Seven World Martial God Chapter 869: Dark years

“What is the Beast God Cult?” the General Marshal couldn’t help asking. [More exciting novels, please visit]

Ye Tian looked at the ubiquitous guild leader. It was a mystery for the Beast God Sect of the Eighteen Kingdoms of the North Sea. As for the Beast God Sect of the Shenzhou Continent, he was even more unclear.

The Ubiquitous President’s face was a bit ugly, he said solemnly: “The Beast God Sect is a powerful dark force. In the mainland of China, only the Divine Land, the Five Great Shrines, and Everywhere have titles. The forces of Wu Sheng only knew of their existence, because the time they last appeared was too long, and those who have been to the Chinese mainland for a long time have forgotten those terrible years.”

“In the ancient books we have recorded everywhere, I have seen some information about the last era of ancient times. At that time, the North Sea was completely frozen. Both the sky and the sea were condensed into ice. Wu Sheng couldn’t travel, it is said that it was the invincible magical skill performed by the last palace lord of the Nine Heavens Palace, which was frozen for 30,000 miles.”

“At that time, the Beast God Sect appeared, and it still appeared overwhelmingly. In the entire Shenzhou Continent, almost half of the empires were controlled by them and turned into monsters of half beasts and half humans.”

“For a time, both the five great temples and the holy places were subjected to a devastating attack. Therefore, all the forces in the entire Shenzhou Continent had to unite against the Beast God Sect, and finally added the Divine Land and the Nine Heavens Palace Gong’s help finally destroyed the Beast God Cult.”

“After that war, the entire continent of China reduced its population by more than half, which is the biggest disaster in history.”

The ubiquitous president finished speaking in one breath, and his body was still a little trembling. Although he had not experienced such dark years, he could guess that it was a hell-like era through these terrible information.

Ye Tian was secretly shocked. He didn’t expect the Beast God Sect to come so big, it was earth-shattering.

This Beast God Cult is almost the enemy of the entire Shenzhou Continent. Its strength is even more terrifying than the Nine Heavens Palace. I really don’t know how they grew up under the eyes of the Nine Heavens Palace.

Furthermore, Ye Tianyin guessed that at that time, the Nine Heavens Palace was also attacked by the Beast God Cult and was still the main force of the Beast God Cult, otherwise the last palace lord would not die.

Furthermore, the remnants of the Beast God Sect found in the Eighteen Kingdoms of the North Sea can also prove this matter.

“His…” The Grand Marshal on the side was also stunned.

The last era of the ancient times is too far away from now. Even if the martial sage is self-sealed, it is impossible to live for such a long time, and only the titled sage can exist in the seal for so long.

This is why in addition to the power of the titled Martial Saint, the mainland of China has forgotten those dark years.

“So, this Taishan Empire is already under the control of the Beast God Sect!” Ye Tian narrowed his eyes. As he expected, all the remnants of the Beast God Sect survived in the eighteen countries of Beihai, so the Shenzhou Continent is even more so. There will be.

The Beast God Sect hasn’t appeared for so many years. It must be secretly gathering strength. Now that it has started to take action, it must be that he thinks that he is strong and is ready to reappear that dark time.

Not only Ye Tian thought of this, the generals and the ubiquitous president also thought of this, and the two of them turned pale. Back then, the Nine Heavens Palace blocked the main force of the Beast God Sect in front, just like that, the mainland of China still lost half of its population. Now that even the Nine Heavens Palace has fallen, how can they stop the Beast God Cult? Even if it can be stopped, there are probably countless casualties.

“Great Elder, it is said that the Taizu Great Emperor of the Taishan Empire rescued a Taishan Power Ape. Now it seems that the Taishan Power Ape is probably the powerhouse of the Beast God Sect.” The ubiquitous president took a deep breath. , Continued, “This news must be uploaded to the headquarters by subordinates.”

“Yeah!” Ye Tian nodded, and added, “It’s best to notify the five great temples and the Holy Land Alliance as soon as possible. This Beast God Sect is about the entire Shenzhou Continent.”

“Naturally, our ubiquity was established during that period of darkness. The purpose of the establishment was to monitor the entire continent of China, find out all the remnants of the Beast God Sect, and then notify the five major temples and holy places. , And Divine Land.” The ubiquitous president said with a smile.

Ye Tian was stunned. He didn’t expect that the purpose of the establishment of Ubiquity would be this way, but after so many years, I am afraid that the five major temples, holy places, and sacred soils did not expect Ubiquity to develop to such a degree.

The ubiquitous president immediately sent the news to the headquarters through space runes.

Ye Tian also took out his own space rune and passed the news to Blood Demon Sword Saint.

In a short while, the blood demon sword saint’s message came back: “The sky is falling and there is a tall man against it. You kid practice hard. Before you are promoted to Wu Sheng, don’t interfere with the beast gods. The guy has his own break.”

Ye Tian knows that this is the blood demon saint who is worried about his safety. After all, the Beast God Sect is too terrible. Although he is good at strength, the theory is on the bright side.

The real powerhouses in the mainland of China still belong to the martial sage level, and the peak powers are the titled martial sages.

Ye Tian is only comparable to Xiaosheng now, and he is still far from reaching the level of the strong.

Ye Tian didn’t care about this either. Just as the Blood Demon Sage said, the sky was falling and there was a tall man against it. If even those titled martial sages could not stop the Beast God Sect, then he would not escape death.

But there is one thing that makes Ye Tian very puzzled. Why do the people of the Beast God Sect arrest Zhang Lanlan?

Or, the other party arrested Zhang Lanlan because it was actually for Ye Tian.

However, with the strength of the Beast God Sect, if you want to catch Ye Tian, ​​you can send Wu Sheng directly. There is no need to threaten Ye Tian with a woman.

So Ye Tian still feels that this orchid is different from others.

“Ye Tian, ​​if the Taishan Empire had been controlled by the Beast God Cult long ago, and now they are attacking the Sky Wind Empire, wouldn’t they also want to control our Sky Wind Empire?” The Marshal said, knowing the terrible Beast God Cult, He had imagined the end of the Tianfeng Empire, and the two sides were not on the same level at all!

Ye Tian frowned. He wanted to help the Tianfeng Empire, but the problem was that the Blood Demon Sword would not let him interfere with the Beast God Cult, and he was unable to fight the powerful Beast God Cult at this level.

“The General Marshal does not need to worry. The Beast God Sect is related to the entire Shenzhou Continent. I have already spread the news to the headquarters. The headquarters will soon come to help the Tianfeng Empire. Not only are we everywhere, but any No force would want to see the development and continued growth of the Beast God Sect.” The ubiquitous president comforted.

But the Grand Marshal is not an idiot. For such a big matter, meetings must be discussed everywhere, and then some major forces in the mainland of China will be contacted. When they are set up, I am afraid that the Tianfeng Empire is over.

“Grand Marshal, here are twenty agency personnel, each of them is half-step martial arts. You take them back, ten of them are handed over to the emperor, it is Ye Mou to repay his favor, the remaining ten As a secret weapon, Ju was handed over to the King of War. Once it was discovered that the Taishan Empire had dispatched a powerful man above Wusheng, he would immediately take people to the Sea of ​​Three Swords.” Ye Tian said, waved his hand and took out twenty organs.

The ubiquitous guildmaster and the generals were shocked. They had only heard of the organs, and they were only low-level organs, like half-step martial arts-level organs, they were the first to see .

“Elder, how come you have this level of agency person?” The ubiquitous president was shocked and puzzled.

“Found it in a ruin of Zhenwu Academy!” Ye Tian lied casually.

“So that’s it!” The ubiquitous president heard this, he continued: “Elder, you may not know that our ubiquitous founder, that is, the titled Martial Saint, he is actually A powerful agency teacher, an agency person of the level like Half-Step Wusheng, can only be refined by his elders in the entire mainland of China.”

“Organizer? Isn’t the organist made by a runemaster? Is this the first time I heard of the term organist?” Ye Tian was surprised and curious when he heard this.

The ubiquitous president smiled and said: “This institution teacher, in the entire continent of China, is our ubiquitous founder. You are right, the institution person is refined by a rune master, and we are everywhere. The founder was also a rune master before, but his talent in runes is not very high. On the contrary, he is very talented in refining organs, so he specifically took the path of organs. In the end, he not only became a titled martial sage, He also became a powerful engineer.”

“So that’s it!” Ye Tian couldn’t help but become a little curious about the ubiquitous founder.

The few people continued to chat, but the General Marshal couldn’t help it, put away twenty organs, and hurried back to the imperial capital.

The ubiquitous president will also arrange things.

The emergence of the Beast God Sect made Ye Tian feel an undercurrent surging under the mainland of China. The mainland of China, which has been calm for many years, is about to usher in the biggest storm.

“It seems that Shenwu King City is not safe anymore!”

Sitting in the hall alone, Ye Tian pondered for a moment.

If it is a general force, the other party would definitely be scrupulous about the guardian elders and dare not send strong men above Wusheng.

But Ye Tian had already learned about the madness of the Beast God Cult. This group of people…No, these guys shouldn’t be considered human ~ They can do anything to achieve their goals.

Ye Tian cannot leave Zhang Lanlan’s adventure here.

“Only the Eighteen Nations in the North Sea is the safest!” Ye Tian narrowed his eyes. He decided to take Zhang Lanlan to the Eighteen Nations in the North Sea. Zhang Tutu happened to be there too, and the family was reunited.

Thinking about it, Ye Tian walked towards Zhang Lanlan’s residence, and he delved into the colorful space, communicated with Ba Liming, and asked for information about the agency teacher.

Unexpectedly, Ba Liming was very surprised when he heard this. He was pleasantly surprised: “What did you say? There are still institutions in China now?”

“Huh? What’s the matter?” Ye Tian felt something wrong with Ba Liming’s expression.

“It must be him! It must be him! The only one in this world is that little **** who is a mechanic. In the past so many years, he has not died. It seems that he has really succeeded. Hahaha!” Ba Liming was excited. He laughed, his face full of relief.

Intuition tells Ye Tian that this ubiquitous founder knows Ba Liming.

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