Seven World Martial God Chapter 2025: You commit suicide

Ye Tian revealed the mark of desolation, which horrified Pluto, and quickly ordered Sombra to kill Ye Tian.

Looking at the nervous and frightened Pluto on the ancient bell of the deserter, Ye Tian grinned suddenly, knowing that his guess was right.

At the moment, Ye Tian escaped the black shadow’s culling, the mark of desolation that urged the eyebrows, and printed it against the desolate lord in front of him.

“Stop…Ah!” Pluto shouted angrily, but then he screamed continuously, and the whole person’s face became distorted, as if experiencing some pain, the ancient bell of the deserter also gave out a dazzling golden light. When the dazzling light touched the black shadow, the black image seemed to burn, and he was shocked to keep backing away.


At the same time, the sound of the ancient bell of the Desolate Lord rang thoroughly, and the sound wave spread, surging in this palace.

“Ah…” Hades still screamed.

Ye Tian was shrouded by the golden light of the ancient bell of the deserter, so that the dark shadow not far away dared to come, so he could only watch this scene with a heavy heart.

The original good situation was turned over by Ye Tian!

“My Lord Hades!” Sombra called anxiously from a distance.

However, his Pluto didn’t have time to pay attention to him, and he was still screaming in pain, and the screaming voice made people feel gloomy and a tingling scalp.

Ye Tian tortured Pluto for an hour, and then he put away the mark of the desert, but he still stood beside the ancient bell of the desert lord, looking at the dark shadow not far away warily, as long as the dark shadow dared to come over, Immediately urge the mark of waste.

Shadow obviously guessed what Ye Tian did. Although he was angry and jealous, he did not dare to commit. After all, even if he didn’t think about it for Pluto, he still had to fear the golden light released by the ancient bell of the desert master.

“How about? Lord Hades!”

Seeing the dark shadow, Ye Tian retracted his gaze and stared at the hideous face gradually recovering on the ancient bell of the deserter.

“Boy, you are very kind!” Hades said with gritted teeth, staring at a pair of green eyes.

Ye Tian smiled faintly: “Please also Pluto-sama tell me how to control the Pluto messenger, otherwise, in order to protect myself, I can only keep pushing the mark of waste.”

In the distance, the dark shadow frowned, his expression heavy.

“Do you dare to threaten me?” Pluto stared and shouted sharply.

He is the Pluto of the Underworld. Even if he is placed in the Seven Realms, he is also the highest existence of the Realm King. He is actually threatened by a small universe overlord?


Looking at the angry look of Pluto, Ye Tian didn’t have any nonsense, and immediately spurred the mark of waste.

“Ah…” Pluto’s face suddenly distorted, and his screams followed.

“You… mean!” In the distance, the black shadow hurriedly turned around, grinning at Ye Tian, ​​and roaring angrily.

Ye Tiancai ignored him and continued to spur the mark of waste.

This time, Ye Tian was very patient. He tortured Pluto for a full year. Pluto was also very tough and never begged for mercy.

I have to say that Pluto still values ​​his dignity very seriously. He doesn’t want to beg Ye Tian for mercy, because his reputation would be ruined.

Seeing this, Ye Tian stopped and said to Pluto, “My lord Pluto, why are you? It is the deserter who has sealed you, not me. What are you doing with me for so long? So, tell me How do I control the method of the messenger of Pluto, I will leave immediately, and you will continue to study how to break the seal here, aren’t everyone okay?”

“Okay, I can tell you, but you have to tell me your name.” Pluto stared at Ye Tian deeply, gritted his teeth and said: “When I unlock the seal, no matter how high the price is, I will If you want to leave the ghost, I want you to die!”

Obviously, Pluto was tortured with anger by Ye Tian, ​​and wanted to find Ye Tian revenge in the future.

Ye Tian is not worried about this, he believes that the seal of the deserter is not so easy to break through.

At the moment, Ye Tian said indifferently: “My name is Ye Tian, ​​I am a disciple of Dahuang Wuyuan. By the way, Dahuang Wuyuan is an academy created by the landlord.”

“Ye Tian, ​​one day, you will feel the anger of Pluto!” Pluto glared at Ye Tian, ​​then opened his mouth to transmit the sound and taught Ye Tian how to control the Pluto messenger.

This is a kind of seal decision, which requires the fusion of soul power and vitality to be activated. It is a trick to control the messenger of the Hades, called Slave Seal·Netherfire.

Ye Tian felt it with his heart, and learned from it that Sombra has taken refuge in Pluto, and it also has a price to become the messenger of Pluto. When he accepts the power of Pluto, he will be planted a slave mark. No matter what realm he cultivates in the future, he will receive Pluto’s temperance, and there is no chance to resist.

Of course, for a kid in Sombra, who can suddenly become a ghost commander and an envoy of Hades, what else is he dissatisfied with?

Ye Tian’s soul power is very powerful. In the past few years, he has learned Slave Seal·Netherfire.

Looking at the dark shadow that looked a little worried not far away, Ye Tian grinned: “Let me experiment, this trick doesn’t work.”

Hearing the words, Sombra suddenly felt a sudden heart.

“Have you learned?” Pluto looked at Ye Tian with a little surprise. Although Slave Seal·Underworld Fire is not difficult, even the geniuses of the underworld cannot learn it in just a few years, at least. It will take tens of thousands of years, so he doesn’t believe it.

“Haha, give it a try!” Ye Tian smiled without answering, turning his head to look at the shadow not far away, and immediately pinched Yin Jue, soul power and vitality surged from him.

The next moment, the face of the dark shadow in the distance changed, and his body suddenly twisted, and a green flame rose from his body, burning his whole body, causing him to fall to the ground, constantly Screaming, his breath is getting weaker and weaker.

Ye Tian was worried about killing Sombra and quickly put away the Yin Jue, but in that moment, Sombra lost most of his strength. He was lying on the ground and panting. He looked at Ye Tian and his eyes were full of anger and In awe.

“You actually learned it!” Pluto was surprised.

Ye Tian smiled faintly: “It’s just a kind of it that difficult?”

“Idiot, do you know? Even the genius of our underworld, it takes tens of thousands of years to learn this kind of seal, you actually only spent a few years!”

The Pluto was a little excited when he said that, he stared at Ye Tian with faint green eyes, and said: “Boy, either you commit suicide, I will preside over your ritual of turning to the dark by myself, and wait until you become a member of our underworld. , I will promote you to the level of a ghost commander. With your talent, you will soon become the emperor of Yama, and it will not be a problem to reach the realm of Hades in the future.”

“…” Ye Tian was speechless. This was the first time anyone had persuaded him to commit suicide.

Looking at the agitated Pluto, Ye Tian couldn’t help but said: “Don’t forget, we are enemies.”

“My enemy is the desert lord, not your kid, I am a dignified Pluto, don’t you have that aura?” Pluto shook his head, staring at Ye Tian, ​​and continued: “As long as you worship me as a teacher, I can help you grow up, and in the future you will even inherit my position as the first hell.”

The dark shadow lying on the ground in the distance heard the words, looking at Ye Tian with envy, jealousy and hatred.

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