After half Hour, Ling Chen took a title deed bought for two million gold coins and walked out of City Master House … The title deed was clear. Ling Chen can only temporarily hold the land for three months.

“Three months, three months.” Ling Chen is not in a hurry: “There is a pair of money-sweeping combinations Xiao Hui and Xi Ling, and one day will be enough to buy the land completely. Month … is enough, hehe … “

Ling Chen laughed nervously. Then he took out the map, locked his position, and walked towards Azure Dragon City center Marketplace.

Azure Dragon City Central Auction House.

Azure Dragon City Central Auction House is now only open to players, auctioning all kinds of items sent by players. However, players already flooded into Azure Dragon City for many days, and the central auction house still did not conduct any auction.

Entering the front hall of the auction house, there is only one old man who looks like already 60 or 70 years old at the reception. When he sees Ling Chen coming in, he yawns, then sits upright and says, “Hello, from different The young people of the world, welcome to the central auction house. My last name is Li Mingfu, you can call me my grandfather. Do you have anything to send? But I need to remind you in advance that our central auction house will only auction enough. Precious items, if they are ordinary items, it is better to put them in a consignment store, we will not accept them. And even if we receive items, the auction time will be determined by us … After all, if the auction item has not reached For a certain amount, it is impossible for us to spend a lot of time to open an auction … In addition, the ticket income of the auction belongs to us, and we will charge a commission ranging from 3% to 10% of the auction price. . Of course, if the item sent is extremely precious and can bring us a very large Fame and ticket revenue, we can even not charge a commission, even the auction time Can be freely specified by you …… Well, young man, you are ready to send first shot of something. Come on. “

After listening to him, Ling Chen took a step forward and took out three things from the backpack: “I have three things to send and I don’t know if these three things can be qualified for auction by you. “

The three things that Ling Chen took out were a black bean, a gold-colored chain, and a black sign.

Three things made Fu ’s old eye Spirit a little bit. He reached out and first took the black bean that looked like sheep dung. He also sniffed the nose and confirmed it. It ’s not sheep dung that I check after Stats … This is the sheep peas that Ling Chen bought from Underworld merchant Qian Gungun … Oh no, it ’s a magical bean that can add 100 Skill points. He bought it for Shuiruo Raising her Skill point, but thinking that this is an unknown object that Qian Gungun picked up, but also passed his dirty hand … In the end, I still ca n’t bear to defile his pure Ruoruo, so I am decisive Auctioned out as something eye-catching.

“Can increase 100 Skill points … day Ah!! What do I see … I actually saw something only in legend!”

Holding this black bean, the originally listless blessed grandfather issued a shout of excitement: “For the practitioner, this is a rare treasure Ah! young man who can hardly buy, can you tell me Where did you get it from me? “

Ling Chen: “…”

“Oh, please forgive me for being rude.” Ling Chen‘s expression made Fuye sober and quickly resumed normality: “Seeing such a magical thing, I even connected with the principle of” can’t ask the source of the item being sent “. I have forgotten. Young man, please rest assured that when your goods are sent, we will not ask you extra words, and we will keep your identity strictly confidential and will not let anyone know. “

“In other words, is this bean eligible to be posted here?” Ling Chen said with a smile.

Fu Ye nodded: “Fully qualified! Don’t say your players, even the strongest of Forgotten Territory will be thrilled to see such a thing … priceless treasure, using these four words to describe it is not excessive. We took this lot. “

Because of this bean, Fuye began to have a higher interest in the other two things. He picked up the golden bracelet and glanced over it. Suddenly, his eyes suddenly widened. ” “Hoo” stood up from the seat: “Gold … Gold Lunar Chain !!!”

“Any questions?” Ling Chen was a little surprised to see him so excited.

“Young man!” Fuye stared straight at him, an old hand clutching this slave tightly. Giant Greedy Toad Gold chain on your body: “You know a gold level Lunar Chain Is it worth it? It is other type of gold level Equipment Incomparable at all, a gold-level Lunar Chain , Can accompany a strong person for a lifetime, even things that countless masters cannot find in a lifetime Ah! Young man, you are so amazing. You have only been in this world for such a short time, and you actually got a gold level. Lunar Chain ……I already You can see if this gold Lunar Chain What a huge sensation will appear at the auction … Believe me, this is definitely the first gold level in your player world Lunar Chain . because Advanced Lunar Chain The probability of appearing is really too low too low! “

[Let’s wait for a long time ……… Not counting this chapter today, there will be four more chapters! Come, give me some motivation, haha ​​…]

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