Seven World Martial God Chapter 472: A big win


Wu Tie screamed and flew out, half of his body was shattered by Ye Tian. Although with his strength, even this did not die, he was also hit hard and lost his combat effectiveness. (First release)

Wu Tie was hit hard with just one punch!

Ye Tian stood in the sky, dazzling like a god, making everyone present look up.

Feng Feifei’s boss with a small mouth open was shocked and shocked. She didn’t expect that Ye Tian’s strength was so strong, even if she changed her sister, she wouldn’t be able to hit Wu Tie severely.

Feng Xiaoxiao and Lin Zhiming were also shocked. The former was a surprise and the latter was unbelievable, and then their faces were difficult to look.

“Elder Ye is mighty!”

After the shock, a group of casual cultivators in Phoenix couldn’t help shouting with excitement. Everyone was shouting with all their might, each of them extremely excited, and the voices shook the whole country.

At the most critical juncture of the Phoenix Village, Ye Tian came like a savior, defeating Zhang Qingshan and Wu Tie, and rescuing Feng Feifei. This is absolutely turning the tide.

“Damn it!” Lin Zhiming roared in his heart with a savage face. He knew that he had failed, he was unwilling, he was really unwilling.

Originally, victory was in sight, but he didn’t want a Ye Tian to appear, and his victory disappeared all at once.

“How? I also give you a chance to surrender. Otherwise, those Lin Nan Chamber of Commerce powerhouses you brought, don’t even want to walk out of the Smog Strait alive.” Feng Xiaoxiao’s sarcastic voice came.

Lin Zhiming was shocked and angry when he heard the words. Just now, he forced the other party to say no to the heavens, but now he is replaced by him. It’s really a feng shui turn!

However, Lin Zhiming is arrogant and arrogant. He snorted coldly: “I admit that I underestimated your Phoenix Village, but you are too wishful thinking to keep me.”

“Really?” A cold voice came.

Lin Zhiming was shocked, suddenly turned his head, and his pupils suddenly tightened.

I saw Ye Tian grabbing Zhang Qingshan and Wu Tie and appearing not far away, looking at him with a sneer.

“Ye Tian!” Lin Zhiming gritted his teeth and stared at Ye Tian resentfully. It was this person who made his plan fall short. His hatred of Ye Tian is higher than the sky and deeper than the sea.

“Give you a chance, tell me why I want to attack Phoenix Village, and I will let you make a living.” Ye Tian ignored Lin Zhiming’s hatred, but said lazily.

Feng Xiaoxiao, who was not far away, also stopped. She also wanted to know why Lin Zhiming had attacked Phoenix Village and did such a thankless thing.

“Just because you want to persecute me? You can’t help but value you too much. [Starter]” Lin Zhiming yelled, without putting Ye Tian in his eyes, taking advantage of the wind to stop, and directly kill Xiang Ye day.

“Elder Ye, be careful, he has also developed the fourth-tier Nine-Ranking body!” Feng Xiaoxiao reminded him, but there was no worry in his heart. Judging from the fact that Ye Tian shot Wu Tie, Ye Tian’s strength is obviously not comparable. She is weak.

It’s just that Wu Tie broke out the fourth Ninth Revolution body at the time, and the dazzling golden light also covered Ye Tian.

“Rank Nine Fighting Body?” Ye Tian snorted when he heard the words. He also used Nine Turns Fighting Body just now, but no one noticed it.

No, others saw it, but they thought it was Wu Tie who was doing it, and he didn’t expect that Ye Tian would also be the Ninth Revolution.

“Go to death for me!” Lin Zhiming’s face was grim, he raised the Nine Revolutions battle body to the limit, and his whole body was extremely bright, driving the power of the world around him.

I have to say that compared to Wu Tielai, Lin Zhiming’s Ninth Revolution battle body is more powerful, which made Ye Tian feel a little jealous.

“Go to death!” Lin Zhiming’s expression was fierce, and he slammed his fists at Ye Tian. There was an explosion in the air, and the void was trembling.


Ye Tian sneered and raised his fist to greet him. A pair of golden fists broke the void and slammed into Lin Zhiming with terrifying power.

Suddenly, there was a big explosion in the sky, and a terrible shock wave, centered on them, exploded towards the surroundings.

“So strong!” Feng Xiaocao was startled, and quickly stepped back ten steps, looking at the center of the battle.

After the blazing light fell, Ye Tian remained motionless, still standing proudly in the void. On the other hand, Lin Zhiming was full of shocked expressions. He took a few hundred steps back and stared at Ye Tian inconceivably.

“You have also practiced the fourth level of the Ninth Revolution!” Lin Zhiming shouted, although it was a question, his tone was full of affirmation.

He couldn’t believe it in his heart that a casual cultivator had actually practiced the Rank 9 fighting body to the fourth level. It was hard to imagine, where did he get the dragon essence blood?

Know that the essence of the dragon is not so easy to obtain, because no one in the entire Three Swords dare to kill the children of the dragon clan, if you want the essence of the dragon, you can only exchange things with the dragon clan.

Like these casual cultivators, even the Flood Dragons look down upon them. They have no chance to trade in Dragon Island, and naturally it is impossible to get the essence of Flood Dragons.

So, he didn’t expect Ye Tian to also become a fourth-tier Nine-turned combat body.

“It’s shocking, how many cards does Elder Ye have?” Feng Xiaoxiao in the distance was also shocked when he heard the words.

As for all the casual cultivators in Phoenix, they have been stunned. In their eyes, Lin Zhiming is a sixth-level Wuhuang expert who is stronger than Feng Xiaoxiao. He can’t find an opponent in the entire Smog Strait. .

But Ye Tian had the upper hand in the battle with this strong man.

Nonsense, Ye Tian didn’t move, but Lin Zhiming flew out. The fool could also see that Ye Tian had the upper hand with the punch just now.

“The sky is not dead, my Phoenix Village, I gave Elder Ye to us!” On the city wall, the elder was full of emotion, tears of the old.

Zhang Yuan was also embarrassed. Originally, they were still thinking about how to withdraw from the Smog Strait. Now it seems that they are determined to win.

On the contrary, the casual cultivators on the side of Qinglong Mountain were all grimace, and some people even showed the intention of running away.

“Go together, kill them!” A martial emperor strong roared and rushed to Ye Tian first.

After that, there were hundreds of thousands of Emperor Wu rising up into the sky, and hundreds of powerful Emperor Wu rising up into the sky, all heading towards Ye Tian and Feng Xiaoxiao.

The casual repairs in Qinglong Mountain might be scared, but these experts in the Lin Nan Chamber of Commerce immediately took action after seeing Lin Zhiming’s danger.

They know the rules of the Lin Nan Chamber of Commerce. If Lin Zhiming dies here, they will all die, and they will be annihilated.

These people have to grit their teeth, even if they know they are not Ye Tian and Feng Xiao’s opponents.

“These despicable and shameless villains!” Seeing this scene, the elder was suddenly frightened and angry.

“Everyone rushed out of the city together, we killed them without leaving!” Zhang Yuan roared, and rushed out of the city first, towards Qinglong Mountain.

The elders of the Phoenix Village also reacted. Now that they have the upper hand, there is no need to rely on the formation to protect them anymore, so they rushed out of the city.

“Looking for death!” Feng Xiaoxiao swept toward the strong men of the Lin Nan Chamber of Commerce, smiled coldly, swept out with a single sword, and destroyed dozens of martial kings on the spot and severely damaged several martial emperors.

Ye Tian ignored the attacks of these people and directly killed Lin Zhiming. He shouted: “Lin Zhiming, are you really going to die?”

“Hmph, don’t say you can’t kill me first, even if you can kill me, but do you dare to kill me? Kill me, all of you in the Smog Strait will die.” Lin Zhiming sneered.

“Really? Then take a look at whether I dare to kill you!” Ye Tian smiled coldly, his whole body turned into thunder and lightning, and a large sea of ​​thunder covered Lin Zhiming.

“What martial skill is this?” Lin Zhiming was shocked, he felt a dangerous aura from the power of thunder and lightning around him.

“A martial skill that kills you!” Ye Tian snorted coldly, holding the power of thunder and lightning in his hand, condensing two blades of thunder and lightning, both of them slashed towards Lin Zhiming.

The fierce sword force, like a mountain overwhelming the sea, swept the power of the heavens and slammed Lin Zhiming fiercely.

Lin Zhiming reluctantly used the fourth floor of the Ninth Revolution combat body to resist, but was soon severely injured and retreated, and the martial arts of the Lin Nan Chamber of Commerce he knew were all at the same level as the fourth floor of the Ninth Revolution combat body. It couldn’t stop Ye Tian’s fierce sword force at all.

More importantly, Ye Tian’s thunder and lightning power, with the destructive power of the sun, made Lin Zhiming’s whole body scorched when he touched it, and his true essence almost collapsed.

“Damn it, how can a small casual practitioner have such a strong martial arts, and he has also trained a fourth-tier Nine-Ran battle body!” Lin Zhiming was frightened and found that he was less and less of Ye Tian’s opponent. , The injury is getting heavier.

“Young Master!” Those strong in the Lin Nan Chamber of Commerce are anxious, but they are too far from Feng Xiao Xiao, and they can’t beat Feng Xiao Xiao’s obstacles.

Of course, if there are hundreds of thousands of troops attacking with the help of those casual repairs from Qinglong Mountain, then let alone the wind is small, even Ye Tian would have to escape.

It’s a pity that casual cultivators have always been casual cultivators. They are usually unhappy with Zhang Qingshan. Now that they don’t know Zhang Qingshan’s life or death, they will naturally not be so stupid to work for Zhang Qingshan.

As early as when the casual cultivators in Phoenix came out, these casual cultivators had already started to flee, and even the elders of the Qinglong Mountain at the Martial Emperor level also ran away among them.

The rest of the Lin Nan Chamber of Commerce powerhouses were all beheaded by Feng Xiaoxiao when the Phoenix Village’s loose repairs came up.

For those who fled from Qinglong Mountain, Feng Xiaoxiao did not rush to kill them. After all, they were all casual cultivators. They were just being used this time.

Feng Xiaoxiao, Feng and a group of elders from Fenghuangzhai, who surrounded Ye Tian and Lin Zhiming at this time, making it difficult for Lin Zhiming to fly.

Everyone is shouting, cheering for Ye Tian.

Lin Zhiming was originally not Ye Tian’s opponent. Seeing his subordinates died, and the casual cultivator in Qinglongshan escaped, and seeing the casual cultivator of Phoenix Village surrounding him, he knew he was finished.

The so-called master battle is more than an aura. Lin Zhiming is not as strong as Ye Tian, ​​and now the aura is gone, naturally he is not Ye Tian’s opponent.

It didn’t take long for Lin Zhiming to be hit in the chest by Ye Tian, ​​his whole body was scorched and he lost his combat effectiveness.

“You young master should have a lot of spirit stones, right?” After Ye Tian subdued Lin Zhiming, he looked at him coldly, his eyes filled with hot light.

The Lin Nan Chamber of Commerce is so rich. The young owner of the Lin Nan Chamber of Commerce should have a lot of spiritual stones, to say nothing, tens of thousands.

This is why Ye Tian has to keep Lin Zhiming despite the Lin Nan Chamber of Commerce’s revenge.

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