Seven World Martial God Chapter 72: escort mission

  Blood-clothed guard camp, in the empty yard.

   Ye Tian has sharp eyes, and the blood knife in his hand is constantly dancing in the air. Every time it strikes, there are thirteen sword lights coming out.

   “My understanding of martial arts is still so fast. In just one month, this Blood Shadow Thirteen Slash was cultivated to the realm of Dzogchen.” Ye Tian took a deep breath, and the essence of his body rolled out. His blood knives burst out with a dazzling light, making the sun in the sky pale.


   Not far away, a giant tree was blasted to pieces by Ye Tian.

   did not use the sword intent, just the power of the true essence, the sword light instantly rushed ten feet away, which was a sign of reaching the seventh level of the martial artist.

   Compared to the sixth level of the martial arts master, the seventh level of the martial arts master is a more advanced realm. The strength of the true essence in the body is dozens of times more than that of the sixth level of the martial arts. The two sides are completely incomparable.

   “Martial artist is at the seventh level, I didn’t expect that in just over a year, I will have the strength comparable to a thousand chief.” Seeing the powerful destructive power he caused, Ye Tian’s eyes were full of excitement.

   Since joining the Blood Clothes Guard, he has made great progress in his cultivation. He has almost broken a record of cultivation in the Blood Jade City and became the strongest genius in the Blood Jade City.

   Of course, the cultivators in the Blood Jade City at this time only knew that Ye Tian was at the sixth level of a martial artist. They had no idea that Ye Tian was already at the seventh level.

   Ye Tian’s cultivation base is unknown to everyone except himself.

   Ye Tian created this deliberately.


   “I don’t know how Ye Tian’s cultivator is? I haven’t seen him for so many days. This time I just have a task, let him try!”

   Zhao Dapeng walked toward Ye Tian’s courtyard with a smile on his face.

   “Huh? This is–” Suddenly, at the entrance of Yetian courtyard, Zhao Dapeng was shocked to see thirteen sword lights flashing in the air, destroying a giant tree in the courtyard.

  ”This is the realm of Great Perfection of Blood Shadow Thirteen Slashes!” Zhao Dapeng’s pupils shrank, and the next moment he figured out and went to Ye Tian courtyard.

   “Ye Tian!”

   “Huh? Uncle Zhao, why are you here?”

   Ye Tian put away the blood knife, and at the same time converged his cultivation base, only revealing the martial artist’s sixth-level true essence fluctuation. Now that he has been promoted to the seventh rank of a martial artist, I am afraid that apart from the general commander, no one in this blood-clothed guard can see his true cultivation.

   Although Zhao Dapeng is an eighth-level martial artist, if Ye Tian breaks out the sword intent, it is still unknown who will win or lose!

   “Good boy, when did you practice Blood Shadow Thirteen Slash to the Dzogchen realm? I remember the girl Hong Wu just gave it to you a month ago?” Zhao Dapeng was shocked, with a face Doubts.

   “That’s right, I worked hard for a month before finally cultivating Blood Shadow Thirteen Slash to the realm of Great Perfection.” Ye Tian smiled.

   “Talent?” Zhao Dapeng almost vomited blood when he heard the words, looked at Ye Tian like a monster, and shook his head with a wry smile: “One month! The old man has been practicing for more than ten years before he has cultivated the blood shadow thirteenth cut to the first Shizhan, you kid…Ah, people are more angry than people!”

   “Uncle Zhao, what can you do with me?” Ye Tian smiled awkwardly, and quickly changed the subject.

  ”What’s the matter?” Zhao Dapeng suddenly smiled, “There is a task, I thought you might not be able to do it, but now I see it, you can do it.”

   “Oh! Mission?” Ye Tian was slightly surprised when he heard the words, and then nodded, “I haven’t picked up the mission for a long time. I just went out to relax, maybe I can make my cultivation even further!”

   “Your kid’s cultivation speed is already abnormal. If you break through, our blood-clothed guard will really not be able to tolerate you!” Zhao Dapeng smiled bitterly, and then gave Ye Tian a thoughtful look. Said deeply, “Ye Tian, ​​when you come back from this mission, I have good news for you.”

   After that, Zhao Dapeng turned around and left.

   “Good news?” Ye Tian was a little confused, but when he saw Zhao Dapeng preparing to leave, he hurriedly shouted: “Uncle Zhao, haven’t you told me what the task is?”

   “It’s an **** mission… You immediately take people to the entrance of Daying, and **** a caravan from Blood Jade City to Black Blood City!”

   After Zhao Dapeng finished speaking, his figure disappeared at the gate of the courtyard.

   Ye Tian touched his chin and looked surprised: “Black Blood City? I only dealt with the Black Armored Army not long ago. I didn’t expect to go to Black Blood City so soon.”


   at the entrance of Xueyiwei Daying.

   At this time, a huge caravan consisting of more than a hundred carriages was parked here.

   A middle-aged fat man who looks like the leader of a caravan, dressed in a jade suit, is standing at the gate of the big camp, looking up and looking nervously inside the blood-clothed guard camp.

   “Afu, why haven’t they come yet? Don’t you want to take this task?” The middle-aged fat man looked anxious.

   “Master, don’t worry, since the Blood Guard has collected the money, someone will definitely be sent.” A thin man said respectfully.


   At this moment, there was a sound of horseshoes in the blood-clothed guards camp, and then, a team of more than 100 blood-clothed guards rushed over.

  ”Come!” The middle-aged fat man was overjoyed.

   The thin man also smiled.


   A black blood horse raised its hoof and stopped not far in front of the middle-aged fat man, scared him and the thin man quickly backed up a few steps, and then looked at the person jumping from the horse back in shock juvenile.

   “Are you the leader of this caravan?” Ye Tian asked coldly, looking at the fat man in a beautiful suit.

   “Huh? So young, what can you do?” The thin man called Ah Fu frowned when he saw Ye Tian.

   “Huh?” Ye Tian turned his gaze around, sharp eyes, staring at him, “What’s your opinion?”


   Na Ah Fu was immediately frightened by Ye Tian’s aura, and sat on the ground, unable to even speak.

   “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry!” The fat man in the attire and jade suit quickly saluted Ye Tian, ​​and gave Ah Fu a stern look. Then he looked at Ye Tian with a smile on his face and said, “Master Ye, this Ah Fu It’s my housekeeper, who has eyes but no beads and can’t recognize adults, so I invite adults to Haihan.”

  ”Do you know me?” Ye Tian couldn’t help being surprised.

   Ah Fu, who was so scared sitting on the ground, looked at his master in surprise at this time, not knowing why the master was so respectful to a younger boy.

   But, soon, they got the answer.

  The fat man in Jinyiyufu smiled confidently: “At such a young age, you can become a centurion. In the entire camp of blood-clothed guards, who else besides the peerless genius Ye Tian?”

  ”Ye Tian…hiss, that peerless genius!” Ah Fu, who was sitting on the ground, looked at Ye Tian in shock, and couldn’t help but regret that he had offended this young man just now.

   “Uncle praised me, just call me Ye Tian.” Ye Tian smiled modestly after hearing this. Others respected him, and he respected others.

   “I’ll call you Brother Ye, you don’t always call me uncle, you have more points. My surname is Wang, you can call me Brother Wang.” Mr. Wang said with a smile.

   “Then it’s better to be respectful, hehe!” Ye Tian smiled, and had a good impression of this fat man.

   “Well, Brother Ye, can we leave now?” Master Wang asked.

   “Good!” Ye Tian nodded.

   Soon, the caravan left Blood Jade City.


   After leaving the city gate, Ye Tian and the others accelerated their speed and rushed towards the Black Blood City.

   What surprised Ye Tian was that the Lord Wang refused to sit in the carriage, and instead rode with Ye Tian and the others.

   “Brother Wang, your riding skills are good!” Ye Tian was a little surprised. It is hard to imagine how such a rich and rich master would ride a horse like a warrior.

   Actually, the master Wang is quite strong, and he is a martial artist. But Ye Tian could see that this guy was made out of drugs, and his strength might not even beat some level ten martial artists.

   Actually, most of these wealthy businessmen practice martial arts to keep fit, and few do their best to fight bravely and pursue martial arts.

  ”This is a long story. Wang met robbers in business a few years ago because he was hiding in a carriage and couldn’t escape for a while, and was almost killed by those robbers. So, Wang started to learn to ride Skill, once you encounter a robber, even if you lose, you can run away as soon as possible. Haha, let Brother Ye laugh.” Master Wang smiled.

  ”Why, Brother Wang, you are indeed a good way to save your life, but this time we have our blood-clothed guards, don’t worry!” Ye Tian also smiled.

   “That’s… the name of the blood clothing guard has even heard of the warriors of the Black Blood City, of course I believe it!” Master Wang nodded ~ ~ From Blood Jade City to Black Blood City, it takes half a month Ye Tian estimated that it would take two months for them to arrive.

   Of course, if there are violent storms during this period, then this time will definitely be delayed.

   Fortunately, Ye Tian had good luck this time. They have been in good weather for more than a month, and they will soon be approaching Black Blood City.

  ”Brother Ye, there is the Great Three Gorges in front of us. After we leave the Great Three Gorges, we will reach the Black Blood City in half a month. However, there are many robbers and bandits in the Great Three Gorges. Calm.” Master Wang pointed to the three giant peaks not far away, with a trace of worry on his face.

   Ye Tian heard the words and saw that the three giant peaks were very huge, and the forests were so vast that they could not see what was inside, but according to their geographic location, they were indeed a good place to build bandit dens.

   “Brother Wang, don’t worry, a group of bandits, how can they get my blood-clothed guard?” Ye Tian sneered, but he immediately called Liu Hongwu to tell her to go down, so that the brothers would be more alert.

   “A bunch of bandits, do you need to make such a fuss?” Liu Hongwu curled his lips at Ye Tian’s vigilance.

   “Well, this is the caravan escort. Our task is not to defeat the bandits, but to protect the caravan from damage. It’s better to be careful!” Ye Tian shouted.

   “I know!” Liu Hongwu still pouted.

   Ye Tian didn’t bother to pay attention to him, but turned his gaze to the three giant peaks not far away, and a light flashed in his eyes.

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