Shura’s Wrath Chapter 103: Xi Ling (Wed)

Another hidden area was discovered by Xiao Hui. Looking at the cave where the rope ladder is hanging, obviously it can go down, Ling Chen hesitated … Want to go down? I came here to find the black flame grass, but already found nearly four Hour, but found nothing. The hole in front of it is obviously leading to a very deep bottom. There is no such thing as existence. If you go down, you may not only encounter unexpected dangers, but you may also delay a lot of time. When the “horrible guy” came back, he lost his last hope of getting Black Flame Grass.

Want to go down! ?

Ling Chen turned back and looked at the direction he had come all the way. After searching for so long, he still found nothing. already believes more and more that the current Lonely Spirit Ridge already has no existence.

“Forget it, if Lonely Spirit Ridge really has black flame grass, it should have been found by already.” Ling Chen murmured, walked to the entrance of the cave, grabbed the rope ladder, and slowly descended along the rope ladder. He wondered what kind of place the hidden hidden hole in Lonely Spirit Ridge would lead to.

Actually, Ling Chen‘s vague speculation in the heart is already a fact … Now Lonely Spirit Ridge is basically already without the existence of the black yam grass, even long, long ago, the black yam grass already disappeared in Lonely Spirit Ridge. There is a record of Black Flame Grass on Lonely Spirit Ridge, which is still passed down ten thousand years ago, and within 10,000 years, the souls who entered Lonely Spirit Ridge have not survived, so no one knows this fact at all … Azure Dragon City Lord also does not know.

So, this task received by Ling Chen can be described as a giant pit father task that is impossible to complete at all, and with cruel task punishment.

The entrance is very narrow. When the Ling Chen goes down the rope ladder, the shoulders are always against the soil walls on both sides. Xiao Hui also climbed the rope ladder with two claws, followed by Ling Chen gradually down, its body sensitivity would have exceeded Ling Chen, climbing a rope ladder is an easy task.

The forbidden place that no one can step into, a hidden cave in the forbidden place that leads to the underground … The thrill and mystery contained in it make the heartbeat of Ling Chen several times faster. The more this is so secretive that it can no longer be hidden, ordinary people must not set foot on it, the more unusual things will be hidden, maybe some big secret, or some special person, beast … it is also possible, hidden is writing about Against the Heavens treasures.

After going down for tens of meters, Ling Chen suddenly noticed that a little light appeared below.

Light! ?

Is anyone below?

Ling Chen‘s action stopped for a moment, and he stared down. The light appearing below shows a faint fiery red color, which seems to be the radiance released by the red flame. Judging from the position where radiance appears, he is now a dozen meters away from below. Ling Chen listened for a while, but did not hear any sound, it seems that there is no sign of existence. He was slightly relieved, but he did not relax his vigilance, kept his body movement to a minimum, and climbed down little by little.

After going down for more than ten meters, his feet finally landed on the ground. When he landed, he deliberately made a loud noise, and his hands were firmly held on the rope ladder. In this way, if there is a dangerous creature existence below, he will immediately detect his entry, and Ling Chen will The strength of the emerging creatures chooses whether to immediately grab the rope ladder and walk up.

The sound of the floor was loud in this quiet underground space, but after a long time, no other sound came. Ling Chen let go of most of it. It seems that there is no living existence here.

Leaving the rope ladder with both hands, Ling Chen turned around and began to look at this underground space. Presenting to him was a long, narrow underground tunnel. The red light he had seen before came from the end of the tunnel.

What is releasing the red light … Is it any strange treasure of hidden in this space?

No dangerous Aura came from the front, and Xiao Hui followed him freely without any danger warning. Ling Chen stepped forward along the tunnel, and as he moved forward, the red light in front of him grew stronger. Lonely Spirit Ridge‘s Aura and the air are exceptional. It is cold and cold, this underground space should be more cold, but every time you take a step forward, the Ling Chen feels that the cold feeling on your body is one point less. When you walk halfway through the tunnel, the cold feeling is A kind of dim warmth replaced, let the body of Ling Chen relax. Ling Chen continued to move forward, and in the warmth it began to be mixed with a little heat, and it became more and more obvious and intense … but it was not the kind that could not be tolerated.

Is this red light a burning flame … or the light from a flowing magma? How could it be so hot? Ling Chen thought silently in his heart.

Continued walking for dozens of meters, the exit of the tunnel appeared in front, and the burning sensation in front of him had caused Ling Chen‘s forehead to overflow with a fine layer of sweat. He stepped forward quickly and walked out of the tunnel. Suddenly, his eyes suddenly opened up. A circular space with a few hundred square meters appeared in front of him. At the same time, a sea of ​​hot air came out. Suffocate him directly. Here is …

Under the intense red light, all the Ling Chen in this space can be seen clearly. The first half of the space is completely empty, without any existence. The inner half of the space is criss-crossed. Black silk after silk. Even in the red light, these black silk threads still present an inky color without any impurities. Countless channels are overlapped in a crisscross pattern and weaved into a large black mesh. And in the middle of this **** net is the source of hot temperature and fiery red light. At the moment when this source is clearly seen, Ling Chen‘s eyes reveal surprise and stunning looks …

What a beautiful bird!

In the very center of the black giant net, the hot temperature and the red radiance are released, turned out to be a big red bird. It is about one meter long and flying with wings. The bird’s head is high, just like the head of Phoenix, beautiful and noble. Its feathers are all fiery red, just like clusters of burning flames, and the chest and abdomen feathers are faintly flashing with dazzling gold. The feathers of the two threats are also fiery red with a bit of gold, just like two gorgeous layers. Gold yarn. The tail feather is long, and it is also pure fire red, but visually, it is more beautiful than the colorful vacant feathers, especially the central tail feather, like the noble radiance gold wire flashing in the flames, beautiful and indescribable. .

Ling Chen was stunned for a while, because this is definitely the most beautiful and gorgeous creature he has ever seen in his life. Beauty has reached an unreal state. It remained motionless with its wings spread and seemed to be a gorgeous sculpture. Around it, there are countless black silk threads, blocking a large part of the beautiful radiance released by it.

Is this a beautiful sculpture? So what are these black lines around? Why hidden is in this extremely dangerous and secret place. Ling Chen moved forward in his thoughts, and continued to observe the beautiful big bird in the black net. As he approached, more hot air waves spread to the surface, making it difficult for people to breathe, but it was also completely bearable. Approaching, Ling Chen found that even its two eyes were fiery red, and the red pupil was shining brightly. Although it was still, the sharp eyes vaguely released a noble temperament overlooking all beings. When the pupils of these eyes trembled a little, they suddenly fainted a flash of golden mang.

Ling Chen‘s body was stiff like an electric shock, his footsteps stopped abruptly, and he stared forward in surprise.

The big bird’s eyes … just moved!

This is not a sculpture, but a living creature! !!

He was convinced that what he had just seen was not an illusion, but it was the big bird’s eyes that moved. Ling Chen didn’t move forward, but looked straight into its eyes … Finally, one minute later, he caught the faint trembling of his eyes again.

This is really a living bird! !!

Ling Chen re-examined this space, and finally his eyes fell on these black weird silk threads. These black threads do not seem to be pure entities, because they are covered with a layer of black light, and countless black ones. How many threads are there, and the big red bird in front of you is right in the center of the big net intertwined by these threads.

Ling Chen instantly understood … It was these silk threads that trapped the big red bird in it! In other words, these black silk threads are actually meant to catch this big bird.

Then the underground space that I found was to block the big bird and existence.

What kind of creature is this and why is it blocked here?

Ling Chen‘s brain suddenly flashed a sentence that Qian Gungun said before … “The terrible guy will never leave casually, it seems to be guarding something.”

Is it the big bird that he is guarding to prevent it from breaking through the blockade and escaping?

A person with at least Mysterious God level strength who has lived in Lonely Spirit Ridge for at least 10,000 years and does not allow any other creatures to enter, is it to guard this giant bird? If so, what kind of creature is it that actually makes a Powerful person stay at the guards for many years. If this big bird is an extremely dangerous creature, why not kill it directly, but seal it like this … Is there no way to kill it?

Or … what are all these mistakes you guessed?

Ling Chen continues to move forward. I want to see the full picture of the big bird more clearly. At the same time, I raise my left hand and use the camera function on the phone wristband to take a picture of the big bird and its situation. As he slowly approached … When approaching the nearest black silk thread at a distance of about ten meters, the black light on his right hand suddenly shone … Lunar Scourge spontaneously showed its original form, and it radiated extremely black. Deep radiance.

What’s going on …; Ling Chen‘s footsteps stopped, and he looked at Lunar Scourge on his right wrist in surprise. Suddenly, he seemed to feel something and looked up.

With the black light of Lunar Scourge, the black light on the black lines closest to Ling Chen suddenly weakened and became weaker. After a few seconds, it disappeared completely like a volatile icicle. .

[ps1, I will go to Jinan on the weekend, there are wood and mm reception, hehe …]

[ps2: Remember our yy channel: 49554. 】

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